Uncle-Master, Please Help Us

Chapter 33: Distinguish the properties of medicine


Seeing that he really didn't understand, the old man shook his head and looked over in confusion: "Collecting medicine is the simplest part of refining medicine. According to the truth, as long as you study, you will not make this kind of mistake. I wonder who your teacher is? Didn’t you tell me these things?”

"Teacher?" Su Yin scratched his head: "He's just a little-known person!"

The person who taught him pharmacology was called Li Shijun. The name marked on the tombstone was "Medicine Saint". It was very strange at the time. I specifically asked "Brother Cheap" and checked a lot of information. There was no one with this name in the entire continent. , not to mention the title and profession of Medicine Saint... Therefore, you don't have to think about it to know that it was written by the descendant who erected the monument in order to compliment it.

Besides, if he were really a medicine sage, wouldn’t he teach alchemy? Don’t teach how to cure diseases and save people, but only teach how to treat sows? In his opinion, even if this guy is proficient in pharmacology, he is at most a veterinarian. Rather than being embarrassed by saying it, it is better not to say it.

"That's right. How could a slightly famous alchemist not explain the rules when he lets his juniors pick medicines?"

Shaking his head, the old man put his hands behind his back and said with a teaching tone: "Since you don't understand, I'll tell you about it!"

"Yes!" Su Yin nodded with an open mind.

Seeing his appearance, the old man was very satisfied, wiping his beard and saying: "Hanyang grass, its roots grow in cold places, but its flowers live in the scorching sun. One medicinal plant combines the two attributes of yin and yang. So pick it You must be careful when using it, otherwise, once the roots leave the soil and the cold air has no source, the Yang attribute will take over and neutralize the two, resulting in a sharp decline in the medicinal properties!"

Su Yin was stunned and confused: "Since the two forces of cold and heat will merge when the roots leave the ground, can't we just find a way to block them when picking?"


Swinging his sleeves, the old man looked unhappy: "The medicinal properties of medicinal materials are ever-changing. Year, sunshine, nutrition, moisture... can all affect them and block the exchange of yin and yang. It sounds okay, but let me ask you, the medicinal properties are profound How can we clearly find the dividing line and make the best blockade if we don't pick it up inside the medicine? You must know that if you fail, it will be equivalent to destroying the medicinal plant and all your efforts will be wasted!"

"This..." Su Yin was stunned.

The two attributes of yin and yang are so obvious, even if they are hidden inside the medicinal materials, it should be easy to distinguish them!

With this method, he can be 100% correct in the first assessment without making any mistakes. How can it be difficult to listen to the other party's meaning

"The correct way is to wait here until noon, when the Yang Qi is at its strongest and the Yin Qi is at its weakest, tie a red rope to the dividing line between sunlight and shadow of the medicinal materials. Wait until midnight, when the Yang Qi is at its weakest, and tie it on the red rope. Cut off!”

The old man said: "In this way, the two attributes of yin and yang will not blend together, and the two attributes will be better preserved!"

"What a troublesome thing!" Unexpectedly, it would take six hours to pick a medicinal plant. Su Yin shook his head and asked, "If we can find the intersection of yin and yang and block it, would it be okay to just pick it directly?"

"This is the theory, but... it's too difficult!" The old man shook his head: "As a whole, the medicinal materials have two attributes of yin and yang that are connected. How can you find it without cutting it! And once it is cut, it will destroy it. The medicinal properties have failed..."

"It's not that exaggerated!"

Shaking his head, Su Yin took a deep breath and sniffed: "The intersection of yin and yang of this grass is right here..."

As he spoke, he stretched out his fingers, pinched it gently, and pulled up the Hanyang Grass.

"you… "

Unexpectedly, after saying so much, this young man would directly collect the medicine. The old man's face turned red with anger, and he was about to scold him when his pupils suddenly shrank, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"How can this be?"

Hanyang grass, once the yin and yang meet, the flowers will immediately lose their bright colors. The fiery red parts will turn into gray, and the white parts will become slightly dull... This young man picked them without looking, thinking that the flowers would immediately decay. I never dreamed that it would still be so bright, no different from growing on the ground!

In other words... not only did he find the right place where yin and yang meet, he actually blocked it!

How did you do it

Even if he had been immersed in refining medicine for hundreds of years, he still couldn't complete it!

"It's very simple..." Seeing him making a fuss, Su Yin shook his head.


The veins on his forehead were beating wildly. The old man thought of something and hurriedly put down his backpack, turned it over and took out a green medicinal plant: "There is a part of this medicinal plant that contains nerve-soothing properties. Can you find it out? ?”

"This is the soothing herb. If you cut this leaf from here, you can retain 70% of the medicinal properties of the entire medicinal plant!"

Su Yin casually drew a range on the leaf.

Doubtful, the old man took out the blade and cut the leaf in the direction given by the other party, then chewed it in his mouth, and his face immediately turned pale.


The medicinal properties of medicinal materials are unevenly distributed as plants grow, just like the content of fat and muscle in the human body is also uneven.

Because of this, when refining an elixir, even if you know that the slightest deviation in the ratio of medicinal properties will affect the quality of the elixir, but... no one can determine which part of a medicinal plant has more medicinal properties and how much quantity it contains. .

It can't be 100% accurate.

But... the young man in front of me casually mentioned the place where the medicinal properties of this calming grass are concentrated, and even the quantity was accurate...

This is a bit scary! When I saw it with my own eyes, I couldn’t believe it.

"Where's this one?"

Su Yin suppressed his excitement and took out a few more medicinal herbs. He sniffed them gently and quickly explained in detail the properties of the medicine, where they were distributed and what proportion they accounted for.

Chop up all the medicinal materials the other party mentioned and chew them carefully... The old man soon discovered that they were exactly what the other party said!

In other words, this young man only took a glance... and could easily tell the amount and distribution of the medicinal properties without destroying the medicinal materials themselves!

"You..." Unable to hold back any longer, the old man looked over with a slight trembling: "Are you naturally close to medicinal materials? Can you feel the distribution of medicinal properties?"

Legend has it that some people are naturally sensitive to medicinal materials. He can easily distinguish the properties of medicinal materials that others cannot. Doesn’t this person in front of him have such a talent

"of course not… "

Unexpectedly, he would think like this. Su Yin shook his head: "There is no free lunch in the world. How can you get the ability without hard work? I couldn't tell it at first. It took a lot of hard work to achieve it." this point."

"Work hard? That's right! No matter how talented you are, you will definitely need to learn."

His expression condensed, and the old man nodded, with curiosity in his eyes: "Looking at your young age, how long did it take from the beginning of learning to easily distinguishing the distribution of medicinal properties?"

"My talent is average..." After recalling it, Su Yin showed bitterness on his face: "About ten days!"

"Ten days?"

The old man froze on the spot.

Are you sure you got it right, not ten years

ps: Keep asking for recommendation votes! You need rewards to get on the contract list. There are beauties and handsome guys who covet my appearance. Please reward me for the role. I will reach the first place. Lao Ya is willing to sell himself...

(End of chapter)