Undying Patient

Chapter 115: Demon Concerto 10


Is this a courtship letter

Su Jinzhi raised his eyebrows and looked at the letter in his hand.

Being targeted by a demon should be something that everyone in this world fears, but he will definitely not be among these people. Although he really wanted to keep the letter, it was obviously impossible, so Su Jinzhi could only move the letter paper to the candle and wait for the flames to burn the letter.

Su Jinzhi didn't sleep that night, he was waiting for Lucian and Alan to come back.

Owen died in the small living room. Su Jinzhi didn't dare to stay there. He could only stand at the door of Lucian and Allen's room by the wall lamp in the corridor. Fortunately, the two of them didn't plan to stay out at night, so Su Jinzhi didn't wait too long , He saw the figures of Lucien and Alan appearing at the corner and hurried to meet them: "Lucien—"

"Oh my God, An Luosi—" Before Su Jinzhi finished speaking, Lucien frowned and walked towards him quickly, his handsome face was full of worry and tenderness, completely different from the angry him this morning Two looks, and Alan seems to have returned to normal. Although there is still no expression on his face, the aggressive arrogance and indifference in his eyes no longer look at him, "Both Alan and I have heard that Mr. Owen It's all right, are you alright?"

"You..." Su Jinzhi was completely stunned.

"The countess said that she met you fainted on the road this morning, so she sent you back." Lucian put his hands on his shoulders, and soft pupils shone in his beautiful emerald eyes, "I and Allen is also wondering why you suddenly disappeared, but you don't have to worry, the demon on Miss Miranda has been exorcised."

"I will personally write a letter to explain the situation to the temple about Mr. Owen." Allen said lightly, his dark blue eyes glanced at the small bottle of holy water on Su Jinzhi's neck, and said the longest one in history. Sentence, "But the holy water left by the teacher, it is better for me to keep it?"

"Yes." Lucian nodded, echoing Alan's words, "An Luosi, if you are not feeling well, it is more appropriate for Alan to keep the holy water."

The holy water hadn't warmed up on him yet, and now it was being sent away again, but Su Jinzhi didn't care too much, anyway, if he really wanted to deal with Sariel, he didn't need it at all.

"I've already written the letter." Su Jinzhi readily untied the holy water from his neck and handed it to Alan, "Is Miss Miranda really all right?"

Allen took the holy water bottle and looked at him coldly: "Are you questioning me and Lucian?"

Su Jinzhi was choked up by Alan's eyes and tone.

"Yes, Miss Miranda is fully recovered." Lucian immediately jumped out to smooth things over, with a smile on his face, "An Luosi, you go to rest first, in order to celebrate the victory of the light, Earl Daniel will hold a banquet for us tomorrow .”

"It is indeed for 'us'." Allen turned and opened the door of his room, speaking loudly with meaning, "Cowards who run away are not qualified to be thanked."

Obviously, Allen did not believe what the countess said. Perhaps in the eyes of Allen, who had a spring night with the countess, Su Jinzhi also had something that shouldn't have happened with Jewel.

"An Luosi, don't be angry. Allen is in a bad mood because he was injured during the exorcism." Lucian smiled at Su Jinzhi and said good things for Allen.

Persuaded not to be angry by a person who is really controlled by anger, Su Jinzhi's mood is a bit complicated: "I'm not angry."

Lucian shrugged with a smile, and patted him on the shoulder: "Then go and rest."

Su Jinzhi was a little confused by the sudden change of attitude of the two of them, and returned to the room full of doubts. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a letter on the wooden table—exactly the same as the one he burned, but the letter on the letter paper was Words changed again—

[My dear Anlos: Thank you for the warm hug on that cold night, I thought I would have to wait a while to hug you, but maybe it won't be that long, please forgive me for being stupid in love - love your Sariel]

Su Jinzhi didn't know what Sariye meant, but Sariye seemed to know what was going on around him. Su Jinzhi didn't want to take the risk of being destroyed, so he could only pretend to be a little irritable, frowning and burning I read the letter and crawled into bed to sleep.

What he didn't know was that after nightfall, the silver moonlight in the garden seemed to be alive, and ran into the house through the window, condensed into a bunch of flowers beside his pillow, and then dissipated at dawn.

Early the next morning, before Su Jinzhi woke up, Lina ran over and knocked on his door: "Lord An Luosi!"

Su Jinzhi was awakened by her, hurriedly put on his robe and came to open the door: "Lina, what's the matter?"

"I heard everyone saying that the demon has been driven away." Lina took a deep breath, her eyes widened, "You will leave the castle in a few days, right? But that's not the case, An Luosi My lord, the devil still—”

"Haven't left yet." Su Jinzhi took Lina's words, supported her shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I know."

However, when Lina heard what Su Jinzhi said, there was a look of astonishment on her face, but she quickly covered it up. She nodded and said, "Yes, the devil hasn't been sealed yet, and he will come back." Yes, there is only one way to make him disappear forever..." Lina said, her voice gradually lowered.

"But I don't have holy water, the seal may fail." Su Jinzhi sighed.

"It's okay. The exorcists in front left some holy water. It's at the place where the demons are sealed. Shall I take you there?" Lina raised her head quickly, with a smile on her face again, a little eagerly Speaking of.

Su Jinzhi looked into her eyes, was silent for a while, but soon laughed, and agreed, "Okay."

Lina seemed to be afraid of his sudden repentance, and she seemed to be afraid that he would change his mind temporarily, and wanted to pull Allen and Lucian together to seal the demon. After all, Lucian and Allen had become normal now, so she hurriedly took him to the so-called Go to the place where the devil is sealed.

To Su Jinzhi's surprise, the place where Lina took him turned out to be the temple where he avoided the countess and was taken away by Lina that day. To be precise, it passed through the small corridor where Lina and he hid, behind the temple another temple of the

But this temple is completely different from the abandoned and dusty temple in front of it. This temple has been cleaned very clean, surrounded by complex stained glass, and the dome is painted with lifelike pictures of creation. The sunlight poured down through the gaps in the vault, but people couldn't feel any warmth. It was colder than the corridor full of white candles.

"Lina, this is..." Su Jinzhi looked around the temple, and as soon as he turned around, he met Lina's red eyes. Immediately afterwards, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. Su Jinzhi looked down and found that Lina was holding a small silver knife, the handle of which was exposed by her, and the blade was completely submerged in his lower abdomen.

"I'm sorry, Lord An Luosi." Lena looked at him and shook her head sadly, and pulled out the knife, "But I have to do this."

Su Jinzhi fell to his knees in pain. He had already discovered that something was wrong with Lina, but he still followed, but he didn't expect that Lina would stab someone even if he disagreed with her. Moreover, Su Jinzhi still had a strange confidence in his heart. This kind of self-confidence seems to be accumulated in several worlds. He believes that the person he loves will not let him fall into danger, and in this world, Sariel will definitely come to save him.

But until he was tied up by Lina and hung on the cross, Sariel still did not appear.

The loss of blood and the severe pain made Su Jinzhi's vision blurred, not to mention his poor eyesight, now he can only see Lina walking around him with his blood, drawing something on the ground A magic circle, and then walking towards him with something shiny in his hand, Su Jinzhi blinked and tried to make his sight clearer, only then did he realize that what Lina was holding in his hand were a few silver nails , and a black hammer.

"...Are you going to crucify me?" Su Jinzhi's voice was very soft, sounding very weak.

When Lina heard him speak, her eyes immediately showed distress. She came over and gently stroked Su Jinzhi's cheek: "No, of course not, Lord An Luosi."

"...then what are you going to...do?" Su Jinzhi couldn't breathe because of the high hanging posture. He paused twice before finishing the short six words. It was rope. If she had used nails, he might not even be able to speak now.

Lina smiled, her eyes sparkling: "Of course I'm sending you back to heaven."

Su Jinzhi: "..."

"Lord An Luosi, you are the kindest and most honest exorcist I have ever seen." Lena's eyes were full of fervent believers, "Do you know that none of the exorcists who came here before were real exorcists?" Teacher, they were all bewitched by the devil and committed the original sin, so they all died. But you are honest, brave, kind and tolerant, you must be sent by God to save us!"

Su Jinzhi: "..." No, I am not.

"Now that the devil has left, you have to leave too, but the guilty people haven't been punished yet!" Lina said, her voice suddenly became higher, and she couldn't help crying, covering her mouth, "The countess is a slut Wife! She seduced my father, pity my mother was still lying in the hospital bed... and Miranda, she killed my sister... And the lazy and ugly Count Daniel, who will do nothing but force the fief His people pay him taxes and feed him and his sluts and murderers with the most expensive clothes and food!"

Su Jinzhi squirmed his lips, wanting to say something, when an abrupt but familiar voice appeared in his mind: "It's so pitiful, my dear An Luosi..."

The voice sighed: "Pray to me, sell me your soul, and I can save you from this place."

The moment Su Jinzhi heard Sally Yeh's voice, Su Jinzhi actually had the urge to cry, not because he was wronged that he came so slowly, but because he was happy that he really appeared. But Su Jinzhi still firmly refused: "No..."

"No! Please don't reject me. I have brought many people here before, but none of them are real apostles, but I believe you are." Lina thought that Su Jinzhi was rejecting herself, and cried even louder "So, I'm going to send you back now, I hope you can tell God, let him send an archangel to judge the sinful people in the castle!"

Lina was crying as she spoke, but her wrists holding the silver nails and hammer did not tremble at all, as if she had done this many times.

She walked forward slowly, and pressed the silver nail against Su Jinzhi's left wrist. The sharp nail tip pierced his wrist, but Su Jinzhi didn't feel much pain, because his body had become a little numb due to blood loss. Also gradually slack.

"May the light of God cover this land."

Lina finished reading this sentence with tears, then raised the hammer high, but saw a soft white light glowing on Su Jinzhi's body at the moment it was about to fall, and the light quickly enveloped him, as if As amazing as a miracle.

"... Have you finally heard my prayer?" Lina knelt down slowly, staring at the young man on the cross with wide eyes, for fear of missing this scene, she thought that God had heard her call, and finally sent an archangel The guilty are judged.

However, after the light dissipated, she saw a man covered in black. He hugged the young man from behind and rested his chin on the young man's shoulder blades. His hair, which was darker than the night, gently fell down in midair. drifting.

He opened his thin lips and said in a low voice, "God didn't hear your prayer, but I did."

Lina froze in place. She looked up into the man's eyes, and was caught by his gaze. It seemed that there was an abyss monster hiding in those gray pupils, and she was scratching her sharp claws on the ground. , eager to rush forward to tear and eat her flesh and blood.

"Evil, devil..." Lina panted rapidly with her mouth open, trembling all over, "Why... why! Why is it a devil? Haven't you already left?"

"He didn't leave." Su Jinzhi opened his eyes, the wounds on his body had completely disappeared, not even a scar remained.

After the young man finished speaking, Lina saw the demon hugging him narrow his eyes, with a smile on his lips, stretched out his tongue to lick his white ear, echoed: "Yes... my An Luosi is here, how can I be willing to leave?"

"I told you, Lina..." The young man trembled from being licked by the devil, and a thin layer of mist floated in his eyes. He looked at her like a god looking at a suffering mortal, his eyes were full of tears. Mercy, "The devil has always been here."

Lina knelt on the spot numbly, and suddenly remembered what the young man said when she knocked on the door of the young man's room in the morning. He said, "The devil hasn't left yet."

"I heard your prayer." She saw the demon holding the young man in his arms and walking towards her with a smile, "I can fulfill your wish."

Lina said in a daze: "But what I summoned was an angel..." As she spoke, as if she suddenly remembered something, she took out a few pages of worn yellow paper from her bosom, and tremblingly said, "It is mentioned in the Bible Yes, God didn't want his apostles to suffer, so he sent an archangel to punish the sinful people..."

"Angel?" The black-haired man buried his head in the side of the young man's neck and smiled sullenly for a while as if he had heard some funny story, then raised his head with a smile on his lips, "I used to be ah."

"But you know what? Blood summons only demons."

Lina opened her eyes wide, watching the grey-eyed demon walking towards her step by step with a smile, holding her hands in the air, aiming a silver spear at her forehead: "I listen to your prayers, Accept your sacrifice of blood, so I will grant your wish to judge the guilty of mankind. Now you may repent of your sin—"

"No..." Lena wriggled her lips, and transparent tears overflowed her eyes, "I didn't do anything."

"Confess your sin—"

The demon smiled, and pressed down the silver spear, piercing the skin of her forehead, just like the scene where she pressed the silver nail on the young man's wrist just now.

"No... no no!" Lena screamed suddenly, "I'm not guilty!"

"You are guilty." The devil said firmly, pressing the silver spear deeper, "Now, you should repent of your sins."

Lina felt that her head was being pried open, and the severe pain swept her whole body, making her unable to breathe, as if being hanged on a cross for trial, she couldn't bear the pain anymore, so she clutched her hands Eyes, he knocked his head heavily on the ground: "Yes... yes... I'm guilty..."

"My dear An Luosi, she has repented, how do you think she should be punished?" Sariel withdrew his spear, wrapped his right hand around the thin waist of the young man in his arms, and clung to him intimately Ears murmured.

Su Jinzhi looked at Lina who was kneeling on the ground crying bitterly, and was silent for a while, unable to speak.

Sariel immediately reminded him: "The blood of seven people can summon me, and you happen to be the seventh."

"The sixth commandment, do not kill." Su Jinzhi said slowly, "You should pray and repent day and night where they left—"

"Until their souls ascend to heaven."