Uncle-Master, Please Help Us

Chapter 52: Beggar's chicken


"this… "

Everyone's faces turned red, and Yu Cang was speechless.

To be honest, they don’t know what’s going on!

After scraping the pig for a while, the boy realized something and used the knife on his father... It felt like he was comparing the pig's head with his father's head...

But I can't say these words. If I really tell the truth, my father who just came back to life will probably be angry to death again.

They all focused their eyes on the young man, wanting to hear his explanation.

"You are only temporarily awake. The poison in your body has not been removed. You will relapse and die again at any time. If you don't want to die, shut up!" Su Yin waved his hand.

"Yes!" Yu Xiong nodded quickly, not daring to ask.

Only after you die once can you realize the beauty of life. Who wants to die if you can live!

"Go dig a pit at the door and get some mud!"

No longer paying attention to the other party, Su Yin turned around and ordered: "Then go and buy, three liang of wolfberry grass, half a liang of Tianxiong, nine qian of Dihuangcao..."

This time, there was no need for Yu Cang to give orders. Someone went to do it immediately. It didn't take long, and the mud pit and medicinal materials were all ready.

After walking out of the room, Su Yin came to the mud pit.

Seeing that the dig was very big and the mud was mixed with a lot, he nodded with satisfaction, crushed the medicinal materials prepared by the other party, and poured them into it.

He ordered someone to stir it evenly and said hello: "Throw Mr. Yu in!"

"Throw it away?" Everyone was stunned.

Pigs like to wallow in mud puddles, right? Isn't it too cruel to throw it in right after you wake up

"Wrap his whole body in mud, leaving no trace behind. Move quickly! Otherwise, the poison will spread to his heart again and he will die again. If this happens, it will be difficult for even the gods to save him!" Seeing that no one was listening, Su Yin raised his eyebrows. A Yang.


If I had said this before, I would have thrown bricks at him, but seeing him bring people back to life with their own eyes, everyone was so impressed that they fell to the ground. Without any nonsense, they picked up Yu Xiong and threw it directly.

Mr. Yu, who had just woken up, had question marks all over his head, but he didn't know how to ask. Soon, his body was covered in mud.

"Mr. Doctor, our master's eyes can't be covered. As soon as he opens his eyes, the mud falls out..." the housekeeper's voice sounded.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Su Yin said: "No need to wrap your eyes!"

The butler who scolded the most harshly just now is also the fastest and most serious in his actions now.

It seems that he sincerely respects this old man and really wants him to live.

"What else needs to be done now?"

After wrapping himself in mud, Yu Cang came forward.

Even Dr. Yun Feng could not save him. The man in front of him not only came back to life, but also felt that his father's condition had improved a lot. Although this man was young, his medical skills were unbelievable.

"Insert a tube into his mouth so that he can breathe, then lie down in the mud pit and backfill it, add firewood on top, and light it!" Su Yin said after pondering.

Yu Cang blinked his eyes, and everyone in the courtyard looked at each other in shock.

How does it feel...not like detoxification, like being a beggar's chicken? It seems that this kind of food is also made in this way.

"Hurry up!" Su Yin scolded them again when he saw that they were chattering and instead of saving people, they were discussing food.

How can something as sacred as cooking be connected with saving people


Without much hesitation, everyone quickly put the newly awakened Mr. Yu into the mud pit and backfilled it with soil. After doing this, they set up firewood on the ground and lit a bonfire.

Crack, crackle!

The temperature of the flames grew higher and higher, and the mud below gradually solidified.

"Don't stop me. I am a daughter. Even if I get married, I am still qualified to see her for the last time. Why do you stop me..."

"Get away! A bunch of blind things." A quick voice sounded outside.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw two women who looked somewhat similar to Yu Xiong, rushing in, Yu Cang's elder sister and younger sister.

She was married a long time ago. After hearing the news of her father's death, she hurried over.

When they entered the yard, they saw that no one cared about their father's future, but instead gathered around the door to warm themselves by the fire. Both of them showed their anger, and looked at Yu Cang at the same time, wanting to kill him in anger.

My father is dead, but I still want to barbecue... Why is my heart so big

"Where's dad's body?"

After walking around, he only found a sow lying on the ground, but his father's body was missing. When he came to Yu Cang, his sister was the first to ask questions.

"Under... down here!"

Slightly embarrassed, Yu Cang pointed towards the bonfire.

"..." The two of them were stunned at the same time.

My father had just died, so I just didn’t protect his body... but also put it in a mud pit for barbecue. What the hell is this human thing to do


"Dad... I haven't treated you badly since I was a kid, right?" No longer able to bear it any longer, my sister said in a cold voice, "Even if he wasn't his biological son, he wouldn't be like this!"

"Uh..." Yu Cang was stunned: "Huh???"

What the hell? Am I not my biological child? Real or fake...why didn't I know

His face was ugly, and when he was about to ask clearly, he heard a rapid shout from the crowd.

"Look, there's something wrong with the dirt!"

"It's similar to making ceramics."

Several people turned their heads hurriedly and immediately saw that the mud under the flames had turned dark and felt extremely hard, like steel or fired ceramics.

"It's almost done, dig it out quickly!" Su Yin came to the front, picked up a piece, brought it to his nose and smelled it, and said.


A few young men immediately walked out of the crowd, picked up shovels, put the bonfire aside, and started digging.

As soon as the shovel touched the soil, I immediately noticed something was wrong. There was a "ding-ding-ding" sound on the ground. It didn't sound like digging soil, but digging stones.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion.

Even if the mud becomes hard when grilled by flames, it can't be this hard, right? In the end what happened

Yu Cang didn't bother to ask about his life experience anymore and looked at the young man in front of him, wanting to get an answer.

"Rescue the people first, otherwise we will really die of suffocation..." Su Yin said.

Resisting the strangeness in their hearts, everyone took action together. After a short time, the "Beggar Yuxiong" wrapped in the soil was dug out.

"Father is not wearing any clothes. You two should step aside..."

Yu Cang waved his hand, and his sister and sister left with helpless expressions. As soon as they walked out of the yard, the soil on Yu Xiong's body was smashed to pieces.

I picked up a piece and took a look. It was almost the same as porcelain.

After the dirt fell to the ground, Yu Xiong walked out and looked at the young man not far away again. He couldn't help but fall to the ground and said, "Thank you so much for saving my life..."

The poison on the body has not been cured. As the person involved, I know best.

The pain that made him unbearable and unbearable was empty and had disappeared. In other words, the series of actions of the person in front of him completely defused the poison of the golden stone snake!

This is something that even Dr. Yun Feng can't get rid of... How on earth is it done

In an instant, everyone looked over, full of confusion and curiosity.

Seeing everyone's expectations and knowing that they wanted to know how he came back to life and saved Mr. Yu, Su Yin didn't hide it. Just as he was about to explain, he frowned: "Can you put some clothes on him first?"

ps: Can anyone guess why they shaved his head, buried it and burned it? Explained in the next chapter! Asking for recommendation votes and rewards on Monday to hit the signing list, thank you!

(End of chapter)