Uncle-Master, Please Help Us

Chapter 92: The Way of the Teacher [Third update, leader An Yejiyi adds update 7


"After the vaccine is injected, we will do the third thing, which is also the most important thing in raising pigs...preparing feed and how to feed it. I will talk about the method below..."

As if he knew what they were thinking, Su Yin laughed.

Are you confused? I'm giving you a lesson about raising pigs. I'm also confused... Now let's see if you can understand. If this is possible, it means that the skills I learned are indeed powerful and terrifying.

Smiling in his heart, Su Yin kept talking and explaining quickly.


Along with his words, countless holy essences stirred up, and the spiritual energy within a hundred miles radius was twisted by a huge force and slowly gathered towards the martial arts training ground.

Everyone present was like a pig that smelled delicious food in an instant, with the pores of their bodies wide open, wildly devouring the incoming spiritual power and the true meaning of the Holy Essence.

"this… "

Yuan Buyi and Wu Yuan looked at each other in complete shock: "Is this... an initiation?"

Regardless of the practitioners in the audience, what kind of skills they practice, and what kind of physique they have, if they mobilize their spiritual energy and forcefully instill it... this is indiscriminate initiation!

How did you do it

"Soothing the mind and calming the mind, eliminating hidden wounds... It turns out that this is all preparation for the initiation... Junior uncle, you have good intentions for us to improve our cultivation!"

"It's amazing... simply amazing!"

In an instant, many elders, as well as countless disciples, all fully understood and were moved.

While explaining how to feed pigs, Su Yin looked towards the audience. When he saw everyone moved to tears, the corners of Su Yin's mouth twitched and he was completely confused.

The fastest way to feed ducks is to cram them! The principle is very simple, that is, constantly feeding ducks to make them grow rapidly; he also used this method when he learned to raise pigs, so it is called "stuffing pigs"...

Because it's a bit inhumane, he doesn't like it very much, but... why are these people so excited

Is it possible that, like me, I also like to eat pork

If this is really the case, you can consider building a large pig farm in the sect...

Before practicing, Su Yin wasn't too sensitive to spiritual energy, and since he was teaching, he didn't know that spiritual energy would fall from the sky and fall into everyone's bodies following his words.

I thought these people were more interested in the method of "stuffing pigs"...

As more and more spiritual energy is absorbed, everyone feels that the accumulation is getting more and more sufficient, and gradually reaches the limit.

Senior Brother Shen Wang in the crowd, who had once spoken of his great uncle, touched the barrier first.

His own talent is very high, otherwise he would not be able to stand out among many disciples. At this time, he is closest to Su Yin, and the true meaning of the Holy Yuan he absorbs is the most powerful.

He raised his eyebrows, and the barrier that imprisoned him at the ninth level of casting was broken open, and his aura shot straight into the sky.


The stagnant energy in the body spurts out from the acupuncture points, the muscles become more shiny and delicate, and the strength becomes more powerful!

The realm of detachment!

Get rid of the mortal world. Only when you reach this point can you truly break away from the shackles of mortals. Only when you start practicing can you truly fly with a sword and travel across the nine heavens.

"This this… "

Shen Wang's eyes turned red with excitement.

It has been less than a month since he reached the ninth level of Yuan Casting. If he practiced normally, it would be difficult to succeed without two or three years of hard work. But now, he has completed it after only listening to half a lesson from his junior uncle...

No wonder everyone who can suppress it with one finger is unable to resist. No one can match his understanding of cultivation alone.

"Haha, that's it!"

Just as he was full of excitement, Liu Chang, who was not far away, was also laughing, and his cultivation level increased sharply again!

It suppresses inner demons and feels refreshed. It is also very helpful in understanding and comprehending the exercises. In just a few minutes, you will benefit a lot.

Seven levels of breath gathering, eight levels of breath gathering, and nine levels of breath gathering!

With his understanding and the infusion of the true meaning and spiritual energy of the Holy Yuan, his strength also improved faster and faster. In less than one stick of incense, he reached the ninth level from the seventh level of breath gathering!

Although he hasn't broken through to the Founding Realm yet, he's getting there soon!

"Liu Yi, let me see how you can compare with me..."

Liu Chang kept trembling.

After losing to that guy twice in a row, he also had some psychological shadow. Now under the lessons of his great uncle, he can break through quickly and meet the opponent again, and he can definitely teach him a lesson easily!

After all...he was taken away by a bird and wasted his great uncle's lessons!

Not only did these two people break through, but others also gained insights and quickly advanced due to the influx of spiritual energy.

Watching the sword marks in the morning, Wu Yuangang broke through to the seventh level of the shrine. At this time, with the blessing of spiritual energy and the true meaning of the Holy Yuan, he reached the peak of the seventh level in just over ten minutes.


The cultivation barrier is broken again, the eighth level of the shrine!

In one day, he broke two levels in a row!

Although this kind of cultivation is still nothing in Dayan, it has almost caught up with the missing elders. It can be predicted that as long as we continue to understand and practice, we will definitely be able to surpass it soon.

He turned to look at the elders Yuan Buyi, Mu Kaishan, and Sun Tinghe, and couldn't help clenching his fists.

They have also broken through the current level, and each has made considerable progress. Yuan Buyi, in particular, has made the fastest progress. He has surpassed two levels and reached the seventh level of the Divine Palace. Compared with him, he is not much behind. .

"keep it up… "

Knowing that this kind of opportunity is rare and that if he doesn't work hard, he will be caught up by others, Wu Yuan did not dare to think too much and continued to devour power crazily to improve himself quickly.

After an unknown amount of time, Su Yin on the high platform stopped, held his chin, and looked at the people below, dumbfounded.

The skills of raising pigs, including the postpartum care of sows, were all explained, mixed with modern words and their own understandings. Logically speaking, this group of practitioners should look at each other in confusion and not understand anything.

I never expected it... Breakthroughs come one after another, like a Chinese New Year, with constant crackling sounds...

Even a pig farmer can break through. Is it so miraculous

"Could it be that... the so-called raising pigs and stuffing pigs is not really raising pigs, but is teaching the way of a teacher, teaching knowledge and solving doubts?"

An idea came to mind.

Explaining pig raising can make people make breakthroughs. It is obvious that the skills learned before are applicable not only to pigs but also to people. Otherwise, it is impossible for people to have this understanding.


As this thought appeared, the space in front of him shook, and Su Yin once again saw a spiritual energy falling from the sky and pouring into his body.

Reiki, here it comes again!

"Sure enough..."

Su Yin was full of excitement.

Based on the previous two experiences, this thing will only appear if you find the right profession and show it to others... In other words, there is no problem with his understanding.

Raising pigs is the way of a master…

Yang Xuan, you hide it too deeply!

With a speechless face, Su Yin was about to continue explaining to see if he could earn more spiritual energy, when his body suddenly stiffened and his mouth tightened.

It’s over…

When the spiritual energy enters the body, one cannot open the mouth. In this case, how can one teach

For a moment, Su Yin turned pale and fell silent.

As Su Yin taught, special spiritual energy appeared, residual thoughts flickered in the forbidden area, and 36 residual thoughts emerged again.

ps: In order to complete the story, I published it all in one breath, three chapters, please vote for recommendation!

(End of chapter)