Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 159: 159 Shen Han’s weirdness (2)


This was the first time for Ning Huanxin to meet Shen Han. She had never met Shen Han before, and she had never met Shen Han's twin sister Shen Qian.

However, even so, Ning Huanxin still felt a sense of violation in Shen Han.

Yes, it's a sense of violation.

It's unclear.

It seems that she is her, but she is not her.

Could it be that... as Xiaodie said, was Shen Han... possessed by Shen Qian

However, if Master Xu is so powerful, wouldn’t he be able to detect ghost possession

… …

"I'm so sleepy. I hope you'll be safe tonight."

At this time, Xie Yudie on the side was muttering as she took her nightgown to take a shower. Ning Huanxin changed into the pajamas in the guest room because she had washed them at Xie's house, and then looked around in the guest room.

The guest rooms in the Shen family are all very well-furnished rooms.

Ning Huanxin sighed that the Shen family's taste was much better than her father's, and then she lay on the back of the bed and took out her mobile phone.

It seems to be a habit of modern young people to check their mobile phones before going to bed.

Ning Huanxin opened WeChat. The group was full of nonsense every night. Ning Huanxin glanced at her friends' messages and found that there was indeed an unread message from the Drowned Ghost.

This parallel import finally sent her a message back—

Drowned Ghost: I contacted Huangquan Express and the items for you have been delivered to the express station. You can make an appointment to pick up the items at a time that is convenient for you.

Huangquan Express

Ning Huanxin thought again of that young, thin man with yin and yang eyes, Song Yi.

It turns out that to deliver express to the human world, you need to make an appointment.

Also, when picking up couriers, we should try our best to share them, and when delivering couriers, we should naturally ensure that customers have no worries. If they suddenly appear in the middle of the night, ordinary people will be frightened.

Gee, this Huangquan Express is really convenient.

Ning Huanxin found the Huangquan Express page on her WeChat official account. It actually showed that you have an express delivery waiting for receipt. There are two options below -

Immediate delivery and scheduled delivery.

Ning Huan thought for a moment and exited the page. She would wait until it was convenient to pick up the express delivery. She had more important things to do now.

Returning to her message page again, Ning Huanxin opened King Qin Guang's message dialog box and sent him a message.

Freelancer: Lord Pluto, are you there

King Guang of Qin: Yes.

I'll go and get back in seconds!

How free do you, Pluto, do? You just stare at WeChat when you have nothing to do all day long

Ning Huanxin couldn't help but curl her lips, and then continued to send a message to King Qin Guang.

A walk-on: I heard Brother Hei say that life and death in this world are under your jurisdiction, Lord Pluto. Let me ask you something. If you can answer me, I will believe that you are really Pluto.

King Qin Guang: Want to ask me about the Shen family

He actually really knows

Ning Huanxin didn't know why she suddenly felt a chill down her spine. She subconsciously looked around with her phone.

This kind of situation where others know everything about you but you know nothing about them is actually a very scary situation.

Ning Huanxin took a deep breath, stabilized her mood slightly, and continued to ask.

The free agent: Mr. Pluto, you really know everything, so tell me, is Shen Qian... dead? In other words, is Shen Han still alive

King Qin Guang: You want to cheat.

On the other side of WeChat, Jiang Lixing was leaning in his lounge. He had just gotten off the plane in the evening. The crew would start shooting tomorrow. Today, as soon as he got off the plane, he was taken to the big hotel rented by the crew.