Undying Patient

Chapter 107: Demon Concerto 2


Taking advantage of the time on the way, Su Jinzhi took the Bible, opened the page with the gold leaf bookmark, found the part he saw yesterday and continued to read, and then carefully sorted out the so-called " Exorcism" method, in case something really happens after arriving at the destination, he can't react at all.

Su Jinzhi has actually been in this world for a while, but I don’t know if it’s because he remembered some memories, he has been very silent, either sitting by the window and fiddle with the vine bracelet on his wrist, or leaning against the Flipping through the Bible on the bed, he kept the character of the exorcist, who was originally cold and desireless, perfect. But now, they have left the temple, walking on a safe forest path, Su Jinzhi only needs to move his eyes a little, and he can see the fragrant and bright flowers and the lush and green tall trees or bushes outside.

But he didn't do anything, just leaned against the soft seat holding a book, moving his eyes occasionally, scanning the black letters on the book.

"There is no one now, so you don't have to be so serious about maintaining the character set." No. 1 seemed a little displeased with his current appearance, and said.

Su Jinzhi turned over a page of the Bible, with his eyelids drooping down, his expression cold, and he said softly, "I'm not maintaining a persona, but I have nothing to do, just reading books for boredom."

"Play mahjong?" No. 1 paused for a while, "You can call No. 0 over to play together."

"No, I quit gambling."


"Why do you suddenly care about me?" Su Jinzhi turned another page of the Bible, "I think it's good that you don't appear in the two worlds like before."

"Not bad? I haven't been here for a few days, and your mission started to fail."

"Fate is all fate." Su Jinzhi raised the Bible, pointed to a sentence in it and read, "This is the guidance of fate, it is the instruction of God."

Number one: "..."

No. 1 was choked by Su Jinzhi and couldn't speak. He checked his emotional data again and found that all the values were stable, so he stopped talking to Su Jinzhi and let him do his own thing.

After reading more than a dozen pages of the book, Su Jinzhi clipped the gold leaf bookmark to the number of pages he read today, closed the Bible, and gently placed it on the table. He didn't put the Bible in the small mahogany bookcase on the right side of the carriage. The exorcist's Bible and cross were their weapons. The cross could be strung around the neck with a silver chain, but they had to carry the Bible with them at all times.

In addition, the other weapon of the exorcists is holy water.

However, the holy water is very precious, and only the exorcists with very old calendars can have it. It is packed in a transparent bottle similar to a test tube, which is carried by the exorcist and used in the most critical moment.

Su Jinzhi held the cross on his chest, holding it in the palm of his hand and staring at it carefully.

The cross he is holding in his hand is made of sterling silver. It is solid and has a lot of weight hanging around his neck. The workmanship is also very exquisite, and the frame is carved with extremely gorgeous and beautiful patterns.

Things like religion have not been abandoned by people even in the interstellar age with advanced technology in the future. There are churches and priests on almost every planet where humans live. time to confess to the priest the sins they have committed.

Su Jinzhi looked at the distorted face reflected on the cross, and muttered to himself: "I hope you can forgive me..."

In the last world, he left in such a hurry that he didn't know what happened to Xie Lincheng afterwards, and he didn't dare to ask what the ending No. 0 wrote for him.

And because he condoned Xie Lincheng's revenge on Xie's family, his mission failed.

This world is a world of punishment. He has two missions. The main mission is to influence the demons, and the side mission is to find out the real demons and save the suffering people.

But Su Jinzhi didn't understand why his task was divided into two. Obviously, these two tasks can be combined to do it together. There is no doubt that the main task is related to his lover, but now there is an additional side task, that is to say, there are other rescue sub-targets. Are there two demons

Su Jinzhi let go of the hand holding the cross, and pinched the center of his eyebrows instead. This is why he has devoted himself to studying exorcism these days. If there are two demons, his partner is fine. After all, Su Jinzhi is very confident in his The lover won't do anything to him, but the devil in the side mission is hard to say, he doesn't want to stumble on the side mission again.

Number one said that he had already experienced several worlds, and thought he should understand the truth, so he was allowed to "enjoy" the superstitious world he had been looking forward to in the last world. In the end, the mission failed, and he was still nostalgic for the mission world, fell in love with the general goal of saving and refused to leave, so the No. 1 world came to supervise him again, and strictly ordered him to abide by the human design.

"An Luosi will never bow to the devil. He is an upright and kind exorcist, so even if the devil comes to seduce you, you must not give in." This is the No. 1 warning.

"If you destroy the character design, hehe... But as long as you don't destroy the character design, I will turn a blind eye." This is the benefit given by No. 1.

No. 1 actually lost benefits to him!

Su Jinzhi was very surprised, because the No. 1 person set would collapse. It is impossible for No. 1 to put such a large amount of water on him for no reason. There must be a conspiracy behind it!

So he has been pretending to maintain the character design for the past two days, and he dare not slack off at all.

Su Jinzhi conjectured that it was fake for No. 1 to release the water for him, and it was true when he dug a hole and waited for him to jump down. It said it couldn’t collapse the avatar, but it just told him to let go of the avatar and relax. This is not inconsistent. Yet

Fortunately, he was witty and resisted the temptation.

The speed of the carriage gradually slowed down, and finally stopped steadily. Su Jinzhi knew that this was his destination.

So Su Jinzhi tidied up his robes, made sure his white clothes were spotless, pulled the cross hanging around his neck, and hung it right in front of his chest, and finally picked up the Bible on the table, With a gentle and compassionate smile on his lips, he opened the curtain and stepped out of the carriage.

Su Jinzhi has experienced so many worlds, and he felt that his pretentious skills were at the peak and unrivaled. However, when he saw the faces of the other two young exorcists who came with him, his feet almost slipped He fell to the ground and nearly collapsed his character.

Because these two people are prettier than him, and he knows their faces!

No wonder Su Jinzhi is narcissistic. After all, he has experienced so many worlds and has never met a person who is more beautiful than him, but Su Jinzhi himself knows that it is just because he has not met anyone in the interstellar world. Although his face is natural, but he can't stand the development of future science and technology, and the plastic surgery technology is also very advanced. I don't know how many people in the Galactic Federation are better looking than him.

And now these two young exorcists look exactly the same as the two very popular interstellar stars in the Galactic Federation when he was still alive, only differing in hair color and eye color.

They studied separately when they were in the temple, so Su Jinzhi had no chance to see them before, and when he was cleaning his hands next to the holy pool, he had to keep his eyes straight, so he didn't see the driver who was walking with him. What does a mage look like.

Not all descendants of nobles can become exorcists. The temple only enters the temple with noble descendants with lighter hair and eyes. One of the two exorcists has blond hair and the other has light linen hair. .

The one with the blond hair has blue eyes like him, but his eyes tend to be the color of the sky, which is lighter, while the eyes of the blond exorcist are as deep as the blue sea, and the one with the flaxen hair Bit, the eyes are emerald like emeralds.

Seeing him get off the carriage, the green-eyed exorcist greeted him with a smile: "Hi, hello, your name is An Luosi, right? My name is Lucien, and this is Allen." He pulled the blond exorcist who stood beside him with an indifferent expression.

When Lucien smiled, Su Jinzhi knew why the temple was willing to accept a young man with darker hair. His handsome appearance was one aspect, and more importantly, his smile was really sunny, bright and red, like a beam of warmth. Light can dispel the gloom in people's hearts, and when people see the corners of their lips, they can't help but follow him.

But Alan next to him was not like this. He kept putting on a stinky face with no expression on his face. After being pulled by Lucian, he frowned his hazel eyebrows, and turned his dark blue eyes to glance at him. Afterwards, he moved away, as if he hadn't seen him at all, completely indifferent, exuding air-conditioning all over his body, wasting his dazzling blond hair like gold in vain.

Su Jinzhi looked at the two of them, one seemed to be glowing when he smiled, and the other seemed to be glowing when he was not smiling, and both of them were better-looking than himself, and because this person had vision problems, his eyes might suffer from astigmatism, Su Jinzhi When looking at the two of them standing under the sun, there is really an illusion that they are shining!

This person has the appearance of an interstellar star, he can't compare, Su Jinzhi immediately looked at himself, and found that he might only surpass them in terms of skin color - it was because of albinism.

Patients with albinism cannot be exposed to the sun for a long time. Su Jinzhi followed them to bathe in the sun outside the carriage for a while, his head was already a little dizzy, and he didn't dare to pretend to be aggressive in front of these two luminous bodies, so he showed a shallow smile to Lucian and Alan. A shallow smile to show friendliness.

Lucian immediately returned him with a brighter smile, almost blinding Su Jinzhi's eyes, but Allen still had that indifferent expression, and walked towards the old exorcist without Lucian pulling his arm.

Their purpose is Earl Daniel's fief, and the purpose of coming here is to exorcise Earl Daniel's family.

Earl Daniel is a very wealthy nobleman in the empire, and he pays a lot of taxes to the empire every year, so even though five exorcists who came to exorcise them have died, the temple still sent more one after another. Many exorcists.

Most of the exorcists in the temple are exorcists for the common people all over the country, and they rarely exorcise the nobles, because most of the nobles have exorcists of their own families in the temple, and only a few Nobility did not.

Because among the offspring they gave birth to, the hair color and eye color did not meet the requirements of the temple.

The Daniel family is one of them.

All the men in their family have black hair, but the women have many beauties with blond hair and blue eyes, but what's the use of that? Exorcists can only be served by men, and women can only be low-status servants in the temple.

The old exorcist who led them here this time was named Owen, a handsome middle-aged man with blond hair, a tall nose, deep facial features, and rare golden eyes, like topaz in the sun Just as dazzling, shining brilliantly.

Su Jinzhi looked at the three of them, and held the Bible in his arms even tighter, feeling a sad sense of inferiority welling up in his heart—oh, Feng Shui turns around, this time it's his turn to be ugly.

"Children, this is our purpose. Before we completely seal the demon, we will temporarily board in Earl Daniel's castle." Owen had a gentle and kind smile on his face, and his voice was deep and magnetic, just Even the indifferent Allen softened the expression on his face. If Su Jinzhi hadn't known the inside story of this business, he might have developed a good impression of Owen.

After talking about some things to pay attention to, Owen led them into Earl Daniel's castle under the leadership of the castle servants.

Earl Daniel is worthy of being a nobleman in the front row of the empire. Su Jinzhi roughly looked at his castle and found that this specification was inferior to his former Black Swan Castle. The candlesticks on the walls of the castle were all made of gold, and the exquisite rose The windows are framed with sterling silver, and even the eyes of the sculptures in the corridor are inlaid with black gemstones, reflecting a low-key and luxurious light.

My eyes hurt so much.

Su Jinzhi lowered his eyes and followed Owen carefully.

When passing by the small garden of the castle, they suddenly heard a series of young girls' laughter, clear and cheerful, against the beautiful flowers blooming in the garden, this should be a soothing scene, but amidst the laughter, There was also the soft sobbing of another girl.

The servant's face changed when he heard the voice, and he took Owen to tell them to leave quickly, but Owen frowned, and walked directly towards the direction of the laughter. Su Jinzhi and the others immediately followed after seeing this go up.

"Miss Miranda... I was wrong, please forgive me..."

In the garden, a girl in a pale pink tutu was waving a small whip and beating a maid who was kneeling on the ground. The whip was made of beef tendon, and now the light yellow whip was stained. There were bright red bloodstains. The maid covered her face and wept softly. Blood gushed out between her fingers. It was obvious that her face was seriously injured.

"Forgive you?!" The girl in the pink dress heard her begging for mercy, and the smile on her face became more ferocious and weird, and she shouted in a sharp voice, "The milk you brought me today is lukewarm! You let me drink it! Cold milk!"

The maid kneeling on the ground was very thin, she looked only fourteen or fifteen years old, she was obviously still a child, in addition to the whip wounds on her face, there were many red and swollen welts on her neck and exposed arms, some Still oozing blood. The girl in the pink skirt was about the same age as her, but at this moment she was like a violent old witch, raising her whip high and trying to beat her down.

Owen immediately yelled, "Stop!"

The exorcist had a high status in the empire, and even the emperor would show some respect to the exorcist, but the girl in the pink skirt continued to wave her whip as if she hadn't heard his words.

Su Jinzhi's forehead twitched, and he subconsciously went over to protect the maid. The flexible tendon whip fell hard on his body, causing pain like cutting flesh, and Su Jinzhi frowned and groaned in pain.

And at this time, many servants gathered around the garden, and each of them pinched one hand to trap the girl in the pink skirt, but she still yelled at the top of her throat, her voice was high-pitched and sharp, very piercing: "What are you doing?! Let me go! I'm going to kill this bitch!"

"An Luosi, are you okay?" Lucian walked quickly to Su Jinzhi and asked him.

The whip hit Su Jinzhi's right arm, and it was already turning red through his clothes, and Su Jinzhi's face, which had no blood in it, was as white as snow now.

"Oh my God!" Lucian exclaimed, "It's already starting to bleed!"

"I'm fine." Su Jinzhi raised his arm to prevent the blood from flowing more under the pull of gravity.

The girl in the pink skirt was still yelling cursingly, but was quickly dragged away forcefully by the servants.

The maid who was protected by Su Jinzhi wiped her tears: "Thank you for saving me..."

"You are injured." Owen frowned and helped her up, "Go to the doctor for treatment first."

The new exorcists were injured on the first day they arrived, and the servant who led them turned pale with fright, and Owen was not too happy. When the injured maid was taken away by an older maid, After leaving, he looked at the servant with displeasure: "What's going on? Who is that lady?"

The servant hesitated for a while, and bowed apologetically to him: "We can't talk too much about this matter, let the Earl tell Lord Owen himself."