
Chapter 35


Ding Ji's question was a bit sudden, and it had absolutely nothing to do with what they were chatting along the way. Lin Wuyu almost couldn't react.

That little bookshelf.

"Did you really do it?" Lin Wuyu asked, "The little bookshelf you mentioned last time?"

"If you don't want it, don't do it." Ding Ji rubbed his nose.

Lin Wuyu didn't speak, and after a while, he moved forward and leaned forward again: "Really?"

Ding Ji frowned and looked at him for a long time, before finally nodding: "It's almost done."

"Yes," Lin Wuyu said immediately, "I want it."

Ding Ji held his chin, his eyes were full of inquiry, staring at him.

Lin Wuyu leaned back on the back of the chair and took a sip of milk tea.

He was not surprised by Ding Ji's reaction, because his own reaction was a bit strange, and most people would not have such an attitude towards things like "I'll make you a gift".

A few seconds later, Ding Ji was as smart and astute, and he really asked, "Brother Wuyu, have you ever confided a handmade gift made by someone else?"

Lin Wuyu thought for a while and cleared his throat: "There are still handmade greeting cards. When I was in elementary school, the teacher once asked everyone to make a greeting card for the same table."

Ding Ji burst into joy, and squeezed the milk tea in his hand with laughter.

Lin Wuyu also smiled and pulled a tissue for him.

He wouldn't hide himself in front of Ding Ji, and he didn't mind that Ding Ji knew about some of his unpleasant pasts, although he didn't feel completely flustered when he said it.

Ding Ji laughed for a while, and after wiping the milk tea on his hand with a tissue, he suddenly stopped smiling and looked at him: "Little poor boy."

"Be careful when you speak," Lin Wuyu said, "I have a certain social status in our local area, you should be careful."

Ding Ji suddenly laughed again: "Did you peek at the emoji I posted on the Moments!"

"That should be my exclusive expression pack." Lin Wuyu said coldly.

"You don't just enjoy a certain social status locally," Ding Ji said happily, "you may have a certain social status in the whole country if you are in our province. Maybe you will be the national champion this year."

"Then there is no need." Lin Wuyu said.

Ding Ji laughed for a while before wiping his eyes: "Hey."

"How long will it take for the bookshelf to be ready?" Lin Wuyu asked, "Do you want to paint it?"

"If you don't paint it, it won't look good if you paint it," Ding Ji said. "I just need to polish it well. It will be smooth and won't hold hands, and it will not break in ten years."

"Thank you." Lin Wuyu said.

Ding Ji clicked his tongue.

Lin Wuyu is a polite person, but he didn't say thank you so seriously. This thank you contains more than a simple content such as politeness.

It's not surprising that Lin Wuyu hasn't received handmade gifts, those are things that only close friends would spend their time making.

With his character, he can chat and joke with everyone naturally. Everyone will think that he is a gentle and easy-going person, and they will be pleasantly surprised to find that he has an arrogant side in his self-confidence. He has no obvious shortcomings. Ai Lin has no corners.

But most people just stop there and can't get any closer.

If Lin Wuyu hadn't said this thank you, Ding Ji's guess would have ended here.

But Lin Wuyu said thank you and was very serious, plus the two "really" before.

Ding Ji felt that, apart from not receiving handmade gifts, Lin Wuyu probably never expected someone to give him such a gift. He deliberately ignored the small bookshelf and did not mention it. If he did not say it, Lin Wuyu might never have won't ask again.

... what a poor little boy.

"Then I'll take it with me," Lin Wuyu took a bite of the shortbread, "Can I put it in the suitcase?"

"Enough," Ding Ji said, "even if it's a small bookshelf, it has to hold books, not a particularly small one."

"Then I'll carry it." Lin Wuyu nodded.

Ding Ji raised his head a few times and wanted to say that if I go with you, I can get everything in one go.

But in the end, he decided to let it go. He had to spend more time with his grandparents. He would have to come back during the New Year after leaving. He was so old that he had not been separated from his grandparents for such a long time.

Thinking of this, he didn't even want to go to school.

After the points are awarded, there are various volunteer studies and explanations. The classmates are worried about each other's inquiries. The young lovers who are in love have cried for more than 300 rounds, and those who are not deeply in love have broken up for more than 200 times. Second-rate.

There are also graduation parties and graduation trips.

Everyone is busy.

In contrast, Ding Ji was very relaxed. My parents ignored him recently, especially after knowing that he decided to apply for the same major as H University, Anxinmao was polishing the small bookshelf on the rooftop at home.

"I'm on vacation to see you." Liu Jinpeng squatted beside him to help him.

"Yeah." Ding Ji nodded.

"Do you want to take your grandparents there?" Liu Jinpeng asked again.

"Are you taking it?" Ding Ji glanced at him, "Why am I so worried?"

"What nonsense is this," Liu Jinpeng was very unhappy, "If you don't even worry about me, then you have nothing to worry about."

"There are still some." Ding Ji said smoothly.

"Lin Wuyu," Liu Jinpeng curled his lips, "then he can't bring his grandparents there. Is his relationship with you as strong as ours?"

Before Ding Ji could speak, he answered again: "No, right?"

"Isn't the point that others are not here, so I can't bring them?" Ding Ji said.

"Have you spoken to me like this in front of others?" Liu Jinpeng asked with a frown.

"Yes," Ding Ji nodded, "I don't know how many times."

"Ding," Liu Jinpeng sighed, "I know that Lin Wuyu is a very good person, with a good personality, smart and great ability..."

"Why?" Ding Ji interrupted him.

"You are also such a person. You are smart and have an attractive personality," Liu Jinpeng said. "And both of you are educated. You are academically talented, you go to high-level universities, and you go to majors that I don't understand..."

"Liu Pengpeng?" Ding Ji looked at him.

"You two are a good match..." Liu Jinpeng said.

"What?" Ding Ji's eyes widened.

"It's not a match, it's not, it's..." Liu Jinpeng frowned, "It's a good match anyway."

Ding Ji didn't know why he was relieved.

"But!" Liu Jinpeng slapped his leg.

The sandpaper in Ding Ji's hand made him so frightened that he threw it to the ground.

"You can't throw my friend away," Liu Jinpeng said. "Although we will definitely not be the same in the future, but..."

"You think too much," Ding Ji put his arm around his shoulder, "Lin Wuyu, I'm quite... But it doesn't mean I don't want you as a friend anymore, you two are different, you know, we are together When I grow up, I don't have a second friend like you except you, you are my brother, you are the grandson of my grandparents, you know?"

"Let's talk about it first, that's all, I'm not your father's son." Liu Jinpeng said immediately.

"It must not be." Ding Ji said.

Indeed not.

Liu Jinpeng is his iron porcelain. He is a friend he grew up with. No matter how much he hated him since he was a child, he was willing to play with him. , feel like a family member.

Lin Wuyu was different.

Lin Wuyu is not a relative, but saying that he is Tie Zi is not that feeling, and saying that he is a friend seems to be far from enough.

What the hell is that

"It's my deep love for you," Lao Lin patted the bag on the table, "you have something to do with your family, they probably won't prepare anything for you when you go to school, and you don't want it, I Don't you have to think about it?"

"Well." Lin Wuyu smiled, reaching out to take a look at the bag.

"Okay, do the right thing first!" Lao Lin pointed to the computer screen in front of him, "Look again! Check it again, think about it again, and submit it again."

"How long do you think about this content?" Lin Wuyu said.

"It's right to be careful," said Lao Lin.

"Okay." Lin Wuyu nodded, looked at the contents of his volunteer report, and then clicked submit.

"Exit and go in again." Lao Lin instructed him.

"Why?" Lin Wuyu exited and logged in again.

"What if the submission is not successful! You have to confirm it again," Lao Lin leaned over to the screen and looked at it. "Okay, no problem. Wait for the notice. You and Xu Tianbo should arrive together."

"Yeah." Lin Wuyu stretched out and took out his mobile phone.

Xu Tianbo had already sent him a message in the morning saying that he had finished filling out, aerospace engineering, if Lao Lin had not asked him to wait for him to go home and then come to his home to fill in, he would have already completed it in the morning.

He took his mobile phone, took a photo of the screen, and sent it to Ding Ji.

- i'm done

- i also finished

Ding Ji clicked to submit a volunteer, engineering mechanics.

Then I took a photo with my phone and sent it to Lin Wuyu.

- Log out and log in again to check if it's reported


Ding Ji exited and re-entered again as Lin Wuyu said, and turned off the computer after checking to confirm.

- Don't let others know your password

- can anyone know

Ding Ji smiled.

- your parents , be careful

Lin Wuyu said it very bluntly, Ding Ji was not uncomfortable with Lin Wuyu's disbelief in his parents' behavior, and was even a little happy.

- I'm careful, don't worry

- I'll go get my stuff in a while, the car tomorrow morning, I'll have to pack it up tonight

Ding Ji didn't hesitate this time. He was so old and he didn't struggle so much. He went back and forth and didn't figure out a reason. He decided to be whatever he wanted.

- You can stay at my house at night, you can save your luggage once, and I can take you there tomorrow morning

"Grandma—" Ding Ji leaned back on the chair, raised his head back and shouted at the living room, "Get something delicious at night, the little fairy will come over, he won't leave at night, I'll take him to the station early tomorrow morning—"

"Why did he go at this time?" Grandpa asked strangely in the living room.

"He took the job and had to do it, just the drone," Ding Ji said, "to make money."

"Ah?" Grandma came over. "He's going to work? Did he fail?"

"What nonsense!" Ding Ji shouted, "He is a provincial champion, where does this list come from?"

"Zhuangyuan, Zhuangyuan, Zhuangyuan," Grandma tutted several times, "Are you the number one scholar? You are a third-rounder, and you talk about the number one scholar all day long, but you are not the number one scholar."

Ding Ji laughed happily for a long time: "What happened to the champion, the champion will come to my house for a while to eat, and he will rub the bed against my pillow."

Lin Wuyu took a taxi and took his luggage to the downstairs of Ding Ji's house, almost half an hour earlier than the agreed time. He stood downstairs and hesitated whether to stay here for a while or call Ding Ji directly.

He did not expect that the road would not be blocked at all today.

"Hello—" A roar came from upstairs.

It was Ding Ji's voice.

It echoed in several buildings, and it was especially loud.

Lin Wuyu raised his head and saw Ding Ji's head sticking out of the window.

He wanted to respond, but he was too embarrassed to roar, so he could only raise his hand and wave.

"Why didn't you give me a call—" Ding Ji continued to shout.

"I don't know your number—" Someone in the building answered.

"Fuck off!" Ding Ji scolded with a smile, and then roared downstairs, "Wait, I'll go down and get it for you!"

"No—" Lin Wuyu wanted to say that he didn't need much, so he could just go up by himself, but after shouting, he felt really embarrassed, so he closed his mouth.

The rejection sounded very ruthless.

Ding Ji's head retracted into the window, he thought about it and felt that letting the neighbors hear such a ruthless rejection would make Ding Ji lose face.

So he cleared his throat and raised his head: "Ding Ji-"

As soon as the voice came out, he closed his mouth immediately.

Maybe it was because he had never shouted so loudly in his life, but he still raised his head and scratched his throat, not even knowing where the tune went.

Ding Ji's head protruded out of the window again, this time with Ding Ji's arm, he pointed at Lin Wuyu and roared, "Shut up for me!"

Lin Wuyu nodded.

After more than ten seconds, he heard Ding Ji's footsteps, which came out from the entrance of the corridor, and he jumped down at most two steps on the first floor after listening to the movement.

"Lin Wuyu, are you going to fight?" Ding Ji rolled out of the corridor like a wind.

"No," Lin Wuyu held back a smile, "I didn't mean to, I have a bad voice..."

"Just wait for me to come down, why do you have to shout again?" Ding Ji glared at him.

"I just wanted to say that you don't need to come down, I'll just take it up myself, there's not much stuff." Lin Wuyu continued to hold back his smile.

"Then you can just go up directly, we can meet between us." Ding Ji said.

"You go down so fast, I guess you'll be there as soon as you go up the first floor," Lin Wuyu said, "Isn't that a lot of running."

"If I hadn't scolded you for coming down, I wouldn't have run so fast!" Ding Ji picked up his suitcase, turned and walked into the corridor, after a few steps he suddenly laughed, "Damn, you usually have a nice voice. , how can you shout that movement?"

"I don't know," Lin Wuyu cleared his throat, "Did he get angry in the past two days."

"Drink some chrysanthemum tea for a while. My grandma made it. I don't know what kind of chrysanthemum it is. It's so bitter that I want to cry. You help me drink half of it." Ding Ji said.

"Okay." Lin Wuyu nodded.

"The little fairy is here," Grandma shouted while busy in the kitchen. "There are fruits on the table. Let's eat some first. Grandpa also bought a bunch of snacks for you."

"Okay." Lin Wuyu leaned to the kitchen door and looked inside, "Do you want to help, grandma?"

"Oh, don't help," Grandma waved her hands quickly, "Last time you photographed cucumbers, there were cucumber residues on the roof, and Ding Ji took a ladder to clean it up."

"...No way?" Lin Wuyu was very shocked.

"You two go play, I have to clean up for three months once you two enter the kitchen." Grandma pushed him back to the living room with disgust.

"Pack up first." Ding Ji entered the aunt's house, "Your drone is here."

Lin Wuyu followed him into the room, reached into his schoolbag and digged it out, and found the small paper bag, but didn't take it out immediately.

"Why?" Ding Ji looked at him.

"I made something for you." Lin Wuyu said.

"What?" Ding Ji came over immediately, "What did you do? Handwork?"

"Yeah." Lin Wuyu nodded.

"A greeting card?" Ding Ji asked.

Lin Wuyu laughed: "Why are you like this?"

"What is that?" Ding Ji tugged at his schoolbag curiously, "Take it out and let me see."

Lin Wuyu took out the paper bag, but didn't give it to Ding Ji immediately: "This... I didn't do it very well, and I failed many times."

"Give it to me." Ding Ji stretched out his hand.

"It's not easy to choose the color, I'm not sure," Lin Wuyu didn't give it to him, and continued with the paper bag, "I have never done this kind of handicraft before, and I failed the handicraft class in elementary school."

"Give it to me." Ding Ji shook his hand.

"Don't laugh," Lin Wuyu said, "It's really incomparable to your little bookshelf..."

"Give it to me!" Ding Ji roared.

Lin Wuyu put the paper bag back in his schoolbag and looked at him.

"Give it to me." Ding Ji rubbed his hands.

Lin Wuyu smiled and put the paper bag in his hand.

Ding Ji carefully weighed it first. The paper bag was the size of a palm, a little light, and it was a round thing. He stretched the paper bag and squeezed it across the bag.

"Hey," Lin Wuyu immediately flicked on the back of his hand, "Don't pinch."

"Hiss..." Ding Ji gasped, "Take it easy!"

Lin Wuyu didn't speak.

He lowered his head and opened the paper bag, and saw a black thing inside, with green and red embellishments on it.

Before he could see what this thing was, he had already smelled a special smell, which he was quite familiar with, after all, he had bragged about it.

"Plasticine?" He stretched out his fingers to the bag and clamped the black lump, "Did you squeeze it? What did you squeeze?"

"Look." Lin Wuyu said.

Ding Ji excitedly took out the black Tuo Tuo and put it in his palm.

But didn't see what it was.

Black, round lumps with a strip of red on it, a small lump of yellow and two symmetrical green lumps.

"What?" Ding Ji raised his hand in front of him, frowning, looking left and right.

"It's flattened..." Lin Wuyu stretched out his hand and carefully squeezed the small yellow lump, and pinched the tip out of it.

Ding Ji reacted instantly and slowly raised his head to look at him: "Lin Wuyu?"

"I didn't do it on purpose," Lin Wuyu said. "It's mainly because I tried other things, and they were all too complicated. Just this one can make a circle, and the clay figurine chick I sent last time can be used as a reference..."

Ding Ji didn't speak. After staring at him for a few seconds, he reached out and hugged him, his nose started to sore again: "Thank you."