
Chapter 78


Ding Ji hasn't returned to the dormitory yet. If he returns to the dormitory and doesn't see anyone, he will send a message. Lin Wuyu is not in a hurry to go back, he needs to clean up his emotions.

Although it was already very cold, there were still many classmates running at night on the track. Lin Wuyu moved a bit and joined the night running team.

Dad's phone call completely disrupted his stable life, and made him look like he was thrown into the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun. Unfortunately, although he is called "Student God", he is still just a freshman student. It's just that the fire eyes can't be refined, and I just feel that the whole body is burned, irritable, and uneasy.

Extremely disturbed.

This extreme unease stemmed from powerlessness, the first time he encountered difficulties that he would have found incomprehensible.

The last little bit of his own fantasies about his parents forcibly hinted that the family affection he had retained was fading away and being burned to ashes.

He couldn't tell Ding Ji about this. Ding Ji was already under a lot of pressure. It was not long after New Year's Day. Take good care of the feelings that you are not ready to expose, but you will inevitably feel uncomfortable because of this feeling when facing your family.

He couldn't and didn't dare to add even the slightest burden to Ding Ji.

What's more, even if Ding Ji knew about it, it was meaningless. Ding Ji's only solution was to come out of the closet in advance, before his father really contacted his family.

But this result is really not much better than being called by my father.

"No fish." Someone called him from behind, and he was tapped on the shoulder.

Lin Wuyu turned his head and saw Yu Haodong: "You only ran at this time?"

"Well, I can't get up in the morning," Yu Haodong ran alongside him, "Don't you run every morning, why did you change it now?"

"I'm taking a walk." Lin Wuyu said.

"Don't be mad at people," Yu Haodong said, "I'm so tired that I'm almost out of breath. Give me a walk."

Lin Wuyu smiled.

"Didn't you take a walk with Ding Ji?" Yu Haodong said, "I think you two are always together."

"He was caught to work." Lin Wuyu said.

"The miniature you said you were going to do that day," Yu Haodong said, "is it a birthday present for Ding Ji? I think Li Ruichen took a long time to draw a fan for him."

Lin Wuyu had to sigh with emotion, if you want people to not know, unless you do it yourself, the Internet has a memory, don't stretch out your hand, you will be caught...

"Yes, but it has been improved." Lin Wuyu smiled.

"It's alright if it's improved," Yu Haodong said. "I wanted to ask that day. If you want to give something like that to someone, the aesthetics of kindergarten children can't accept it."

"It's too cruel." Lin Wuyu said.

"Really, it's too ugly," Yu Haodong said. "I saw the materials of your aerial photography. The composition, lighting, etc. are all very good. I never imagined that the aesthetics of giving gifts are so indescribable."

"Almost got it." Lin Wuyu said with a smile.

"Then let's get down to business," Yu Haodong said. "Come to the activity room these two nights. The queue programming is up to you, and we have to discuss the lighting."

"Am I alone?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"Didn't you say that you have the final say in this matter?" Yu Haodong said.

"I have the final say, I am not alone." Lin Wuyu said.

"I'll fight for you." Yu Haodong said.

"Is the vice president helping the newcomer?" Lin Wuyu said.

"I'll make way for you," Yu Haodong said, "Come over tomorrow night."

"Well," Lin Wuyu nodded, "seven o'clock."

After running for another half lap, Ding Ji's phone called.

Lin Wuyu said good night to Yu Haodong, ran out of the runway with the phone in hand, and picked up the phone: "Hello? Did someone pick up my chick?"

"Yes," Ding Ji said, "see you in the cafeteria, I... I got hungry after checking the information for a long time."

"Wait for me." Lin Wuyu hung up the phone with a smile.

When he got to the cafeteria, Ding Ji had already bought a hamburger to eat. When he saw him coming in, he beckoned: "I don't know what you want to eat, so I just bought my own."

"I eat chicken wings," Lin Wuyu said, "do you still want it?"

"Okay." Ding Ji nodded.

When there are few people in the cafeteria, the two of them find a side seat to sit and eat something, which is more interesting than going out to eat.

Lin Wuyu took a sip of yogurt: "Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will go to the drone club to help. Are you going to study for yourself or come with me?"

"Are you preparing for the New Year's Day performance?" Ding Ji asked.

"Well," Lin Wuyu said, "I just met Yu Haodong."

"I..." Ding Ji thought for a while, "I'll go when I have time. My original plan was to read books. I'm going to look at the next semester's stuff in advance. Toss me, this is still his major, I am afraid he will use his thesis to discuss with me, I will remember some concepts, formulas and so on, even if I can hold him for two rounds, or I will follow him during a vacation It's okay to fight."

Lin Wuyu looked at him with frowning, and wanted to laugh a little, but when he thought of such a father-son relationship with a sword hanging over his head, he couldn't smile at all.

"Then you read the book first," Lin Wuyu said, "when you are tired, go to the activity room to find me."

"Yeah." Ding Ji nodded, lowered his head and took a bite of the hamburger, then looked up at him, "Why do I feel like you're a little down? Did someone beat you when I wasn't there?"

As expected of a chicken half fairy.


Lin Wuyu smiled: "Will you help me call back?"

"That's for sure," Ding Ji patted the hamburger, "Can I let our poor little boy be bullied?"

Lin Wuyu didn't speak, just looked at him with a smile.

"Are you all right?" Ding Ji asked again seriously, "Did your family give you another problem?"

"No," Lin Wuyu said, "it's blocked and it hasn't been released yet... I'm just a little sleepy, I don't know what's wrong, I want to sleep."

"I'm picking too many mushrooms," Ding Ji said. "As the old saying goes, a drop of essence..."

"Shut up and eat you!" Lin Wuyu interrupted him.

"You have the guts to do it, but you don't have the guts to listen," Ding Ji tutted and continued to nibble on the hamburger, "I tell you, you should let out your dad's number, and he will definitely be more angry if you drag it on."

"Yeah." Lin Wuyu nodded.

In the evening, Lin Wuyu was in no mood, and walked around the school with Ding Ji for a while before returning to the dormitory.

The light in the small living room was dark, and it was estimated that everyone had not returned.

However, as soon as the two of them closed the door of the living room, they heard someone talking in Liu Yang's room, and light shone from the crack of the closed door.

"What can I do!" Liu Yang's voice came from the crack of the door, "Are you forcing me to use it? What should I do? I went to H University on the basis of my ability, and I don't owe you anyone!"

Ding Ji was stunned for a while, and just as he was about to go to their own house, Lin Wuyu pulled him, shook his head, and Jie dragged him around and went out again.

"What's wrong?" Ding Ji asked.

"Let's go in later," Lin Wuyu said, "His personality is so weird, he's hiding in the dormitory to make a phone call, he definitely doesn't want anyone to know his private affairs, and he'll come out after calling to see that we're back. I don't know what to think yet, we both offended him, and then we will add another sum, it's not worth it for such a person."

"Then go to the kitchenette," Ding Ji said, "I saved two ice creams, let's eat them."

"Okay." Lin Wuyu smiled.

There is a lot of stuff in the refrigerator in the small kitchen, and several boxes of yogurt are pressed on top of the ice cream.

"Who, should yogurt be eaten frozen?" Ding Ji took out the ice cream.

"Xu Tianbo just eats it like this, saying it tastes better than ice cream." Lin Wuyu said.

"It might be his." Ding Ji said.

Just as he was talking, Xu Tianbo walked in from outside the small kitchen. The moment he saw the two of them, Xu Tianbo turned around and walked out reflexively.

"Hey, hey," Ding Ji looked at him, "what are you doing?"

Xu Tianbo walked in again and looked at them both: "Oh, I thought you two..."

"It's two meters apart," Lin Wuyu said, "what are you thinking?"

"In case I'm blinded." Xu Tianbo opened the refrigerator and took out a box of yogurt.

"It's really yours." Ding Ji laughed.

"Eat it and take it," Xu Tianbo said. "It's better than ice cream."

"Well." Ding Ji nodded.

Xu Tianbo didn't stay in the small kitchen much. He took the yogurt, tore open the box, took a bite, and went out. After walking outside the door, he looked back at Lin Wuyu, as if he wanted to say something, but he left again. .

Lin Wuyu glanced at the glass door of the cabinet next to him. He could see himself, but he couldn't see clearly. He didn't know if it was his expression or something else, which made Xu Tianbo hesitate.

But if Xu Tianbo could see it...

Of course Ding Ji could see that Lin Wuyu had something in his heart.

And after doing all the calculations, the only thing that can make Lin Wuyu absent-minded lately is his family and his parents.

It should be for their brothers to go home for the Chinese New Year. It is impossible for Lin Wuyu to let his parents have any intersection with Lin Zhan, so he must bear all the pressure himself.

Ding Ji looked a little distressed, but Lin Wuyu didn't tell him, and he was not easy to point out.

It's just that this time it seems that the pressure is much greater than before. I don't know if it's because Lin Zhan is involved, Lin Wuyu will be distracted in a lot of time alone.

When Ding Ji went to the activity room to look for Lin Wuyu twice, he found that he was facing the computer, seemingly programming, but in fact in a daze, he suddenly came back to his senses when he came to him.

and! This man slept without falling out of bed once for a week!

This is very abnormal.

A person who goes back to bed from the ground in the middle of the night on average every three days has not fallen off for a week. There is only one reason for him to fall asleep or not sleep properly.

Ding Ji has always wanted to find an opportunity to chat with Lin Wuyu, but there has never been a suitable opportunity. The workload of this New Year's Day activity club is quite large. Although Lin Wuyu is a newcomer, he is a master in technology. They were busy with Yu Haodong and the rest.

Can only wait until after the New Year's Day event.

Ding Ji didn't want to be too obvious, he just wanted to talk, Lin Wuyu would say it if he wanted to, but if he didn't want to say it, he wouldn't say it. If he paid too much attention to Lin Wuyu's state, it might force him to say it.

That would be inappropriate.

"You'll be busy in a while. There are a few people from the animation club," Liang Yuan said. "They have a performance that we need to cooperate with. I'll chat with them."

"Anime club?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"Well," Liang Yuan nodded, "they have some stage play that they would like to cooperate with."

"Oh." Lin Wuyu responded.

When the people from the animation club came over, Xu Tianbo was unexpectedly there.

Xu Tianbo didn't like to participate in any activities, and Lin Wuyu felt that his participation in the animation club was basically just to find a group of people who had common hobbies to chat with him.

"Why are you still here?" Lin Wuyu asked with a smile, "Are you going to come on stage too?"

"I just joined in the fun and was pulled over to listen," Xu Tianbo smiled, "If anyone wants me to come on stage, I will quit."

There is no need for Xu Tianbo to discuss with Liang Yuan. He listened for a while and then nothing happened. He pulled up a chair and sat next to Lin Wuyu, chatting casually.

Lin Wuyu hadn't chatted with Xu Tianbo for a long time. Although they were both in the dormitory on the same floor, they rarely met each other. When they met, they just said hello, and when he had time, he had to fall in love... Sure enough, when people fell in love, Tossed friends aside.

"Didn't Ding Ji come over?" Xu Tianbo looked around.

"There is no activity in the club today," Lin Wuyu said, "he went to read."

"Oh." Xu Tianbo responded.

Ding Ji has been quite normal recently, but her grandma called several times, and every time she finished chatting with her grandma, Ding Ji would be a little silent.

Lin Wuyu knows that he misses grandma, and also knows that when he misses grandma, he will think of many other things.

At this time, he would also be anxious. After all, his father's words were put there. How to solve the problem, he has not come up with a solution that can achieve both.

He seldom dreamed, and he usually fell asleep until dawn, unless he fell out of bed in the middle of the night.

But during this time he would have dreams, consecutive nightmares.

When I woke up, I couldn't remember what I dreamed, I just felt scared...

"Lin Wuyu?" Xu Tianbo called him from the side.

"Huh?" Lin Wuyu regained his senses and turned to look at him.

"Let me ask you, can I bring a classmate to watch your backstage operations when you perform on New Year's Day?" Xu Tianbo said.

"Oh, let me tell Yu Haodong," Lin Wuyu said, "It shouldn't be a problem."

Xu Tianbo still looked at him: "Are you all right?"

"What's wrong?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"That sentence was the third time I asked," Xu Tianbo said. "If I ask again, we should be friends."

"... I'm sorry." Lin Wuyu was stunned.

"When I took the yogurt that day, I felt something was wrong with you," Xu Tianbo said, "You... is there something wrong?"

"So obvious?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"When you talked to me the other day... the state of the whole person was a little different," Xu Tianbo said. "Others may not feel it. After all, we have talked for three years."

Lin Wuyu smiled.

"It's not with Ding Ji... is there something wrong?" Xu Tianbo asked carefully.

"No," Lin Wuyu said, "We are fine."

"That's good," Xu Tianbo nodded, "I can ask if it has nothing to do with him... Did something happen?"

Lin Wuyu has always been a person who can hold back. From childhood to adulthood, he could only hold back many things in his heart, what he could digest and what he couldn't digest, he kept in his heart.

He doesn't have the habit of talking, there are many things for him, and talking is meaningless, and it can't make everything he faces change.

But this time was different. This time, he couldn't bear it in his heart.

He needs a solution, or even if it can't, a little hint will do.

For the first time, he was completely out of his mind, and for the first time he wanted to flutter to catch a straw.

"Do you have time?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"Yes." Straw replied.

Lin Wuyu stood up: "Go, go out for a walk."

He didn't go far after walking, just went downstairs, walked to a tree in front of the building, Lin Wuyu stood down: "Did I mention my brother to you?"

"Well, you can talk to me later when you have a long talk," Xu Tianbo said. "It's almost over a semester and you haven't said anything."

"Let me tell you briefly now," Lin Wuyu smiled, "he ran away from home when I was in elementary school, and he hasn't contacted his family for ten years."

"...Oh." Xu Tianbo responded in surprise.

This surprised expression started from Lin Wuyu's words and continued until Lin Wuyu finished speaking. Although it was a long story, there were two or three minutes in which he was shocked all the time.

"This is the background situation now," Lin Wuyu said. "Only Ding Ji knew about these things before."

"...Oh." Xu Tianbo looked at him in shock and touched his pocket.

Lin Wuyu glanced at his hand.

"I want to see if there is any smoke." Xu Tianbo said.

"You smoke?" Lin Wuyu was stunned.

"No smoking," Xu Tianbo said, "I'm probably too surprised that I don't know where to put my hands..."

"Put it in your pocket." Lin Wuyu said.

Xu Tianbo put his hand in his pocket: "Then what?"

"My dad asked me to call Lin Zhan home for the New Year," Lin Wuyu said, "my mother wants to see him."

"It's not possible!" Xu Tianbo didn't even think about it, "Why did Lin Zhan leave, don't they know? How can they go back?"

"If I can't get Lin Zhan back," Lin Wuyu felt his voice suddenly hoarse, "My dad... He wants to tell Ding Ji's family about our relationship."

"Fuck!" Xu Tianbo, who has always been gentle, exclaimed in foul language.

Lin Wuyu looked at him: "I don't know what to do now, it's impossible to choose one or the other."

"Of course it's impossible to choose one or the other! How to choose! Is this a threat? Do your parents have any mental illness?" Xu Tianbo suppressed his voice, "What is this for? Are you crazy!"

"I'm not sure now if my dad will really do this," Lin Wuyu said, "but there's no way to bet, if he really says it, it's over."

"Does Ding Ji know?" Xu Tianbo asked.

"I don't know," Lin Wuyu said, "I didn't tell him, his aunt already knows about our affairs, and now he is under a lot of pressure."

"Can your dad contact his family?" Xu Tianbo asked again.

"Any excuse, go to the school and ask," Lin Wuyu said, "I can ask for the phone number. When he was in the college entrance examination, the parents' phone number was still his father's."

"Why don't you tell your dad that you will bring Lin Zhan back during the Chinese New Year," Xu Tianbo walked back and forth in the same place, taking one step on the left and one step on the right, "First make the time before the holiday, at least before you go back, don't have anything If something happened, or it was so far away, something really went wrong, and there was nothing to do about it."

"Well," Lin Wuyu looked at him, "but I don't know if my dad would believe it, what if he wanted to talk to Lin Zhan on the phone?"

"I'll go talk," Xu Tianbo continued to walk back and forth, "they haven't heard my voice, I can pretend to be, but when you go back, you still have to come up with a way."

Lin Wuyu sighed softly and leaned against the tree behind him.

"You still have to prepare." Xu Tianbo said.

"Huh?" Lin Wuyu responded.

"You have to tell Ding Ji," Xu Tianbo stopped, "you have to tell Ding Ji, have you ever thought about how he would feel if he knew that you had taken this matter all by yourself? In the end, there is no solution, your dad really has to make a phone call, so you went to tell him, how does he feel?"

"I thought about this," Lin Wuyu frowned, "but until the end, I really dare not tell him, can't tell him, do you know what the result of telling him will be?"

"He probably just made a phone call home." Xu Tianbo said.

"Definitely." Lin Wuyu said.

"Hey..." Xu Tianbo pinched his brows, "how about you two... you two are really a good match..."