Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 191: 191 Clues about Ren Yihe (1)


There was already a thin layer of dust in the study. It seemed that Aunt Wang was not lying. This study had really not been properly cleaned for a while.

Perhaps, since Shen Qian's death, no one has entered the study except Shen Han.

Ning Huanxin looked at the books on the bookshelf. They were various and neatly arranged. It seemed that Shen Qian was still a girl who liked reading.

There was nothing special on the bookshelf. Ning Huan thought about it and simply sat on the official hat chair.


At this time, a white shadow suddenly flashed through the door.

Is it Niuniu

Ning Huanxin sat on the chair without moving. In a daze, she seemed to see a scene.

A girl was sitting quietly on a chair reading a book. A white cat lay lazily on the desk, narrowing its golden and blue pupils, quietly accompanying the girl.

The image flashed by.

"Miss Ning, what are you... looking for?"

Aunt Wang's voice interrupted Ning Huanxin's thoughts.

She raised her head and saw Aunt Wang standing at the door looking at her with a strange expression.


Ning Huanxin stood up a little embarrassed: "Aunt Wang, don't get me wrong, I just..."

"I know."

Aunt Wang sighed: "You are friends of the second young lady. You all hope that she will get well soon. I have worked in the Shen family for more than ten years. I also watched the eldest and second young ladies grow up. Now the eldest lady is not here. Yes, I also hope that the second lady can get better as soon as possible, if she continues like this... ugh."

Aunt Wang looked complicated.

When Ning Huanxin heard what she said, she couldn't help but walk to the door and looked at Aunt Wang's face seriously: "Aunt Wang, does Xiaohan often act like this? Every time she gets sick, there is no warning?"

"Well, ever since the second young lady said she wanted to match the eldest lady in a secret marriage, she has become like this, and..."

Aunt Wang looked around and deliberately lowered her voice: "Not only that, the second young lady now sleepwalks occasionally!"


For some reason, Ning Huanxin suddenly thought of Shen Han in a white dress she saw at night.

"Will she do dangerous things while sleepwalking?" Ning Huanxin asked eagerly.


Aunt Wang shook her head solemnly: "I don't know how to do dangerous things, but... forget it, I have to go and get busy."

Seeing that she was unwilling to say anything, Ning Huanxin suddenly shouted.

"Aunt Wang, wait a moment."

Ning Huanxin took Aunt Wang's hand: "Did Shen Han sleepwalk...do some things that only Shen Qian could do before?"


After hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Aunt Wang's expression changed and she subconsciously withdrew her hand: "Miss Ning, how did you know?"


"Aunt Wang, you used to clean this study, right?"

Ning Huanxin turned around and took a look at everything in the study: "Xiaohan said that Shen Qian used to like to sit on the official hat chair and read, but what about her? Does she like to sit on... the bay window?"

"this… "

Aunt Wang hesitated for a moment: "On weekdays, I rarely come in when the two ladies are here, but once I came to deliver fruits, I did see the second lady sitting in the bay window reading a book. She said she could see from the window. The scenery outside makes me feel more comfortable.”

"That's it. Thank you Aunt Wang. I want to visit here again. Do you mind?"

"Miss Ning is the second lady's friend. It was the second lady who brought you in. Why would I mind? I'm going down to be busy. Miss Ning, you can do what you want."

This study is not big, and there is nothing of value. Aunt Wang doesn't understand why Ning Huanxin likes to stay here. Are young people nowadays so weird in temperament and hobbies

In the past, the eldest lady...

Not sure what she was thinking of, Aunt Wang paused for a moment, but finally she shrugged, turned and went downstairs.

[The third update is completed. There are some trivial matters in the past few days. It will be updated in the afternoon every day, but the update time is not fixed. Please forgive me.]