Undying Patient

Chapter 114: Demon Concerto 9


Su Jinzhi was startled for a moment, and then he heard the man approaching him, and said in a soft voice, "Master An Luosi, come with me."

It was Lena's voice.

Su Jinzhi was a little disappointed, he thought it would be Sariel who came to save him.

He followed Lina into a small corridor next to him, and stopped after walking for a few minutes.

Lina didn't know where she brought him. The place was a bit gloomy, but there were rows of holy white candles lit around it, and the melting warm yellow light seemed to be able to warm people up.

Su Jinzhi quickly showed a surprised expression, and asked suspiciously, "Miss Lina, how did you find me?"

"I saw that you were walking a bit slowly, Mrs. An Luosi, and then the Countess..." Lena hesitated for a while, and said hesitantly, "But I found that you seemed unwilling, so I followed."

Su Jinzhi was also a little embarrassed. If he hadn't deliberately slowed down just now, maybe he wouldn't have been taken away by the countess just because he was alone.

Lena bit her lower lip, and asked him with some inexplicable emotions in her eyes: "Don't you like Mrs. Jewell?"

"How could I like her? This is simply ridiculous!" Su Jinzhi immediately retorted loudly, "No obscenity, adultery is a crime, and it is a commandment that none of us can violate. Doesn't Earl Daniel know about the countess? We have to go and tell him."

"It's useless." Lena said with lowered eyes, "Earl Daniel knows, but he's too..."

"Lazy." Su Jinzhi took Lina's words unconsciously. He didn't know what to say. He had never seen a man like Earl Daniel. He was so lazy that his wife gave him a cuckold.

"Because I was thinking about something, I walked a little slower without knowing it." Su Jinzhi tried to give a reasonable explanation for his behavior. He frowned, as if his face was full of doubts and worries, " After all, Teacher Owen, and Lucian, they seem to be different people suddenly... Do you know? Teacher Owen was not like this before, he—"

"It's not that they've changed, they've always been like this." Lina shook her head sadly and interrupted him, "There are demons living in the castle, and anyone who arrives here will be amplified in their desires, and then be killed by the demons." Take away the soul, this is the curse of this castle, no one can change it."

"Just like Earl Daniel, Mrs. Jewell, and Miss Miranda." Lena added, "They weren't like this before. They were good people at one time."

"It's impossible, no demon can possess such powerful magic power." Su Jinzhi made a look of disbelief.

"That's because the demon's seal was loose." Lina's voice suddenly rose, and she looked at him with red eyes, "The people of the Daniel family made a deal with the demon, betrayed and sealed the demon, but now that the demon is back, he wants to take Give back what's his!"

Su Jinzhi compromised: "Then what should I do?"

Lina stared into his eyes and said, "I know where the demon is sealed, Mr. An Luosi, we can re-seal the demon together."

"Okay." Su Jinzhi lowered his eyes, avoiding Lina's urgent gaze, "but I have to go back first, the strength of the two of us is too weak, and Teacher Owen still has half a bottle of holy water, I think I have his Help, the seal can be carried out more smoothly."

"If you have you—" the words stopped abruptly, Lina closed her eyes, relaxed her whole body, and put a smile on her face again, "Then I will wait for you, Lord An Luosi."

Su Jinzhi nodded and went back the same way. The countess outside had left because he couldn't find him. Before leaving this strange place, Su Jinzhi looked back at the place where he had just avoided Jewel.

Unknowingly, the entire day was almost over. At this time, it was the setting sun, and the blood-colored dusk came in from the window, which actually illuminated the gloomy and dim hall during the day.

Of course, it can't be said that it is fully illuminated, because the sunset can only pour in from one side of the window, half of the hall is illuminated, allowing him to see things in the hall clearly.

This seems to be an abandoned temple, with tall snow-white marble statues everywhere, and these statues, without exception, are angels with snow-white wings, lowered their eyes, looking at the world with compassion.

But there is a very special statue, it is very tall, its arms are vainly wrapped around something, but his arms are empty, nothing. The afterglow of the setting sun fell on him, bathing half of him in a blood-orange glow and the other half in dim shadow, making half of his wings look white and the other half black .

And under that half of the snow-white wings was the place where he had just been hiding when Jewel was searching for him.

As if bewitched, Su Jinzhi walked towards the statue in a daze, brushed his clothes with his fingers to brush off the dust on the bottom stone, and softly recited the name of the statue: "Sariye..."

The young man looked up at the face of the sculpture and remained silent. His face was also half bright and half dark under the afterglow of the setting sun. There was nothing in those ice blue eyes, and it seemed that he had pretended to be his whole body. As deep as the night sky. The statue lowered its eyes slightly, and seemed to be looking at him.

In the end, the young man lowered his light golden eyelashes slightly and turned to leave, carrying the lovesickness and nostalgia in his heart.

Soon after the youth left, night came.

At first it was just a few stars, and then the silver moon also appeared. A bouquet of flowers that seemed to be condensed by moonlight appeared in the empty place in the arms of the sculpture, which was exactly the same as the bouquet that accompanied him to sleep on the bedside of the young man last night.

At the same time, Su Jinzhi placed it in the glass beside the bed, and the bouquet of flowers that had disappeared during the day reappeared.

But Su Jinzhi didn't notice it at all, because he was writing a letter with his back to the bouquet of flowers—a letter to the temple.

Because Owen is dead.

He was overwhelmed by the food he had been stuffing into his stomach for the past two days.

"Mr. Owen?"

When Su Jinzhi returned to the small living room, Alan and Lucien seemed to have not returned. The small living room was empty without a single servant, and Owen was still sitting on the chair, wondering if he was still eating. The body's eyesight was very poor, and he couldn't see anything clearly. Su Jinzhi could only call Owen's name while walking towards him, but got no response.

Su Jinzhi was very strange, but when he approached, he realized that Owen's stomach had bulged to an unbelievable extent, as if it would explode at any moment, and the golden silk white robe that only exorcists could wear was stretched open by his belly. There were still mottled bloodstains on it, and he looked up along the bloodstains and met Owen's wide-eyed eyes.

His jaw seemed to have been dislocated, and his mouth was open, but what was stuffed inside was not food, but bloody internal organs.

Seeing this scene, Su Jinzhi almost didn't cry out. He backed up a few steps and bumped into the table to stabilize his figure. The half bottle of holy water was still hanging on Owen's neck, but Su Jinzhi didn't have the guts to take it now.

"Alan? Are you back?"


Su Jinzhi ran out of the small living room, knocked on Alan's door, and knocked on Lucien's door, but got no response.

"Ah!" At this moment, another scream came from the small living room, and Su Jinzhi immediately turned around and turned back.

Several maids hugged each other and shivered, staring at Owen's body in horror. After seeing him appear, they rushed towards him as if they had seen a savior, clambering on him with hands and feet: "Lord An Luosi!"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, God will bless us." Su Jinzhi was almost overturned by them, but he still had to open his arms to comfort them.

As soon as he finished speaking, a few more guards entered the small living room. They all held plates in their hands, but after seeing Owen's body, they all vomited out while covering their mouths.

"Why was there no one in the small living room just now?" Su Jinzhi and the other maids asked after they became quieter.

"Master Owen has been eating since yesterday... We were worried about his health and advised him not to eat anymore, but he got angry at us... and asked all of us to go out to get him food..." The maids wiped their tears, As you explained each other, Su Jinzhi realized that there were indeed many overturned dinner plates on the carpet, "But when we came back, we found... ah!"

One of the maids said this, her eyes suddenly widened in horror, she looked at a place and yelled.

Su Jinzhi followed her gaze and saw two words written in blood on the wall with their backs: Gluttony.

"The sixth... The devil is back... The devil is back!" The maid shook her head, her eyes widened, and she ran out screaming like crazy, Su Jinzhi couldn't hold her back.

Seeing this, the other maids and guards wanted to leave one after another. Su Jinshang took a few steps forward and grabbed the guards one by one, and asked loudly, "What does the sixth one mean?"

The guard shook his head, looked at Su Jinzhi and pleaded: "We can't say it, we can't say it, Mr. An Luosi, please..."

"Why can't you say it?" Su Jinzhi asked him.

"Don't break the oath... Don't break the oath..." The guard's eyes were loose, and he murmured in a low voice, "We will die if we say it... Please, Lord An Luosi..."

Do not break your oath, one of the Ten Commandments.

Su Jinzhi was silent for a while, and then let him go. The guard bowed excitedly and said incoherently: "We will send someone to clean up Mr. Owen's body right away, you don't have to worry..."

"Leave me the holy water." Su Jinzhi closed his eyes.

The guard repeatedly agreed: "Yes yes yes..."

The small living room was full of bloody smell, Su Jinzhi felt a little uncomfortable, but Lucian and Allen hadn't come back yet, he went back to his room, thinking over what the maid said.

Five exorcists had died in the castle before they came, and now Owen was the sixth—Gluttony. This is one of the seven sins, so what are the first five

This matter... Could it be Sariel who did it again

Su Jinzhi's heart is a little heavy, after all, the four characters of the main task, "Protecting Demons", are clearly hanging there.

"No. 1, are you there?" Su Jinzhi wanted to ask No. 1 for some details, but No. 1 didn't respond to him, wondering if he was off work.

After thinking about it, Su Jinzhi picked up the quill and began to write letters to the people in the temple to report the current situation - after all, the death of a very experienced exorcist is a big event. It's a bit ironic to say that the people in the temple originally planned to use the three young exorcists as cannon fodder, but they didn't expect that the first person to die was Owen.

While sealing the envelope with sealing wax, someone knocked on his door. Su Jinzhi opened the door and saw that it was the guard he stopped just now.

"Lord An Luosi." The guard handed him bottles containing holy water one after another, "The holy water you want."

"Thank you, you came just in time, please help me send this letter to the temple." Su Jinzhi took the holy water bottle, and passed the letter in his hand, "By the way, Mr. Owen..."

The guard put away the envelope: "You don't have to worry about this, Miss Anne will take care of Mrs. Owen's body."


Su Jinzhi was astonished when he got this answer. Annie is only twelve years old, right? Is it appropriate for her to dispose of Owen's body? Is there no one in this castle who can do things soberly

But the guard walked too fast, and Su Jinzhi didn't have time to stop him.

The moment he turned around and closed the door, Su Jinzhi glanced at the wooden cabinet next to the bed, and suddenly found that the bouquet of moonlight flowers appeared again, shining silvery white in the glass.

Still as beautiful as ever.

But according to his personality, now that he knows that the Sariel who gave him flowers is a devil, he should immediately go over and throw away the bouquet. Su Jinzhi held back the heartache and walked over to pull the bouquet of flowers out of the glass and opened the window Getting ready to throw it away. As a result, the bouquet of flowers seemed to be conscious, and the flower branches hung down, sluggish, and the petals fell petal by petal, turning into little silver fragments and disappearing in midair.

Oh, and throw away the letter paper under the pillow too.

Su Jinzhi walked over and lifted the pillow, took out the page of letter paper, but suddenly found that the handwriting on it had changed——

[My dear An Luosi: Your hands are very soft, I really hope that your body can be touched by you——Love you Sariel]