Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 24: 24 Ten years of life and death (14)


"Sister Ning, sister Ning, what are you doing?"

Zhang Yan's voice suddenly came to her ears. When Ning Huanxin came to her senses, she found that she had taken off her shoes and entered the water.

It was so cold in the water, and the air-conditioning rushing up from the soles of her feet made Ning Huanxin's limbs feel cold.

Suddenly, she had a feeling.

Although this is the world of memories from ten years ago, if she dies here, she will really never be able to go back...

"Come up."

At this time, Jiang Lixing on the shore suddenly reached out to Ning Huanxin.

Ning Huanxin put her hand on his big hand. His hand was really warm.

After pulling Ning Huanxin onto the shore, Jiang Lixing looked at her soaked trouser legs: "Let's go back today. It's so cold, you will catch a cold."

Although the surrounding flowers and plants are still lush, it still cannot change the reality that it is already autumn.

Nothing can be changed.

Ning Huanxin turned back and stared at the clear and cold river water -

What happened in this river

What is it that you want to tell me

The three of them quickly drove back to the town, and none of them mentioned what happened by the river again.

Zhang Yan knew that Ning Huanxin didn't bring a change of clothes, so she directly pulled her into her room.

This is the first time Ning Huanxin has entered Zhang Yan's room. The little girl's room is tidy and clean, full of girlishness.

Seeing the walls covered with Qin Su's posters, Ning Huanxin came to her senses: "Yanzi, it turns out you are a fan of Qin Su!"

"Well, yes, yes."

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Zhang Yan's face suddenly turned red: "Sister Ning, Qin Su... is he really okay?"

Seeing Zhang Yan staring at her big watery eyes, looking extremely concerned, Ning Huanxin couldn't help but smile: "He's fine, he'll probably be back tomorrow, but it's you, Yanzi, don't you... like it?" Qin Su?"

"No, no!"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Zhang Yan immediately shook her head: "Sister Ning, change your clothes quickly, I will help you find clothes!"

As she spoke, Zhang Yan walked aside and opened the wardrobe. When she was looking for clothes, Ning Huanxin had already taken off her pants and her eyes fell on a certain place in the closet. Ning Huanxin frowned and her eyes immediately became serious.

She saw that there was actually a sweater in Zhang Yan's wardrobe. It was burgundy. It looked like it was hand-knitted. The style was very special and beautiful.

Of course, the main thing is, this is a men's sweater!

Aunt Zhang and Zhang Yan, mother and daughter, depend on each other. I heard that Aunt Zhang's husband died of a sudden illness ten years ago. This means that there are only mother and daughter in the family, and there is no man!

So, who is this men’s sweater for

"Sister Ning, please wear this. It should be long enough. I washed it, so you can rest assured that it will be clean!"

By this time, Zhang Yan had already closed the closet and brought a pair of trousers to Ning Huanxin.

"Well, thank you Yanzi."

The smile on Ning Huanxin's face was a little forced—

Ten years later, Qin Su became a monk.

Ten years later, there is no Zhang Yan in Zhangjia Town, only the proprietress guarding the small hotel.

Although she didn't want to make the worst guess, Ning Huan knew that sometimes what we least want to see is often the final truth...

The day passed quickly. Ning Huanxin lay in bed at night and kept thinking about Zhang Yan and Qin Su. She fell asleep thinking about it.

Ning Huanxin thought she would still have dreams, about the female ghost buried alive or everything in the river, but it was very quiet that night and she slept until dawn.