
Chapter 85


The idea of Liu Jinpeng and Ding Ji was to deal with it coldly overnight. They hadn't met before, and now there will definitely be an eager burst of emotions, which can be buffered a little overnight.

Besides, he used to be on vacation, one winter vacation and one summer vacation might not be enough to stay at his parents' house for a week, let alone go back on the first day of the vacation.

Dad's words, not to mention Ding Ji, even grandparents were stunned.

"Ouch," said grandma, "I just came back, and I have been running all the way. How can I still have the energy to move the nest after eating."

Dad didn't speak.

"Don't move tonight, Pengpeng came here specially," said the aunt. "Besides, Ding Ji hasn't seen his grandparents this semester, so why don't he get tired of his grandma for a while at night?"

Dad just opened his mouth to talk, but mom grabbed ahead of him and said, "Yes, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Ding Ji breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yeah," Dad replied, his tone was a little hard, but he managed to restrain himself, "Let's accompany grandpa and grandma first."

After clearing the table, everyone chatted for a while, and Mom and Dad got up and left.

Like every time they were about to leave early after eating together, Ding Ji brought them to the door happily without changing his face.

But he didn't dare to send him one step further, and he left the protection circle of his grandparents after one step, and it was not impossible for his father to kick him from the third floor to the first floor.

Dad probably thought that the time was too short to settle accounts with him, so he went downstairs without looking back after going out.

After my mother went down two steps, she looked back at him and said in a very low voice, "You'd better be mentally prepared, this is not something you can just talk to us about."

Although the voice was low, the tone was very heavy.

"Yeah." Ding Ji responded.

As soon as Mom and Dad left, everyone in the room seemed to be relaxed. The little uncle slipped out onto the sofa and lay down halfway.

Only Little Mung Bean is watching an American TV series with her mother's IPAD as before. No matter what the status of the adults around her can't affect her.

"Why fast-forward again?" Liu Jinpeng was looking beside her.

"Can't you see it? They are about to kiss," said Little Mung Bean, "I don't want to see it."

"Then I want to see it." Liu Jinpeng said.

"Pengpeng, go away!" The aunt pointed at him, "Is it okay?"

"There is a good word written all over the body," Liu Jinpeng stood up, walked to Ding Ji's side, and bumped him on the shoulder, "Isn't it?"

"Dou'er," Ding Ji turned to look at the little mung bean, "isn't it?"

"It's alright," said the little mung bean, "it's just a little silly, but you two have been iron for more than ten years, do you still need to ask me?"

Ding Ji laughed, and went over and scratched the little mung bean's head: "You will scare people to death in a few years."

Ding Ji and Liu Jinpeng squeezed together on a single sofa, chatting while watching TV.

"When will the little fairy come to play?" Grandma asked while nibbling on melon seeds.

Ding Ji paused before opening his mouth: "I don't know yet. I just got home and I have a lot of things to do."

"If you want to come, tell me in advance," said grandma, "I will fry him pancakes."

"Is it necessary to say it in advance," the aunt said. "Our family has prepared a cafeteria for the New Year's materials. What's wrong?"

"Not necessarily," Grandpa said. "This old lady will always feel that it is a little bit worse, or Xiao Ji will not complain about buying vegetables every day during the New Year."

The group chatted for an hour. When the aunt's family was about to leave, Liu Jinpeng took Ding Ji for a walk, and went downstairs with him.

After the little uncle's car drove away, Liu Jinpeng walked over to the road, turned around and said, "I'll go out for a walk, and I'll wait for you at the trash can at the intersection for half an hour."

"Yeah." Ding Ji pulled the zipper of his coat all the way, and pulled his hat down again.

Not knowing what was going on on Lin Wuyu's side, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message first.


- convenient, phone

Ding Ji called directly: "Damn, how is it? Did your parents embarrass you?"

"No, it's all about it," Lin Wuyu said, "how else can you be embarrassed, how are you?"

"It's calm at the moment, my dad looks at me like an enemy," Ding Ji said, "but it's okay, just scared me to death, and suddenly asked me to go home with them. Fortunately, my sister-in-law and grandma stopped me."

"Are they gone?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"Well," Ding Ji said, "I guess I have to go back tomorrow."

"You speak in a little bit of control," Lin Wuyu said, "don't be too hard and aggravate your emotions."

"I know, I'll do whatever I say anyway," Ding Ji said, "No one can change this, so I'll take a scolding, I can bear whatever I swear, and beat me three or five times. It's okay, but I don't think I will do it again. After all, I always want to calmly convince people with reason. The last time I beat me in the hospital was considered a rudeness for my dad... How can such a good person always lose his temper... "

"Are you outside?" Lin Wuyu asked, "I heard the wind."

"Wandering around downstairs, Pengpeng pulled me out," Ding Ji said. "It's always inconvenient to make a phone call in the house. If my grandma just sweeps one sentence, it's over. Where are you?"

"At home," Lin Wuyu said, "I am alone at home."

"You're celebrating the New Year at home this year?" Ding Ji said, "Is there any other place to go? If you can't stay, it's better to go to Xu Tianbo's house than yours."

"It's okay, it's been more than ten years since the Chinese New Year at home, do you still care about this one more time?" Lin Wuyu smiled.

"Anyway, I'll look at the situation here. I'll go to you if I have nothing to do here." Ding Ji said.

"Ding Ji," Lin Wuyu said, "don't mess with your parents these days, as long as you go out, no matter who you meet, it will be considered a date..."

"Then I can't go out yet?" Ding Ji said.

Lin Wuyu didn't speak.

"Okay," Ding Ji sighed, he knew what Lin Wuyu meant, the winter vacation wasn't long anyway, at least before the showdown with his parents, he kept an honest state and didn't intensify the conflict, he kicked Kicking the ice on the side of the road, "I know, if I miss you during this time, just call and make a video."

"Well." Lin Wuyu responded.

Ding Ji and Liu Jinpeng didn't stay outside for too long, and they had to go back to accompany their grandparents, and it was too cold outside. The Chinese New Year was coming, and many stores were closed, and there was no place to go in and warm up nearby.

"I knew you two had to be frozen back." Grandma said with a smile.

"Hey," Liu Jinpeng squatted beside the radiator, "It's really New Year's Eve, the house is lively, and walking on the street feels like fleeing from the famine."

"Have you bought all the New Year's things?" Ding Ji sat next to her grandmother and leaned against her.

"All right," said grandma, "I don't want you to accompany you to buy vegetables this year. You can play your way. There is no winter homework in the university, right?"

"How could there not be," Ding Ji said, "it's just different from before. I have to write a report."

"It's incredible," Grandma reached out and patted Grandpa. "Did you hear me? I've only been in college for half a year, so I'm about to make a report."

Ding Ji couldn't help laughing: "Grandma, you can do it."

"Then you should make a good report, don't be like before," said grandma, "or you don't write it, and let your sister-in-law be scolded by the teacher, or it will take the last two days to write it."

"Well." Ding Ji nodded.

Being with his grandmother was the best time for him.

But now this kind of peace of mind is the biggest torment for him.

However, the unexpected greater suffering was something Ding Ji didn't expect.

The next day he fidgeted at his grandmother's house waiting for his parents to call, but he didn't receive any news, no news, and no phone calls.

Ding Ji was a little confused and didn't know what this meant.

But he didn't dare to go out, so he could only stay at home and chat with Lin Wuyu. The two of them guessed together when Dad would look for him.

"Probably have to go to dinner at night," Lin Wuyu said, "It's more natural to take you away after dinner."

Ding Ji couldn't help getting up and went to the living room: "Grandma."

"Here." Grandma responded in the kitchen.

"Let the three of us have dinner tonight?" Ding Ji asked.

"Yeah, I can eat whatever I want today," said grandma, "I have to prepare a bunch of vegetables for the New Year these days."

Mom and Dad didn't have any news until the evening, didn't come to dinner, and didn't tell him to go back.

And the same goes for the third day.

Ding Ji was a little confused. There are only two days before the New Year. Does Dad plan to talk about this after the New Year? If that's the case, then why the rush to call him back on the first day he came back

"Is your father..." Lin Wuyu said, "waiting for your initiative?"

"Damn it!" Ding Ji suddenly sat up straight, "Maybe it's true! Damn it! If that's the case, then I'll lose the first round!"

"Why don't you go back and check the situation," Lin Wuyu said, "If they plan to talk after the New Year, it means that they want to try not to let the emotions of the few of you affect your grandparents, then you shouldn't have any problems when you go back. It's a big problem, if it's waiting for you to take the initiative... then it's even more rewarding, and it has to be solved."

"Well," Ding Ji took a breath, "quickly kiss me and give me some courage."

Lin Wuyu took a loud sip.

"I'll go over there," Ding Ji stuffed two books into his bag, there was his change of clothes at home, he only had to bring two books for his father to see, "I don't think it's going to happen at night. came back."

"I should have gone back yesterday," said grandfather. "Your dad just doesn't like to talk about it. Waiting for you to realize it yourself, he won't be happy if you don't realize it."

"Then you don't remind me." Ding Ji said.

"Isn't that reluctant, I want to stay with you for a while longer," said grandfather with a smile, "especially your grandma, you are acting stupid."

"You two..." Ding Ji went over and patted his grandfather on the shoulder, "Old Ding, you are really awesome."

"Go, hurry up," Grandma said. "If you can still make dinner, call your dad first and let them cook your meal, or you'll have to make instant noodles yourself."

"Don't worry," Ding Ji said with a smile, "I know."

The phone didn't make a call.

Ding Ji didn't know whether it was because the phone call started, or because he felt that his parents were waiting for him, and it didn't matter whether he called or not.

When he went downstairs, he met Aunt Sun who lived opposite his house. Before he could say hello, Aunt Sun said, "Yo, this is Ding Ji, right?"

"Yes, hello Aunt Sun." Ding Ji smiled. He came back too few times, and the neighbors knew this one. It seemed that Aunt Sun also had a vague impression of him.

"You chased after your parents as soon as they came back from the hospital," said Aunt Sun. "It's still filial piety."

"...Ah." Ding Ji didn't know what to say.

"Go up quickly," Aunt Sun said. "It's said that the fever has subsided, and she looks much better than in the morning."

"Okay." Ding Ji nodded quickly.

Is this dad having a fever? Or mom

Ding Ji's hand trembled a little when he took out the key, but he didn't worry too much, he had a fever, and he had already retired, but if it was really because of him, it would add fuel to the fire.

When he opened the door, Ding Ji saw his father sitting on the sofa at first glance, his face was a little gloomy.

"Dad." he called.

When Dad turned to see him, his face darkened even more.

"I'm back." Dad said.

"Well," Ding Ji closed the door, "Where's my mother?"

"It's resting in the house," Dad said.

Ding Ji glanced at their bedroom, the door was closed, he put his bag on the shoe cabinet, and while changing his shoes, he said, "I just met Aunt Sun, saying that you two just came back from the hospital, I Mom has a fever?"

"I've already retired, I'm just a little tired now." Dad said.

"Oh." Ding Ji changed his shoes and stood in the living room, wondering if he should go see his mother or sit down and start a conversation with his father.

The bedroom door opened, and my mother came out, looking tired.

"Mom." Ding Ji quickly turned around.

"I thought you wouldn't come back," my mother pulled her hair together, "I didn't prepare any dishes. My dad and I didn't have much to eat for a while, so it just happened to let Sister Liu go home early for the Chinese New Year."

"It's alright," Ding Ji said, "I... I'll order a few dishes from the takeaway in a while and come back to eat."

"I can't eat it," my mother pulled a chair and sat beside the table, looking at him, "how can you young people be so resistant, at our age, we are already under a lot of pressure, and if something happens, we will fall down. ."

Ding Ji didn't speak, hesitated for a few seconds, and sat on the sofa opposite his father.

There was silence in the living room for a while. Dad didn't make a sound, just looked at him. Mom held her forehead and didn't know where to look.

Ding Ji didn't dare to lean on the sofa. Dad didn't like the way he was half-lying when he touched the sofa at his grandparents' house, but now he is even more upright.

His back was sore, so he had to arch his back, relax, put his elbows on his knees, and said first: "That's what I told you on the phone earlier..."

He glanced at his father and mother, but there was no response, and he continued: "I'm very sorry for making you feel uncomfortable."

"Who is it?" Dad asked.

"What... who is it?" Ding Ji was stunned.

"There's got to be someone like that before you know what's going on with you," Dad asked. "Who?"

"It's not really important," Ding Ji said, "It's the same for everyone, it's a matter of time sooner or later."

Mom smiled: "It's really touching."

Ding Ji's breathing stopped for two seconds without making a sound.

"You're a good college student," Dad said. "Others go to study, you go to do these things."

"There are a lot of people who go to college and fall in love," Ding Ji said, "it's just..."

"Just what?" Dad said. "You still think you're right, don't you?"

Ding Ji closed his mouth and did not continue to speak.

"Okay, depending on your attitude, it doesn't make sense to talk about it now," Dad said, "Stop talking about it."

Ding Ji was stunned, he didn't expect his father to be so straightforward, and he almost said a word, then I went back to my grandparents' house.

Dad stood up, walked in front of him and stared at him for a while: "Go back to the house first."

Ding Ji didn't know what this meant, but he didn't expect this situation right now. He didn't know what to say for a while to change the deadlock, so he also stood up, picked up his bag, and walked in. into the house.

When he closed the door, he didn't touch the door handle.

When he reacted, the door had been closed by him, and then he heard a click.

"Dad!" Ding Ji threw the bag, slammed the door, and stared at the door lock to confirm it again.

The door lock was replaced, and it was not an indoor lock, but an entry door lock, with the keyhole facing the room.

"What are you doing!" Ding Ji roared.

"Think about it these two days," Dad's voice sounded from outside the door, "don't worry, I'll let you go out during the Chinese New Year, you don't want your grandparents to know, and I don't want to be angry with them, but I hope you can calm down Think."

"What do I think?" Ding Ji slammed on the door, "What can I think! I didn't do anything wrong! Nor did I make any mistakes! Can I solve it just by thinking about it!"

There was no sound outside the door.

"Even if I figure it out! I'm heinous! My sins are monstrous!" Ding Ji kicked the door, and his hands trembled a little, "Can I get the fuck out of this! It's you who should think calmly! You are all people who have studied abroad! Don't you have such basic common sense!"

There was still no sound outside the door.

Ding Ji circled the room twice, then went back to the door and listened to the outside against the door panel.

I heard my mother's subtle voice: "It doesn't make any sense."

"It is meaningless to discuss whether it is meaningful or not," Dad's voice was also very subtle. "He has been used to being presumptuous for more than ten years..."

Dad's voice was lower, and Ding Ji couldn't hear what he said next.

But he understood a little bit. Mom and Dad knew very well that this was an unchangeable fact, but Dad still used the most unreasonable means, probably because he never listened to his parents.

Ding Ji turned around and leaned against the door. He didn't know how he felt at this moment. He just felt dazed and ridiculous.

He did everything possible, prepared various explanations, and thought about countless scenarios.

It never occurred to him that his parents didn't need any explanation from him at all, nor did he have any doubts about it.

He just chose such an opportunity to punish his "disobedience".