Uncle-Master, Please Help Us

Chapter 117: Promoted again! [Third update, I love the Silver Alliance


"If it's a bad guy like the Big Devil, he'll chop it into pieces. This eagle is the pet that the master has just conquered. If he does this, if the master finds out, what will he think of us? Will he think we are murderers?"

The parrot shook his head.

The donkey and the turtle were silent.


If you really do this, the master will definitely not be able to pass the test.

Everyone is a pet, they don’t know each other, so they just beat them up. Now they are all brought home, and they beat them up... What are you questioning the owner’s decision? Or are you provoking the master's authority

No matter which one, it is enough for them to endure.

"What should we do?"

"Admit your mistake directly to the master. It's this guy who wants to compete with Lao Man anyway, so we can't blame him..." After pondering for a while, the parrot said: "The worst thing is, I'll just give him a lesson!"

Nodding at the same time, the donkey and the turtle showed determination in their eyes. If they make mistakes, they should correct them. They can no longer make their own decisions.

Su Yin was unaware of the changes outside. At this moment, he was sitting in the room, carefully feeling the power.

The fusion of the two spiritual energies allowed him to gather a large amount of true energy in his Dantian, giving him the cultivation level of the ninth level of Yuan Casting.

Casting the Yuan Realm, the second level of cultivation, casting the true essence makes the illusory cultivation become more solid.

Normal cultivators need to use all their strength to polish the true energy filled in their Dantian, compress it until it cannot be compressed, fill it up again, and refine it again. Each time it becomes more difficult to control, and each time it is stronger than before.

Just like forging iron, it needs to be burned over and over again, quenched over and over again, and forged over and over again to refine it into steel, so that the resulting pot will not stick to cooking.

Logically speaking, if he has attracted so much real energy in a short period of time, he should be very vain and need to be carefully tempered. How can he give him a very thick and solid feeling

Looking inside... He immediately saw the true energy in his Dantian converging into hammers, constantly colliding with each other without his command at all, as if he was afraid of being disgusted and driven away.

"This..." Su Yin was in a daze.

Although I have never seen other people practicing, I have read the secret books of the exercises. Doesn’t it say that it is difficult to forge true energy

Under normal circumstances, if you want to reach the ninth level, you need to practice nine times. When the internal strength cannot do it, you need external assistance, such as pressure, breath pressure, life and death battles, etc. Many sect disciples are trapped in this level, life and death. Unable to move forward.

Why...do you feel that his cultivation is different from others? There is no need for coercion, no need to fight, or even the need to take action yourself, the true energy can be tempered by itself...

There is even the illusion that if you don’t temper yourself, your Dantian will be dirty...

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore..."

After studying for a while, Su Yin couldn't figure out what was going on, so he had to focus on the alchemy spiritual energy he just obtained.

After swimming for a long time, this Qi finally entered the Dantian.

Because it was the first area to be opened and he was more familiar with it, Su Yin immediately controlled the opponent, slowly approached the medical aura, and quickly stopped.

The contact between the two spiritual energies does not mean fusion, but rather repulsion.

"What's going on?" Su Yin frowned.

It is very easy to fuse the Qi of a teacher and the Qi of a weapon refiner. How come it is impossible for two professions such as alchemy and medical treatment to be so close

Could it be that there is something that I didn't notice before

"While refining the weapon in the afternoon, Sun Zhao had some insights. It is equivalent to imparting knowledge while refining the weapon... Could it be related to this?"

Carefully recalling the scene at that time, a flash of inspiration came to mind.

While refining the weapon, let it break through, and the two things coexist, so it is easy to fuse... Whether it is yes or no can only be determined after testing.

Boom, boom, boom!

Just as he was thinking about how to test it, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Master, I am Xiao Wu, Da Hei and Lao Man come here to apologize to you..." The parrot's trembling voice sounded.

Stopping practicing, Su Yin opened the door and walked out. The night was as cold as water, and the dim moonlight shone down. The small courtyard reflected in it was as cold as frost. The three pet beasts were standing quietly not far away, each one full of worry. , a little trembling.

"What's going on?" Knowing that these three guys must have caused trouble again, Su Yin frowned.

"It's... the pet that the master tamed, insisted on competing with Lao Man, but Lao Man lost control of his strength and injured it again. Now it is lying on the ground, not knowing whether it is alive or dead..."

The parrot explained quickly.

"Beat again?" Su Yin frowned. It was so unlucky. First he was beaten violently by the donkey, and now he was beaten violently by the turtle. The key point was that he had brought it all on himself, which made him speechless: "Let's go and have a look before we talk!"

"yes… "

The three beasts led the way, and after a while, they saw the charred purple electric golden eagle lying on the ground, motionless.

"Did you burn it with fire?"

The corners of his mouth twitched. Su Yin thought it would be the same as in the afternoon. At most, a few broken ribs would be recovered with a little treatment. But now it seems that it's a bit miserable!

"No, it's an electric shock..." the parrot explained with a guilty conscience.

"Electric shock?" Su Yin frowned.

"I watched the master chop wood and learned some skills in thunder and lightning..." The old turtle slowly raised his head.

Su Yin finally understood and snorted: "I'll teach you a lesson later!"

No wonder when I was treating the seriously injured Demon King before, I felt that he had been electrocuted, and the cause of the trouble for a long time was here.

Knowing that this was not the time to hold them accountable, he placed his fingers on the golden eagle's body again and quickly rubbed his brows.

The donkey had kicked the opponent several times before, and the injuries seemed more serious, but they were all external injuries. But at this moment, the demonic energy in this guy's body was shaken by the electric current, and his internal organs were also somewhat misplaced. It was obviously more serious and difficult to treat.

"We need to make a medicine for it to treat internal injuries..."

Soon, he had a suitable prescription and treatment plan in his mind. He might still be hesitant to treat people, but treating animals was his specialty, and it was extremely simple.

"By the way, can you combine disease treatment and alchemy together?"

I took out the medicinal materials and divided them according to the prescription. I was about to take out the casserole and cook it when an idea came to me.

I was thinking about how to combine medical treatment with alchemy, and this was my chance!

"The purpose of brewing medicine and refining elixirs is to better integrate the medicinal properties. Can I refine these medicinal materials into elixirs?"

Su Yin thought: "This involves a problem, and that is - the conflict of medicinal properties! Make medicine and neutralize it with water. Many medicines with strong conflicts will not only not react, but sometimes they can coexist... Just like the Jin Ning Cao, Moxianghua, the former belongs to gold, the latter belongs to wood, and metal overcomes wood. When the two are fused alone, the impact will be very severe, but when placed in water, metal generates water, and water generates wood. The three form a circle, and the potency of the medicine is increased!"

Making medicine and refining elixirs seem to combine the power of medicines and give them to practitioners or patients, but in fact they are very different.

Not to mention anything else, the same medicinal materials, boiled and refined into elixirs, will have completely different effects.

Because of this, doctors and alchemists, although they are both in contact with medicine and can also treat people's illnesses and injuries, are two completely different professions.

Just like Chinese and Japanese in the previous life, the two have many words in common and similar pronunciations, but this does not mean that they are the same language. Otherwise, you don’t need to spend time looking for a translated version when watching the movie.

"try it!"

Anyway, with Mr. Mo's gift, he had a lot of medicinal materials in hand, and he was not afraid of wasting it. Su Yin once again took out the boiler for the last alchemy.

He didn't have a special stove yet, so he could only make do with this soup pot.

"There is no water neutralization in alchemy, and many things need to be readjusted..."

I calculated the medicinal properties of this prescription in my mind, and quickly came up with the answer. Then I readjusted the order and measurement, lit the bonfire, and put in the herbs one by one.

The medicinal materials came into contact with the hot boiler and were quickly calcined into liquid medicine. More than a dozen plants were placed in a row, and the iron pot suddenly shook.


A cloud of black smoke came out, and all the medicinal materials were burnt and exploded everywhere.

"No..." Su Yin rubbed his eyebrows.

Every pill recipe has been refined by alchemists and tested countless times before it is successful. The prescriptions are more arbitrary. As long as the medicinal properties are similar, they can be replaced... Therefore, I want to use the method of alchemy to refine the latter into pills. , very difficult.

If it were not difficult, all pharmacists could be called alchemists, and there would be no need to divide them into two professions.

"Still need to add water to neutralize..."

There was no rush to continue, Su Yin thought deeply.

The cause of the explosion is the Jinning Grass and Moxiang Flower that we thought about before. Without the neutralization of water, they can easily explode. Under normal circumstances, adding a water-based medicinal material can also alleviate the problem, but then the prescription will completely change. , cannot combine the two.

"The elixir is solid and the medicinal solution is liquid. The two forms are completely different. According to the normal way of thinking, it is indeed impossible to succeed, but my method of refining elixir is different from others! Others fuse the medicinal materials together to form the elixir. , and I blend the medicinal properties into the dough to form pills... "

"If the outside is made of dough and the inside is liquid medicine, and it looks like wine-filled chocolate, will it be successful?"

Suddenly, an idea came to me.

When someone else makes an elixir, it must be solid, but this may not be the case for him. It would be good to make a sandwich elixir!

Thinking of this, I took out another batch of medicinal materials, sorted them out, and put them into the boiler again.

This time, instead of dry burning, some water was added, not much. As the water vapor rose, the Jinning Grass and the Ink Flower were touched again. Sure enough, they did not explode, but slowly fused.

Ten minutes later, the medicinal materials in the boiler were boiled into a pile of viscous medicinal liquid.

Take out the dough, wrap the liquid in it, and put it in the pot again for calcination.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a roar, and the ten pills were suspended like before, surrounded by clouds and mist.

"Successful..." Su Yin's eyes shone, and Su Yin clenched his fists excitedly.

Unexpectedly, the prescription was actually refined into an elixir using wine-filled chocolate, which was a complete fusion of the two professions.

"Whether it can succeed or not, it depends on this..."

He came to the unconscious Purple Lightning Golden Eagle, opened his mouth, and fed a pill.


The sandwiched elixir entered the opponent's body, and he immediately let out bursts of abdominal rumblings. The chaotic aura in the Purple Lightning Golden Eagle's body was sorted out and gradually calmed down.

"It works..." Sensing the changes in the other party's body, Su Yin's eyes lit up, and it seemed to be working.

This sandwich elixir is a combination of medicinal prescriptions. It is not as powerful as the elixir, but it is more effective than the medicinal solution. It is a combination of the two.

Of course, there are many benefits. Compared with normal elixirs, there are more choices of medicinal materials, less conflict, and easier success.

Taking Qi Gathering Pill as an example, using this method, Chen Xiaoyue can successfully refine it.

The effect of one sandwich elixir was not enough to wake up the golden eagle, so he fed four more pills in succession. The latter finally woke up leisurely. The injuries caused by the electric shock from the old turtle were completely recovered, and the black hair on his body was restored again. luster.

"Master..." When he opened his eyes and saw his master treating it again, the purple electric golden eagle wanted to crawl into a crack in the ground.

What a shame!

It's okay if you can't beat a donkey, you can't even beat a turtle. Could it be that... you can only bully a small guy like a parrot

Seeing that it was awake, Su Yin didn't bother to say anything more. He concentrated on his Dantian again and felt that the medical energy and alchemy energy could indeed be moved.


Controlling the two auras, they moved closer together. Sure enough, there was no repulsion anymore and they merged slowly.

His eyes lit up, full of excitement, his guess was true!

After carefully controlling it, within a short time, the two spiritual energies were completely fused together. Su Yin gritted his teeth and placed the fused spiritual energy in the middle of the Tai Chi diagram again.


The dantian was shaking violently, and countless spiritual energy swayed down from the air, gathering crazily here.

With a flip of his wrist, a large pile of spiritual stones given by Mo Yuan fell to the ground, and the pure spiritual energy, absorbed by Su Yin, gathered like a tornado.

In the afternoon, he reached the ninth level of Yuan Casting, and his progress was once again visible to the naked eye.

Get rid of the dust!

The second level of dust removal…

After ten or so breaths, you have reached the ninth level of dust removal!

In the realm of detachment, one retreats from the mundane world and transforms into a true cultivator. According to normal conditions, if one breaks through this realm, the body will expel countless impurities, the lifespan will be greatly extended, and the essence, energy, and spirit of the entire person will be significantly improved.

But Su Yin felt it... Except that the true energy in his dantian became more powerful, nothing changed!

It feels... like cultivating a fake immortal.

However, now was not the time to dwell on this. Spiritual energy was still pouring into his body, and after an unknown period of time, it slowly stopped.

The seventh level of mortal transformation!

"The effect is gradually decreasing..." Su Yin sighed.

The fusion of the teacher's Qi and the weapon-refining Qi allowed him to reach the ninth level of Yuan Casting, which is equivalent to crossing two major levels, while the fusion of medicine refining and alchemy only reached the seventh level of Mortal Transformation.

It's equivalent to one and a half major levels... As expected, the higher you go, the harder it becomes to practice.

But even so, it was quick!

I didn't have any cultivation in the afternoon, but now I have become a master of the seventh level of mortal transformation... This kind of progress may not be possible even with initiation.

However, for his status as the junior master uncle of Zhenxian Sect, he is still too weak and must advance as soon as possible.

"Let's see if we can fly first..."

Without aura, it was useless to think so much. Su Yin thought of something and his eyes lit up.

Once you reach the realm of mortal transformation, you can fly with a sword and roam the world just like a true immortal.


He flipped his wrist and the pan appeared in his palm.

He doesn't have a spiritual weapon, a long sword, but this pot is of a high level and should be able to replace it.

Concentrating his mind, the true essence of the seventh level of mortal transformation poured into the pot. With a flash of light, the latter floated gently. With his knees strong, Su Yin jumped up. As expected, the pot floated quietly in the air and did not fall. .

"That's great..." Su Yin's eyes shone with excitement, and Su Yin shouted: "Let's go!"

Whoosh! The pan flew forward.

So, parrots, donkeys and other animals saw such a scene. The owner had his hands behind his back, looking like a peerless swordsman, with his feet on the pot and his eyebrows raised...

As for the speed, it's slow and similar to a snail. If you don't observe carefully, you won't notice the progress at all...

"..." Beasts.

"..." The Great Demon King of Bliss.

What is going on? One moment, he absorbs spiritual energy, the next moment he pretends to be in the mortal realm, and now he is flying in a pot... The key is that he flies so slowly!

Is the master’s hobby so unique

Especially the Purple Lightning Golden Eagle, who felt that he had no sense of existence. He had just been beaten so badly that he didn't even say a word of comfort...

Seeing that he couldn't even take a step forward, his face twitched, and Su Yin felt that his scalp was about to explode.

It consumes a lot of real energy, so why does it fly so slowly

If we fly to Great Yancheng at this speed, we probably won't be able to do it in three years... What a cheat!

I thought I could break through to the mortal world and wander freely in the air, traveling thousands of miles a day. But now I realized that I had overthinking it! Wandering is wandering, I don’t know if it’s cool or not...

Jumping off the pan, Su Yin looked at the purple electric golden eagle and couldn't help but sigh.

Neither the pot nor the pet can do it. It seems that it will be difficult to fly without breaking through to a higher realm.

"By the way, you can try the array pattern!"

Thinking of Mo Yuan's camphor leaf flying boat, Su Yin held his chin. This thing couldn't fly in the first place, but it could fly into the sky after carving formation patterns. Since you have learned carving, can you make the same one

The flying boat is spacious and stable. For long-distance flying, it is much better than the so-called beast pets and swords.

"It's very troublesome to build it with iron. I'll go to the river tomorrow to buy a boat. Anyway, you can fly by painting formation patterns on it. It doesn't matter whether it's iron or wood..."

During the day, he made a special observation. The most important factor in the camphor leaf flying boat being able to fly was not the material, but the floating formation pattern.

Ordinary array masters cannot carve powerful array patterns on low-level weapons, but he is different!

I have specifically learned how to resist the force of repulsion. Not to mention wood, even mud and tiles can be easily carved without cracking.

Therefore, Mo Yuan needed a certain level of spiritual weapon to make a flying boat, and he could just find an ordinary wooden boat.

Knowing what he had to do tomorrow, Su Yin no longer struggled, turned to look at the old turtle not far away, and narrowed his eyes: "Is it time for you to tell me about the thunder and lightning? Also, what about the three of you? What’s going on with the strength?”

"Uh..." The three pet beasts froze in place at the same time.

Su Yin returned to Yinxianju. In a room at Dashan Medical Center, General Mo Yuan and Han Wei were sitting in the room, looking at the girl in the middle.

"Princess, although your illness was cured by your junior uncle, you have been weak all year round and suffered hidden injuries. There is no guarantee that there will be no recurrence. Taking the Tianbu Dan will not only make you truly recover, but also improve your physique and help you practice smoothly!"

Mo Yuan said.

At this time, his aura was surging, his strength was purer, and he seemed to have become much younger. His original appearance of about sixty years old was at least ten years younger.

Yes, he took the Danyun-level Heaven-Building Pill that Su Yin gave him!

Taking out a medicine of this level is enough to shake the world and attract countless people to covet it. Even if he is a master of the inheritance realm, he does not dare to stay for a long time, so as soon as the young master leaves, he swallows it.

The Heaven-Building Pill repaired the foundation. Although it did not improve his strength, it repaired the hidden wounds accumulated over the years, making his strength purer and his energy more vigorous!

If his potential had been exhausted before, there was no hope of breaking through to the third level of inheritance, or even reaching a higher level, but at this moment, he could be sure that he would definitely be able to take another step forward in less than a month!

To reach the inheritance realm, you need to spend countless costs every time you advance, but you can still advance... Based on this alone, you know how precious this Sky-Building Pill is!

Because of this, the princess was advised to take it as soon as possible.

Even here, with himself and General Han Wei sitting in charge, no one would dare to do anything to the Princess of the Yan Royal Family, but once she goes back, how can she, a weak and uncultivated girl, keep these few pills!

Knowing the other party's good intentions, Bai Yiyi didn't get too entangled. He nodded immediately, took out a jade bottle from his arms, opened his mouth and swallowed a pill.

The medicine enters the body and turns into a surge of medicinal power, nourishing the body. At this moment, Bai Yiyi is like the dry and cracked land that has encountered a river, constantly swallowing and absorbing the medicinal power.

Soon, the potency of a Heaven-Building Pill was exhausted.

"How is it?" Mo Yuan looked over.

"It's not enough..." Taking a deep breath, Bai Yiyi's bright eyes revealed a firm look. He clenched his silver teeth and swallowed the remaining two pieces.

"this… "

Mo Yuan and the two were shocked. No matter how good the food is, eating too much is not a good thing. On the contrary, it will bring negative effects. However, it is too late to say anything at this time. The girl who swallowed the remaining two pills, With her eyes closed tightly, the powerful medicinal power surged continuously in her body. Under the constant nourishment, the dry and cracked land turned into a fertile oasis, fertile and rich.

For a moment, the two felt that this slightly thin girl seemed to have changed. Her skin was smoother, her muscles were more elastic, and her appearance was more beautiful. If she was still a little thin before, she could only reach 95 points. Now, completely transformed, in everyone's eyes, it is a flawless existence!

It fits everyone’s fantasy of beauty.

The aura accumulated more and more. I don't know how long it took, but it seemed that the limit had been exceeded. With a roar, the girl's body emitted colorful light, and bursts of rich fragrance spread around, attracting countless cranes, suspended in the air, and roared around her.

"This is… "

His pupils shrank, and Mo Yuan stood up abruptly: "Wanhe worships, this is... the exquisite body with seven orifices?"

"Exquisite body with seven orifices?" General Han Wei looked over in confusion.

"It's a legendary peak cultivation physique. Although it can't keep up with the innate Taoist body, it's not much different. No wonder Princess Yiran is still weak no matter how much medicine she takes over the years..." Mo Yuan's face turned red with excitement as he kept trembling. .

"You mean, the princess has an exquisite body with seven orifices. Over the years, she has become weaker and weaker because she can't find her direction and can't get supplements?" General Han Wei reacted.


Mo Yuan explained: "This innate physique, after birth, has innate air conditioning, which is no different from normal people, but there is no way to activate it. After the age of six, it will become weaker and weaker. To put it simply, , Normal practitioners only have one acupoint, but she has seven! How can she stop seven times the consumption? This caused the princess to become weaker and weaker, and even almost died!"

"A strong physique... can also bring disaster?" General Han Wei couldn't believe it.

Although I don’t want to admit it, I also know that people’s talents are completely different. Because of this, everyone wants to have a better physique and make it easier to practice. This is the first time I heard that a powerful physique can also cause die.

"It's okay to be slightly stronger than the average person, but to be twice, twice, or even seven times stronger than the average person is completely different! With such a physique, the world will be jealous and will block it. If it is not activated, no matter how powerful the doctor is, We can’t even find it, so we can only let it slowly be consumed and gradually weaken!”

Mo Yuan said with emotion: "Fortunately, Princess Yiran grew up in an imperial family. If she had been in an ordinary family, she would have died long ago and she would never have been able to survive now..."

General Han Wei was speechless.

He has taken care of this princess since she was a child and knows how much it consumes. The medicines she takes every year and the resources consumed can feed an army of tens of thousands of people.

Even so, he can't resist the weakness... This physique is really terrifying!

"It seems that the junior uncle noticed her specialness and deliberately gave her three pills. One more pill was too much for her to bear, and one less was too bad to be activated..." The admiration in Mo Yuan's eyes became even stronger.

Three pills, no more, no less, just enough to replenish Bai Yiran's consumption over the years, and activate his physique... With such accurate calculations, could it be possible that he had discovered the princess's physique in advance


With emotion, the girl's power soared rapidly, countless spiritual energy gathered from all around, and her cultivation became stronger and stronger.

"The princess has recovered..."

His lips trembled with excitement, and the veins on General Han Wei's arms were exposed.

The reason why this princess is favored by His Majesty and the Queen and invests a lot of resources every year is because she was extremely talented and practiced very quickly when she was young!

Before he was six years old, he had already broken through the mortal realm and became the most talented person in the history of the Dayan royal family.

It's a pity that instead of improving, my cultivation gradually weakened, and I became like this. I thought that even if the disease was cured, I would become a disabled person, but I never expected that my body would be activated and my previous cultivation would be restored again. .

"Although the princess is still unable to practice these years, she has taken too many treasures, which are all turned into supplies and retained in the body. At this time, the physique is activated and the strength is bound to soar rapidly!" Mo Yuan said.

During the conversation between the two, the girl in front of them made rapid progress from the gathering realm to the element casting realm, the dust-free realm, and the mortal transformation realm!

In less than an hour, he had broken through the ninth level of mortal transformation and stepped into the realm of the divine palace.

The seventeen-year-old Jingu is considered the most outstanding genius in the entire continent.

"I… "

Feeling that his weak constitution was swept away and the powerful strength flowed slowly, Bai Yi's eyes turned red and he couldn't help crying.

For so many years, I have been fighting life and death all day long. I thought my mentality had become better a long time ago, but I didn't expect to feel the recovery myself, and I still couldn't control my emotions.

"Leave her alone for a while!"

With a sigh, Mo Yuan called General Han Wei and walked out.

I don't know how long, after crying, Bai Yiyi's beautiful eyes showed determination.

"It was he who gave me new life..."

If that young man had not taken action twice and helped refine the Heaven-Building Pill, she might be dead now, and she would never be able to repay this kindness in her entire life.

"That's it..."

After thinking about it for an unknown amount of time, the girl seemed to have made some kind of decision, and then she breathed a sigh of relief, with an unshakable determination in her eyes.

Hidden Immortal Residence.

Su Yin looked at the three-headed beast in front of him, his eyes burning and fierce.

Before, the three-headed beasts said that they had no demon essence and had not started practicing, so they didn't think anything of it. But now... they easily beat the purple electric golden eagle to death, something was wrong!

In the Divine Palace Realm, one can be an elder in the Immortal Suppressing Sect, which shows how powerful they are, but with this kind of cultivation, they can't even catch a single move in front of them. Plus, the Great Demon King of Bliss is still grinding...

Speaking of ordinary, he didn't believe it at all.

"We really don't know what's going on with cultivation..."

Seeing that the owner kept asking, he couldn't say no, he paused, and the parrot said: "I just thought that it had consciousness and could talk, but it was still an ordinary animal in essence. Since that day... The old slow general, Elder Wu Yuan and others, have no electricity at all. I didn’t have the strength to fight back, so I realized something was wrong!”

It had previously thought that even if it had strength, it would not be too strong, but it was too slow to block six elders, and no matter how stupid it was, it realized that something was wrong.

However, Mao Donkey was naive and really didn't notice it. As for Old Turtle... I don't know whether he noticed it or not. This guy has a deep mind. Even if he has been together for so many years, he still doesn't know what the other person is thinking.

"Yeah!" Su Yin suddenly realized.

That day was the first time he absorbed spiritual energy. He couldn't find a way to operate it, so he could only keep silent. In the middle of the night, Wu Yuan and others broke in with Lei Zhenzi's head. They thought there was an accident on the road, and they made trouble for a long time. , they are the troublemakers.

"I understood the power of lightning while watching my master chop wood. As for... how I understood it and how powerful it is, I don't know..." Lao Gui explained.

"Can you understand lightning by looking at chopping firewood?" Su Yin was speechless.

Isn't chopping firewood a sword skill? Something to do with lightning? Besides, he didn’t feel anything himself. How could this guy, who was just watching, figure it out

"Where are you two? Have you realized anything?" He suppressed his depression and looked at the donkey and parrot.

"I didn't realize it before. Yesterday, I saw the master's incredible power and realized the flame. He can... spray out real fire, and the temperature is very high!" The parrot said, waving its wings.

It was relatively late to its master, and it only realized it after leaving the forbidden area.

"I don't have any skills. I just stand on the ground. I feel very powerful, and my skin is rough and fleshy, and my defense is good... Anyway, Xiao Wu whipped me with a whip, and I don't feel the pain anymore! I figured it out by watching the master's carving..." said the donkey.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Su Yin was speechless. He really realized it!

Fire breathing, strong defense... Are you serious

"How strong are they?" Su Yin knew that it was normal for these three pet beasts to follow him unconsciously and not be able to determine their cultivation level. Su Yin turned to look at the purple electric golden eagle on one side.

"It must be higher than the Divine Palace realm. I don't know exactly how high it is..." The Purple Lightning Golden Eagle looked resentful: "Whether it's Brother Hei or Brother Slow, I'm always killed with one move..."

With demonic essence emanating from it, one can roughly tell. Without demonic essence, one would be defeated in one move. It’s hard to tell how strong one is.

Su Yin was helpless.

He couldn't confirm it, but the fact that he could kill the purple electric golden eagle of the sixth level of the shrine in one move showed that the old turtle's strength had reached at least the master level, or even... higher!

Turning to look at the big demon king Lamo, if I can explain it clearly, it must be this one, but... I can't believe what the demon cultivator said. Didn't he call "Grandpa" very well a while ago? Who would have thought that it was an old monster that had lived for more than 8,000 years!

"It's a good thing to have strength, it's enough to protect yourself, but you can't abuse your power. From today on, you won't be allowed to use your cultivation indiscriminately without my instructions!"

Stop worrying about their strength, Su Yin ordered.

If I wasn't paying attention, these guys beat up the big devil, Elder Wu Yuan and others, and even beat up the purple electric golden eagle twice in a row...

If you continue like this, you will get into trouble sooner or later.

Although with the help of spiritual energy, one can be invincible, but what if one encounters danger and does not have spiritual energy? Even if he has spiritual energy, what if he doesn't have time to refine elixirs, weapons or cure diseases

In short, before there is no power that can be controlled at any time, keeping a low profile is a must.

"Yes..." Seeing that their master did not punish them, the three beasts breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. The donkey's ears twitched and he looked up: "Then... someone wants to kill us, can you fight back?"

"Of course!" Su Yin nodded and explained: "They are all going to be killed, so naturally we can fight back, and not only do we have to do it, we also have to eliminate the roots without leaving any hidden dangers!"

"Okay!" Donkey looked delighted, as if this was what he was waiting for.

"It's getting late, let's all go get some rest!" Having almost understood what he wanted to know, Su Yin didn't ask any more questions, turned around and walked towards his residence.

Seeing him leaving, the three beasts looked at each other, especially the donkey, who looked over in disbelief: "Are we really not weak?"

"Of course he's not weak, at least he's at the Grandmaster level!" Parrot nodded.

"So... even if I go back now, I won't have to be afraid of those people who beat me before?" Mao Lu was excited.

It used to be tortured and whipped every day, and it had to worry all day about whether it would be caught in the fire. Now that it has the strength, it should be able to take revenge.

"Of course!" The parrot smiled slightly: "Do you want to go back and take a look? I can accompany you to avoid being cheated..."

"You don't have more experience than me. I'm not worried if you follow me!" Donkey shook his head.

This Xiao Wu looks smart, but in fact his brain is not as big as that of a peanut... If he is deceived, the other party will definitely be deceived as well.

"Then... let my apprentice follow you!" Parrot said, "She must be well-informed!"

"Yeah!" The donkey nodded: "Don't worry, wait until the master is free one day, otherwise, he wants to ride me, but I am not here, how inappropriate!"

"Well!" Parrot asked no more questions, turning to look at the purple electric golden eagle on one side: "You have competed with Dahei and Laoman, do you want to compete with me? I haven't used it on anyone yet. It’s over the flames!”

"..." Shaking his head repeatedly, the Purple Lightning Golden Eagle felt like crying: "No, no, no..."

Can you be called a brother to a donkey or an old turtle? Are you weak? How can it be! I originally wanted to cause trouble, at least without the need for a crane, but now it seems that I might as well forget it...

The huge head turned around and looked at the boy who was grinding. He was stunned for a moment and said with a little curiosity: "This is..."

Since it came here, this guy has been struggling. He probably has no status and is a weakling.

"Oh, it's my pet..." The donkey explained: "Let's take a break, and you watch him grind, and if he's lazy, you'll slap him!"


With a flash of eyes, the Purple Lightning Golden Eagle was filled with excitement.

You can't teach these three bosses a lesson, but it should be easy to teach a pet a lesson!

Soon, the three beasts returned to the shed to rest. As soon as they lay down, they faintly heard the miserable cry of the purple electric golden eagle, which was extremely harsh.

However, it had nothing to do with me, so I didn’t care much.

Unexpectedly, after he returned to the house, the three beasts discussed it for a long time. When Su Yin woke up, it was already the next morning.

When I walked out of the room and was about to make breakfast, I saw the purple electric golden eagle that had been cured yesterday lying on the ground again, foaming at the corner of the mouth and twitching constantly.

"What happened again?" There were black lines all over his head.

Yesterday I specifically told him not to beat him again or to do anything randomly. Why did he beat this guy like this again

Monsters at the sixth level of the Divine Palace Realm can be considered strong anywhere, but as a result... After meeting him, he almost kept lying in a half-dead state, and he was drunk just thinking about it.

"It's really not us who did it, it was the big devil..."

Flying over, the parrot explained: "After the master rested last night, he insisted on running over to provoke him and let him know what a powerful person in the divine palace is, so... it became like this!"

To be honest, parrots and other beasts are quite speechless. After beating them so many times, the big demon king has nothing to do, which shows how powerful you are. You, a guy in the divine palace realm, dare to provoke, what are you looking for if you are not seeking death

"It... insulted me, saying that if you are weak, you will be beaten, and also said... I have never seen a strong person in the palace realm. If you want to compete with me, I can't move my hands..."

The Great Demon King of Bliss was full of grievances.

It’s been two days of hard work. I’m as low-key as a little transparent person, and I’m still looking for trouble. Can’t you let me go

Knowing the temper of the Zidian Golden Eagle, he couldn't do anything and was the first to be beaten. Su Yin had no choice but to rub his eyebrows and give up.

He took out the sandwich elixir refined yesterday and was about to feed it, but he hesitated: "Take care of it first, don't do anything again..."

The big devil was very measured in his actions. This guy was only seriously injured and unconscious, but not fatal. In this case, there was no need to wake up like this.

As long as you can't wake up, with the medical energy, inserting the elixir is equivalent to treatment... There is no need to continue to search for the wounded, find ways to refine the medicine, and boil the medicine. Besides, this guy is so arrogant, and he will be unconscious for an extra day and a half. Consider it a lesson.

The three beasts and the big devil nodded at the same time.

They don't have to do anything, provided that... this guy doesn't look for trouble, otherwise, among the weeds, couplets, chessboards, guqins in the yard... which one can't beat him into a pig's head

"Dahei, come with me out..."

After explaining, without saying any more, Su Yin got on the donkey's back and walked out. When he came to the door, he saw a girl standing quietly outside. She had been there for an unknown period of time, and her body was covered with dew.

"Disciples of the Zhenxian Sect, Bai Yiyi thanks you for saving your life! I am specially ordered by Elder Wu Yuan to come and take care of Mr. Su..."

Seeing him appear, Bai Yiyi, who was dressed in sect clothes, bowed to the end.

(End of chapter)