Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 193: 193 Is this the truth?


Test the demon stone

Xu Changan really has a lot of magic weapons. Maybe this is the background of being a disciple of a big family, right

Ning Huanxin was a little excited at this time. She didn't expect that besides having contact with ghosts and spirits, now she would actually have the opportunity to deal with demons

In the future... will I still be able to meet God

It’s quite exciting to think about it.

"You should read this diary first."

Ning Huanxin handed the diary to Xu Changan's hand and asked in a low voice after a while: "Did you go see Shen Han just now? How is she?"

"She fainted. Miss Xie is with her."

Xu Changan finished reading the diary and slowly raised his head: "The identity of Ren Yihe is mysterious, and Shen Qian only wrote a few words. I suspect... that he is the demon, and may be haunting Shen Han now, causing her to go insane. It’s him too.”


Ning Huanxin was unconvinced.

She felt something was wrong, something very wrong.

Something is wrong with Shen Han, and the whole thing is wrong.

"The Shen family has actually hired a lot of ghost exorcists these days, but Shen Han's condition is getting more and more serious. It turns out that everyone has found the wrong line of defense. The thing that haunts Shen Han is not a ghost at all, but a demon!"

Xu Changan was very confident in his speculation at this time.

Demon is a very powerful creature. Some demons with strong cultivation can transform into human form, but that will waste a lot of spiritual power. Therefore, the demon has not appeared in human form recently. It must be because of insufficient spiritual power. It was not enough to support his transformation into human form.

"Brother Xu."

Hearing Xu Changan's words, Ning Huanxin pondered and suddenly asked him: "If the person who is haunting Shen Han is really a demon, then how do you explain the yin energy in Shen Han?"

Ning Huanxin felt the yin energy in Shen Han, especially when she first entered the Shen family villa and saw Shen Han for the first time, the feeling was really strong.

"this… "

After hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Xu Changan's expression changed.

She is indeed Gu Xiao’s sister! Why is she as stubborn as her elder brother

How embarrassing.

"Huan Xin, with your qualifications, it would be a shame not to learn exorcism."

Xu Changan smiled, and then suddenly became serious: "It is true that Shen Han's body is very yin, and her complexion is very similar to that of people who have been possessed by ghosts, but...she does not seem to be possessed by ghosts now. symptom."

"she has."

Ning Huanxin interrupted Xu Changan's words, and then whispered to Xu Changan some of Shen Han's strange behaviors she had seen.

"Do you think her actions look like she's possessed by a ghost? And today... "

Ning Huanxin whispered to Xu Changan about the study room again.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Xu Changan nodded: "According to your statement, could it be... Shen Qian? In fact, Shen Qian's ghost has been following Shen Han, and in the dead of night, she would appear on Shen Han's body? And Shen Han also gradually learned about these things, and she was very scared, so she proposed to let her family match Shen Qian for a secret marriage?"

She thought that because her sister couldn't let go of her, she kept following her and refused to reincarnate.

That's why she took the initiative to propose a shady marriage to Shen Qian, thinking that this way her sister would be able to reincarnate with the man she loved.

Ren Yihe disappeared at the scene of the car accident. Shen Han thought he was dead too, so she took his name to find Yun Xi.

But she didn't know that Ren Yihe was not a human, but a demon!

Moreover, the Shen family, without telling Shen Han, found another unmarried male ghost for Shen Qian to match the secret marriage.

Not to mention that Shen Qian is unwilling, Ren Yihe is even less willing!

It was because of the secret marriage that he might have angered Ren Yihe, so he pestered Shen Han and made Shen Han panic all day long!