
Chapter 41


Don't you miss me

Lin Wuyu's words were stuck in his throat and he didn't say it out. After two seconds, he regretted it and should have said it.

He had already put Ding Ji in the category of "passionate for good friends", so when Ding Ji said this, he should have choked back freely, just like before.

But Ding Ji's attitude was obviously different from before. In the past, the two of them could choke three hundred rounds, and they would not stop regardless of whether they won or lost.

Now Ding Ji was silent.

Lin Wuyu could feel Ding Ji's embarrassment, and he could even feel that Ding Ji was even more embarrassed because he felt his embarrassment.

I regret that I didn't fight back at the first time, and I didn't give Ding Ji a step that could resolve the first wave of embarrassment...

For the first time, Lin Wuyu was at a loss because of this intricate and completely uncontrollable delicate interpersonal relationship, and he never felt this way even when he was face to face with Lin Zhan, whom he hadn't seen in ten years.

"Yes," he replied.

Although he has always been confident in his EQ, he can't find a more suitable answer now, he just knows that if he doesn't speak again, Ding Ji will lose face.

He didn't think much about this answer, just followed Ding Ji's question and gave his only answer now.


I miss you so much. When you come, someone can chat until midnight, watch TV together, eat together, visit scenic spots, and report to school together when the time is up.

"Then wait," Ding Ji's tone has recovered, with the usual little smug, "stay for another day, wait for me to rescue you."

"Okay," Lin Wuyu smiled, "Brother Ji, save me."

"Be careful when you speak!" Ding Ji raised his voice, "Do you know that I'm just like you?"

"I know," Liu Jinpeng nodded as he walked. "As long as I'm free, I'll go to see my grandparents first. I'll be on call with whatever I need to carry, buy, move, and whatever. Don't worry about it."

"If they go to play on the National Day," Ding Ji said, "you can go together when you are free, and I will take you to see the flag raising."

"That's enough, I'll be at ease whether I go or not," Liu Jinpeng patted his shoulder, "You can't forget your friends who are with you when you go to H University."

"I can't forget my friend Guo Ben," Ding Ji corrected him, "it's you, not me."

"Shit." Liu Jinpeng sighed, "I suddenly feel bad for you, what should I do?"

"Hurry up and buy a ticket," Ding Ji pointed to the counter over there, "Come with me."

"Fuck off," Liu Jinpeng laughed, turned around and opened his arms, "Come on, hold one."

Ding Ji put down the suitcase and hugged Liu Jinpeng.

"Okay," Liu Jinpeng patted him, "what trouble did you encounter, who bullied you, if you say a word, kill him immediately to support you!"

"I remember this." Ding Ji said with a smile.

Liu Jinpeng took him to the security checkpoint, watched him queuing, and shouted and chatted a few words across the distance. After he entered, Liu Jinpeng waved his hand and turned away.

Ding Ji stood there for a while.

He was very reluctant to Liu Jinpeng. The two of them grew up together, and they hadn't been apart for so long. Although they would always fight each other, the thought of not seeing each other for so long made him feel very reluctant.

He will not be embarrassed when he tells Liu Jinpeng that he misses you, he is very calm.

But the same feeling can't be put on Lin Wuyu's place. It's like being a thief, and it's even more awkward to say it.

But the feeling is real.

Lin Wuyu was embarrassed because of his embarrassment, and he was embarrassed because of Lin Wuyu's embarrassment...

There is nothing delicious at the airport. Lin Wuyu arrived half an hour early, and went through all the restaurants in the airport that he could eat. In the end, he only ate a bowl of noodles and was not satisfied.

But when he passed a shop selling souvenirs, he was attracted by the cute lollipops at the door.

The lollipops were made into various small animals and letters, which looked very cute. Lin Wuyu hesitated for a while and decided to buy a few as a gift for the airport pick-up.

When he picked it, he never thought that a lollipop could also be made into a chicken... He picked up the little yellow chicken three times and put it down again, and finally picked a zodiac dragon, as well as the letters D and J.

There were a lot of people at the exit, and Lin Wuyu had a novel feeling standing among the various people who came to pick up the plane.

This is the first time in his life to pick up the plane.

When he saw the flight number of Ding Ji's plane appearing on the screen, there was a small commotion among the people around him. Although he knew that it would be at least 20 minutes before Ding Ji came out, he couldn't help but follow the crowd. He squeezed to the side of the isolation belt, and stared in while taking out his mobile phone.

Several mobile phones next to it rang, and there were still people calling. Did they come down when they arrived

Lin Wuyu glanced at the phone, Ding Ji had not sent any news yet.

He could only grab the phone and continue to stare in, knowing that Ding Ji could not be among the people who came out at this moment, so he still looked in subconsciously.

Until the passengers on this flight began to appear, there was no movement from Ding Ji on the phone.

Lin Wuyu couldn't help dialing Ding Ji's number.

Shouldn't it be on yet

Fortunately, the call was connected, but no one answered after seven or eight rings. Lin Wuyu wondered if the person had dropped the phone on the plane, and Ding Ji finally answered the call, vaguely not knowing if it was. "Hey" or "Hello" shouted.

"Are you coming out soon?" Lin Wuyu asked, "I'm already here at the exit, occupying the C position, you should be able to see me at a glance."

Ding Ji laughed, but the laughter was still indistinct.

"Are you eating?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"Eat your uncle," Ding Ji said with a big tongue, "I took two fucking boxes of your stuff and your precious drone, how can I still answer the phone, I'm holding a mobile phone!"

"Who said that someone should bring more luggage?" Lin Wuyu smiled, "Hang up the phone, you run out."

Ding Ji hung up the phone after a long while.

Within two minutes, Lin Wuyu saw Ding Ji who was carrying a bag and pushing two suitcases in one hand and another bag in the other.

He waved at Ding Ji, but Ding Ji couldn't wave, just jumped and started running.

Lin Wuyu squeezed out of the crowd, went around to the opening of the isolation belt, and met Ding Ji who ran out.

"Hello!" Ding Ji pushed the suitcase in front of him and opened his arms with a smile.

Lin Wuyu stopped the suitcase sliding in front of him with his foot, then went over and hugged Ding Ji.

"It's only ten minutes late!" Ding Ji shouted in his ear.

"Well," Lin Wuyu nodded, "not bad."

"Have you eaten several times?" Ding Ji patted him on the back.

"Just a bowl of noodles," Lin Wuyu said, "Are you hungry? Go eat in a while."

"I ate bread on the plane," Ding Ji said happily, "I also ate the bread from my sister next to me."

"Go." Lin Wuyu let go of his arm.

Except for Ding Ji, he almost never has such contact with people, and he is still a little uncomfortable, especially the breath and small sound waves that Ding Ji brings when he speaks in his ear, so that half of his shoulders are connected to the back. Back is a little itchy.

"Carry the bag," Ding Ji said, "I'm going to waste my time now, I don't want to carry things."

"Wait," Lin Wuyu let go of his arms and took out the three lollipops from his pocket, "Here."

"Damn it," Ding Ji took it over and looked at it in surprise, "Is this pick-up too thoughtful? Why would you be willing to eat..."

"That store is a chain," Lin Wuyu said, "you can buy more if you run out of food."

"This way of thinking," Ding Ji sighed, "if you fall in love, it is estimated that there will be ups and downs."

"Okay," Lin Wuyu smiled, "Keep these three, and I'll buy them for you."

"Why didn't you buy chicken?" Ding Ji put the lollipop into the bag, "I thought you were mad at me and addicted?"

"It's under control." Lin Wuyu said.

"Have you called a car?" Ding Ji asked.

"It's already here," Lin Wuyu picked up the bag and pushed it on the suitcase, "Let's go."

Ding Ji was in a good mood. After getting in the car, he called his grandfather to report that he was safe, sent a few airport photos to Liu Jinpeng, and then sent a Jiugongge to the circle of friends.

This is the completion of the disembarkation mission.

"I really convinced you," Lin Wuyu watched him busy all the time, "How can you say so much in your circle of friends these days?"

"It shows that my life is colorful," Ding Ji put away his phone and stretched, "Hey... By the way, the notice!"

"Give it to me when I get home," Lin Wuyu said, "I don't have a place to put it now."

"Okay," Ding Ji leaned back in his chair and turned his head to look at him, "Why do you feel a little haggard? Are you taking too much work?"

"It's a little bit. I didn't expect it to be so troublesome at first, so I took over two jobs," Lin Wuyu rubbed his face, "I didn't sleep through the night for two days to shoot night scenes."

"Why do you fight like this..." Lin Wuyu turned his face to look at him in the middle of Ding Ji's words, and he immediately responded, "Ah, alright, I know, even if I lent the money to an old man, it wouldn't pay off. Money's watermelon boy."

Lin Wuyu didn't speak, and laughed for a long time.

Ding Ji didn't say anything, and looked at Lin Wuyu for a while, wondering if he hadn't seen him for a while, he hadn't noticed before that Lin Wuyu looked good when he smiled, with a hint of childishness that he would not normally have.

When Lin Wuyu looked over, he put away his thoughts and patted his legs: "I almost forgot to tell you something, when I went to get your notice the other day, I met someone... Guess what? who is it?"

"Xu Tianbo." Lin Wuyu said.

"...I find it's not interesting to play with you at all." Ding Ji sighed.

"Then do it all over again." Lin Wuyu said.

"Guess who?" Ding Ji asked.

"Who is it?" Lin Wuyu thought for a while, "How can you guess that?"

The driver was having fun while driving.

"Damn," Ding Ji also laughed, but still insisted on finishing the trick, "I'll tell you, yes..."

"Xu Tianbo!" The driver shouted with a smile.

Lin Wuyu and Ding Ji were stunned together, Ding Ji smiled and gave the driver a thumbs-up after reacting: "Brother, it's okay, eldest brother is amazing!"

"Guess right?" Lin Wuyu hasn't played yet.

"You guessed it right," Ding Ji nodded, "I met Xu Tianbo."

"He seems to be helping Brother Lin move things," Lin Wuyu said. "His house is close to the school."

"He actually recognized me," Ding Ji said. "Of course, it's normal for him to recognize me. I recognize him too. Your school posted the photos on the bulletin board."

"Really." Lin Wuyu smiled.

"Is he the one I met when I went to your dormitory last time, and said hello to you?" Ding Ji asked, "I said he was a bit like my cousin."

"Well, it's him." Lin Wuyu nodded, and wanted to laugh a little in his heart. Ding Ji still didn't realize that Xu Tianbo looked a bit like him. As a child prodigy, it was really amazing.

At this point, the driver's reaction was normal. He thought for a while: "If you look like your cousin, doesn't it just look like you? Generally, cousins look alike."

"Huh?" Ding Ji was stunned for a while, and it took a long time for him to recover, "Yeah?"

Lin Wuyu couldn't hold back, he lowered his head and smiled.

"Damn, yes, I just said how he looks familiar..." Ding Ji tutted, "I didn't even think about it at all."

"I wanted to ask when you said you were like your cousin the other day," Lin Wuyu whispered in his ear, "Can you be considered a prodigy just like you?"

"Fuck me?" Ding Ji turned his head and glared at him, "Your revenge is really long, just say how did you get the champion, you waited for me here for so many days?"

"No, it really wasn't intentional," Lin Wuyu smiled, "it's just good at seizing opportunities."

The car drove into the community and passed the building where Lin Zhan lived. Lin Wuyu glanced at it. Lin Zhan's car was parked on the side of the road. Just when he was about to point to Ding Ji, Ding Ji had already approached: "That black car is Lin Zhan's car, right?"

"Well," Lin Wuyu glanced at him, "how did you see it?"

"Forget it." Ding Ji pinched his fingers.

"Just pretend." Lin Wuyu pushed him, "Get out of the car!"

After entering the elevator, Ding Ji smiled and said, "Lin Zhan's phone number ends in four 6s, and the license plate just now has three threes in a row. You said that he lives next to him, so it should be his."

"I wanted him to take me to the airport today because I was afraid of traffic jams," Lin Wuyu said, "but I'm embarrassed."

"Do you still feel a little unfamiliar?" Ding Ji asked.

"Yes," Lin Wuyu stepped out of the elevator, "Actually, think about it, I've only been with him for eight years, and you have to count the three or four years that I didn't remember before."

"If you think about it like this, he should have deeper feelings for you than you have for him," Ding Ji sighed, "he was already sensible when he had you."

"Yes." Lin Wuyu opened the door.

"Ah—" Ding Ji went into the room and threw things away, stretched out his arms and stretched out a long lazy waist, and then fell on the sofa, "Have you changed the sofa cover?"

"I didn't change it, I just added a layer on top," Lin Wuyu said, "or it feels unclean lying down."

"Pay attention." Ding Ji yawned.

Lin Wuyu opened the refrigerator, took out a cup of milk tea and handed it to him: "Drink?"

"Damn it," Ding Ji sat up and took a look at the milk tea, "Do you still have this? Did you drink the leftovers from yesterday?"

"Fart," Lin Wuyu said, "I ordered takeaway before going out in the morning."

"Xue Shen, you really have learned badly. You are so uncivilized now," Ding Ji smiled and shook the milk tea, "Is this for me?"

"Otherwise, who did you prepare it for?" Lin Wuyu said, "I ordered two cups, one for each person, and Mala Tang, which can be eaten with a bite in the microwave. I'm afraid you can't wait to go out to eat if you are too hungry. "

"You got it, that's you." Ding Ji said.

"Then do you eat?" Lin Wuyu asked, "Let me sting for you?"

"No," Ding Ji lay back and patted the sofa again, "let's chat for a while."

Lin Wuyu took the milk tea, pushed his legs into the sofa, and sat down.

"Is your brother some kind of star?" Ding Ji took a sip of milk tea, "I wanted to ask you that day, but I felt that you had a lot of thoughts, and this is not a key issue, so I held it until now. asked."

"Suffocate you to death," Lin Wuyu glanced at him, "I'm not a star, I'm an internet celebrity..."

"Internet celebrity?" Ding Ji was stunned, "What kind of Internet celebrity? Wouldn't it be the one who would pinch girls on the street every day and lift trousers and clothes for girls?"

Lin Wuyu laughed until he almost choked: "What do you watch all day?"

"Do you blame me?" Ding Ji said, "Pengpeng watches it every day and keeps sharing collections with me... Then what does he do?"

"He has his own studio," Lin Wuyu said, "and is a master of miniature models."

"So awesome?" Ding Ji was a little surprised, "What's it called? Maybe I've seen his video? I wanted to make a wooden house for a while, and I've watched a lot of videos."

"It seems that he doesn't just make small houses," Lin Wuyu thought for a while, took out his mobile phone, and pulled out a video of Lin Zhan that he had saved before, "There is also this kind of thing, with a strong sense of design, what have you got? Grand Prize…”

Ding Ji took the phone and glanced at it: "TrES-2b? Is this Lin Zhan? Is the darkest planet discovered by NASA called this, Kepler 1b or something."

"Yes," Lin Wuyu looked at him, "you still know everything?"

"No, the name is too unique, I was attracted by this 2b at the beginning..." Ding Ji said, "Then Lin Zhan is considered a celebrity, no wonder he asked if he was a fan... It's a pity that the circle is small. A little, or your parents would have found out earlier?"

"He didn't show his face in the video," Lin Wuyu paused for two seconds, "Fortunately, they didn't let them find out."

Ding Ji put the phone on the coffee table, and after a while he said, "Doesn't he want to see your parents?"

"Well." Lin Wuyu nodded, "Don't let me tell them to find him."

"That's very decisive," Ding Ji frowned, "Why did he run?"

"Some love is too much, people can't stand it anymore, droughts die from droughts, floods die from floods," Lin Wuyu drank two sips of milk tea, "My parents' feelings for Lin Zhan are not just parents who love their children. That kind, and... how do I put it, go all out, put my whole heart into it, open my eyes to see you, close my eyes to think of you, to be able to touch you at all times, to control you, you are all I am alive... That's probably how it feels."

Ding Ji didn't speak, feeling a little hairy.

"Lin Zhan suddenly fell ill when he was a child, and I was born to save him with his umbilical cord blood," Lin Wuyu said, "I don't have this memory, and my parents stopped talking about it later."

"Umbilical cord blood?" Ding Ji was stunned for a while.

"Well, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, I didn't know it before, but Lin Zhan only told me this time," Lin Wuyu nodded, "He was still young, he could try umbilical cord blood..."

"If the matching is unsuccessful, it can't be used." Ding Ji said.

"My mother means... try it at all costs," Lin Wuyu smiled, with some indescribable emotions in his smile, "Fortunately, I succeeded, otherwise I would be useless if I was born."

Ding Ji frowned and squeezed the milk tea cup, feeling a little regretful and anxious to ask Lin Wuyu this question as soon as they met, which made the two of them parted for a long time... It's been a long time since the two of them met again after a long time to chat. The atmosphere sank.

"My parents probably thought," Lin Wuyu leaned against the sofa, "I was born to treat Lin Zhan, and I was raised to take care of him in the future. They planned very well, and as a result, Lin Zhan ran away... "

"Let me interrupt." Ding Ji said.

"It's over." Lin Wuyu turned his head to look at him and smiled.

"You are very clear about yourself," Ding Ji said, "you didn't live for anyone."

"Well." Lin Wuyu responded.

"Even if you are for something, it is for yourself," Ding Ji said, "and take 10,000 steps back, as you said, you are here."

"Remember so clearly?" Lin Wuyu hooked the corner of his mouth.

"You're not the only one who can't forget the ear and the recitation," Ding Ji raised his eyebrows, "You've come here, so don't think about it too much."

"Okay." Lin Wuyu nodded.

In fact, that's what Lin Wuyu has done for so many years, but after all, when he first endured this, he was just a child, and his thoughts now are also the experience he has gained from so many years of injury.

Poor little boy.

Ding Ji took his hand, put it on his lap, and rubbed it hard to comfort him.

Lin Wuyu looked at him, and didn't make much movement, just pulled his hand back a little.

Ding Ji glanced down and judged that Lin Wuyu's action... Probably felt that his hand was too close to his vital part


Ding Ji thought that he should be embarrassed at this moment, but what he didn't expect was that he suddenly couldn't help laughing: "What are you doing? As for what!"

"What are you doing?" Lin Wuyu also smiled, "Take advantage of me."