Undying Patient

Chapter 12: Big guy in a wheelchair


Some scientists have done research, and human beings have a good impression of another person, it may be because of good appearance, elegant conversation or prominent family background when they meet each other for the first time; it may also be because of long-term staying and companionship.

But all this is just goodwill.

Just like you love a beautiful bouquet of flowers, you will feel sad because it withers, but your heart will not be piercingly hurt because you did not fall in love with that bouquet.

The rapid flow of blood has made Su Jinzhi unable to see clearly now. Qin Yezhou can also find that his pupils are slowly dilated due to excessive blood loss. He is lying in his arms, his body trembling slightly, his forehead The cold sweat and tears on the side of the face were intertwined, moistening the young man's cheeks that were pink a few hours ago, but now they were pale and pale.

Qin Yezhou looked at him and suddenly felt that even speaking became difficult.

He couldn't help raising his hand to cover his eyes, and then Qin Yezhou heard his own hoarse voice: "Jin Zhi, just bear it and it won't hurt."

Su Jinzhi sobbed twice, but soon laughed again, his lips that had lost all blood color bent, and asked in a low voice: "Really..."

Qin Yezhou replied softly, "Yes."

Su Jinzhi laughed again, but to Qin Yezhou's ears, the laughter was more uncomfortable than the crying.

"You lied to me… "

"But Mr. Qin... I'm really happy today..." Su Jinzhi was already very angry, and his speech was intermittent. The few words that others could easily utter were extremely difficult for him, "Really... I never Never been so happy…”

Qin Yezhou thought in his heart: You are lying, if you were really happy, you wouldn't even refuse to call me by my name now.

And at this moment, Qin Yezhou couldn't do it even if he asked him to say the sentence "Just as long as you are happy".

The warm tears constantly overflowing from the young man soon wet his hands covering his eyes, Qin Yezhou looked at the corners of his raised lips, and felt that he too had a heart attack, with a suffocating pain in his chest.

Su Jinzhi raised his hand to hold Qin Yezhou's palm covering his eyes, trying to pull it down.

He had no strength at all, and Qin Yezhou only felt that his hand was being held by a piece of ice—he was really about to die.

This realization made Qin Yezhou's eyes swell and sour, he smiled uglier than crying, and met Su Jinzhi's slowly opened eyes.

Su Jinzhi struggled to free one hand, pointed to his out-of-focus eyes with a smile, and asked him, "Qin, Mr. Qin... look... what's here?"

Qin Yezhou saw his ugly self in his eyes, he smiled, and put a light kiss on Su Jin's forehead: "There are beautiful little stars."

"No..." The young man frowned, panting harder, as if he was a little anxious, for fear that he would not finish the rest of the sentence, "There are no little stars here... because... because..."

Qin Yezhou closed his eyes, and couldn't bear to look into his eyes again, but the young man refused to blink, and continued to look at him reluctantly, with tears flowing from the corners of his eyes to his temples: "Because I met Ye Zhou! …”

"It's all Ye Zhou..."

"It's all about you..."

"I...I really want, really want to stay with you for a little longer..." The young man tried his best to open his eyes wide, wanting to look at him again, "If I could... be greedy..."

If you can, be a little more greedy.

I can't be greedy to be with you all the time, but it would be nice if I could stay with you for a while longer.

The young man's chest heaved and fell rapidly, and the hand holding Qin Yezhou suddenly tightened, and then relaxed, as if unable to grasp the most precious thing that he was most reluctant to let go, but had to lose.

Qin Yezhou suddenly opened his eyes and held Su Jinzhi's other hand that had slipped.

In the eyes that were not fully closed by the young man, there was a pupil that was enlarged to almost occupy the entire eyeball.

But at this moment, Qin Yezhou finally lowered his head that seemed never to be lowered, pressed his forehead firmly against Su Jinzhi's, closed his eyes without making a sound, and smiled softly after a long time: "If you are not happy in the future , don't laugh..."

A week later, the Atlanta docked at one of the northernmost seaports in the Atlantic Ocean, where snow had begun to fall.

Qin Yezhou was still sitting in the wheelchair, as if he had never stood up.

There were two men in suits and leather shoes standing beside him, one was behind him pushing a wheelchair for him, and the other was Qin Luo, holding a black umbrella to cover the man in the wheelchair from the falling fine snow .

The blood-like sunset glow sprinkled on Qin Yezhou's body, adding some warmth to his cold and hard face. The car that came to pick him up had already arrived, but Qin Yezhou was still standing on the deck looking at the sea, refusing to disembark for a long time.

Qin Luo looked at her watch, then at the dark blue sky with a few stars shining on the other side of the setting sun, and said to Qin Yezhou: "Sir, the car is here."

Qin Yezhou was still looking at the sea, didn't take his gaze away, and suddenly said a word: "Qin Luo, your marksmanship has always been very accurate."

When Qin Luo heard his words, he suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Qin Yezhou smiled: "But now it's a little rusty, go home and take care of yourself."

"You don't have to follow me anymore."

After Qin Yezhou said these words, he stood up from the wheelchair, did not take the umbrella from the bodyguard, but let the fine snow fall on his shoulders, dyed his hair white, and walked slowly down Atlanta Number.

That night, Qin Yezhou was sitting on the reef looking at the stars, the doctor who followed him to Iceland answered the phone and walked to him: "Sir..."

Qin Yezhou gave an "um" and motioned for the doctor to continue talking.

"There was a call from the UK, saying that they had found a suitable heart."

Qin Yezhou was silent for a while, and lowered his eyes to look at the transparent glass bottle wrapped in a soft cloth and obediently in his arms. Inside was fine and fine snow-white powder, but it was not snow.

"It's no longer needed, tell them to give it to someone else."

Doctor Bai said, "Yes, sir."

"Bai Dong." Qin Yezhou called to stop Dr. Bai, "Do you feel that the stars here this year seem not as good-looking as in previous years?"

The starry sky in Iceland is beautiful, and you can see the aurora in the right season, so Qin Yezhou comes here every year. When Dr. Bai heard what he said, he turned around and glanced at the starry sky, and then said, "It's still as bright as in previous years, sir."

"Really? I think it's a bit dark." Qin Yezhou looked up at the night sky, and put the transparent glass bottle on the small table beside him.

Doctor Bai couldn't guess Qin Yezhou's consciousness, so he didn't speak.

Qin Yezhou was silent for a while, and said, "By the way, do you know what the flower language of sunflowers is?"

"Sunflower?" Bai Dong stopped and thought for a while, "I remember it should be silent love."

"A legend tells that there was a water fairy who met Apollo, the sun god who was hunting in the woods. She was deeply fascinated by this handsome god and fell in love with him madly. But Apollo couldn't even look straight. Seeing that she left immediately, she eagerly hoped that one day Apollo could talk to her, but she never met him again. So she could only keep her eyes on the sky every day, watching Apollo driving the golden and emerald green car. The sun chariot flew across the sky until he left. It was like this every day. At sunrise, she looked towards the sun. Later, the gods had mercy on her and turned her into a golden sunflower so that she could always look towards the sun , follow Apollo every day, and tell him her eternal love. So the flower language of sunflower is 'silent love'." Bai Dong said.

Always follow, and never touch, so sunflowers, flowers that seem to face the sun all day long, are actually very pitiful.

"This story is so miserable, I thought it would be a good legend." Qin Yezhou smiled, "Go down, I want to eat something sweeter tomorrow."

Doctor Bai nodded and said, "Yes, sir."

After Bai Dong left, Qin Yezhou picked up the sketchbook on the table beside him, and turned to the page that the young man hadn't finished drawing.

The young man said on the bed that day that he would not show it to him until he finished drawing. It's a pity that he will never wait for the day when the painting is finished.

And Qin Yezhou looked at Su Jinzhi's painting, the picture of the two standing in a pile of sunflowers smiling brightly, his pupils narrowed suddenly.

The young man painted him standing, and he completely painted him and the sunflowers blooming brilliantly behind him, but he didn't have time to finish his whole body, not even half of his body.

Looking at this painting, Qin Yezhou suddenly remembered the wish that Su Jinzhi told him on the boat: he wanted to cure his illness, and then continue to study and paint.

— There is no self in his wish.

No wonder he would carefully ask "Really?" when he made any promises to him, and asked "Really?" No wonder he wasn't very happy when he heard that he was going to marry him.

Qin Yezhou smiled again, closed his sketchbook, and turned to look at the glass bottle on the small table. He reached out to touch it, feeling the cold temperature coming from the bottle, then closed his eyes and said softly: "Is it silent love..."

The voice was too soft, and was quickly swept away by the night wind howling from the sea.

This year's stars are not as bright as in previous years, and the future stars will be dimmer than this year's.

Since then, my world has no stars and seas.

Because at the moment when I met you, all the stars were reduced to dust.

The second volume of national color and fragrance