Undying Patient

Chapter 111: Demon Concerto 6


He was just surprised by this appearance. After all, judging by the degree of superstition in this world, he is likely to be regarded as the incarnation of the devil in the world, just as albinism was in some countries on the ancient earth a long time ago. These bodies Sick children were ostracized because of their unusual appearance.

But Su Jinzhi is not a native of this world, he doesn’t care about these at all, there will be more aliens with various appearances in the interstellar world in the future, the appearance of the little boy is nothing compared to those aliens, he is because of his body May be sick to become like this. He is a sick man who should be cared for and is being abused.

Su Jinzhi himself is not a person who judges people by appearance. He will feel good when he sees beautiful people, but he will not despise and reject people with damaged appearance, because a person's appearance does not represent his heart.

Appearance has never been the reason why others don't like it, but the heart is.

Those who reject people who hate you because of your appearance are not entitled to your precious affection.

What's more, his body's eyesight is not very good, if he is not so close to the little boy now, he can't even see his face clearly.

So Su Jinzhi smiled and gently touched the soft hair on his head, wiped the tears from his face with the sleeve of his robe, and asked again gently: "It's a bit cold tonight, why are you hiding here alone?" cry?"

The little boy seemed a little dazed by his approach, looked up at him for a while, then lowered his eyes and whispered: "Father hit me again..."

"Why did he hit you?" Su Jinzhi's fingers were still combing his hair again and again.

"Because... I went to the kitchen to steal food..." Seemingly knowing that what he did was a bad thing, the little boy bit his lower lip and was silent for a while before explaining in a crying voice, "Father won't give me food... I'm so hungry I just went to steal it... I didn't mean to..."

After the little boy said these words, Su Jinzhi confirmed that he was the little boy who cried here last night and was met by Alan and Lucien.

The two of them only talked about the little boy crying and stealing food. According to Allen, this little boy may not have eaten a pie enough to want to eat better things. It's just a bad thing, the little boy also touched the seven sins in the Bible, no wonder Alan doesn't like him.

But this child is still so young, his world view is given by his parents, his father doesn't let him eat because his appearance doesn't like him, the only place he can find to eat is the kitchen. Children of this age are still developing, how can a meat muffin be enough for him

Su Jinzhi asked him, "Are you stealing food again?"

The little boy looked up anxiously, surprised why he said "you", and seemed to be worried that he would be angry, his thin body was trembling in the cloak.

"Did two big brothers give you money yesterday?" Su Jinzhi explained to him, "Those two big brothers are my friends."

"The money...was taken away by my father...he said I stole his money..." The little boy nodded and wiped his tears with the back of his scrawny hand, "but I didn't..."

"Are you still hungry?" Su Jinzhi patted his head again.

The little boy nodded with red eyes.

Su Jinzhi raised the corners of his lips, lifted him up from the ground and walked towards his room.

Because of the sudden volley, the little boy was frightened, and quickly raised his hands to wrap Su Jinzhi's neck tightly.

In so many worlds he has experienced, Su Jinzhi has always been hugged by others. This is the first time he has hugged others, especially the feeling of being needed by others. He finds it very fresh, and the little boy's voice is soft and waxy , He couldn't help lowering his head and slapped the little boy on the forehead.

The little boy was dazed by his sudden kiss, he touched his forehead where he was kissed and hugged his neck in a daze.

Su Jinzhi carried the little boy back to his room, put him on a chair, pushed the strawberry cake that Lina sent to him, and said with a smile, "Eat it."

The little boy's eyes widened: "Can I eat?"

"Of course." After saying this, Su Jinzhi told him solemnly, "But stealing is a bad behavior. You can't steal again in the future. If you are hungry, you can come to me."

The little boy nodded solemnly while holding the silver fork.

Su Jinzhi looked at his cute appearance, and suddenly felt that girls can't like it. It's good to like beautiful boys. Although this little boy can't be called "beautiful", he is better than being obedient. Miranda is so cute. It turned out to be dark, Su Jinzhi sighed in his heart.

"My lord, why are you... why are you so nice to me?" The little boy didn't rush to eat the cake right away, but lowered his head and asked in a low voice.

Su Jinzhi looked at him, but only saw the black hair on top of his head. He thought for a while, and finally said in a voice so gentle that water dripped out: "Because... saving the world is the bounden duty of our exorcists."

After saying this, Su Jinzhi felt that his whole body was emitting divine light.

"But I can't, eat your food for nothing." The little boy hesitated, and did not touch the precious strawberry cake for a long time.

Look at how sensible this kid is. Su Jinzhi sighed, with such a father, and being abandoned because of his appearance, this little boy's three views are still so upright.

"It's okay." Su Jinzhi couldn't help but patted his head again, "If you want to repay me, you can tell me a story as a reward."

"Okay, sir." The little boy nodded, holding a silver fork, he picked up a red strawberry on the cake, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it carefully with puffed cheeks, and asked Su Jinzhi after swallowing, "My lord , would you like to hear a story about this castle?"

Su Jinzhi came here to exorcise demons, but Earl Daniel’s servants were ordered to die, so he couldn’t openly ask them about some things in the castle. At this moment, the little boy took the initiative to tell him the story of the castle, Su Jinzhi Of course I will not refuse: "Okay."

"I heard from my mother that there is a demon living in this castle."

Su Jinzhi showed a surprised expression cooperatively.

The little boy continued: "It is said that the ancestor of Earl Daniel was just a little baron with no power. He sold his soul to the devil in exchange for wealth and power. But after he got all these, he betrayed the devil, together with exorcism The master sealed the demon, so the Daniel family was cursed, and the hair color of the men in this family will always be black, which represents evil."

Su Jinzhi was really surprised when he heard this, because this statement is really possible.

After all, from a genetic point of view, women in the Daniel family have colorful hair and eyes, and there is no reason why men's hair is always dark in color. This in itself is a thing that goes against science.

Since science does not make sense, we can only look at it from the perspective of superstition.

If the story the little boy had told him was true, it was no wonder that Earl Daniel ordered death to silence the servants.

Su Jinzhi has been thinking about this matter, and later the little boy told him a few stories, saying that there is a beautiful goblin in the garden, and he will learn how to steal cakes from him, but he didn't pay much attention to them.

By the time the little boy had finished eating the cake, it was already very late at night. Su Jinzhi was still hesitating whether to let the little boy stay or not, when he heard the little boy whispering: "Well... my lord, I'm going back, otherwise father..."

"Okay, I'll take you out." Su Jinzhi took his hand and walked out, sending the little boy to the green scene where he first met him.

"My lord, what's your name?" When he was about to say goodbye, the little boy suddenly took his hand back, lowered his head and gently rubbed his cheek against his palm.

The touch of the little boy's face is not smooth, after all, he has scale-like bumps on his face, but the little boy's face is full of baby fat, soft and elastic, very comfortable, so Su Jinzhi cooperated with his movements, He also pinched his face lightly, and replied: "My name is An Luosi, you can call my name directly."

"This is really a nice name." After the little boy finished speaking, he suddenly raised his head that had been lowered all the time.

The silvery moonlight cast down from the night sky and shone on their bodies, pulling out long and slender shadows that stretched into the darkness. The little boy opened his eyes and looked at him without blinking, only then did Su Jinzhi realize that his eyes were actually gray.

The silver light of the moon fell in his eyes, as if the night sky was covered with broken stars and sparkled. In the silence with the sound of insects, he heard the little boy speak softly: "An Luosi, my name is Sally."


He seemed to have seen this name before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

But when Su Jinzhi looked into his eyes, he immediately thought of his lover, so he smiled, his eyes as clear as sapphires were full of tenderness and love, like mellow honey, so rich that it seemed to overflow: "You The name is also nice."

"It's as beautiful as moonlight." Su Jinzhi thought for a while, then added.

Hearing what he said, the little boy's eyes curled up with a smile and sparkled even more. But not long after, he lowered his head sadly: "But everyone doesn't like me, and my father doesn't allow me to appear in the daytime, because I'm ugly."

"No, you're not ugly at all." Su Jinzhi squatted down and looked at Sally Yeh's eyes, continuing to radiate divine light, "Look, I'm actually not good-looking, and everyone doesn't like me either. But it doesn't matter , because true beauty comes from the soul.”

Sariel raised his hand and touched his face cautiously: "But I think An Luosi, you are very beautiful, you are whiter than moonlight."

The albino is indeed very white, but no matter how white he is, he cannot be whiter than the moonlight. Su Jinzhi smiled and explained to him: "It's because I have a disease."

"Moonlight sickness, isn't it?" Sariel asked him.

Albinism is called moonlight disease in this world, because they are very white, as white as the moonlight at night, and they can't touch the sun too much, so they are called children of the moon.

So Su Jinzhi also raised his hand to touch his face, and said, "Yes, because we are all children of the moon, so we can't appear in the daytime."

Sariel smiled, and he smiled happily: "An Luosi, you are so kind to me, I will give you a gift tomorrow."

"Okay." Su Jinzhi agreed with a smile.

The next day's exorcism ceremony continued as usual. When Su Jinzhi went out, neither Lucian nor Alan had packed up, so he planned to go to the small living room to meet Owen by himself, but he heard it when he passed by Lucian's room. There was violent yelling from the room, scolding a footman for not cleaning the hair in the bath.

That voice was Lucian's.

Lucien, who is always sunny.

But at this moment, his voice became distorted and hoarse because of anger. If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, Su Jinzhi would hardly believe that Lucian would be so manic, without his usual gentleness, scolding a servant with the most ugly words.

Although Su Jinzhi was strange, he would not lose sight of talking to Lucien who was in a rage, so he stood at the door for a while before continuing to walk forward. When passing by Alan's room, he happened to meet Alan going out. He smiled and raised his hand to greet Alan: "Hi, Alan, you are going out. Shall we go to the living room together?"

But when Allen heard his voice, he just raised his eyelids and gave him a haughty glance, and then walked straight forward as if he hadn't seen him, not even bothering to pretend to be polite.

Su Jinzhi still raised his hand in embarrassment at the same place, so he could only go to the living room alone, and Owen was already sitting at the dining table.

To his shock, however, Owen was already eating breakfast.

He started eating without waiting for a few of them to get together to perform the daily necessary prayers. Not only that, Owen ate a lot. The small plates in front of him had already piled up to five or six layers, and it seemed that there was a tendency to continue to increase .

"Give me another plate of foie gras, thank you." Owen chewed and swallowed the light chestnut meat on the plate, and ordered to the servant beside him.

As soon as he spoke, Su Jinzhi suddenly realized that what Owen was eating just now was foie gras!

The servants seemed surprised why Owen suddenly became so edible, but they still obeyed the order of the exorcist, and soon came over with a side of foie gras.

The chefs in Earl Daniel’s castle are superb in cooking, Su Jinzhi has seen it yesterday, and the foie gras served on the table this time is also the same-the light chestnut meat is thick and full of elasticity, like a soft cream, Wrapped in a circle of light yellow goose fat and decorated with green and tender broccoli, people can't help drooling when they see it, and they can't wait to swallow this piece of meat immediately.

But these people definitely did not include Su Jinzhi. Looking at this piece of fatty foie gras, he felt nauseous and felt dizzy. Sitting on the chair, he felt dizzy, and his body broke out in cold sweat intermittently.

But Owen stared at the plate of fatty foie gras that disgusted Su Jinzhi, swallowed suddenly, his eyes lit up abnormally, he took a silver fork and knife, cut off a large piece of foie gras and stuffed it into his mouth, just like he just did He ate like he hadn't eaten before.

"Is Owen crazy?" Su Jinzhi asked No. 1. He covered his mouth to prevent himself from spitting out, and couldn't help but move to the side, wanting to stay away from Owen.

Number one said: "Not crazy, he just loves to eat."

Su Jinzhi knew that just because he didn't like foie gras, it didn't mean everyone didn't like it. Foie gras is a very precious and luxurious ingredient. The nobles in the empire like to eat this kind of smooth and tender food with a creamy taste, but no matter how they like to eat it, it will not be as abnormal as Owen.

He was not the only one who felt that Owen was abnormal. Allen, who came to the small living room first, also disliked Owen. He looked at Owen with a disgusted expression, and walked to another table with his own food, alone. Eat alone.

Although Alan has always been arrogant, he knew how to pretend before. After all, Owen's qualifications are older than them. Alan is still very respectful in front of him, and he will never do such a rude move.

"Is Alan crazy too?" Su Jinzhi didn't dare to say it.

Number One said, "Why don't you say that Lucien is crazy too?"

"Yes, Lucian is not normal today, what's wrong with them?" When No. 1 mentioned Lucian, Su Jinzhi immediately remembered his angry voice.

No. 1 didn't care much: "Probably showing his true nature."

People will disguise themselves, hide their bad side, and present the perfect side in front of everyone, but even if one day the mask of disguise accidentally cracks a corner, it will only be a corner, and it will never be like Alan Owen Lucian and the three of them are like this now.

They didn't reveal their true nature, but those true natures were infinitely magnified—like being suddenly possessed by a demon.

Obviously they were all normal yesterday.

Su Jinzhi felt more and more that his task in this world was not easy, that he deserved to punish the world, and that he was playing big.

Just as he was thinking this way, Lucian finally came to the small living room. His complexion was very bad, his eyes were bloodshot, and his brows were tightly frowned, as if he was stepping on a mass of burning flames.

"The porridge is cold, how can I eat it?!" Lucian did not disappoint his current expression. He just sat down and took a sip of the porridge, then he threw the bowl on the ground and yelled angrily, just like the day when he whipped the maid in the garden Miranda highly coincident.

"Crazy, crazy, he is also crazy." Su Jinzhi held his small bowl away from the three of them. Fortunately, there was a spare sofa in the small living room, so he found a place to sit down and drink porridge by himself.

It seemed that he was the only one who could exorcise Miranda today.

To be on the safe side, Su Jinzhi still went to mention this matter to Owen, but Owen had been engrossed in eating the food on the table, and had no time to pay attention to him. Su Jinzhi glanced at Lucien, who was still swearing. Su Jinzhi looked at Alan again. Allen was exuding a cold and arrogant aura. He slowly put down his silver fork without looking at Su Jinzhi, but said coldly: "Follow."

Su Jinzhi hastened to follow up. It is always good for someone to go with him to face that terrifying Miranda. No matter what his attitude is, they are all crazy anyway. He will not care about a group of mentally abnormal people. of.

Not only Owen and the others are abnormal, but Miranda is also abnormal today.

She was very obedient today, obediently sitting on a chair with her doll bear in her arms, waiting for Su Jinzhi and the others. Because she stabbed a male servant in the eye yesterday, all the sharp weapons in her room were taken away today, and four stronger male servants were standing on her body to prevent her from going crazy again.

Seeing Su Jinzhi approaching, she reached out to greet him, but ignored Alan next to him: "Lord An Luosi."

Su Jinzhi felt that the air around Allen was getting colder, and he didn't know if it was for him or Miranda.

"Miss Miranda." Su Jinzhi greeted Miranda carefully, "Is your tea party over today?"

Miranda smiled sweetly: "It hasn't started yet, we are waiting for you."

"Wait for me?" Su Jinzhi was very surprised and didn't notice Miranda's words.

"That's right." Miranda nodded, shaking the exquisite white porcelain teapot with gold silk in her hand, "We are waiting for you to pour tea for us, come quickly."

Su Jinzhi didn't dare to go there alone, and said, "Let me go with Alan."

"He deserves it too?!" Miranda's face suddenly changed when he heard him say that, pointing at him and Alan and suddenly cursing, "You two humble dogs dare to defy my words?!"

On the contrary, Su Jinzhi suddenly calmed down. It seems that Miranda is still normal, she is not crazy.

But Alan was not normal today, he was even more arrogant than usual, when he heard Miranda scolding him like this, he coldly spit out the word "bitch", and left without looking back.

"Bitch! Exorcist dog! I'm going to goug your eyes and do—" Miranda also scolded him with wide-eyed eyes, and wanted to smash the teapot in her hand.

However, when her eyes drifted to Su Jinzhi, she suddenly became obedient again. Looking at Su Jinzhi's face with a sweet smile: "Lord An Luosi, come, join us for a tea party."

"Can I know why?" Su Jinzhi also smiled for the gentle exorcist character, "After all, it's not convenient for me to participate in the tea party exclusively for ladies."

"What's wrong with participating?" Miranda tilted her head and looked at him suspiciously, "You're just a dog, not a human being."

Su Jinzhi: "..." Damn it, he wants to hit someone.

But he can't be a human being, so Su Jinzhi took a deep breath and decided to disgust Miranda too: "Oh, dogs don't know how to pour tea. I'm not a dog either, I'm an exorcist. Miss Miranda, we're still here Listen to God's instruction."

As he spoke, Su Jinzhi opened the Bible to recite to Miranda.

"I don't! I don't! Shut up!" Miranda yelled sharply and was about to go mad when the servant beside her quickly tied her up so that she couldn't move.

Su Jinzhi looked at her with a smile, straightened his back and took out the Bible.

The thick book was opened, and a familiar name suddenly came into view, blocking the words he was about to say in his throat. Su Jinzhi frowned and continued to look down, only then did he realize why he thought the little boy's name was familiar , because it is written in this page of the Bible—

Sariye, one of the Seven Kings of Hell, is the devil in charge of the moon and sinful souls, and he will come to the world when the moon appears.

Then on the day of the full moon, take away the sinful souls.