Undying Patient

Chapter 116: Demon Concerto 11


The Lord says, vengeance is mine—an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

But people do not have the authority to judge people, so the Lord said, love the world, love your neighbor, and love your enemy, because the heavenly Father makes the sun shine on the good and the bad, and he rains on the righteous, but he does not righteous people.

Lena's soul was eventually left in that temple, and she had to stay there until the souls of the six people she killed were freed, and she was able to leave that temple.

Su Jinzhi couldn't judge her ending.

Lena hoped that God would hear her prayers and send down an archangel to judge sinful humans, but she never thought that the first person to be judged would be herself.

However, now that the archangel has not appeared, the demon has been released—just hanging on his body.

Sariel was like a beam of moonlight, weightless, with his arms around his waist and his chin resting on his neck, floating back and forth as he walked, but no one could see it except him. To the existence of Sariel.

Su Jinzhi felt like he was carrying a ghost, just like Xie Linyu carried Uncle Xie's family on his back in the last world. If Sariye was not warm and his lover, Su Jinzhi felt that he might be scared out of his psychological shadow.

However, as an exorcist, he and the devil should be irreconcilable and cannot coexist. He can't give Sariel a good face.

So Su Jinzhi could only frowned, pretending to be very unhappy and said, "Can you get off me?"

"No, I'm eager to hug you." Sariel rejected his request very much as he wished, and even hugged him tighter, "Just like you hugged me back then."

Su Jinzhi said: "That's because I didn't know you were a devil, you deceived me."

"If you knew I was a devil, wouldn't you want to hug me?"

"Yes." Su Jinzhi replied very positively, but after he finished speaking, he added in a low voice in his heart: But I would like to kiss you.

But Sariel must not be able to hear what he was saying in his heart. He only knew that the soul of the young man in front of him was very warm and clean, exuding a bright smell, so he couldn't help but want to lure this soul to degenerate, and then take it away he.

"That's really sad." Sariel raised the corners of her lips, her deep gray eyes couldn't see any emotion, "but I can hug you now, and you can't refuse my hug."

The young man was noncommittal to this statement, and the expression on his face was also faint, simply wanting nothing.

And Sariye knew that he really had no desires, no desires in his heart, and he would not be angry when he was insulted and ignored by his companions, just like the exorcist who sealed him back then. Any weakness, so they can drive the demons back into the dark shadows, unable to set foot where there is light.

Sariel looked at him, the humiliation of being sealed and the anger of his long time in the castle came back to his heart.

He suddenly didn't want to take away the guilty soul in the castle so quickly, he just wanted to corrupt this clean soul now and take only this soul.

"The banquet is about to begin." Sariel loosened his arms and got down from the young man. He stood in front of the young man with the corners of his lips curled up, arranging for him the large robe that was embroidered with intricate patterns and twisted into gold thread. He straightened the gorgeous silver cross symbolizing justice and order in front of his collar; he looked straight into the young man's eyes that were as clear as sapphires, raised his hand to caress his cheek gently, leaned over and smiled, "Don't you tell them I Have you left yet?"

Go, of course go.

Why would Su Jinzhi want to leave Earl Daniel's castle, not to mention that he has not yet completed the side missions of finding the real devil and the main mission of transforming the devil, just because Sariel is here, he will stay, love and kill each other He hasn't played the game with his darling yet.

So Su Jinzhi raised his hand and pushed Sariye who was standing in front of him away, straightened his back and walked forward with a very serious look, and Sariye followed him like a shadow, whispering from time to time. He made trouble in his ear: "They won't believe you."

But no matter how Sally Ye confuses him, Su Jinzhi only has one answer: "Lucien and Alan will believe me."

"No." Sariye narrowed his eyes, then floated forward and hugged Su Jinzhi's waist, and murmured with his lips against his ear, "My dear An Luosi, why don't we make a bet? If you win If you win, I will leave the world and return to hell; but if you lose..."

"Okay." Su Jinzhi eagerly agreed without waiting for Sariye to finish speaking.

Su Jinzhi agreed so readily, but Sariye was stunned. He snorted, raised his eyebrows and said, "I haven't said the price you have to pay."

"Because I won't lose." Su Jinzhi raised his chin, looking very confident.

After hearing what he said, Sariel couldn't help laughing in his ear, he couldn't wait to see the shocked face of his dear little exorcist after losing the bet, it must be very interesting.

"My dear Anlos, you are so cute." Sariel lowered his head and kissed the young man's hair. As long as he looked down a little, he could see the delicate shoulder blades and collarbone between the young man's neck, as well as the loose neckline Li's white skin is like cream, "I really want to taste your body quickly, this is the price you have to pay."

After the young man listened to what he said, his body tensed up slightly, and then trembled slightly. Sariel wrapped his earlobe in satisfaction, wantonly molesting this clean body.

On the surface, Su Jinzhi was trembling with anger at the devil's obscene actions and words, but in fact, if it weren't for the limitations of his character, Su Jinzhi would have laughed along with Sariye, and he just liked this bet There is absolutely no possibility of winning before agreeing.

"What do you think Sariel will do to me after I lose?" Su Jinzhi couldn't wait to share his joy with No. 1, "I have to think about what posture to use this time."

No. 1 was shocked by Su Jinzhi's wildness: "You are too dirty, how can you say such a thing, do you still have any shame?"

"You said it yourself, your AI has no shame." Su Jinyi's face was taken for granted, "And I can't resist him, the Bible says, if he wants to hit me on the left cheek, I have to stretch my right cheek too Let him do it."

"Didn't you also say that you quit gambling?" No. 1 hecked twice, "You're starting to gamble again now."

Su Jinzhi refused to admit it: "I never said such a thing."

"Do you want me to play the tape for you?"

"That's unnecessary." Su Jinzhi sighed, and then immediately said firmly, "Don't worry, I know that Sariel wants to use his body to lure me to fall, but I won't be fooled by him, No matter what he does to me, I will maintain the holiness of my body and mind!"

"... That's enough, you better stop talking." No. 1 couldn't listen anymore.

Su Jinzhi made up his mind to lose everything in front of Sally Yeh, and he didn't even plan to keep his trousers.

He originally wanted to go directly to the door of Lucian and Alan's room to block people. After all, doing so would make him lose the bet most quickly. Unfortunately, when he returned to the small living room, the servants told him that Lucian and Alan Already went to the hall for the banquet.

The people in the castle have been abnormal since the second day after they came, and now, it seems that, as Lucian and Allen said, the demons have been expelled and Miranda has returned to normal. Count Daniel, who was said to be sleeping in the bedroom, appeared and presided over the banquet himself.

However, in Su Jinzhi's view, they didn't seem to have returned to normal, but they had no memory of the abnormal period at all, or in their view, they were all "normal" during that abnormal period.

The banquet was very grand, and all the heirs of Earl Daniel except the eldest daughter arrived, including Miranda, who had not been allowed to appear before, and even Countess Jewel.

The Countess was dressed very gorgeously today. She was wearing a wine-red mermaid dress, her snow-white round breasts were almost half exposed, and there were exquisite ruby and gold hair ornaments between her temples, which could almost sway in the candlelight. human eye. And Miranda seemed to have indeed returned to the original obedient and docile appearance that Earl Daniel said, sitting timidly in the seat with her teddy bear in her arms, not even daring to lift her head.

Anne was the last one to arrive. It was rare for her not to dress up maturely today. Instead, she changed into a tulle dress similar to Miranda's.

The long skirt was very beautiful, made of several layers of pink-purple gauze, and under the pleated skirt were layers of snow-white lace, gently swaying with her steps. She appeared in da da aristocratic pointed-toed high-heeled shoes, flying like a beautiful butterfly, and immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the hall.

Anne seemed to enjoy being the focus of the banquet, with a decent smile on her delicate face.

"Mom." However, Miranda, who kept her head down, suddenly looked up at Anne, tugged at Jewel's sleeve, pointed to Anne's skirt and said, "My sister's skirt is so beautiful, I want it too. "

Su Jinzhi didn't know if it was his illusion. The smile on Annie's face faded after Miranda said this. She pinched the feather folding fan in her hand, smiled and praised softly: "I think the skirt on my sister is also beautiful. It's beautiful."

Miranda lowered her head and said nothing.

"My sister's skirt is very cute, but you have grown up and don't suit that kind of skirt. Mom will prepare other ones for you." Allen on the opposite side looked.

Miranda pouted and muttered: "But I just want to wear clothes for my dolls..."

But even though she said unpleasant things, her cute face still made people unable to get angry. Su Jinzhi stared at her for a while, and then was pinched by the unhappy demon.

In other people's eyes, he is sitting on the chair with his back straight now, but in fact it is Sariel who is sitting on the chair now, and he is held in Sally's arms, sitting on his back. leg surface.

After being pinched on the sensitive soft flesh on his waist, Su Jinzhi trembled, and immediately withdrew his gaze, staring down at the milk tea cup in front of him in a daze.

But in Sariel's eyes, his appearance didn't mean that much. He squinted his eyes, pinched a bunch of creamy blonde hair of the young man with his hands and played with it at his fingertips: "My dear!" An Luosi, why would you rather look at the woman who hurt you than look back at me who loves you deeply?"

"She is still a child, she became like that because of you." Su Jinzhi followed his personality and said good things to Miranda, but in fact he didn't know if it was Sariel's fault that Miranda became like that.

"Because of me?" Sariel smiled coldly, "What about your little friends? Do you think they became like that because of me?"

Lucian and Alan were sitting on his left, with faint smiles on their faces, he asked Sariel: "Didn't you make Lucien and Alan become like that?"

"Of course not." Sariel denied it shamelessly. He thought he had done nothing, "I just magnified their desires. I don't know what your little friends are thinking, and Milan It's not just because of me that Da will be like that."

"However, Miranda hurt you before, and I feel very distressed." Sariel said, leaning over and licking the side of his neck, "So I thought about it, let them maintain their hypocritical kindness."

The wet touch came from the neck, just like the feeling of the strange beast licking on his neck that night. Su Jinzhi was stunned for a moment and quickly recovered. At the same time, he realized that Sariye had admitted the love of everyone in the castle. Change is his masterpiece.

No wonder Miranda has always insisted that there are no demons on her body, that body belongs to her. Now Su Jinzhi is a little scared when he thinks about Miranda's crazy appearance when he was controlled by his inner desire. He can't figure it out. The appearance looks so pure and lovely. How strong is the desire in a young girl's heart to drive her to do so many bloody and cruel things.

And Owen, the scene of him being strangled to death by his internal organs on the table was so horrifying that Su Jinzhi couldn't forget it even if he wanted to.

"But you killed Mr. Owen..."

"I didn't kill him." Sariye leaned back on the chair impatiently, picked up the cup of milk tea that Su Jinzhi had drunk, and took a sip of the expensive milk tea that only nobles can enjoy, but this milk tea didn't seem to suit his taste. He only took a sip before putting down the teacup, then leaned down and bit Su Jinzhi's earlobe with his teeth as if revenge, "My dear An Luosi, why do you always wrong me when I love you so much? The charges that belong to me are charged to me?"

Su Jinzhi asked him: "If you didn't kill it, then who could it be?"

"I have been in this castle for many years, but I have been stuck in one place and can't get out, so I tell everyone who sees me, tell them, as long as anyone can let me out, I will fulfill his wish." wish." Sariel did not answer his question directly and clearly, but slightly raised the corners of his lips, cupped his hand and kissed his fingertips reverently, "An Luosi, my baby, what wish do you have? Even if you only want to seal me instead of freeing me, I am willing to fulfill your wish for you, because I love you so much."

Su Jinzhi listened to Sally Yeh's confession, his heart was full of pink bubbles, but he still made a cold expression, and pulled back his fingers: "That's a pity, I only have one wish, and that is to seal you again." .”

"Well... let me think about it." Sariel still smiled, but she didn't grab his hand again, but pinched his chin, and kissed his deep gray eyes with the tip of her high nose It was full of love, "Are you going to seal me in your heart? Then I must be very willing."

"But I don't want to." Su Jinzhi turned his head away and left this sentence, he was afraid that if he stared into Sariye's eyes again, he would not be able to help but want to kiss him.

But fortunately, he didn't continue to listen to Sariel's love words anymore, because Earl Daniel had already raised his wine glass with Alan and Lucian and said that he would give them a lot of jewelry and gold, and he would also write to the temple to praise their bravery in exorcising demons. Thank you for your deeds, and Allen and Lucien also smiled and were about to say their thanks. Seeing this, Su Jinzhi quickly got off Sariel's lap, stood up and said loudly: "Earl Daniel, you can't do this!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone on the long table froze.

The first person to speak was Lucian, who always smiled gently and warmly. This surprised Su Jinzhi. At this moment, there was no smile on his face, and he even showed an angry expression for the first time: "An Luosi, why is this? Could it be that you Are you jealous that Alan and I get paid more than you?" The people who came to exorcise Miranda this time, except for the dead Owen, got a lot of rewards, but Su Jinzhi got the least, because after all Miranda On the day the "demon" was actually exorcised, he wasn't there and didn't contribute a bit, so Lucian and Allen got paid more than him.

"Of course not." Su Jinzhi immediately denied, "We can't ask for any of these rewards, because the real devil hasn't left yet, and we can't leave Earl Daniel's castle!"

Hearing that the devil hadn't left, everyone on the long table focused their eyes on Miranda. Miranda trembled all over, holding the brown bear doll and lowering her head timidly, biting her lower lip and not daring to speak.

Such a timid Miranda doesn't look like the one who was possessed by a demon before.

So Allen frowned and said, "Impossible, this is ridiculous."

"Stop joking, okay? An Luosi." Su Jinzhi said such a reason, but at least it was not because of jealousy. Lucian took a deep breath to control the expression on his face, and tried to raise the corners of his lips and said, "I know you have Maybe a little tired, but the demon really left."

"No..." The young man frowned, his face full of anxiety, "The devil really hasn't left yet!"

Allen interrupted him impatiently: "Enough, An Luosi. You keep saying that the devil hasn't left yet, so where is he?"

"He is..." The young man's eyes were filled with disbelief, his lips opened and closed repeatedly but he couldn't complete the sentence. It seemed that it was because he could not believe that his companions did not believe what he said, or that he could not tell the real location of the demon, because he could not tell them that the biggest demon in the castle was sitting beside them, Join them in this banquet.

Seeing his poor little exorcist being speechless by the people on the long table, Sariel couldn't help laughing loudly while hugging his waist. He wrapped his arms around the young man's soft and thin waist, poked his head out from his side, his gray eyes swept over the faces of everyone on the long table one by one, and told his dear exorcist cruelly as if the result of the sentence: "I Dear Anlos, the devil is usually just a mortal and inconspicuous. He dines with you at the same table, hiding under the seemingly beautiful and pure body. Guess who is the real one among all the people here. demons?"