Undying Patient

Chapter 104: Corpse 21


"Think about it for a few more days, host, you have a beautiful idea. But no matter how long you stay, it's useless, you can't remember..." No. 1's last sentence was a little weak, not like talking to him, but like talking to himself.

Su Jinzhi was puzzled and asked it, "What do you remember? Did I forget something?"

No. 1 paused for a while, then said lightly, "Nothing."

"No." Su Jinzhi shook his head, and said suspiciously, "You never say superfluous words. Since you said that, then I must have forgotten something."

"It's nothing important, and it doesn't matter if you don't remember it."

"Why did you bring up something that is not important?" Su Jinzhi didn't believe No. 1's understatement answer, "Did you move my memory?" No. 1 has so many ways to punish him, maybe deleting some of his memories is enough Not necessarily

"If it's important, why do you forget it?" No. 1 laughed again, the mechanical electronic voice seemed to be ridiculed and disdainful, and I don't know who it was directed at, "If memory is really so easy to control, it can be easily deleted and Modify, then you must be dead."

Su Jinzhi frowned: "What do you mean...?"

"Just the literal meaning." After No. 1 said this sentence, the world that was originally still seemed to be infused with a pool of living water and moved again.

Xie Lincheng still smiled at him gently, and gently pulled his wrist, but frowned at the next moment: "Your hands are very cold, is there any discomfort?"

"You don't have much time left. Host, choose carefully." No. 1 finally said.

"No." Su Jinzhi curled up his lips and smiled, raised his arms to hug Xie Lincheng, and buried his head in his neck, "It's just a little cold."

But your embrace is very warm, I don't want to leave so early.

Sensing that the young man in his arms was not in the right mood, Xie Lincheng was a little puzzled, and finally blamed it on the fact that the Xie family's affairs had caused him too much trouble during this time, so he tightened his arms and hugged him for a while, and said softly: "Do you want to Don’t want to visit Yicheng?”


"Yes, the place where I grew up." Xie Lincheng smiled, "It often rains in that place, but the scenery is beautiful. If you want, I can take you for a stroll."

"Okay." Su Jinzhi nodded and lowered his eyes, "I'll talk to my mother tomorrow, shall we go?"

Xie Lincheng was a little surprised that Su Jin agreed so quickly: "Don't you need to wait a few more days to pack your luggage?"

"I want to see the place where you have been living before." Su Jinzhi raised his head, a layer of watery light floated on the surface of his brown pupils, reflecting the warm candlelight and Xie Lincheng's figure on the glinting eyes, " As for luggage, I can just bring a few clothes when I go home tomorrow, and the rest can be prepared on the way.”

"Okay." Xie Lincheng smiled, leaned over and kissed Su Jinzhi's forehead, "You just need to bring the clothes you like, and I will let people prepare the other things."

There was a gust of wind outside the window, blowing the begonias beside the house, and blowing off some pink petals.

Without going out, Su Jinzhi can guess that the night sky tonight must be very clear, and the silver moon hanging high in the sky is white and bright. This is a night that he will not be afraid of. He had just cleaned up the annoying Xie family with Xie Lincheng. Just before No. 1 appeared, he was sitting here studying the new talismans, thinking that he might be able to use them to deal with other ghosts, so he and Su Mother promised that she would not secretly eat graveyard soil in the future, but would do more good deeds to accumulate virtue...

This is a false world, but he is serious about how to live in this world—together with Xie Lincheng.

His chest seemed to be heavily pressed by something, and he was so stuffy that he could hardly breathe. Su Jin took a deep breath and exhaled a few mouthfuls of oppressed air. In the next moment, a sore feeling suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he quickly lowered himself down. With her slender fingers tightly clutching the corner of her clothes, she spoke softly and softly, "Mmm."

"You are not in good health, we can walk slowly so that you can see the surrounding scenery along the way. When I came to Qingzhen from Yicheng, I only spent two days on the road and saw nothing..." Xie Lincheng could sense that Su Jinzhi's mood was not right tonight, but he didn't know why the young man was in a bad mood, so he could only hug him and talk nonsense.

"Xie Lincheng." Su Jinzhi heard the clumsy comfort in his words, couldn't help laughing, and called his name directly.


"Let's... let's go." The young man closed his eyes, his ears were a little red, the two words lightly brushed the tip of his tongue and leaked out from the corners of his lips, Xie Lincheng couldn't even hear clearly if he didn't listen carefully.

But he was still startled when he heard it clearly, and immediately refused seriously: "We just did it yesterday, you are not in good health, don't be greedy."

"Don't you want it?"

The young man still didn't open his eyes, but raised his head from his neck, and kissed his chin lightly.

Xie Lincheng looked down at him, but didn't speak.

When the young man closed his eyes, he couldn't see those beautiful brown eyes, but he could see his slender eyelashes like crow's feathers. But soon, the pair of eyelashes trembled and slowly opened.

"You really don't want it?" The young man asked him again with a smile, his eyelids were half closed, and the fundus of his eyes seemed to be quenched into broken stars, and there seemed to be thousands of light spots, shining brightly, "But I really want it." …”

Xie Lincheng looked at him, and couldn't help but think of how he was when he first saw him.

At that time, the young man was sitting in a small sedan chair with a red border, and was carried by the bearer to avoid his army, but when he passed by, he lifted up the bead curtain made of red beads with his long and slender fingers. , smiling at him with the corners of his lips hooked.

With just one glance, they have been strung together for the rest of their lives.

The night was getting thicker and thicker, and after the wind stopped, the silver moon was covered by the sudden dark clouds, and it rained heavily in an instant.

Su Jinzhi lay on the bed with his back facing Xie Lincheng.

Xie Lincheng's arms were around his waist, and his broad chest was pressed against his back. He could even hear Xie Lincheng's heartbeat from the place where they touched. Maybe it was because he was concerned about his body, Xie Lincheng only had sex with him once under his soft and hard conditions, and he would never come for a second time, but even if it was just done once, it was tiring enough.

But he still couldn't sleep.

His body was very tired, but he couldn't fall asleep with his eyes closed.

The feeling of insomnia was very bad. Su Jinzhi closed his eyes and moved his lips slightly, silently counting the sheep.

"Master host, are you okay?" Number Zero's soft and soft voice quietly appeared in his ears, with a very gentle tone, "You are crying."

"It was so comfortable just now, it made me cry." Su Jinzhi didn't even open his eyes, sniffed and said indifferently.

"It turned out to be like this." Zero believed it without the slightest doubt, "Master Host, is mating really that comfortable?"

"Mating refers to the combination of reproductive cells of living things, leading to fertilization and reproduction." Su Jinzhi couldn't sleep anyway, so he talked to No. 0 casually. When he heard the word "mating", suddenly There was such a textbook-like scientific explanation, and I read it directly, "Xie Lincheng and I are both male and cannot reproduce, so we are not called mating, but love."

Su Jinzhi explained to No. 0 the bed exercise he and Xie Lincheng had just done very seriously.

"If there is love, then you must be very happy." No. 0 said, "We are well integrated with the new body. Brother No. 1 has implanted a lot of emotional programs in me, but I still don't understand your carbon-based creatures." What kind of emotion is love?"

"New body?" When No. 0 said this, Su Jinzhi remembered what No. 1 had mentioned to him before. They used a batch of 2,500-year-old antique robots to do body work. "It's normal to not understand, you and No. 1 But intelligent AI, no matter how many emotions implanted, no matter how much like a human, you are not human. If you really understand, then there will be a revolution in the field of robotics - talk about having a sense of autonomy and all human emotions Whether the robot can still be named as a 'machine'."

"Hmm..." No. 0 pondered for a while, and said hesitantly, "But brother No. 1 and I are actually not intelligent AI..."

"Aren't you intelligent AI?" Su Jinzhi froze for a moment, "Then what are you?"

Zero said: "Brother No. 1 and I are not the initial robot or AI program produced in accordance with the three laws of your solar system. We are from the Andromeda galaxy, a silicon-based creature, but the environment of the Milky Way is really difficult for us. It’s too unfriendly, so we have to find some boarding bodies, and it must be a machine without autonomous consciousness to be safer, robots or bionics are good choices.”

"Silicon-based creatures..." Su Jinzhi murmured in a low voice, "I remember that you look like chips. There is a theory that, assuming that the intelligent AI on the chip of a smart computer has autonomous consciousness, it can be said to be Silicon-based organisms."

If number zero and number one are really silicon-based organisms, it is no wonder that they are looking for robots as hosts. It is indeed difficult for chip-shaped silicon-based organisms to survive in a galaxy full of carbon-based organisms.

"But in the final analysis, you are still very similar to intelligent AI." Su Jinzhi was a little curious, "But can you sleep? Can you dream?"

No. Zero didn't deny it, but said, "Your carbon-based creatures are also very similar."

Su Jinzhi didn't understand what No. 0 meant by this sentence. Of course, the organisms made of carbon as the basis of organic matter are similar.

"Emotions are also very complicated." Zero continued, "By the way, Master Host, are these worlds fun? Do you like them?"

"I think I'd love it if there were no ghosts."

No. 0 is puzzled: "Why don't you like it? Don't you like superstition, Master Host? The scenery in these worlds is hard to find in the real world."

"Yeah..." Su Jinzhi opened his eyes, looking at himself sleeping on the carved wooden bed and the light concubine-colored gauze curtain hanging from the top of the couch, whether it was the weird and absurd ghosts and ghosts in this world, or the legendary and magnificent black swan in the previous Western century. Castles are things that are extremely difficult to see in the future world. If he hadn't died, he might have stayed on the earth with only ruins left, and died alone.

"But I don't think there is anything bad in the real world." Zero said softly, "There are many beautiful and interesting planets in the Milky Way. I heard that there is a planet, half of which is always day and no night, and half It will always be night and there will be no dawn; and there is a huge planet in other galaxies. It is said that there are dragons living on it, which is the kind of fat carbon-based creature recorded in your earth book, but I heard that the planet is the closest at war—”

"But I can't go there, and I can't see those scenery with my own eyes. No matter how beautiful they are, I can't see them." Su Jinzhi smiled and interrupted Number Zero. Staying in the isolation room, you have to wear protective clothing if you want to go out, not to mention the intense discomfort of time and space jumping through interstellar travel, "so since I was a child, I will often run to the library to browse Looking at the history books of the ancient earth, although there is no way to verify whether the things recorded in some books are true or not, I always like to fantasize about what would happen if I could live in these worlds... "

Zero asked him: "Then your wish has come true now, aren't you happy?"

No. 1 said that he was obsessed with these illusory worlds and forgot the truth. In fact, he did not. He has always clearly known that these worlds are false, but because there are people he likes, he hopes to stay in this world and is reluctant to leave. Hope this world is real.

Because he doesn't know whether each of these fantastic worlds has an end, and if he stops at the end, will he never see his beloved again.

"Unhappy." Su Jinzhi gradually became a little sleepy after talking with No. 0 for a long time, "Because in my wish, I want someone to accompany me to see these scenery. My wish should not be only me. There is another person…”

On the second day, accompanied by Xie Lincheng, Su Jinzhi went back to Su's house to pack his luggage, and bid farewell to Su's mother by the way.

Seeing the two of them standing together, Mother Su seemed to understand something for a moment. Her eyes were red and she was a little choked up, but she still raised her hand to gently caress Su Jinzhi's cheek and said: "Go. You have been in poor health since you were a child, and your mother never took you to other places. The scenery of Yicheng is beautiful. Follow along Thank you, Marshal, go and have a look."

"Thank you, Mom." Su Jinzhi hugged Su's mother, and put his chin lightly on her shoulder.

"Okay, my Tang'er is so old, she still likes to act like a baby." Mother Su patted him on the shoulder, and blinked away the tears in her eyes.

Su's mother didn't let Su Jinzhi do anything, and didn't allow any servants in the family to come to help. She personally helped Su Jinzhi choose the clothes to wear on the road, and packed all the clothes in a small box for Xie Lincheng to help carry.

After getting into the car, Su Jinzhi frequently turned his head to look at Mother Su while sitting in the back seat, waved goodbye to her continuously, and sat back until she was completely out of sight.

Xie Lincheng brushed his wind-blown hair behind his ears, and said softly: "If you miss our mother, I will come back with you to see her in a few days."

Su Jinzhi's eyes were a little red, he shook his head and didn't speak.

Seeing this, Xie Lincheng raised his arms and hugged him.

Su Jinzhi leaned on his shoulder, and glanced at the beautifully embroidered crabapple on his left shoulder from the corner of his eye.

Everyone in Qingzhen knows that the third master of the Su family has a copper coin with red thread on his wrist and a crabapple on his shoulder, but very few people know that the crabapple flowers on every piece of his clothes are embroidered by mother Su. With infinite love for a mother, I hope her son will be happy and healthy, and have no worries in his life.

Although ghosts and evil spirits are rampant in this world, he is always afraid, but there are many people who love him. If this world is real, even if he really can't get rid of those horrible wandering ghosts in his life, he is willing to stay.

But this world doesn't really exist, and he can't stay in this world forever.