Undying Patient

Chapter 108: Demon Concerto 3


The servant who led the way took them to the earl's living room. Earl Daniel was listening to his subordinates report on the harvest of the ranch this season. After seeing them coming, he immediately waved his subordinates away, and came with a hearty laugh: "Lord Owen .”

Earl Daniel is also a handsome middle-aged uncle. He has thick and black curly hair and light brown eyes, which makes him look a bit gloomy, but fortunately, his skin is fair and the smile on his lips is very warm , so it seems that he is very amiable.

Earl Daniel shook hands with Owen enthusiastically, but for the three young exorcists, he just nodded slightly to say hello.

Perhaps because of the respect due to the exorcist from Earl Daniel, Owen's complexion improved a lot, but he just smiled lightly, and said: "Dear Earl Daniel, we are guided by the temple. Drive away the demons for you, but on the way here, we saw a bad scene in the garden—” Owen frowned slightly as he said, “I hope you can clear things up for us.”

"The butler has already come to report to me." Earl Daniel's smile faded when he heard him say this, and he frowned and sighed heavily, "The girl's name is Miranda, and she is my second daughter."

Su Jinzhi was not surprised by the identity of the girl in the pink dress. To be so arrogant in Earl Daniel's castle, the identity must not be low. Owen and the others were not surprised by this answer, but what Daniel said next made them a little bit shocked.

"In fact, she's the reason I asked the Temple for help from an exorcist."

Daniel sat back on the chair, the smile on his face could no longer be maintained, he clenched his hand against his lips, his eyes were full of sadness: "Miranda was not like this before, she was a kind and lovely girl. But After waking up one morning, she seemed to be a different person. She used to be reluctant to hurt the ants on the ground in the garden, but that morning, she killed Jane who had been growing up with her all along."

"Jane is a very cute cat. Our whole family loves her very much, so can you imagine how we found her skinned and lying in a pool of blood in the garden that morning?" Daniel Hong said. eyes, looking at them with a wry smile.

"My God, this is so cruel." Owen drew a cross on his chest.

Lucian asked, "Did...Miss Miranda do it?"

Daniel nodded heavily: "At first we thought it was some servant's daring behavior, so we bought her a new cat to comfort Miranda."

"The cat has not been weaned yet, and we are going to let Miranda experience what it is like to take care of a kitten, thinking that maybe this will distract her from continuing to be sad for Jane's death. Miranda received the cat's first One day I was very happy, so I fed her my milk, but the milk was boiling hot..." Daniel took another deep breath, as if he couldn't continue this cruel thing, "We didn't know until then, It turns out that the person who killed Jane was Miranda."

"Miranda, my daughter, she went from a kind person to what she is now, she became irritable, violent and cruel, and we all suspected that she was possessed by a demon. So I had to ask the housekeeper to lock her up in the She is not allowed to come out of the house, what happened today was an accident."

Everyone was silent when they heard this.

But Su Jinzhi guessed that the number of animals killed by Miranda was definitely more than what Daniel said. He was also an earl, and he knew the dirty things in the nobles very well, let alone a few cats. The Earl who killed someone would only help her hide these things, not to mention Earl Daniel only mentioned Miranda's behavior of killing animals from beginning to end, and did not mention a word about her behavior of whipping the maid.

What's more, five exorcists have died here, but Earl Daniel didn't mention how the five of them died, and he didn't even start the topic. Among the four exorcists, only Owen knew about it. In order not to panic them, Owen would definitely not say anything; the servants in the castle must have been ordered to die, let alone mention it; These three foolish young exorcists who came from the empire would miss the news that they were late in the imperial capital.

Now Earl Daniel picked out two minor things that Miranda had done, but he wanted to stabilize them and let them try to exorcise Miranda.

"Master Owen, please save my daughter, she is only sixteen years old, she is still so young..." Seeing their silence, Daniel quickly got up from his chair, and walked quickly to Owen with red eyes. Miranda defended, "She is a kind child, she was only bent down by the devil to become what she is now..."

"It is our bounden duty to drive out demons, and we will try our best to help you." Holding the Bible, with a solemn and sacred expression on his face, Owen solemnly promised.

Lucien and Allen couldn't help but straighten their backs after hearing Owen's words. If Su Jinzhi was born and bred in this world, he would definitely be like the two of them, because exorcists are the most sacred profession in the world. She has noble blood, but is willing to walk all over the country to exorcise civilians and protect their safety, so everyone will be honored and proud of being an exorcist.

It's a pity that Su Jinzhi is not.

And he also knows that exorcists are not as holy and clean as they appear on the outside. Although they exorcise the common people for "free", correspondingly, the common people have to pay more taxes to their families. The first time they came to Earl Daniel's territory, they didn't know if they could go back alive. After all, five exorcists had already died before them.

Owen was probably also worried that the longer they dragged on, the more dangerous they would be, so he asked his servants to take their luggage to the temporary room, and then went down to Miranda's room under the guidance of Earl Daniel.

Originally, outsiders were not allowed to enter the rooms of noble girls, but Owen and the others are all exorcists, and exorcists never marry for life, unless he voluntarily gives up his status as an exorcist, so they can be allowed Enter Miranda's room.

Miranda's bedroom was no different from that of an ordinary aristocratic girl. The dreamy soft pink bed, the elegant and transparent snow-white gauze, revealed the innocence and sweetness of a girl of this age everywhere. And Miranda is not the crazy look she was in the garden now. She changed into a warm yellow dress, with a light yellow lace headband on her head, and is holding a teapot for the same gorgeous and exquisite doll girl beside her round table. Pouring tea, she had a sweet smile on her face, her honey-colored eyes were big and round, and her pale golden curly hair shone softly in the candlelight.

If they hadn't seen the picture of her beating and insulting the maid in the garden, they would definitely think that she was a pure and lovely girl.

However, they had already seen Miranda's true face, and Miranda didn't seem to welcome them. Seeing them approaching, the smile on her face disappeared in an instant, replaced by a ferocious and angry expression.

She slammed the teapot in her hand on the ground, pulled the tablecloth and pushed off the cups of cakes and teas on the round table, pointed at them and cursed: "Who allows you to disturb my tea party?! Get out of my room ! You disgusting and hypocritical exorcist dogs!"

As she spoke, she bent down and picked up a sharp silver knife from the ground, and ran towards them screaming, but the servants seemed to have been prepared for her behavior, and before Miranda ran in front of them, the servants stopped He rushed up and threw Miranda down, grabbed her hand and took away the sharp silver knife, tied her limbs with flexible gauze, carried her to the bed and fixed her on the bed post.

During this period, Miranda struggled all the time, and four strong male servants were responsible for tying her up. The muscles on the arms of the four male servants were almost thicker than Su Jinzhi's waist, but even so, Miranda still had several This time, she almost broke free from their shackles, which shows how strong her strength is, and it has reached an unimaginable level.

Without these four male servants, maybe Miranda would have been able to jump up and stab them to death, and they might not be able to break free from her. Su Jinzhi suddenly understood how the five dead exorcists died.

For the sake of the girls' reputation, most of the servants who serve noble girls are maids, and there are few male servants, and these four male servants must not have been with Miranda from the beginning, maybe Miranda stabbed a driver to death. After the magician, these four servants were dispatched here. Otherwise, how could Earl Daniel let the servants get close to his precious daughter

"Miranda..." Count Daniel walked towards Miranda with a sad expression on his face.

Seeing him approaching, Miranda stopped making trouble suddenly. She looked at Daniel with red eyes and tears, and said pitifully, "Dad... my hands hurt so much, why did you tie me up..."

Daniel stopped when he reached the bed, and didn't reach out to touch her. He just said, "I let you go, but you went to the garden to beat the maid again..."


Su Jinzhi raised his eyebrows, he might have caught him in the pigtails, and he said that what Miranda did must not only be cruelty to small animals.

"Oh... I just wanted to have a tea party... I didn't mean to..." Miranda continued to cry, the transparent teardrops slid down her soft cheeks, wet her long and curly eyelashes, and made those already big eyes And the round eyes are bigger, making her look pitiful and helpless, "It's all because the milk that bitch brought me is cold!"

Su Jinzhi was admiring Miranda's face-changing speed, but after a few seconds she became gentle and then went crazy, cursing the maid with very ugly words, without any elegance of descendants of nobles, hearing Lucian and Allen, two pure and elegant The nobles were taken aback for a while.

Not only that, after she scolded for a while, she pointed her gun at the exorcists and stared at them with honey-colored eyes that were almost protruding: "And these dogs! These lowly dogs The exorcist dogs interrupted my tea party! Damn them!"

Four Exorcist Dogs: "..."

"Haha." Number One suddenly laughed twice, and repeated Miranda's new nickname for them, "Exorcist Dog."