Undying Patient

Chapter 106: Demon Concerto 1


"It was once said that the only constant in this world is change itself."

In Interstellar 3000 or so, technology had developed to an unprecedented height, and various problems that came with it began to be gradually exposed, the first of which was the harsh environment and the sharply declining population.

The earth has been in contact with other planets with intelligent life in the Milky Way as early as 2000 years ago, and signed an agreement to join the Galactic Federation at 2500 years ago, and began interstellar immigration, but it will take almost 500 years In the past, most of the human beings on the earth still stay on this small planet, and it is difficult to step forward to a place beyond the solar system.

Because the human body is too fragile.

The soft body made of flesh and bones cannot resist any heavy impact, and the ubiquitous alien germs will bring deadly mutant diseases. The short life is doomed that they cannot rely on the starship to navigate in the long space, and the time and space jump on the way The huge aftereffects produced make every interstellar travel like a thrilling game with life, even if they have the protection of such things as mecha battleships.

But the resources on the earth are limited, and the mechs and warships that can be built are also limited, not to mention the huge amount of money consumed by these things. A small light blue planet cannot withstand hundreds of years of continuous development. Consumed.

The first is natural disasters, and then there are man-made disasters-humans without alien antibodies died on the way to emigrate, and returning humans brought deadly alien diseases, and the outbreak of civil wars reduced a large number of populations, and the consequences of using nuclear weapons in wars were to make There are more and more ruins on this dilapidated planet.

The quiet and desolate black rock desert is gradually spreading on the planet, and the severe air pollution makes people only live in a safe layer protected by isolation shields.

More and more people died, but fewer and fewer babies were born.

However, the pace of technological development is like a torrent that will not stop, and it will not stop for a while because of the death of some people in this world.

If you don't have a strong body and a long life, then find a way to have it.

This is where the plans of the "gods" came into being.

Humans first created robots, and now they are going to create mutants, but the emergence of the latter has a bloody and tragic history.

At the beginning of the star calendar 3000, there were only 1 billion people left on the earth. The federal government gathered scientists who were outstanding in the field of biological genes to secretly study the method of transforming the primitive humans on the earth with the genes of alien animals, so as to Complete interstellar immigration.

The initial results are very good. The first generation of antibody vaccines were developed soon, and almost all people have received the vaccines, except for a small number of people who are allergic to certain ingredients in the vaccines.

But first-generation vaccines aren't perfect. After the rejection reaction, some people can contact aliens without wearing protective clothing, but some people still cannot. These two groups of people are separated and live in different security layers.

After the earth joined the Milky Way Federation, some extraterrestrial creatures began to travel to the earth. The Earth Federation encourages the part of human beings who can contact aliens to love and intermarry with aliens. Human beings who can allow alien residents to stay on the earth can still Receive subsidies and incentives.

So there was an upsurge of marrying aliens on the earth immediately, but there was a stipulation in the marriage constitution of the earth that caused an uproar in the galactic federation-the non-earth person of the married couple must donate their genes for the earth government to study to create new vaccines.

Genes can be said to be the most secretive thing of a species. The strengths and weaknesses of this species are hidden in the genetic code. Although the earth people say that they want to develop vaccines to establish diplomatic relations with other stars, but who knows their real purpose is what

The development of a vaccine is really just a pretense.

The earth cannot support the long-term pursuit of human beings and is on the verge of destruction, but they cannot die with the earth, they need a new home.

People from other planets who disagreed with getting married on Earth said that they would take Earth people to live on their planets. The Earth Federation Government graciously agreed, but those aliens did not know that some of the lovers they brought back home came from Government undercover.

Because of the combination of earthlings and aliens, because they are not of the same species, the probability of conception of such a married couple is extremely low, and most of the fetuses born are also abnormal fetuses, which die soon after they live.

However, a small number of surviving fetuses showed extraordinary abilities.

They have gathered the best parts of the two species, super high IQ, a strong body comparable to a mech, and a long life span of hundreds or even thousands of years...

The Earth Federation Government seems to have seen the dawn of a new home.

They asked the undercover agents who stayed on other planets to transport the more powerful alien animal genes back to the earth, and began to use the alien animal genes to transform the primitive humans on the earth, in order to obtain a more powerful and complete Genes, they even force some women to mate with alien animals. In order to ensure the smooth birth of newborn hybrids, they will also feed the mothers with the most expensive food and feed, so that the mothers will be white and tender.

The mixed race will absorb the nutrients from the mother, and after the pregnancy period is over, under the control of the violent beast nature hidden in the gene... tear the mother's body to be born.

"The government cultivated these mixed races into soldiers, and took spinal fluid from them to study the genetic codes to make new antibody vaccines." Su Jinzhi paused, "But that can no longer be an antibody vaccine, but The mutation potion used to transform humans is also... a weapon."

"... You people on Earth are really..." No. 1 could not find any words to describe them after listening to Su Jinzhi talk about such a long period of Earth's history.

Su Jinzhi didn't continue to speak, he knelt by the pool and reached out to grab a handful of water.

His communication with No. 1 was carried out directly in his mind. From the perspective of others, he had been silent all this time, silently accepting the mission given to him by the temple.

The servant stood beside him holding a silver cross. He saw that the young man's protruding fingertips were lightly powdered, but the back of his hand was white and almost transparent. The water in his palm clearly reflected his face—the pale golden eyebrows, His pale golden hair, and even his eyelashes are almost transparent pale golden, against his almost crescent-like snow-white complexion, making him look like a beam of light condensed, more than According to legend, the elves hidden deep in the forest are even more pure and clean.

The loose robe he was wearing was also white, embroidered with intricate and gorgeous patterns with gold kneaded silk thread, and there was a vine-shaped golden bracelet on his wrist. After washing his hands with the holy water in the pool, he stood up silently, He raised his eyelids and stared at himself with those deep blue eyes.

The servant held his breath, lowered his eyes, not daring to look directly at those clear sapphire-like eyes, and held the cross in his hand in front of him: "Lord An Luosi."

Su Jinzhi took the silver cross, solemnly held it in the palm of his hand, turned around and walked towards the outside of the temple with several other young people.

The wide hem of the clothes reached the ground, and there was a slight rubbing sound as it brushed against the golden carpet, which was soon drowned out by the pitiful singing of the hall.

"Human nature is very complicated. At the end of the vaccine development, a scientist involved in the vaccine development exposed the origin of the vaccine." Su Jinzhi pursed his lips and looked expressionlessly at the people standing at the entrance of the hall waiting for him to come out.

Those people wore robes very similar to his, clean and pure as snow, but there was no gold silk sleeve pattern on their robes, and the smiles on the corners of their lips did not contain a trace of sincerity, false and disgusting, the leading middle-aged man His hair was very white, he smiled, and the wrinkles on his face gathered into several deep grooves, he approached him, stretched out his hand and hugged him weakly: "Angus, we expect you to drive away the demons and protect Austria The day the honor of the Sting family returns to the Temple."

Su Jinzhi stared at him intently, pursed his pale pink lips tightly and said nothing, but continued to talk to No. 1 in his mind: "It was only then that people knew how these seemingly miraculous vaccines came about. "

Stepping on countless blood and tears, coaxed under the lies woven by conspiracy and love.

"I heard that the scientist gathered tens of thousands of humans to protest the continuation of this research, but the development of the vaccine is almost over, and it is useless even if it is exposed. On the day they took to the streets, the antibody vaccine was successful, and they The parade was like a joke. Later, the scientist resolutely opposed the implementation of the transformation plan, but he was finally arrested with other opponents and imprisoned in a permafrost prison under the Arctic Sea to receive perpetual imprisonment .”

"You also know what happened later. Humans who have been injected with antibody vaccines can finally leave the earth. Their lives and physical fitness have been greatly improved because of the vaccines. The children they gave birth to after combining with alien creatures are hybrids. Human beings. What happened to us people on Earth? We are all very smart, which planet in the Milky Way does not have our footprints?" Su Jinzhi smiled self-deprecatingly, "And those who received the antibody vaccine but did not stay with aliens, choose People who continue to combine with humans will give birth to pure humans."

At the beginning, human beings were also called earthlings. Later, the preposition "earth" was replaced, and they became mixed-race human beings and pure human beings.

"Yes, I know this." No. 1 took his words, "Pure human beings are short-lived and fragile. I also know that after the people in the permafrost prison were thawed, they also received antibody vaccines. You also wanted to Getting an injection."

"But—" No. 1 paused, and continued, "This history has never appeared in the history books of mankind. Five hundred years have passed, and those who should have known the history have all died."

"Yes, but I had systemic organ failure, and it was impossible to survive the rejection reaction after the vaccine injection, so I didn't get the injection, and then I died. And at that time, I had no memory of this history at all. I thought I had been Living on the earth, my parents and I are unwilling to leave the earth, even though she has become a barren waste planet, it is still our mother, our homeland, and no one would be willing to leave their homeland.”

The owner of the body he lived in in the second world—Jun Changle, he left his hometown forever, and never saw his relatives again until his death. When he was in that world, he could deeply feel this kind of sadness, so when Su Jinzhi said this, his tone was very heavy.

No. 1 was silent for a while, and sighed along with him: "Yes... No one is willing to leave their homeland forever and never see their relatives."

"And I just found out today that my memory is incomplete, and I'm not even a person with a star calendar of 3,500 years..." Su Jinzhi murmured in a low voice, "It's someone who opposed the mixed-blood plan in that period of history..."

Number One asked him: "If you know this history before you die, and your body can survive the rejection reaction, you can live after being vaccinated, and you can go outside to see other scenery, go to If you travel to other planets, will you be injected with antibody vaccines?"

Su Jinzhi was silent, and finally said after a long while, "I don't know."

The mood suddenly became extremely heavy, and Su Jinzhi was not in the mood. The middle-aged man who was hugging him, his father in name was hypocritical, and was held by him motionless, as if he could not hear what he said. Say nothing.

His body in the new world is named An Luosi, and he is an exorcist who belongs to the temple.

But before his arrival, the original body was just a child born to the middle-aged man who was hugging him and his ex-wife, a child with albinism who was not valued by the family.

His shell was abnormally white. Su Jinzhi noticed something was wrong when he first arrived. After all, his eyesight was not very good, like a person with high myopia, so when he was told on the 1st that Yuan had albinism, Su Jinzhi was not surprised at all.

The background of this new world is very interesting, although the country is ruled by the emperor, but the people are deeply controlled by religion.

Every fifteen years, the aristocratic families send a child to the temple to receive education and become an exorcist, responsible for exorcising demons across the country. This is a fat job. The exorcist is highly respected by the people and can bring supreme honor to the family behind him. The stronger the exorcist's ability to exorcise, the more popular his family is. To make offerings to the family, to pay more to seek protection, so the nobles often send the most valued children in the family to the temple.

However, this time, the Austin family chose him who was the least favored to come to the temple, because five exorcists had already died in the place where he was going to exorcise.

All the exorcists in the temple combined were just over a hundred, and five of them died at once, and because their deaths were too strange, they didn't bring back any useful information. It just so happened that the fifteen-year exorcist election ceremony had also arrived, and the temple decided to let an old and majestic exorcist bring some newly selected exorcists to this place for the election before the news spread to the imperial capital. Exorcism, or to find out, if something is wrong, let the young exorcist stay there, and let the old exorcist come back to report.

Of course, this plan was kept very secret, otherwise no nobles would be willing to send their children here, so the temple concealed the fact that they had lost five exorcists, and simply said that they were going to exorcise , to select a few accompanying children for the old exorcist.

The Austin family was unlucky enough to get a seat in the entourage, but they had servants in the temple, and the servants quickly spread the news to the Austin family, so they immediately pushed the unfavored An Luosi came out and asked him to maintain the so-called honor of the Austin family.

Yuanzhen's father hugged him for a while, and found that he was very cold, and the smile on his face was stiff and stiff, but since there were other nobles around, he had to put on a show to show that he was a good father.

However, Su Jinzhi remained silent, in stark contrast to the other exorcists who bid farewell to their parents with red eyes.

"I have asked the servants to prepare the things for you on the road." The middle-aged man was very embarrassed, so he patted him on the shoulder and gave some casual instructions.

There were four exorcists who went this time, including the one who led them.

The status of an exorcist is very high, so there is a carriage for each person. Su Jinzhi was happy to be alone, and when the middle-aged man finished speaking, he directly got into the carriage prepared for him by the temple without even looking at him.

The luggage that the middle-aged man asked his servant to prepare for him was placed in a corner of the carriage. Su Jinzhi opened it and looked at it. The things were complete, and there was no deliberate deduction. After all, Su Jinzhi now represents the image of the Austin family to a certain extent.

However, when the original body was still alive, he had never enjoyed these fine cares.

He suffers from albinism, his health is very poor, and his eyesight is not good. The servants often steal his things under the pretext of his inability to see clearly, and prevaricate him with leftovers instead of fresh food sent by the cook.

It wasn't until he was about to die for the family that the people of the Austin family began to pretend to be nice to him.

"Exorcism?" Su Jinzhi looked at the exquisite silver cross in his hand, and smiled softly, "The devil lives in the heart."

"It lives in the hearts of you people on Earth." Number One emphasized, "I really don't understand how those stupid aliens can fall in love with you people on Earth, and are willing to do so many things for you."

It’s not that the undercover agents sent by the Earth Federation government have not been discovered, but there are still many aliens who choose to hide it, because they don’t believe that the person they love the most is so despicable, or they choose to believe their lover’s lies .

"Because love makes people blind, you are not human, you won't understand." Su Jinzhi held the cross tightly, "Not all people on earth are bad, but the power is held by those who have demons in their hearts hands, so they brought hell to the world."


No. 1 choked on him and asked, "Why did you talk like this?"

Su Jinzhi held the cross in his hand, looked at the world version of the Bible with the other hand, and said indifferently: "I am maintaining the character, are you unhappy?"

No. 1 couldn't speak, and could only say: "You are so bad on Earth."

- "You earthlings are really bad."

Su Jin was taken aback, he seemed to have heard this sentence somewhere.

Yes, human beings have seven original sins, and all kinds of bad roots hidden deep in the soul.

"But I fell in love with you, so I also fell in love with the bad roots that all human beings have in you. Even if you make me angry, sad, and jealous, I still love you."

Su Jinzhi smiled, and there was some hard-to-see redness around the eye sockets: "But there will still be people who love me."

He will love all the beauty of me that is praised by others, and be my most devout and faithful believer, but he will also love all the sins of me that are spurned by others, and he is willing to break his wings and fall from the clouds for me.

Because he loves me.

complete me.