Undying Patient

Chapter 119: Demon Concerto 14


Sariel wanted a soul that belonged to him for a long time, a long time.

He is the fallen angel who is in charge of the moon and the soul, but the souls he controls are all those souls that are full of twisted desires and are filthier than him.

So Sariel is very eager to have a bright, pure and warm soul.

But the more he desires, the things he desires or possesses will be farther and farther away from him. At times, Sariel had to admit that God was damn fair. Although he could fulfill everyone's wishes, it was extremely difficult to realize his own wishes.

The pure and warm soul he longed for has never been seen since the day he left heaven.

Fortunately, there are temples in the empire responsible for spreading the bright light, and there are greedy and dissatisfied humans who bring darkness from hell.

When the moon is full, kneeling in the temple without candles at the cost of your own soul, you can summon demons from hell to fulfill your wishes—as long as the desires in human hearts never disappear, Sariel has countless opportunities Came to the world from hell, slowly looking for the soul he wanted,

It's just that he has been the powerful Hell Seven Lords for too long, and he also fell into his own hands because of his arrogance towards human beings.

Just when the transaction contract that couldn't be more ordinary was concluded, the group of exorcists invited by the Daniel family turned against the generals and sealed Sariel in the angel statue of the temple.

So Sariel wandered in this damn castle for hundreds of years, watching the people of the Daniel family become stronger and richer under his magic day by day, his heart was full of anger, but his mana was sealed, and he couldn't do anything. I can't do it, but I can only watch his moonlight flowers bloom every night in this forgotten temple, and then fall in bunches at dawn, going round and round for a hundred years.

Finally one day, he saw two interesting girls in the castle.

The first girl, she killed a maidservant of her own age with a silver knife, and the maidservant's blood flowed under his idol, loosening the seal. As for the other girl, she took away the maid's eyes and peeled off the maid's white and soft skin—this is the benefit she got for keeping the murder a secret for the first girl.

The first girl, she was jealous of the maid who was younger than her but had a plumper body, so she killed her.

As for the second girl, she was greedy for the beautiful eyes and fair skin of the maid, so she kept a secret for the murdering girl.

Sariel stayed in the statue and witnessed this bloody, cruel and inhuman dark transaction.

The ancestor Daniel who made a deal with him must have never imagined that his dirty and despicable blood would be inherited by his descendants. His dark hair and eyes are the best witnesses. They are as indifferent and greedy as him, bringing together all the evils in the world. Breeding darkness quietly multiplied, and finally released the demon from hell again.

This time, the demon came for vengeance.

But Sariel was not in a hurry to take away the souls of the members of the Daniel family. His seal was only loosened, not completely released. What's more, he preferred to completely occupy the castle that had imprisoned him for hundreds of years in darkness and despair. Time to drag these people into hell.

He lay dormant, waiting for the perfect moment to take revenge on the Daniels and the exorcists who sealed him.

So he said to the murdering girl: If you can bring me seven pure souls that belong to the exorcist, I will grant you one wish.

Said to another girl who kept a secret: The dolls you made are exquisite and beautiful, I like them very much, if you can dedicate seven perfect dolls to me, I will fulfill all your wishes.

In the end, he left a dark bible in the temple and told the sister of the murdered maid: Find the angel left by God in the world and send him back to heaven, and God will send down an archangel to judge all sinful human beings.

It's a race and he can only fulfill the wish of one person - the only one who will set him free.

So soon, the castle had an exorcist after hundreds of years.

Every time an exorcist comes here, he turns into ugly and sinful little boys at night to see if their hearts are consistent with their noble and holy appearance, but to his disappointment, all these souls have is hypocrisy It was as clean as the statue of an angel that sealed him. Although it looked pure white on the outside, there was a real devil hidden inside, waiting to return to the world when the seal was loosened.

Just when he was about to get impatient, an unattractive exorcist appeared. Sariel didn't notice him at first because he was so ordinary.

His blond hair is not as dazzling as that of the exorcist named Allen, his blue eyes are as dim as the color of the sky he hates most, and even his smile is not as bright and warm as that of the young man named Lucian.

He has nothing but a white skin like moonlight.

But such an ordinary young exorcist has become the only one who is willing to hug him in the dark and cold night, just like his favorite moonlight, which will only appear in the dark and belongs to him alone.

"My dear An Luosi, it's a pity that there is no mirror here, you can't know how beautiful you are." Sariel gently stroked the young body of the exorcist in her arms, rubbing back and forth on his skin as white as moonlight, he Kneeling on the ground, she worshiped and kissed his back devoutly with her lips, forcing him to groan as he fell into the abyss of lust.

The beauty that can make even the devil fall for it never comes from the appearance.

The gray-eyed demon kissed his earlobe: "My dear An Luosi, your body is so warm, can I cum in it?"

"Don't get in it..." The young exorcist begged the demon in a voice that had become hoarse and crying. He half-opened his eyes, and his ice-blue eyes were looking at the holy and compassionate gaze lowered by the god statue. Close it tightly again.


"Same-sex love...is sinful...not blessed by God..."

"What if I don't want to?"

The gray-eyed demon laughed softly, and he reached out a hand into the same wet mouth of the exorcist, twiddled the soft red tongue, and whispered affectionately in his ear: "I beg you!" Me, I will satisfy you."

The young exorcist finally couldn't help crying. He frowned in pain and sadness, feeling ashamed and guilty for falling into lust and abandoning his armor and helmet. He seemed to give up all resistance, and his voice was vague He begged for mercy, "I beg you..."

"Call me by my name." The gray-eyed demon narrowed his eyes in satisfaction, licked his ear, and pulled his finger out of his mouth.

The young exorcist flicked forward fiercely, his whole body was like a beautiful bowstring stretched to the extreme, extremely alluring, he panted quickly: "I beg you... Sariel... Sariel... please is you… "

"I will definitely satisfy you." The gray-eyed demon finally got the answer he wanted, so he smiled softly. Half of the deep gray eyes are irrepressible love, and the other half represent exclusive fierceness and love. Shameful, he is like the executioner who controls the knife and ax on the guillotine, mercilessly cutting off the last hope in the exorcist's heart, "But my dear Anlos, don't think that I will let you go, even if it is hell, I will let you go!" I will also take you with me."

The young exorcist closed his eyes and gave up all struggle.

From this moment on, he will be connected with this demon for the rest of his life, just like the intertwined vines of fate, which cannot be separated. His faith, his god, will make way for this immoral love.

At dawn, Sariye finally carried Su Jinzhi out of the temple.

All the moonlight flowers blooming on the ground in the corner withered, and the petals drooped one by one, turning into bits of broken light and dissipating the second before they touched the ground.

Su Jinzhi was dazed and still immersed in the aftertaste of his words, even Sariel's slight dawdling when he was dressing him could make him gasp nicely. He leaned weakly in Sariel's arms, holding his neck, as if this was the only source of his strength.

The moment he stepped out of the temple, the rising sun brought dazzling brilliance. Su Jinzhi wanted to open his eyes, but he only opened a crack with difficulty, and saw a pair of deep gray pupils.


Hearing the exorcist in his arms calling his name, Sariel's already gentle brows and eyes became softer. He did not bring the young man back to the original room, but took him to the place where he concentrated his powers. In a dark hall that came out.

In the center of the hall was a large bed woven with flower vines. He pulled the misty and bright moonlight as a veil, and made the most precious and clear sapphires into ornaments, and raised his hand to push away all the darkness in the hall, allowing the light to come out. The cast of the high dome shone upon his most cherished exorcist.

Sariye placed Su Jinzhi on this big bed, and the soft light fell from the vault and fell between his long pale golden hair, reflecting a soft halo. He hadn't fallen asleep yet, so his slender eyelashes fluttered from time to time, occasionally revealing the bright sapphire-like eyeballs inside.

He embraced the young man, leaned over and kissed him on the forehead: "Sleep, my dear Anlos."

Because his little exorcist likes the light, Sariel is willing to sleep in the light with him.

At the moment when he fell into a deep sleep, Su Jinzhi heard the gray-eyed devil sigh contentedly in his ear: "Anluosi...you are worth my hundreds of years of waiting..."

At this moment, Sariel was resigned to his fate. If he was sealed and wandered in this castle and this temple for hundreds of years, just to wait for this warm soul named An Luosi, then he would be willing, even willing to do it for him. This waits for a longer time, whether it is a hundred years or a thousand years—

Falling into heaven, sinking into hell, all the pain and suffering I have suffered are for meeting you.