Undying Patient

Chapter 112: Demon Concerto 7


The little boy's name was actually the same as that of the devil.

Is this a coincidence, or that seemingly unbelievable fact

But although this demon is not as famous as Satan, he is also one of the seven kings of hell. Just as no couple would name their child Lucifer, the name Sariel itself represents a kind of Taboo that cannot be mentioned.

Just like the boundless and mysterious silver moonlight at night.

And he repeatedly praised the little boy's name last night.

In the Middle Ages, the moon always represented some bad things, bad luck and death. People with albinism in this world are also called children of the moon, but the full meaning of this seemingly beautiful title is "children brought by bad luck".

Sariel, is that child really a demon

Su Jinzhi was tangled in his heart. He has only two missions in this world, one is related to his lover, and the other is a side mission, and the appearance of the little boy and his lover have no similarities except that they both have a pair of dark gray eyes. If he is If it is a demon, then he will only be the real demon in the side mission.

But Su Jinzhi was unwilling to believe that the careful, obedient and docile child last night would be a devil. Obviously compared with him, Miranda, who has a beautiful appearance but is full of darkness and violence in her heart, is more like a demon.

And Miranda is really serious about destroying her own image. Ever since Su Jinzhi picked up the Bible, her voice of cursing has never stopped. Su Jinzhi felt a little headache when he heard it, so he planned to make Miranda suffer with him too.

"Don't read it... Master An Luosi..." Miranda couldn't bear it after hearing a few lines of reciting, sobbing with tears, and kept begging Su Jinzhi to stop reading, "Please..."

But Su Jinzhi's hard-hearted heart was unmoved, not only did not stop, but even louder.

Miranda's body became weaker and weaker, and she slumped on the ground weakly and sobbed. The four servants who restrained her saw that she seemed to have calmed down, so they let go of their hands. She leaned softly on the chair, her honey-colored eyes Soaked in water, I looked at Su Jinzhi with prayers.

"Please...Master An Luosi..." She begged again, her body leaned forward slightly, her developing breasts were exposed from the low front, attracting the attention of the men present.

But Su Jinzhi was only interested in the strong and powerful chest muscles, and didn't like these two lumps of white meat, so he never took his eyes off the Bible from the beginning to the end, and gave Miranda half an eye.

Miranda's movements froze, and after a while, she suddenly lifted the corner of the carpet, took out a silver knife from it, and rushed towards Su Jinzhi. Her movements were so fast that even the strong male servants It was too late to stop her, let alone the weak Su Jinzhi.

After the sound of "bang", Miranda threw Su Jinzhi heavily on the ground, and the silver-white knife was pressed against the artery on the left side of his neck. As long as Miranda exerted a little force, he could easily cut it open. his throat.

Su Jinzhi held his breath and didn't dare to move, but there was still a cracking pain in his neck. He could feel the warm liquid dripping down his neck, and it became cold in the air after a while—Milan Da used the sharp knife to cut a small gash in his neck.

However, Miranda quickly changed her face again, showing a distressed expression, as if the injured person was not Su Jinzhi but her.

"You're hurt." Miranda frowned, her voice was soft, her eyes stared obsessively at the skin on his body, and she stretched out her hand along his collarbone to stroke his chest gently, as if she was touching something Like a precious gem, "Such a beautiful skin is actually injured..."

Miranda's hand was very cold, sticking to his body coldly, like a poisonous snake sticking out its black tongue. Su Jinzhi's scalp was numb from her touch, and when he was thinking about how to get out, Miranda didn't know When she bumped into something, she let out a shrill scream and was bounced off fiercely, knocking over the chair where she placed the exquisite girl doll.

Those girl dolls fell from the chairs, their heads and bodies twisted vertically to the ground, and their real-life eyes stared straight at Su Jinzhi. Su Jinzhi exchanged glances with them, then quickly looked away, hurriedly got up from the ground, and a silver object slipped out of his messy robes—it was the cross that the exorcist always hung on his body.

Su Jinzhi had disliked the exaggerated shape of the cross before, but now he thought it was so cute, he quickly held it firmly in his hand, and picked up the Bible that fell on the ground with the other hand and began to chant aloud.

"Ah!" Miranda covered her head and rolled on the ground, "Stop reading! Stop reading! I can give you whatever you want!"

Su Jinzhi immediately stopped talking when she heard her say that, and Miranda thought he agreed, and continued to offer tempting conditions: "I can give you whatever you want, power, money, beauty, just please stop reading …”

"I don't want anything." Su Jinzhi held the cross tightly, "You just need to leave Miss Miranda's body, and I will stop reciting the Bible."

"Leave her body?" Miranda opened her eyes wide as if hearing some joke, "This is my body, why should I leave?"

"Are you Miss Miranda? You are a devil." Su Jinzhi stared at Miranda's honey-like eyes and said word by word.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud "bang" outside the house, and a thunderbolt suddenly exploded in the originally clear sky, shaking the rose window to "creak" accordingly, as if even the floor under his feet was shaking. Trembling, the sudden gust of wind howled, bringing a silver-purple electric light, which slammed down from the air, illuminating Miranda's beautiful and distorted face.

The sky suddenly darkened as if the end was approaching, and the torrential rain hit the rose window vigorously, and the whole world seemed to be trapped in endless darkness by the rain for a moment.

"Demons? Have you ever seen a real demon?"

Miranda's beautiful eyes were as terrifying as if they were about to pop out of their sockets. She opened her mouth wide and spit out dirty words continuously. Su Jinzhi watched her lips open and close. For some reason, the scene of Genesis recorded in the Bible suddenly appeared in his mind. In one chapter it is written—

Because human beings committed too many sins on the earth, God sent down a heavy rain on the second day after the crescent moon, causing a flood to wash away the sins of the world.

And last night's moon happened to be a semicircular crescent.

In the end, Miranda fell asleep while reciting, but because only one person, Su Jin, came to perform the exorcism today, it was already dusk when the ceremony ended.

Dusk is the end of day, the prelude to night, the moment when light and darkness alternate.

But because of the torrential rain, the sky darkened without ushering in the blood-red sunset.

Su Jinzhi's voice was hoarse and sore. He chanted the bible all day today and almost never stopped. However, when he returned to the small living room where their exorcist lived temporarily, he was shocked to find that Owen was still eating. thing.

The small living room was dimly lit, with only two candles lit. Lucian sat on the sofa with a gloomy face, staring straight at the patterns on the carpet.

"Lucien... Teacher, has he been eating?" Su Jinzhi looked around, but he couldn't find any trace of the servant, so he could only ask Lucien.

"I don't know." Lucian said coldly, his voice sounded like the cold wind blowing from the snow-capped mountains all year round.

Su Jinzhi said in surprise, "But you haven't been here all the time..."

"I told you I don't know!" However, before Su Jinzhi finished speaking, Lucian jumped up like a ignited fire, stood up from the sofa and yelled loudly at Su Jinzhi, "Go away, Ann!" Ross, you're ugly enough to make me sick."

Su Jinzhi: "..."

Su Jinzhi stared at Lucian for a few seconds, then lowered his eyes and said softly, "Sorry." After speaking, he turned and walked towards his bedroom.

The young man's pale golden hair fluttered gently in the air, and his lonely and thin back looked extremely lonely in the dim candlelight. Lucien watched him leave expressionlessly, and then continued to sit on the sofa and stare at the carpet in a daze.

After Su Jinzhi returned to the room, he began to take off his clothes and take a bath to treat the wound on his neck.

In the hazy water mist, the young man's white body slipped into the water, and his whole body was immersed in the water, like a piece of lustrous white crystal.

Number one asked him, "Aren't you angry?"

Su Jinzhi: "I'm very angry, but what can I do? If the human design is destroyed, won't it be said that you want what you want?"

At the end of this tiring and weird day, Su Jinzhi, even a fool, should have noticed that something was wrong with the castle. Owen's sudden gluttony, Lucien's anger, and Alan's arrogance all violated the Seven Sins. There is also Earl Daniel, who appeared on the first day of his arrival, and Su Jinzhi has never seen him since. He asked the butler, and the answer he got was that the Earl was sleeping!

The butler also told him that the Earl would only get out of bed one day a month to deal with affairs, and he had already spent the number of days out of bed this month on the day he saw them. If Su Jinzhi still wanted to see the Earl, he would have to wait until next month .

Hearing this, Su Jinzhi finally understands that this Earl Daniel has committed laziness among the seven crimes. This castle seems to be really cursed by the devil, and anyone who stays inside will be aroused from the darkest sin in his heart , and is then infinitely expanded.

However, Yuanshen is an absolutely upright and qualified exorcist. He is strict with himself and will never commit the Seven Sins.

If he had shown anger towards Lucian just now, then he would probably lose his mind and become what Lucian is now, then he would have fallen into the trap of the devil.

No. 1 praised him: "Host, you have become smarter."

Su Jinzhi smiled, feeling that he really had no temper: "I was forced by you."

The torrential rain that fell during the day has not stopped until night, and it is even getting bigger and bigger. Su Jinzhi soaked in the warm water, suddenly worried: "Is there a big flood coming?"

Number one said: "You can swim, what are you afraid of?"

"I can only swim in a pool, not in a flood."

"Don't be afraid, God will bless you."

Su Jinzhi: "..."

No. 1 did not deny or affirm his question, Su Jinzhi suddenly lost the desire to take a bath, and began to discuss philosophy with No. 1: "No. 1, do you think God really exists?"

"Trust the science," replied Number One.

"Believe in science?" Su Jinzhi laughed at himself, "Science has led us to destruction."

Number One didn't speak.

Su Jinzhi hurriedly wiped off the water droplets on his body with a towel, then stepped out of the bath, put on a snow-white robe and continued to study the Bible. In the middle of the reading, there was a sudden knock on his door.

It was raining loudly outside. If Su Jinzhi hadn't left the bathroom, he probably wouldn't have heard the knock on the door. He walked over to open the door, and Lina's anxious and worried face came into his eyes.

"Lord An Luosi, are you alright?" Lina frowned and looked at him, "I heard you were injured."

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern." Su Jinzhi smiled at her, "It's just a broken skin."

Lina looked at the wound on his neck, her lips squirmed, opened and closed repeatedly, and finally her eyes were red, she suddenly grabbed his arm and said, "Master An Luosi, run away and leave the castle, or you will die! "

Su Jinzhi matched her expression of astonishment, frowned and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"There are demons living in the castle!" Lena's face was full of despair, and transparent tears rolled down her cheeks, "Before you came, five exorcists were killed by demons, and if they continue to stay in the castle, You too will die!"

There were demons in the castle, and Sariel had already told him about it. Su Jinzhi was not surprised, but he didn't expect that Lina would tell him that five exorcists had died in the castle.

"My lord earl won't let us tell this matter... But you saved me, I don't want to deceive you... I, you who I admire..." Lena trembling, told him about the story of Earl Daniel that Sariel told him yesterday. He told him the story of the ancestors who sold their souls and demons in exchange for power and wealth. After she finished speaking, she raised her cheeks full of tears. Her petite body was shivering in the cold night rain. She hugged her and whispered comfort.

However, the door was wide open. Su Jinzhi had just taken a shower and was only wearing a thin long robe. He was actually a little cold himself. It was even colder when he saw Lina's two little white legs exposed under the short maid skirt. , I just wanted to get into the house quickly to keep warm, so I patted her on the shoulder and comforted her: "Don't worry, I will drive the devil away. It's already very late at night, you should go back and rest first."

"...Master An Luosi?" Lina opened her eyes slightly, as if she couldn't believe that Su Jinzhi could still be so calm after hearing that five exorcists had died and seeing that his fellow exorcists had also become abnormal.

"Miss Lina, you really don't have to worry." But Su Jinzhi is a person who has seen the big world, and this little thing is not painful or itchy to him, and he is not as scared as the foie gras, " If you are really afraid, I have a Bible here, you can read it by your bedside, and God will bless you."

Su Jinzhi smiled and handed the belief of the temple to Lina.

Lina looked at the thick black-covered red-bordered book in her hand with a dull expression.

"Ah..." Su Jinzhi exclaimed again, turned around and took out a cloak from the room, and gently wrapped it around Lina's body, "Miss Lina, it's cold, go back and rest."

Lena clenched the collar of her cloak, staring blankly at him.

Su Jinzhi continued to smile lovingly. He felt that the image of himself in Lina's heart must be sacred and inviolable, exuding the great brilliance of the sun.

"Thank you, Lord An Luosi..." Lina lowered her eyes, walked a few steps and then looked back at him, exhorting, "In short, you must be careful."

"I will, Miss Lena, and you too."

Su Jinzhi gently waved to Lina, then closed the door, kicked off his shoes with a "swish", got into the bed and wrapped it tightly, and said with a mournful face, "It's so cold! It's so cold!"

There was still a fireplace burning in the bedroom, and Su Jinzhi stopped shivering after the cold on his body faded away.

"It's not winter yet, why is it so cold?"

Su Jinzhi wanted to inquire about the weather with No. 1, but No. 1 was off work when he was talking to Lina, so he didn't give him any response.

The room was very quiet, except for him, in the huge room, only the beeping sound of charcoal and firewood burning in the fireplace accompanied him. Su Jinzhi wrapped himself tightly in a thick blanket to surround him with warmth, and looked at the fireplace The fireworks in the movie will be dull, and suddenly I feel a little lonely.

Because he is missing someone.

The feeling of loneliness quickly enveloped him like a wave, yearning crawled in every corner of this room, even the sound of raindrops hitting the window was like the knock on the door when the old man returned.

There was a light rattling sound.

He lay on his side under the quilt, staring out the window without blinking—there was no moon tonight, but he saw the silvery white moonlight.

Su Jinzhi thought it was his illusion, lifted the quilt and stepped on the carpet with bare feet and walked towards the window.

The sound of "Dada—" came from the glass, and someone was really knocking on his window.

Su Jinzhi was surprised for a moment, and opened the window.

In an instant, a flexible black figure floated gently into the room like a snowflake on a winter night, flashing past with silvery moonlight. At the same time, the fireworks in the fireplace seemed to be watered Wet went out.

Darkness filled the room, but with it came the beautiful moonlight.

Su Jinzhi finally saw what the thing that ran in from the window was. It was a strange creature covered with black scales. It had strong limbs and sharp claws at the ends of the limbs, coldly reflecting the cold light of metal texture. , and a dragon-like head and slender tail, but no wings, dark gray eyes, slender pupils tightly narrowed to him, and a bunch of transparent flowers that seemed to be condensed by moonlight in his mouth.

It looked at Su Jinzhi quietly, and Su Jinzhi was also staring at it.

Not seeing fear or loathing in the young man's eyes, the strange beast tried to move its body and took a step towards the young man, but it only moved for a moment, and saw the young man's eyes suddenly widen, not because of fear, but It's because of excitement.

Su Jinzhi was really excited, since he recovered part of his memory, he remembered something.

Including the strange beast standing in front of him now.

The strange beast froze in place, watched the young man walking towards it quickly, then held up its jaw and looked left and right, and sighed and praised after a while: "You are so beautiful...you are as beautiful as moonlight."

Su Jinzhi smiled, regardless of the sharp fangs in the beast's mouth, he reached out to touch the bunch of flowers in its mouth, his eyes were full of curiosity: "Is this really made of moonlight?"

The strange beast paused, opened its mouth, and put the moonlight-condensed flowers into the young man's palm.

Su Jinzhi held the bouquet of flowers, and didn't know how to describe the feeling. He felt like he was holding a handful of air, without touching anything, but the bouquet of flowers was indeed held in his hands.

The moon's unique silver-white light spread out in the darkness.

Stunningly beautiful.