Undying Patient

Chapter 10: Big guy in a wheelchair 10


As soon as Qin Yezhou's words fell, Yun Feifei's face turned pale immediately, even if she put a touch of blush on her cheeks, it couldn't hide her bloodless face.

During this time, Qin Yezhou had already sat down with Su Jinzhi.

The opening rule of mahjong is that the banker draws the cards first when casting dice, followed by the next player, followed by the opponent, and then the upper player, and the order of playing cards is the same. If Yun Feifei becomes Qin Yezhou's next family, no matter what cards Qin Yezhou plays, she can take the opportunity to say that the man deliberately let her go.

But Qin Yezhou had already rejected her without hesitation. He grabbed the two dice on the table and threw them casually. After stopping, the sum of the points was 9 points. He wanted to start drawing cards from him, and he took a stack for himself. Finally, without waiting for Su Jinzhi to make a move, he put the young man's deck of cards in front of him.

But after his actions were over, the young man frowned slightly, and muttered softly, "Oh, Mr. Qin... Ye Zhou, why don't you help me get the cards, I want to get them myself—"

I don’t know if it’s because he’s very happy to play mahjong. The young man’s cheeks are pink, the tails of his eyes are bright red, but the skin below his neck is still fair. The movement was shaking slightly, and squares were reflected on the clear and clean light brown pupils, but there was no shadow of himself. Qin Yezhou couldn't help but want to pinch and rub the white jade-like skin of this ruthless little thing, forcing him He cried out in pain and begged for mercy with tears in his eyes, so he could only stare at himself with those charming eyes.

Hearing his complaint, Qin Yezhou came back to his senses, sneered, shook his head slightly, and said with a smile, "Okay, you can take it yourself, I won't help you."

Yun Feifei, who was sitting opposite Su Jinzhi, pursed her lips, looked up and then quickly lowered her head, quietly waiting for Qin Yezhou to play first.

Qin Yezhou said lightly: "Dongfeng."

Su Jinzhi glanced at the small cubes he threw into the card pool, touched a card and played out the fortune in his hand.

He Ziyue raised his hand to touch the cards, but Yun Feifei said coldly: "Panel." )

He raised his eyebrows, smiled and withdrew his hand, watched Yun Feifei look at Su Jinzhi provocatively, drew a card and played it: "Batong."

As soon as she finished speaking, Qin Yezhou said slowly: "Bar."

Yun Feifei slapped Su Jinzhi, and Qin Yezhou slapped her too.

Although He Ziyue didn't intend to play mahjong, he still couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene. He pressed his fist against his lips to suppress his smile, and nudged Su Jinzhi who was stunned with his elbow: "It's your turn to draw the cards." , Jinzhi."

Qin Yezhou paid out 90,000 after shoveling, and Su Jinzhi looked around the board for a while, then took away Qin Yezhou's 90,000 and said, "Touch."

After Su Jinzhi touched Qin Yezhou's 90,000 yuan, seeing that everyone at the poker table was looking at him again, he looked at Qin Yezhou, and asked him pitifully, "Can't I... touch you?"

Qin Yezhou smiled, and his words were full of deep meaning: "Yes, not only can you touch it, but you can also eat it."

He Ziyue looked at the two showing affection and shrugged with a smile, and played after Su Jinzhi. When it was Yun Feifei's turn, she had just played a three-barrel, and Qin Yezhou immediately followed up and said, "Three-barrel."

Yun Feifei raised her head and glanced at Qin Yezhou, seeing that he was not looking at her, she lowered her head again.

In the next round, Yun Feifei made seven: "Seven."

After Qin Yezhou said "heh", he said slowly, "Follow Qitiao."

In the next round, Yun Feifei changed the 4-word card: "20,000."

Qin Yezhou also followed her to hit the white piece in his hand, and said in a leisurely manner, "I'm with 20,000."

Now even Su Jinzhi, who was focused on making cards, noticed that these two people were facing each other. After all, for example, if he wanted to play 4-word cards, he had to knock out the cylinders and strips in his hands, while Qin Yezhou and Yun Feifei both put their hands together. I have played all the tubes on the Internet, can the two of them still play

Yun Feifei, who was sitting across from him, had a snow-white complexion just now, and now she didn't know whether it was because of shame or anger, but now it had turned extremely red.

Su Jinzhi pursed his lips, pulled Qin Yezhou's sleeve and said in a low voice, "Play well, what should you do if you lose later?"

Qin Yezhou smiled and pinched the tip of his nose: "What are you afraid of? You are still afraid that I will lose you, huh?"

Su Jinzhi glanced at him, saw that the man was in a good mood, so he slapped his hand away and continued to play his own cards.

But after hearing what Su Jinzhi said just now, Qin Yezhou not only did not restrain himself, but became even more presumptuous, because He Ziyue just issued a "30,000", Qin Yezhou immediately said: "Touch."

— This time he directly gave Yun Feifei no chance to draw a card.

Seeing Qin Yezhou's action, Su Jinzhi immediately opened his eyes wide, as if he was accusing him of touching his 4D card.

Qin Yezhou immediately raised his hand to touch Su Jinzhi's white wrist on his right and said, "Don't worry, Jinzhi, I was wrong."

"Cough cough cough..." He Ziyue held back his laughter, pretending to be angry and said, "Hey, you two play cards well, you are not allowed to play love cards." I bought a four-barrel.

And Qin Yezhou didn't touch it sooner or later, and waited for Yun Feifei's hand to touch the new card before he said "touch" slowly, so that Yun Feifei couldn't touch the card again.

Hearing this, Yun Feifei could only take a deep breath, and withdrew her hand from the mahjong.

He Ziyue glanced at her: "Six."

Qin Yezhou followed up and said, "Touch."

And after touching the cards this time, he also gave Su Jinzhi a 4D card.

He Ziyue looked at Qin Yezhou instead, and he took out the chicken in the card: "Chicken."

Qin Yezhou continued to follow: "Come on."

After three rounds like this, Yun Feifei didn't draw a new card in one round, and Qin Yezhou only had one card left in his hand. If he drew the same card as that card, he could win.

It was not until the fourth round that He Ziyue finally revealed a 4D card: "80,000."

"Touch..." Yun Feifei immediately clenched her fists and was about to take the card away, but Su Jinzhi smiled and turned the cards in front of her upside down, all of which were 4D cards: "I'm confused, all of them are the same."

Qin Yezhou immediately pushed the chips on his table to Su Jinzhi's side, clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Jinzhi played really well."

Yun Feifei: "..."

He Ziyue shook his head to give Su Jinzhi a weight, Qin Yezhou also put down his own card, Su Jinzhi went over to take a look, and saw that his remaining card was also 80,000, he was Su Jinzhi's previous family, obviously he could He won, but he didn't say that he played all the cards, just to let Su Jinzhi win.

Yun Feifei was not blind, so she could naturally see the white spot in front of Qin Yezhou. She took several deep breaths to keep her expression from becoming ferocious and distorted.

More than two hours later, the four of them had passed ten hands, and Su Jin alone had won nine hands. Except for the first game, which was won by He Ziyue, Qin Yezhou deliberately fired the other eight rounds and lost to him.

Yun Feifei also won - but it was He Ziyue who deliberately let her win.

Su Jinzhi didn't want to play until the end of the game, and he felt a sense of loneliness from the top for no reason-after all, he always wins, so it's so boring.

After finishing ten sets of victories, Su Jinzhi wanted to go to the bathroom.

He smiled at Qin Yezhou and said, "Ye Zhou, let me make it easier..."

When Qin Yezhou heard Su Jinzhi's plain and even shameful words, he paused when he coded the cards. He raised his head, took a deep look at Su Jinzhi, and suddenly asked him an inexplicable question: "Jinzhi, are you happy today?" ?”

Su Jin was taken aback, then laughed, her beautiful eyes curved like peach petals: "Happy, what's wrong?"

Qin Yezhou also smiled, and said, "Just be happy."

Su Jinzhi didn't take his words to heart, and went to the bathroom after leaving the hall, but met Kong Shifei when he came out.

Kong Shifei called to stop him: "Su Jinzhi."

Su Jinzhi stopped and looked at Kong Shifei with some doubts: "What's the matter, Shifei?"

Kong Shifei smiled at him, her voice was as sweet as ever: "I heard that you are going to marry Mr. Qin, is it true?"

"Where did you hear that..." Su Jinzhi lowered his head in embarrassment, staring at the instep, "Mr. Qin may just be talking casually, after all, a person like me... how can I be worthy of him?"

The young man's voice became softer as it went to the back, and finally became inaudibly low, full of loss and melancholy.

But Kong Shifei didn't respond to these words.

Su Jinzhi thought that his acting skills were not good enough, otherwise, how could Kong Shifei give up this opportunity to humiliate him, but just after he raised his head to meet Kong Shifei's eyes, she suddenly sneered coldly, and said disdainfully: "Maybe... You are right."

As soon as she finished speaking, Su Jinzhi's eyes suddenly went dark.

Qin Yezhou was still sitting on the mahjong table waiting for Su Jinzhi, holding the last card the young man touched and playing repeatedly.

He Ziyue had been observing his movements, and seeing that his movements of turning cards became more and more irritable, he suddenly laughed, leaned back on the soft chair behind him, and called a waiter to light a cigarette for him.

"Ye Zhou, we've known each other for three or four years." He Ziyue exhaled a mouthful of white mist, and his voice passed through the misty smoke to Qin Yezhou's ears.

Qin Yezhou's expression was indifferent, and his tone was flat: "Yes, we've known each other for a long time."

He Ziyue continued: "It's been so many years, hasn't our cooperation been very good? I never asked you for anything, why are you refusing to help me this time

Qin Yezhou raised his head, curled his lips and gave Yun Feifei a disdainful look: "Bring a worn-out shoe that you're tired of playing on my boat and disgust me. Is this your begging attitude?"

After hearing his words, Yun Feifei finally couldn't bear it any longer. Holding her handbag, she stood up abruptly and said angrily to him, "Qin Yezhou! Don't be too insulting!"

"I'm still the same old saying, I don't do drugs." Qin Yezhou didn't even bother to talk nonsense with the two of them, he threw the cards forward, and walked out in the wheelchair, "He Ziyue, you said we are old friends, then I I also remind you that some money should not be touched, so don't touch it."

However, just as he moved away, some of the waiters in the hall took out machine guns from the bottom of the table and their clothes and directly killed the other waiters who hadn't reacted. Qin Luo also put the muzzle of a gun against his head.

Qin Yezhou's expression didn't change a single bit, he just blinked, then turned the wheelchair and looked at He Ziyue coldly. In the next second, many heavily armed bodyguards rushed out of the hall, all with heavy machine guns on their shoulders, pointing at He Ziyue.

Seeing this, Yun Feifei sat back on the chair resentfully.

He Ziyue didn't care too much, he was able to buy Qin Luo too much beyond his expectation, not to mention he had another weight in his hand. He Ziyue clapped his hands and asked his subordinates to come over with Su Jinzhi whose hands were tied.

After the black cloth covering his eyes was taken away, Su Jinzhi still didn't fully understand what kind of situation he was in.

He looked at Qin Yezhou, who was holding a gun to his head in front of him, and at Yun Feifei, who was sitting beside him with his arms folded and looking at him coldly, and asked No. 1 in his heart: "No. Hostage?"

No. 1 cold machine without any emotion: "Otherwise, what do you think the host?"

Su Jinzhi looked at his former mahjong friend He Ziyue in disbelief: "He just fired a cannon for me, why can't he afford to lose?"

Number one: "..."

Su Jinzhi was still angry: "I won't play with him next time!"