Uncle-Master, Please Help Us

Chapter 11: Eye training


Some super strong men in Great Yanzhou may be able to do the same by using their magic power and soul, but this young man has no use for any real soul and relies entirely on ordinary people's methods...

This is terrible!

Not only are his eyesight, movements, speed, and grasp of timing extremely precise, but he also has control over the use of muscles and nerve reactions to an astonishing degree!

With so many knives, it was completed in just a few breaths when the dead tree fell. Even an error as small as a hair's breadth could make the result completely different, but the other party made no mistakes at all!

This control is beyond imagination!

And, the most important thing is that after doing this, not only was he not excited, but he also shook his head and felt a little disappointed... indicating that achieving this was nothing to him.

This... is so outrageous!

When did such a powerful person appear in Zhenxian Sect

"Could it be... that senior?"

Peerless swordsmen are not common even in Yanzhou. It is impossible for two to appear in one place. Maybe it is the master who taught her the sword training method in the mansion but did not show up!

As for the appearance of a boy... many masters who have lived for hundreds of years also look very young. Legend has it that there is a great devil who lived for thousands of years and still looked like a boy.

Therefore, appearance cannot represent strength and age.

"If it's really that person, that would be great..."

Before, I was thinking about how to enter the mansion and what method to use to get him to accept a disciple. I didn't expect to be so lucky that I met him here.

This is the best opportunity, don't miss it!

Thinking of this, without hesitation, he hurriedly took two steps forward and knelt on the ground: "Liu Yi, a disciple of the Zhenxian Sect, is fortunate to be taught swordsmanship by my senior and has learned a lot. I hope my senior can accept me as his disciple!"

Su Yin was startled.

This guy...when did he come here

very scary!

It seems that before you have the strength, you should stop wandering outside, otherwise, you will die without knowing how!

Suppressing the shock, Su Yin waved his hand: "Did this friend admit the wrong person?"

He has no cultivation at all, so why teach him!

Liu Yiyi was also stunned.

The voice that taught swordsmanship last night was sharp and harsh, while the young man's voice was gentle and warm. They were obviously two people.

"Senior taught me swordsmanship last night, and the disciple has already understood part of it..."

After a pause, Liu Yiyi asked tentatively.

"You must have made a mistake. I have never seen you, let alone your sword skills..." Su Yin smiled bitterly.

You can also worship the wrong teacher...

This guy is good enough!

Hearing what he said with such certainty, Liu Yiyi was a little confused.

It is impossible for a strong person of this level to lie to a little person like her. It is unnecessary and disdainful. If you put it this way... Isn't it really the same person yesterday

The Zhenxian Sect actually hid two unknown peerless swordsmen

It is worthy of being a sect that has been passed down for thousands of years. It has a profound heritage!

But... In this case, who should I worship as my teacher

For a moment, she was a little confused.

She didn't know the strength of the senior who taught yesterday, but just a few words could make him break through his shackles and defeat Zhou Yuan, which was enough to show how powerful he was.

As for this person, he has such precise control of his muscles without using true energy, spiritual consciousness, or magic power. His sword skills are so high and powerful that they are also unimaginable...

It can be said that no matter who he takes as his teacher, he can go higher and higher and become a truly strong person!

However, you can only choose one apprenticeship, otherwise, if you are half-hearted, you will easily be disgusted or even expelled from the apprenticeship.

"I was reckless..."

Knowing that she had mistaken the wrong person, she was full of embarrassment. Liu Yiyi bowed to the end again: "I just saw my senior, who can easily chop trees into pieces without using any strength. Is this... a supreme swordsmanship?"

I didn't expect this person to have such a big idea. Su Yin couldn't laugh or cry. He was just chopping firewood, but his swordsmanship... the sword was like a big-headed ghost!

He shook his head and explained: "It's just some skills, not worth mentioning!"

Her eyelids twitched, and Liu Yiyi took a breath.

The realm of an expert is indeed different!

In my own eyes, it is something mysterious and difficult to accomplish, but in the eyes of the other party, it is just an ordinary skill. Even when I say it, I lack interest and feel embarrassed...

This suddenness... is admirable.

"Then... senior, can you teach me?"

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became, Liu Yiyi looked over expectantly.

For a person of the other party's level, the scene just now may not really matter, but for her, if she can learn one and a half moves, she may be able to take revenge!

"You want to learn to chop firewood?" Su Yin was stunned.

How wonderful it is to cultivate immortality, fly to the sky and escape from the earth, live forever... How sick is your brain to not learn this, learn to chop firewood

Liu Yiyi nodded quickly.

"This is very easy to learn, but if you want to be like me, it will probably take at least a few months of hard work. So, let me teach you some basics first!"

Seeing that he really wanted to study, Su Yin shook his head, remembering the scene when he was studying, and asked with a smile: "What do you think is the first thing to practice when practicing chopping firewood?"

Knowing that it was a test, Liu Yiyi pondered for a moment and said cautiously: "Hold the sword... no, the posture of holding the hatchet?"

When practicing swordsmanship, you must first practice the basics. How to hold the sword, how to draw the sword, and how to draw the sword are all top priorities. The Thirty-Six Forms of Suppressing Immortals starts from this foundation.

"Wrong!" Su Yin shook his head and said, "You have to practice your eyes first! How to chop firewood if you don't know where it is? Even if you know the place but can't find the location, how can you chop it well?"

"The eyes are very important. Only by seeing the position of the wood clearly, finding the texture structure, and calculating the movement trajectory of the wood can we make better chopping movements and split it better."

"It's like picking meat. You don't know where the bones and joints are, and you just rely on brute force to chop it. Not only will you not be able to detach the cow, but it will be counterproductive!"

This was taught to him by the residual soul named Li Woodcutter on the first day he learned to chop firewood.

In order to train my eyes, I went through a lot of pain.


The whole body was shaken, Liu Yiyi heard a bang in her head, and she felt that the door to a new world was slowly opening.

Yes, to practice swordsmanship, you must first practice your eyes!

Only by seeing in advance what the opponent's tricks are and what he wants to do, can you anticipate the enemy's opportunities and respond in advance!

In just one sentence, he directly expresses the most profound meaning of swordsmanship...

As expected of an expert, he used chopping wood as a metaphor for swordsmanship, and his explanation was so thorough and profound.


Understanding this, the things that I didn't understand about the way of swordsmanship were instantly understood, and my momentum surged again. I quickly broke through the shackles of the fifth level of energy gathering and reached the sixth level.

With a flip of his wrist, the sixth and seventh moves of the Immortal-Suppressing Sword Technique were successfully performed.

For a moment, the forest was full of sword energy, the air was bleak, and the surrounding vegetation was so suppressed that they could not lift their heads.

"So strong..."

Su Yin was full of envy.

This is the cultivator!

The most he can do is chop firewood, and with a slight shake, the trees and plants all bow their heads... They are both eighteen or nineteen years old, so why is there such a big difference

So embarrassing, so shy!

Just when he felt embarrassed, Liu Yiyi bent her knees and fell to the ground after using her sword skills. The gratitude in her eyes was beyond words and could no longer be concealed.

"Thank you, senior, for clarifying my doubts! Liu Yi is grateful..."

Really admire!

Being able to break through so quickly was not only as simple as comprehending the true meaning of swordsmanship, but also absorbing some of the true meaning of the Holy Essence scattered by the opponent when he chopped firewood.

Therefore, the kindness is so great!


Just as he was envious of the other party, Su Yin was stunned when he saw the other party kneeling down.

Is the gift so big

I... solved my confusion

Just talk about the most basic eye training, and then you will understand...

What did you realize

Could it be that... this guy also knew that he was the master's uncle, just like Chen Yu and Wu Yuan, and came here deliberately to act

Is this really the case...

The Immortal Suppressing Sect... is trying too hard!

(Mengxin Yaya is asking for recommendations, it’s so pink and tender!)

(End of chapter)