Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 55: 55 Ten years of life and death (45)


The east side of town

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jiang Lixing was stunned for a moment: "What can be in the east? I only know that the patriarch's family lives in the east!"


The leader of the Zhang clan! It was said that he spent a lot of money to invite Master Yi. However, according to the rumors Ning Huanxin heard on the set, it was said that the patriarch was very greedy and greedy for money. He rented the place in the town and the barren tombs outside the town to various people. The patriarch alone decides on the filming of the big crew.

In fact, the people in Zhangjia Town are very exclusive, but the patriarch's reputation and status in Zhangjia Town seem to be very high. No one dares to object to all the decisions he makes.

Could it be that this patriarch also has some ulterior secret

Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing followed Bai Yunzi's footsteps and arrived at the gate of the patriarch's house unknowingly. However, the courtyard gate was locked at this time and there was no one at home.

Bai Yunzi stood outside the door and stared for a moment. The white light protecting Zhangjia Town was indeed emitted from this courtyard.

"Master, there seems to be a magic weapon buried in this yard to ward off evil spirits."

At this time, Yang Anuan's dark eyes suddenly flashed, and the little girl whispered childishly.


Bai Yunzi nodded. There was indeed a magic weapon buried in this yard, and that magic weapon was definitely not ordinary. It was not a simple magic weapon to block evil spirits.

In Taoism, magic weapons are also divided into good and evil. The so-called righteous magic weapons are naturally full of positive energy and can help people attract good luck and avoid bad luck, block bad luck, and even attract wealth.

Evil magic weapons are harmful to the human body and may even cause bloody disasters for you.

However, not all evil weapons are like this. There is a kind of evil weapon that seems to be able to ward off evil spirits and attract wealth, but in fact it just keeps absorbing those negative energies and evil spirits. When one day it absorbs With enough energy, incredible destructive power will erupt.

And buried in the courtyard of the patriarch's house is such an evil weapon!

"Taoist Priest, what did you find at the patriarch's house?"

At this time, Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing had already rushed over. Seeing the figures of the two people, Bai Yunzi's eyes deepened: "There is a magic weapon buried in this yard. This magic weapon has been working for Zhang The town resists the evil and resentment from the outside, but in fact it has been absorbing the evil energy from the world. Once a **** absorbs enough energy, the entire Zhangjia Town will become a hell on earth!"

"What?" After hearing Bai Yunzi's words, Jiang Lixing was immediately shocked, while Ning Huanxin's eyes turned cold.

Sure enough, this should also be the work of Master Yi. He actually set up such a big game more than 20 years ago! "Taoist Priest, I should know the origin of this magical weapon!"

At this time, Ning Huanxin finally spoke slowly: "More than twenty years ago, Zhangjia Town was still Zhangjia Village. At that time, they..."

Ning Huanxin told the story of how the villagers of Zhangjiacun and Lijiacun offered sacrifices to the river god, and how the people of Lijiacun were buried alive.

Immediately, Ning Huanxin looked at Bai Yunzi solemnly: "Taoist Master, the female ghost we met last night was Li Yan. It seems that Master Yi had a purpose for her to be trapped here all these years. He The reason why Li Yan was not killed back then was probably because he was waiting for Li Yan's resentment to resonate with the magical weapon decades later. In this way, when the magical weapon turned into an evil weapon, everyone in Zhangjia Town would be harmed by Li Yan. Yan's revenge, at that time, Master Yi can come again and collect the entire Zhangjia Town residents and Li Yan's soul!"

This layout is really seamless!