Undying Patient

Chapter 109: Demon Concerto 4


Not to mention that No. 1 wanted to laugh, even Su Jinzhi was a little bit dumbfounded when he heard Miranda call their exorcist, but he would not be angry with such a title, because it was not worth it, but Owen Lucian and Allen obviously did not He sees it so openly.

Miranda roared down a series of "humble exorcist dogs", and their faces turned black immediately. Now Earl Daniel doesn't need to explain, they all know that Miranda's becoming like this is absolutely inseparable from the devil.

After all, the status of exorcists in the empire is so high that no one dares to disrespect them, let alone insult them blatantly like Miranda.

Seeing that he couldn't coax his daughter, Earl Daniel sighed and left from the bed, walked to Owen and apologized heavily: "I'm sorry, Lord Owen."

Owen's face was also a little dignified, and he turned around and asked Su Jinzhi and the others to walk to Miranda's bedside, and read the scriptures to exorcise her with the Bible.

The cross on the neck can protect them from the invasion of the devil, and the Bible is their weapon to drive away the devil. It is said that the devil hates people reading the Bible around him. If this is not enough, then you have to drink holy water.

Su Jinzhi is skeptical about such a simple way of exorcism. He still had so many ways to cure ghosts in the last world. Why is the way of exorcism in this world so simple

However, although the method is simple, it seems to be useful.

The power of the three exorcists reading around the bed with the Bible in their hands is not so powerful. After listening to it for a while, Miranda couldn't take it anymore, and cried and begged them to stop reading, but when they didn't listen, she changed her face again. Continue to yell and curse. In the end, it seemed that she was tired of scolding, and she fell asleep against the brown doll bear next to the pillow. She closed her eyes and pouted her moist lips while sleeping, so cute that Su Jinzhi couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Su Jinzhi likes children very much, but he didn't have much chance to get in touch with them in the past few worlds. It's so easy to meet such a cute girl in this world, but the core is black, and Su Jinzhi is a little sad.

Earl Daniel was very happy to see Miranda fell asleep, because the previous exorcists only made her more irritable when they came, and couldn't calm her down at all. As a result, Owen and the others only came once and they had such an effect. A luxurious dinner was set up to receive them that night.

Both the earl's sons came to the dinner, and the earl's youngest daughter, Anne, but the countess never appeared.

Earl Daniel's eldest daughter has already married, so she does not live in the fief.

The youngest daughter, Anne, was a girl younger than Miranda, looking only twelve years old. She has beautiful and curly long hair, which is pinned by pearls and twisted into a bun in her head, revealing a pair of short pointed ears, like an elf, fair skin that can be broken by blows, and pink lips pursed lightly She looked at them with deep and beautiful eyes like green emeralds, and said hello obediently. Even though her hairstyle and clothes looked a little mature, everyone present still thought she was very cute.

Su Jinzhi looked at her, took a sip from the wine glass on the table, and sighed in his heart that this is the real beautiful girl.

However, Su Jinzhi secretly peeked at the beautiful girl here, but Annie suddenly turned her head to look at him as if she had noticed his gaze.

Su Jinzhi was stunned for a moment after meeting her gaze, but he quickly raised the corners of his lips and smiled slightly at Annie, Annie also returned his sweet smile, but she quickly turned her eyes away He opened it, and turned to frequently look at Alan who was sitting next to Su Jinzhi.

Alan is the most handsome among them, different from Owen's maturity, Lucien's sunshine and Su Jinzhi's gentleness, even though Alan has a cold face from the beginning to the end, he looks like he is using The exquisite portrait carved out of ice, he still dazzled among the crowd like a bright sun.

This is a world that depends on faces, and Su Jinzhi quickly confirmed this theory.

I don’t know if it’s because he is too pale and low-key among Owen’s group, the room arranged for him by the servants is the one on the farthest side, and other people can see the flowery garden when they open the windows , Only when he opened the window, what he saw was the green bush next to the garden.

When going to sleep at night, Su Jinzhi felt in a trance that he heard someone crying for help, but he listened carefully, and the sound disappeared, so he wrapped the quilt over his head and fell asleep.

When he got up for breakfast the next day, he mentioned this to Owen and the others, because there were demons in the castle, and they had to explain the situation to Owen when they found anything wrong. Owen said he didn't hear anyone crying , Lucien and Alan said they heard it.

"It's okay, that's a chef's child." Lucien smiled at Su Jinzhi, "He was hungry, and he got burnt when he went to the kitchen to steal food at night. He didn't dare to tell his father, and he didn't have money to buy medicine from the doctor. So I hid in the garden and cried, and Alan and I saw it."

Allen frowned, seeming a little unhappy: "In fact, he could not be injured, but it wasn't enough for him to eat the meat muffins, and he wanted to eat the cake in the oven, so he was scalded by the oven."

"And he actually stole things." Allen emphasized this matter, he hated thieves very much.

"He's still a child, so it's okay to be greedy." Unexpectedly, Owen, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke up to defend the child.

"That's right, Lord Owen." Lucian smiled when he heard what Owen said. "Alan and I gave him some silver coins. With the money, he can go to the doctor for some scald medicine."

Owen nodded to the two of them and praised: "You two did a good job."

"This is what we should do." Lucian immediately said humbly.

Allen didn't say anything, and he still looked cold and arrogant.

After following Owen's daily prayers, they went to exorcise Miranda with the Bible in their hands.

But when they were about to walk to Miranda's room, they accidentally ran into someone—the youngest daughter of Earl Daniel, Anne.

Anne was still dressed in a mature way that didn't match her age. Her red hair was braided behind her head and fixed with emerald hairpins of the same color as her eyes. The fishtail skirt on her body was also dark green. , tightly wrapped around her thin and flat body.

"Good morning, exorcists." Seeing them coming, Annie stopped and greeted them in a childish voice.

Although her attire was a bit weird, her voice was crisp and sweet, and Lucian laughed immediately, walked over and squatted down to say hello to her: "Miss Anne, good morning."

Owen also walked over with a smile: "Are you here to see my sister? Miss Anne."

"Yes." Annie nodded, and then raised the small basket she was carrying in her hands to show them, "I'm here to deliver a cake to Miranda. Let's have breakfast together, and I'm not allowed to see my sister." Annie frowned and frowned, her pink mouth pursed in grievance.

The basket Annie was carrying contained a strawberry cream cake, snowflake cream, and red strawberries. Looking at it from a distance, she seemed to be able to feel the sweetness and delicacy. Su Jinzhi couldn't help but think of the strawberry cake he was obsessed with. , swallowed immediately.

Miranda is in danger now, Earl Daniel will definitely not let her out to have dinner with them, but these things cannot be explained to Anne, so she can only hide her by being sick, but even so, Anne still cares about her sister .

Owen touched Annie's head lovingly, and said softly, "Uncle Owen can help you give this cake to her."

"Really?" Annie's eyes lit up instantly, and she immediately raised the small basket high, "Then, Mrs. Owen, you must give this cake to my sister so that she can eat it."

Owen smiled and took the small basket: "No problem."

Annie also showed him a sweet smile, and left with two short legs.

Su Jinzhi's heart melted when he saw Annie showing her white teeth to Owen, wishing that he was the one carrying Annie's little basket.

When they arrived at Miranda's room, they happened to meet Miranda pouring tea to the six gorgeously dressed doll girls in her room. Obviously, Miranda was having her "tea party" again.

They interrupted Miranda's tea party yesterday, and they were scolded by her, so Owen asked them to wait and see at the door today, and don't rush in first.

So the four of them stood at the door and watched Miranda laughing happily alone, chatting and drinking tea with the six girl dolls. Soft and fair, with bright and clear eyes, they look like real people at first glance. If it weren't for the fact that they remained motionless, their eyes never blinked, and there were traces of stitches on their wrists and necks, it would really make people feel like these The girl is not a doll, but an illusion of a real person.

Miranda was very quiet during the tea party. After her so-called tea party was over, she immediately turned cold and stared at them standing at the door.

The four male servants stopped at the door, watching Miranda's movements all the time, and would rush forward and tie her up as soon as she showed signs of going berserk. Fortunately, Miranda had a complete tea party today. She seemed to be in a good mood and showed no signs of madness. She just combed the hair of the six doll girls with a cold face.

Su Jinzhi likes beautiful children, but he doesn't like these fake girls. What's more, he was scared by paper ghosts in the last world. Now he has a sense of fear for these dolls that imitate real people. Girl dolls are creepy and frightening.

Just when he was in a daze, something was stuffed into his hand. He looked down and saw that it was Annie's small basket containing strawberry cake.

Su Jinzhi looked at Owen suspiciously, but Owen raised his jaw, pointed at Miranda and said, "An Luosi, send the strawberry cake to Miss Miranda."