Undying Patient

Chapter 102: Corpse 19


Su Jinzhi didn't draw talismans before because the talismans he drew were too weak and basically useless, so he simply stopped drawing them. But today he found that Xie Lincheng's blood seemed to be effective in dealing with ghosts, so he wanted to mix his blood into cinnabar to see if the drawn talisman was effective.

If it was really useful, he might be able to use this talisman to defend himself in the future, and he wouldn't have to stay by Xie Lincheng's side all the time.

Su Jinzhi was thinking about drawing talismans, and immediately took a small slit on the inside of Xie Lincheng's wrist to take half a cup of blood, and then immediately sent someone to prepare the altar, paper and pens, with a solemn expression, and drew a thunder and lightning talisman on the yellow paper in one go. .

This talisman is not like the town house talisman posted by Fang's family in the past. It has the effect of ensuring the tranquility of the house. It is good for curing ghosts and exorcising evil spirits, because as long as wandering souls and resentful ghosts touch this kind of talisman, they will feel pain like thunder. If it is directly applied to the spirit body, if the number of contacts is too many, or the contact time is long, there will be a danger of the soul flying away. If the original body could draw such a talisman back then, he wouldn't have to worry about being dragged by unclean things to become a dead ghost.

"What kind of talisman is this?" Seeing that he had finished drawing the talisman, Xie Lincheng covered his arms and moved towards him, waving his wound in front of Su Jinzhi from time to time, reminding him that he was injured.

"A talisman that can cure ghosts." Su Jinzhi picked up easy-to-understand words and explained to Xie Lincheng, because he knew that Xie Lincheng didn't care about this talisman at all, and just wanted to let himself notice him. While talking, Su Jinzhi folded the talisman into a small triangle shape, put it in a red cloth bag and hung it around his waist, intending to try the talisman after nightfall.

Seeing that he put away the talisman, Xie Lincheng didn't even ask about the injury on his wrist, so he raised his eyebrows, covered his wrist and made a pretend "hiss".

"What's wrong?"

Sure enough, the young man looked towards him when he heard the sound, Xie Lincheng immediately lowered his eyes, frowned slightly and said: "It's nothing, it's just that I accidentally pulled the wound."

Hearing what he said, Su Jinzhi had no doubts. He took his hand and looked, and saw that there was indeed a knife mark on the wrist, but the powder had been sprayed to stop the bleeding, but the blood clotted together and turned into a red scab , It still looked a little scary, so I asked the servant to get the medicine box to give medicine to Xie Lincheng.

"Go to my room." As soon as the servant brought the medicine box over, Xie Lincheng picked up the medicine box with the other hand and said to Su Jinzhi. After Su Jinzhi cast a suspicious look at him, Xie Lincheng smiled again and continued: "The third master's neck also needs medicine."

It's good that Xie Lincheng didn't mention it, Su Jinzhi immediately felt a burning pain in his neck, and the back of his head when he fell and hit the ground was also hurting, because he didn't pay attention to it just now, so the pain was not so obvious, but now that he noticed it, he realized that he My whole body was sore and sore, and there was no place to feel comfortable. So Su Jinzhi had no intention of objecting to Xie Lincheng, and followed him back to the bedroom.

Xie Lincheng's bedroom is no longer the original one. After all, there are now the tablets of the ancestors of the Xie family. I got a house to live in.

And Xie Lincheng was not too polite, and asked his servants to tidy up a more spacious and comfortable room the next day, and dragged Su Jinzhi into it.

After entering the room, Su Jinzhi asked Xie Lincheng to sit down at the round table, and took gauze and medicinal powder to wrap his wound.

In fact, this injury is not serious to Xie Lincheng at all. He was injured much more seriously than this when he was fighting, but he just wanted to see Su Jinzhi's usually indifferent face show some different expressions, whether he was worried or worried. Or something else, as long as it started because of him, it's fine.

"Doesn't it hurt?" Su Jinzhi cleaned Xie Lincheng's wound with a wet towel. After the blood scab on it was wiped off, there was a tendency to bleed again. Su Jinzhi quickly took some medicinal powder and sprinkled it on, and then wrapped it with gauze twice After such a movement, Xie Lincheng didn't say a word. Could it be that he doesn't feel any pain at all? But obviously he said just now that the wound would hurt, Su Jinzhi couldn't help raising his eyes and asked him a question.

Xie Lincheng immediately said, "It hurts."

"Did I hit it hard?" Su Jinzhi felt a little distressed when he heard that he was in pain, "Why didn't you tell me that you were in pain?"

Xie Lincheng didn't care much and said, "No, I'm afraid you'll be worried after I told you."

Su Jinzhi turned over his hand and saw that the back of Xie Lincheng's hand was covered with scratches that he had just scratched. He felt more guilty in his heart, and suddenly felt that he had been hiding some things from Xie Lincheng. He opened his lips and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry..."

Xie Lincheng let Su Jinzhi fiddle with his hands, planning to apply the medicine to him after he finished applying the medicine, but Su Jinzhi suddenly apologized to him, looked at him in surprise, smiled and said: "Third Master, Why are you apologizing to me all of a sudden?"

"I can actually see ghosts." Su Jinzhi hesitated for a while, "I'm also afraid of ghosts...but I never told you because I—"

"I know everything." Xie Lincheng heard the deep guilt and self-ashamedness in his voice, and couldn't bear him to blame himself any longer, so he interrupted his words.

"You already know?" It was Su Jinzhi's turn to be surprised this time. Xie Lincheng already knew that he was afraid of ghosts, so he approached him? He hadn't thought about how to explain these things to Xie Lincheng before, because Xie Lincheng didn't believe in these ghosts and gods very much, and he couldn't explain to Xie Lincheng that he approached him in the first place because Xie Lincheng's blood evil spirit could protect him.

"I heard what you said to Xie Linyu just now." Xie Lincheng paused, "I just want to say I'm sorry. I didn't believe in these things before, so I didn't realize that you are afraid of ghosts earlier."

After thinking about it, Xie Lincheng comforted him again: "It's human nature to be afraid of ghosts, but I'm actually afraid too."

As the saying goes, don't do bad things at ordinary times, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night. Xie Lincheng has never done anything bad to his heart. He has never encountered anything unclean before he was burdened with evil spirits, so naturally he doesn't believe it. As a result, after meeting Su Jinzhi on the first day back in Qingzhen, he encountered more and more evil and strange things every day. Thinking of this, Xie Lincheng couldn't help but laugh.

How could Su Jinzhi not be able to hear his comfort to him, and he was ashamed and annoyed for a while, after all, there are not many people like him who are afraid of ghosts, not to mention that he is a well-known "Ghost Control Master" in Qingzhen. If it gets out, how will he do business in the future

Xie Lincheng saw through what he was thinking, stretched out his hand to wrap around Su Jinzhi's waist, put the tip of his nose very close to the side of his neck, and said with a smile on his lips, "Don't worry, Xie will keep his mouth shut and won't tell about my Tanger." little secret."

Su Jinzhi felt very ashamed when he heard him calling his motherly nickname, his ears were immediately stained with a layer of crimson at a speed visible to the naked eye, and when he saw that Xie Lincheng took the ointment from the medicine box and was about to apply it to him, he immediately turned his head Turning sideways to avoid: "I want to take a bath first." After all the troubles today, he has everything on his body, not to mention sweat, blood and mud, and more importantly, Su Jinzhi is afraid that he still has some uncle Xie on his body. of ashes.

Xie Lincheng looked at his reddened ears, and after a little thought, he asked the servants of the Xie family to prepare hot water.

The room Xie Lincheng lives in now is very large, and there is a hut separated by a screen on the south side, and a bathtub is placed there. The servants pour hot water into the bathtub one by one, and adjust the water temperature to a warm but The temperature is not scalding, and a few barrels of boiling hot water are left beside the tub before retreating.

Before Su Jinzhi undressed, he subconsciously glanced at Xie Lincheng, but Xie Lincheng didn't even look at him, and stood in front of the window with the window open, not knowing what he was doing. Su Jinzhi didn't care too much, after all it wasn't night yet, and this was Xie Lincheng's room again, so it was impossible for him to take a bath and ask Xie Lincheng to go out if he lived with him? Besides, Su Jinzhi felt that he was already with Xie Lincheng now, and it would be fine if something happened, and it was not that nothing had happened, so Su Jinzhi stepped into the bathtub with his long legs that were as calm as water.

Xie Lincheng's hearing is good, the bathing hut and the main room are separated by a screen, there is no sound insulation measures at all, the splashing sound of the young man entering the water over there clearly entered his ears, and he was called Xie Lincheng immediately My heart also rippling with the sound of water.

He lowered his head and glanced at the small tree in front of him. It was a crabapple, which he saw in the second lady's small garden a few days ago. At that time, he unceremoniously removed it. , replanted by the window of his new room.

Now this weeding crabapple has bloomed, the flowers are pink and tender, the flower stalks hang thinly, and there are some sparse soft hairs on them, clusters are close together, which is lovely.

Xie Lincheng looked at them, and listened to the rushing water depth over the young man's tub, he breathed again and again, and finally raised his hand to pinch off a few crabapple flowers, peeled off the petals from the calyx and gathered them in the palm of his hand. Walk past the hut.

He intentionally pressed down his steps very lightly, making no sound at all, so the young man really didn't notice him. He raised his head and wiped the water on his face. Xie Lincheng just watched the transparent drops of water slide down the young man's white neck, Tightly locked his gaze passed the collarbone, and stopped at two points in the water that were pinker than flower petals.

Xie Lincheng's heart skipped a beat, and he sprinkled the petals in his hand onto the young man's face. The petals spread out in mid-air, only one petal lightly brushed against his lips, and the rest fell on the hair or in the bath. In the bucket, floating on the surface of the water, it also slightly conceals the endless spring scenery in the bathtub.

As if aware of his movements, the young man frowned slightly, opened his eyes and looked at him, those pale brown eyes seemed to have been washed by water, becoming clearer and brighter, with a soul-destroying force slammed into his heart.

The crescent moon between the eyebrows and peach blossoms on the lips.

In an instant, these eight words were the only words in Xie Lincheng's mind.

Su Jinzhi had just finished washing his hair, raised his neck and poured a handful of water on his face, but suddenly felt something falling down the top of his head and floating into his bathtub. Su Jinzhi opened his eyes and saw Xie Lincheng standing in front of him, his eyes were dark, like a cluster of fire burning, when it fell on him, it felt hotter than the water in the tub, and he just threw it into the tub The thing inside is a few pink crabapple petals.

"... Marshal?" Su Jinzhi said softly, and called Xie Lincheng.

Why did Xie Lincheng throw flower petals into his bathtub? This habit is exactly the same as that of Reeves, adding a bunch of petals to the water every time he takes a bath. Thinking of the past, Su Jinzhi couldn't help but soften his eyes a little, and looked at Xie Lincheng softly.

The side of the bathtub was already humid and steamy, Xie Lincheng stood beside it for a while, feeling his whole body warmed up, he stretched out his hand to unbutton his collar which was always neatly buttoned, and put his hands on the edge of the bathtub. The adam's apple moved up and down, leaned over to look at Su Jinzhi, and said in a hoarse voice: "The third master was injured today, it's inconvenient to take a bath, why don't Xie do it for him?"

What Xie Lincheng said was also meant to be a test, if the young man said yes, then he would continue; if the young man said no, then he would turn around and leave immediately. No matter what, although he usually likes to tease young people, if he doesn't want to, he will never force him.

Su Jinzhi was surprised when he heard that Xie Lincheng, who had always been a hooligan, was such a gentleman. After all, he looked at Xie Lincheng's eyes that were about to burst into flames, and thought he would come up directly.

The young man didn't speak for a long time, Xie Lincheng looked at his naked white jade-like smooth flesh and breathed heavily, and clenched his hands on the edge of the barrel even more forcefully, the black veins on the back of his hands also bulged out, showing that the master didn't care about it. Restless heart.

Except for the scar on his face, Xie Lincheng's appearance can be said to be lingering and handsome, especially those dark gray eyes, which are as deep as they can suck people in when staring at people, and because his body is stretched, he is wrapped The strong muscles under the military uniform also collapsed and tightened, causing the shirt to hold up a curved arc. Su Jinzhi liked him at first, and he has been abstinent since he came to this world. The corners of his lips curled up, and he approached Xie Lincheng with his slender chin up. He even lightly rubbed the back of the man's hand on the edge of the barrel with his upper hand, and stroked his arm to his chest. Pressing on the upper part of the body, he opened his lips to breathe hot air, and said softly: "The marshal... it needs to be lighter."

As soon as the wet long ending sound came down, Su Jinzhi felt that it was not enough. He stretched out the tip of his soft red tongue and licked Xie Lincheng's Adam's apple. The place where the tip of his tongue touched was a bit salty. Su Jinzhi knew that it was because of Xie Lincheng. Suppressing sweat, he circled around his Adam's apple even more itchingly, and finally closed his lips and sucked it lightly. Immediately afterwards, Su Jinzhi felt Xie Lincheng's Adam's apple slide up and down again, saying that because of the proximity, he You can also hear the "gudong" sound made by the man swallowing.

However, before Su Jinzhi could think about it again, the next moment he felt his eyes darken, his chin was pinched heavily, and two soft lips were pressed on his lips, which could be touched, and there was a hot and slippery line. The tongue came in, stirred wantonly in his mouth, conquered the city, kissed Su Jinzhi almost unable to breathe, but there was still a big palm clasped behind his head, forcing him to bear it with his head up, unable to retreat.

But Xie Lincheng let him go after kissing for a while, allowing Su Jinzhi to breathe evenly against the edge of the barrel.


Xie Lincheng smiled softly, his voice was low and hoarse as if it had been polished by sandpaper called "lust", Su Jinzhi breathed rapidly with his lips parted, and suddenly frightened when he looked into Xie Lincheng's eyes.

Just as Xie Lincheng wanted to see some different expressions on Su Jinzhi's serious and ascetic face, Su Jinzhi also couldn't see Xie Lincheng's face as a gentleman. He teased Xie Lincheng before just to tease him. After all, he felt that Xie Lincheng He was so sloppy, he didn't look like the kind of person with excellent self-control, so he teased him on purpose, trying to force Xie Lincheng to fail.

But now Su Jinzhi discovered a terrible thing - Xie Lincheng's self-control ability is not bad, on the contrary, he was able to hold back just now, which proves that he is definitely a person with excellent self-control ability.

And such a person likes to torture him to death with a calm expression on the bed.

Su Jinzhi's eyes widened, and he immediately shrank to the corner of the tub with dangling water. When he just got into the tub, he still admired in his heart how big the tub is and how comfortable it is to wash in. Now it seems that this is obviously an ominous sign.

Sure enough, the corners of Xie Lincheng's lips hooked higher the next moment. He straightened his body, unbuttoned his clothes more calmly than Su Jinzhi before, and took off all his clothes calmly, revealing his strong and sturdy body. Su Jinzhi in the corner of the bathtub smiled, stepped into the bathtub with his mouth open, approached Su Jinzhi, and whispered in his ear: "Be lighter? I'm afraid that the third master will beg Xie to get heavier and heavier." good."

"It's just not enough fun in the bathtub." Xie Lincheng hugged Su Jinzhi from behind and bit his ears, his chest was pressed against his smooth and silky back, noticing that the young man was still biting him tightly, he pulled the young man's hand hoarsely head, and kissed him deeply.

Su Jinzhi closed his eyes and entwined with Xie Lincheng, automatically filtering out the low growls of the ghosts and the screams of the thunder and lightning talisman that was electrified when it touched him.

Xie Lincheng saw that he was so well-behaved suddenly, Wen let go of his lips by the way, pinched his chin and looked at his expression carefully, and found that the beautiful thin blush on the young man's face due to lust had all disappeared now, Xiao His face was as pale as if he had seen a ghost, and then he contacted the small brass bell that kept ringing on the long gown on the screen, and immediately understood, and stretched out his arms to hug him: "Did you see a ghost again?"

"En." Su Jinzhi leaned against Xie Lincheng's neck and said aggrievedly, "I want to kill Xie Linyu!"

In the middle of making love, such a bunch of scary things suddenly appeared, Su Jinzhi felt that he was going to make a shadow, and the effect of the grave mound was still on him, so he had to ask the door god again to drive these ghosts away.

"He won't live long." Xie Lincheng knew that he was afraid of ghosts, so he didn't continue to do it. He covered his eyes and cleaned his body with clean water next to the bathtub, and finally carried him to the bed. "Sleep first. Well, you won't be able to see these things until daytime."

Su Jinzhi was tossed hard by Xie Lincheng and was very tired. He closed his eyes and fell asleep after a while, until dawn.

The first thing Su Jinzhi did after waking up was to re-invite the door god to Xie's family to prevent a bunch of unclean things from suddenly appearing when he and Xie Lincheng were in love.

The Xie family was dragged to the graveyard by Xie Lincheng to dig a pit yesterday, and they haven't come back this morning. Su Jinzhi didn't know if they were dead or not, so he didn't wait any longer after thinking about it. After drawing some cinnabar red thread, he dragged Xie Lincheng to Xie's grave.

Perhaps it was because of the heavy cloudiness that the Xie Family Tomb was luxuriant with flowers and trees, and it was actually a bit chilly at exactly noon on this day. However, what is more intrusive is the scene in the cemetery—

Yesterday, Xie Lincheng asked the soldiers to dig a hole to bury Xie's family, only buried them up to their waists, and used soil to press their hands down, so that they could not dig the soil and leave by themselves, and did not directly kill them.

But when they came here again today, they couldn't see anyone in the cemetery. From a distance, they could only see some black dots protruding from the ground.

Everyone took a closer look, only to find that the black thing was hair, half of the top of the head protruding from the ground.

Everyone in the Xie family has been buried in the soil.