Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 171: 171 Letters from home


"They said they were Brother Nan's friends." After hearing Father Mo's words, Fang Qing couldn't help but reply lightly.

Anan's friend

Father Mo was slightly surprised. After all, Mo Qinan had been in a coma for three years. Although some of his colleagues and friends also came to the hospital to visit him, after three years, everyone gradually forgot or deliberately did not think about Mo Qinan. The presence.

Except for Fang Qing and her husband, even the relatives of the Mo family rarely come here.

Therefore, Father Mo was still surprised by the sudden appearance of a strange girl. Moreover, Ning Huanxin and Xie Yudie looked small, and they did not look like Anan's classmates or colleagues from other places.

"You two girls, sit here. How do you know Anan?"

Father Mo smiled and raised his hand, asking Ning Huanxin and Xie Yudie to sit on the chairs nearby. Xie Yudie nodded and sat down, while Ning Huanxin hesitated, looked at Fang Qing and then at Mo. father.

Ning Huanxin didn't know what Mo Qinan wrote in his letter. It was impossible for her to peek into other people's letters home. And that painting is a shocking secret and a secret of the Mo family. Ning Huanxin thinks that Mo Qinan doesn't want too many people to know, right

"Uncle Mo."

Ning Huanxin hesitated, then spoke softly: "Uncle Mo, can we go outside to talk? I have something I want to talk to you about alone."


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Father Mo was startled for a moment, and finally nodded slowly.

The two of them left the ward one after another and came to the corridor. Seeing that there was no one around, Ning Huanxin slowly took out the letter that she had been carrying with her.

This letter was so important that she kept folding it on her body. Seeing Ning Huanxin's careful look, for some reason, Father Mo's heart suddenly beat loudly, and he felt a strange feeling.

"Uncle Mo, please read this letter first."

Ning Huanxin handed over the letter. Father Mo's eyes widened suddenly when he saw the writing on it.

This was Mo Qinan's handwriting, and he would certainly not mistake it. The ancestors of the Mo family were good at calligraphy and painting. Even in this generation, the whole family was also good at calligraphy and painting, so Father Mo recognized his son's handwriting at a glance.

When he held his breath and read the entire letter, he was stunned on the spot and could not speak for a long time.

Ning Huanxin didn't say anything, just stood aside quietly.

After a long time, Father Mo suddenly raised his hand excitedly and grabbed Ning Huanxin's sleeve: "Girl, what is said in this letter... is true? Have you really seen my son some time ago?"

"Well, yes, he also handed this letter to me personally." Ning Huanxin nodded vigorously: "But... the matter is a bit special and the situation is very complicated. I don't know much about the extra things, Brother Mo I should have explained everything to uncle in the letter, right?"


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Father Mo nodded: "He said that he was blessed by his ancestors and his soul was immortal, but he had to protect the things left by his ancestors forever. He also said... forget it."

Father Mo suddenly sighed.

I don't know what else Mo Qinan said to him. It seemed that he didn't want to tell outsiders.

"Anan asked his mother and I not to guard his body because he would never wake up again."

At this time, Father Mo suddenly spoke again. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Ning Huanxin steadily: "Girl, you said... will he really never wake up again?"

"I… "

Ning Huanxin was about to say "I don't know", but feeling the anticipation and hope in Father Mo's eyes, she couldn't help but swallow the words that came to her mouth.

"Maybe a miracle will happen?"

[It’s the first day of the Lunar New Year. Happy New Year to all the girls! Good luck with your studies in 2017! Working smoothly! Love goes well! All the best!]