Undying Patient

Chapter 1: Big guy in a wheelchair 1


The wall clock on the wall "tick-tock-tick" rings regularly, and the slender hollow second hand rotates around the Roman numerals one after another. Outside the Atlanta, several snow-white seagulls flapped their wings and passed the side of the cruise ship from time to time, casting herringbone shadows in front of the huge French windows.

Su Jinzhi withdrew his gaze, and turned to look at the deputy captain who was walking back and forth in front of the waiters standing in rows.

He is tall and tall, wearing a retro-cut long black coat that slightly conceals his fat body, the sides of his cheeks are clean-shaven, and half of a decorative brass pocket watch chain hangs from his pocket, like a loyal soldier in a medieval castle The old butler, only the thin sweat on his forehead showed that he was not at peace.

"Why haven't you come yet..." He frowned, exhaled and muttered, then turned around and looked up at the gorgeous wall clock hanging on the wall. His eyes widened suddenly, he took a deep breath and shook his head anxiously, continuing to walk back and forth in front of them.

While pacing, his heels collided with the clean marble tiles, and the dull and hurried steps made everyone present nervous along with him.

Su Jinzhi was the calmest among the group of people. He casually glanced at the deputy captain, and then raised his hand to straighten his collar.

His waiter's attire had been tailored for him by the mate, and it was finer and more comfortable--and more attractive--than the cheap ones worn by the other waiters standing beside him. He got this suit after working as a waiter on this cruise ship for three months, didn't get half of his salary, and spent almost all of his savings, and he spent so much energy just for today.

To be precise, it is for the person who rented the highest three floors of the Atlanta today——Qin Yezhou, his overall goal of saving the world.

The Atlanta has 16 floors and is a super cruise ship with a displacement of more than 100,000 tons. It is known as "the sea city for the rich". Qin Yezhou can occupy three floors. You can tell how rich he is just by listening to it. up.

But rich people are also difficult to serve. There is less than an hour before the cruise ship sails, but Qin Yezhou has not boarded the ship yet. If he boards after the cruise ship departs, the deputy captain may be busy again, so it is not surprising He's so tense now.

"Is Mr. Qin here? Already here?!" The deputy captain held the mobile phone that had just been connected, and his face was full of ecstasy when he got the confirmation. , while walking towards Su Jinzhi.

Seeing this, Su Jinzhi hurriedly put down his hands that were straightening his collar, seeming to suppress the panic and timidity in his eyes, and showed a clean smile. But even though he tried his best to smile "cleanly", the vice-captain was still in a daze for a moment. After he came back to his senses, he immediately walked to the side of Su Jinzhi, beckoned the chef to hand over the food trolley to Su Jinzhi, and then patted him on the shoulder. He whispered in his ear, "Mr. Qin is here."

"Yes..." Su Jinzhi lowered his head and answered softly. From an angle that others could not see, the corners of his lips curled up slightly. He ignored the sighs of other waiters behind him, and pushed the food cart away.

Because of his appearance, Su Jinzhi has been talked about a lot since he boarded this cruise ship. Even though he maintained the image of the "pure and kind" little white flower set by the system in this world to the extreme, he never showed a single bit of it. The traces of collapse could not stop his colleagues' suspicion and contempt.

But what can I do? After all, he was born in the interstellar era without ugly people.

At that time, most of the human beings had been genetically modified. They not only had a perfect appearance as carefully fabricated by God, but also had a strong body as if made of steel and iron, and a long life span of hundreds of thousands of years.

But even so, he died - died of ineffective rescue.

An extremely embarrassing and speechless death in the year 3500. After all, more than half of the organs at that time could be replaced by mechanization, and medical treatment was highly developed. Very few people died due to ineffective rescue. Most people would only die in war or sudden death. passed away in the event.

He was clearly in the hospital, but the rescue failed and he died.

Because he is a pure human being.

But it's useless to think about it now, anyway, he can't die now.

But even if you can't die, you will still feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

When he reached the 15th floor of the cruise ship, Su Jinzhi's body swayed slightly. He leaned against the wall and took a deep breath, bit the tip of his tongue to suppress the nausea welling up in his throat, and then walked forward.

"Host, are you uncomfortable?" Su Jinzhi paused, and the system said to be bound to his soul began to speak. Some rigid mechanical voices carried the immaturity unique to teenagers, and Su Jinzhi immediately recognized that it was number zero, and it said: "As long as you go to Mr. Qin's side quickly, you will feel very comfortable."

"Understood." Su Jinzhi responded coldly, "You're the only one who talks too much nonsense."

No one will be in a good mood after three months of being repeatedly told "do the task quickly or you will die in pain", especially someone like Su Jinzhi who wants to live and is especially afraid of death people.

"Hey..." No. 0 was scolded by the host, and left crying twice.

Su Jinzhi was silent for a while listening to No. 0's cry, and felt a little bit guilty. Although he knew that this was just an inherent program set by the AI, he still couldn't help feeling sorry for it.

But when Su Jinzhi saw Mr. Qin's appearance clearly, he didn't want Number Zero to leave, but wanted to bring him back and beat him to death.

"Will you do something?!"

Seeing Qin Yezhou's appearance, Su Jinzhi's spout tilted when he poured tea into the teacup, and hit the sandy purple teacup on the other side. Immediately afterwards, a bodyguard standing beside Qin Yezhou pushed him away fiercely, making him have to take a few steps back to stabilize his body.

"Hold, I'm sorry..." Su Jinzhi hurriedly lowered his head to admit his mistake and apologized, with his hands hanging by his sides, tightly sticking to his thighs.

The young man lowered his head, and his crow-black broken hair fell softly on his forehead. His complexion was as pale as paper, and his long eyelashes trembled slightly because of fear and panic. Against the young man, it looked like morning dew With a beautiful face like a white camellia, he looks very pitiful, but people can't help scolding him any longer.

So the man who pushed him away opened his mouth, but he still couldn't continue to swear.

And Qin Yezhou, who was sitting in a wheelchair, took the towel handed over by another bodyguard, slowly wiped the water on his leg, and never looked at Su Jinyi from the beginning to the end—just like that person.

Perhaps seeing that Qin Yezhou was not angry, the bodyguard who pushed him away frowned and sighed, walked up to Su Jinzhi and whispered, "Go, go, Mr. Qin doesn't need someone to attend to you."

If it was before, Su Jinzhi might have struggled a bit in order to complete the task so that No. 0 would stop talking about him, but now that he saw what Qin Yezhou looked like, he wished he could run far away, never wanting to see this person again.

So he bowed and left without saying anything.

As Su Jinzhi walked, he called the system in his heart: "Number Zero, Zero! Come out and explain to me why Qin Yezhou looks like that person?"

"The appearance of saving the general target is chosen by the host himself. Does this need to be explained?" The system's mechanized voice was not at all popular, but full of provocation.

"When did I choose?" Su Jinzhi walked into the toilet, poured cold water on his face before calming down a little, and continued to ask the system, "I'm not asking about you, what about number zero?"

"The host was chosen at the moment of death in the source world." No. 1's voice became colder, "No. 0 went to the headquarters to fight for the latest benefits for the host."

The moment of death

That's right, he vaguely remembered that before he died, Number Zero had asked him a question—ask the host to choose the appearance of the general target to be saved. Since the host can't speak at the moment, the host only needs to form a three-dimensional picture in his mind.

Choose a few!

He died immediately at that time, and he seemed to see that person standing in front of him in a blur of consciousness, so what he was thinking about was that person. Did No. 0 think that this was the general goal of his choice to save

Su Jinzhi raised his head to look at the person in the mirror, was silent for a few seconds and asked, "Then is there still time for me to change it now?"

No. 1 answered him: "The welfare quota for this option in the headquarters has been snatched up, and the host can participate in the competition when entering the next world."

However, before Su Jinzhi had time to say anything else, he heard No. 1 say again: "But the welfare 'a moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold' is still valid."

Su Jinzhi raised his eyebrows upon hearing this.

As the name suggests, the benefit of "a moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold" can be used on all living creatures. The effect is to allow the used object to have the illusion of spending the spring night with the user without any after-effects. It is safe and secure. Every host depends on the body Save the world, sow the seeds of love, and build a harmonious society together.

Cons: Can only be used in the same world.

Su Jinzhi decided to board the boat to save Qin Yezhou by electricity generation after hesitating on the road for a long time because of this benefit called "a moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold".

This is the only way he can complete the task.

Qin Yezhou was handsome and rich. In the past, no woman would have wanted to marry him. Unfortunately, he had a car accident three years ago and couldn't move below his knees. Since then, he could only sit in a wheelchair. His mother died early, and his father took a stepmother for him immediately after his leg was disabled, and brought an illegitimate child who was only two years younger than him into the house. His intentions were obvious.

Later, Qin Yezhou refused to recognize his relatives and asked his father to go to the field to accompany his mother.

Of course, the latter is a rumor, and it is unknown whether it is true or not, but Qin Yezhou's father is dead, and it is also true that his stepmother and younger brother are not doing well. He doesn't care about family affection, friendship, and life.

Su Jinzhi is not his father, nor his gay friend. To save him, he must become his lover, warm his cold heart and body with love, and let him feel love, so that he can build a beautiful world with him.

With the effect of "a moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold", it doesn't matter if he doesn't really want to be with Qin Yezhou, just act during the day and just put on a show. If that Qin Yezhou was really handsome, Su Jinzhi wouldn't mind having a real relationship with him—after all, he couldn't be resurrected in that world.

And he was still a virgin before he died.

It's so miserable.

Su Jin had lived a good life in his previous life. He was the only surviving purebred human interstellar diplomat on Earth in the 3000th year of the star calendar. Immediately passed out, after a checkup—systemic organ failure, the only terminal illness in the Milky Way galaxy.

He went to Naxigang Hospital, the best in β68 Sagittarius, to receive treatment. He invested all his belongings in the hospital, and survived for five years without dying.

The doctor told him that since he is a surviving purebred earthling, he has no antibodies at all to the microorganisms on alien creatures, and his current physical condition is not enough to support him to resist the adverse reactions of vaccination, so for his safety, He had better lie in the isolation room of the hospital for the rest of his life, so that he could survive.

After entering the hospital, Su Jinzhi kept thinking about the life choice of whether to be a salted fish until he died, or to die immediately after walking out of the isolation room. In the end, he decided to go back to Earth to take a last look at his hometown before going into the earth - after all, he had no money to keep his mechanical organs running in the hospital.

But in the early morning of the day before his departure, when the nurse came in holding a bouquet of flowers and told him that someone was coming to visit him, Su Jinzhi immediately collapsed covering his mouth and nose—he died of alien pollen allergy and rescue failed.

— Who the hell sent him alien flowers? !

But maybe Su Jin's life should not be terminated, he still didn't die, and after opening his eyes in the system space, he found that he was bound to a "life-loving system".

This system has two AIs—Punisher One, and Welfare Baby Zero.

Number zero is responsible for issuing rewards and benefits after the task is completed, while number one is responsible for punishing the host after the task fails and when the host is passive in doing the task during the task.

Zero felt sorry for him just died, not only gave him a benefit for free, but also gave him a very simple task - in this world, he only needs to arouse the love of saving the life of the general target person to complete the task successfully.

And once the mission is successful, he will be able to obtain "longevity" benefits according to the average life expectancy of the world, and enjoy the highest treatment in the world.

If there was no back door opened for him by No. 0, the task that Su Jinzhi should have completed in this world is to arouse the love of life for the 10 people and the general target of saving, before he can enter the next world. If the overall goal of saving is not dragged back from the emotional abyss of depression, world-weariness, loneliness, loneliness, etc., or if the love of life for 10 people is not aroused, the task is considered a failure, and both are indispensable.

In his previous life, because of his status as a pure-bred earthling, Su Jin could only stay on the earth, but at that time the earth could not see anything but black stones, and after he suffered from organ failure, nothing but pure white wards He and the white coat doctor never saw anything else again, and his physical condition made his life worse than that of an ascetic. But now he can enjoy life not only without dying, why should he not accept the task

As a result, he was cheated by the system.

Qin Yezhou looks so fucking handsome, but he looks exactly like the alien he last served before his death. Su Jinzhi seriously suspects that the reason why he got sick is because of something strange on this alien. Before he died, he thought that if he had another life, he must not let him see aliens again, not even aliens in human skin!

But now he is on the system's thief ship, if he doesn't obediently wait to "rescue" Qin Yezhou, then he can't think about it and wants to be killed by No. 1.

Number one is the punisher. If he doesn't do the task, his condition in this world will get worse soon, and he will live in a miserable life. Then he will be punished with "long illness and immortality" according to the average life expectancy of this world. The number will die only after being tortured until it is out of shape.

But in this world, he might have to be fucked by No. 1 for a hundred years before he can die.

No. 1 wants to kill him not every day or two, but every day.

Moreover, No. 1 has already fucked him, and is still doing it now.

Almost at the same moment when this thought appeared in his mind, Su Jinzhi collapsed clutching his throbbing heart.

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