Undying Patient

Chapter 122: Demon Concerto 17


If it was placed before, Su Jinzhi might consider giving Sariel some response even if the human design would collapse. However, since No. 1 had so solemnly mentioned to him not to collapse the human design, Su Jinzhi thought about it and decided It's better to make the play more realistic. So no matter how Sally Yeh teased him, Su Jinzhi sat on a chair drinking tea majestically like a mountain, waiting for Alan and Lucien to come over.

When he woke up this morning, Sariel was not by his side, and he didn't know where he went. They didn't leave Earl Daniel's castle in the end. Allen and Lucian asked him to meet in the small living room, saying that they wanted to discuss something with him, but Su Jinzhi sat here and waited for a long time, and Sariel came back. Allen and Lucian Still didn't show up.

It wasn't until Su Jinzhi finished drinking a whole pot of black tea that the two of them arrived slowly.

To Su Jinzhi's surprise, Lucien was in a good mood and had a bright smile on his face. Although he usually smiled, Su Jinzhi always felt that his smile was fake since his true nature was exposed. At this moment, his smile is very real, and people can know that his mood is really great. Allen still looked expressionless, making it impossible to see how he was feeling.

"An Luosi, have you been waiting for a long time?" Lucian walked towards him with a smile and explained to him why he came to eat, "I was delayed on the road for some things, and the countess invited me to her afternoon tea, but because I have a date with you, so I turned her down."

Isn't Lucian interested in that Jewel? How could you refuse her? And still so happy after rejecting

Su Jinzhi raised his head in surprise, and saw Lucian showing him a somewhat smug smile, like a male showing his power to another defeated male after winning the mating right of a female. Su Jinzhi actually didn't want to use this metaphor to compare the two of them, but that's how Lucian felt to him now.

Lucian had seen him alone with the countess, and he probably thought Jewel liked him before, but now he has changed his mind.

Su Jinzhi was a little speechless, he couldn't help looking at Allen, he had nothing to do with Jewel, this arrogant blond young man was the one who fought against Jewel, right

Sensing his gaze, Allen thought that Su Jinzhi wanted to know why he was late, so he put down his teacup and said, "Miss Miranda stopped me on the way, so I was delayed for some time."

Exorcists are very punctual and trustworthy, because this is what their beliefs require them to abide by. Lucien and Allen were late and almost broke the appointment, which can be said to be a very rude thing. If Su Jinzhi wanted to, he could use this incident to blame the two of them.

However, according to the character of the original body, he would not blame Lucien and Alan, and because Jewel expressed his affection for Su Jinzhi first, Lucian is now very hostile to Su Jinzhi, and he echoed Alan and said: "Miss Miranda It seems that I am very grateful to Alan and I for exorcising the demon for her." His tone was full of complacency and contempt for Su Jinzhi, because in his opinion, Su Jinzhi did not contribute any effort to exorcise the demon.

"My dear An Luosi, they took away the credit that originally belonged to you." Sariye smiled and hugged Su Jinzhi's waist, leaned on the sofa and talked in Su Jinzhi's ear, and passed her hands through the gap between the buttons dishonestly , reaching into Su Jinzhi's robe and caressing his smooth flesh, "It's because of you that I am obedient and a kind devil."

"Well, it's okay." Su Jinzhi was trembling when Sariye touched him, he took a breath, ignored Sariye's fingers twiddling in his robe, and asked them calmly with a smile on his lips , "What are we going to discuss today?"

"That's it, An Luosi." Allen looked up at Su Jinzhi, he put down his teacup, crossed his fingers and placed it on the table, speaking in a tone of discussion rather than a notice, "We originally planned to leave the castle as soon as possible Yes, because you also know that Teacher Owen passed away, and the temple wants us to go back and give a careful explanation. I also discussed it with Lucien, and you insist that the devil has not left, and we must stay, so we plan to let You go back to the temple first, and then go back after we have completely expelled the demons here, after all—”

Allen frowned rarely, but the arrogance in his eyes was still clear and conspicuous: "Your exorcism ability is not mature enough, it's safer for you to go back first."

Lucian had some unexplainable feelings for Jewel. Of course, he didn't want to leave Earl Daniel's castle for the time being, and Alan didn't care if he went back, but staying in the castle, Earl Daniel provided them with delicious food and comfortable accommodation. The conditions are several times better than those in the temple. After all, neither he nor Lucian believed in the fact that Su Jinzhi said that the demon had not left, but thought that Su Jinzhi might want to enjoy more good times with high treatment in the castle. refused to leave.

Even in Lucian's eyes, there might be another reason for Su Jinzhi's refusal to leave—for the beautiful Mrs. Jewell.

Didn't he say that the demons in the castle haven't left them yet and someone has to stay? That's fine, let him go back by himself, wouldn't it be fine for them to stay and guard the castle

"Don't leave, or I'll kill everyone in the castle." However, before Su Jinzhi could speak, Sariye leaned over to his ear and whispered with the corners of his lips hooked. After speaking, he still hugged him He bit his earlobe lightly, "Hurry up and reject them, my dear An Luosi."

"No... I can't..." The young man closed his eyes, his lips parted and he was panting, not knowing whether he was rejecting his partner or the devil.

Alan and Lucian frowned after hearing Su Jinzhi's refusal, and Sariel looked at their expressions with a deeper smile on his face. The hand that slipped into the young man's robe continued to penetrate deeper, attacking even more private parts, and tilted his head slightly, kissing the young man's fair neck, where the skin was soft and thin, rubbed by the hot breath Slight redness. The gray-eyed devil pressed his lips to the side of his neck, so his voice became a little muffled: "If you really want me to accompany you out of here, but dear Anlos, the premise is that you have to sell your soul to I, become An Luosi who belongs to me alone, so... "

"You can go wherever you want me to accompany you." Sariye smiled softly, turned Su Jinzhi's head and kissed him hard on the lips,

The moment the gray-eyed demon wanted to stick his tongue into his mouth, Su Jinzhi pushed him away, blushing and shouting at Alan and Lucien with excitement: "No! I can't leave! The demon is here !"

Lucian and Alan were yelled at by him, and their already bad faces became even uglier, with some shock and surprise on their faces, because Su Jinzhi looked as weird as being possessed by a demon at the moment: "An Luosi ,you… "

Sariye fell into the sofa with a smile, propped his chin with one hand, and gently hooked the index finger of Su Jinzhi's hand hanging by his side with the other hand.

The young exorcist shook off his hand instantly as if electrocuted, stepped back a few steps to the side, adjusted the expression on his face and said, "Alan, Lucian, listen carefully to me, the devil is really here In the castle, he will trick us all into falling into hell... ”

"Do you know An Luosi? Allen and I believe your words now, because you look no different from someone possessed by a demon at the moment." Lucian interrupted him impatiently, "You have been saying The devil is still in the castle, so where is he?"

"He's in this room!" The young exorcist turned around and pointed to the sofa behind himself, "but only I saw him... so I can't leave because... because..."

Allen shook his head, eyes full of indifference: "Are you playing us for fools, An Luosi?"

"Enough An Luosi." Lucien stretched out the book, trying to calm down Su Jinzhi, "If you are not satisfied with the result, then we can discuss it again."

The young exorcist shook his head, he looked behind him in despair, the gray-eyed demon sitting there was smiling at him: "No... Lucian, I mean, only I can't leave this castle , the devil said that I must stay."

"An Luosi may really think of us as fools." Lucian sneered and turned to Allen.

Allen asked Su Jinzhi amusedly: "Then An Luosi, can you tell us why the devil insists on you staying?"

The young man froze in place, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, his pale lips opened slightly, hesitant to speak, Sariel watched his lips open and close, his eyes were dark and deep, and he smiled slightly: "Tell them, my dear!" Anros."

Sariye got up from the sofa, flashed behind Su Jinzhi like a phantom in the night, raised her arms to hug his waist, stroked his earlobe with her lips, and said with a low smile, "Tell them how much I love you!" , love your white body, love your nipples that turn red when you bite them, tell them how I kiss you, how I enter you and bring you to orgasm, tell them how I feel all the time Want to take off this robe of yours and fuck you to death on the bed..."

The young exorcist closed his eyes in despair, and said shyly, "Because the devil...he covets my body."

"Coveted your body?" Alan closed his face with a smile, and he glanced back and forth at Su Jinzhi's body with disdain, "An Luosi, do you think your appearance has the capital to be remembered by the devil?"

Su Jinzhi opened his eyes, hoping that they would believe his begging: "It's true Alan, if I leave, the devil will kill everyone in the castle, including you..."

"Okay, okay." Allen rolled his eyes, crossed his arms and asked him, "Did the devil say what he would do before he was willing to leave?"

"Yes, he said... As long as I sell my soul to him, he is willing to leave." Su Jinzhi replied.