Undying Patient

Chapter 123: Demon Concerto 18


"Sell me your soul, and I will grant all your wishes."

Every exorcist is familiar with the words that the devil bewitched humans to make a dark deal with him. Since a long time ago, there have been people who have obeyed or magnified the darkness in their hearts, put on a good disguise, and exchanged for Power, wealth and world-renowned beauties.

Demons, on the other hand, only want their souls.

Those who make a deal with the devil never know that they have more to lose than they gain.

But Allen had never heard of a demon coveting the... body of an ordinary exorcist.

"My God..." Allen looked at Su Jinzhi with a headache, "If you say that the devil covets your soul, we might still believe you."

Lucian also thought Su Jinzhi's answer was extremely ridiculous, and he said, "An Luosi, please use another excuse that Alan and I can believe."

"You... don't believe me?" The young exorcist stared blankly at his trusted partner, and said slowly, "But what I said is not an excuse, it is the truth."

"Of course they won't believe you." Sariel laughed with a sneer, and continued talking in his ear, "Because you didn't tell the truth, baby. That's not what I said, You lied, you are a liar."

"No... I'm not..." The devil's bewitching voice kept whispering in his ears, trying to completely control his thoughts, the young man covered his ears and gradually squatted down, trying to escape the voice.

"You are, of course you are." However, to the disappointment of the young exorcist, the demon was always chasing after him. He took off his robe, which was as dark as the night, and gently put it on him, As if the darkness turned into substance and enveloped his whole body, "I covet your body? I will leave if I get your soul? Huh? My dear An Luosi, did I tell you that? Or did you not understand what I said? the meaning of?"

This robe has the body temperature of the demon, it is warm, and there is a faint smell from him, like a tightly locked iron net trapping him, and the gray-eyed demon is like his Shadow—he is always in the dark place, and he is also with him in the bright place. He repeatedly said in his ear with a deep and hoarse voice: "Your soul will definitely belong to me, but it's not because I covet your soul, but because I covet your soul. It’s because you want to love me. Your eyes must always be on me, every sentence you say must be related to me, every scene you see must have my existence, you must love me more than you love The world you have loved, the gods you have loved will still love me, and even your soul will belong to me.”

"No... I can't, I can't love you... I can't!" An Luosi squatted down in a low voice, Lucian and Allen froze for a moment, but before they got close to him, An Luosi suddenly stood up and looked at him in surprise An Luosi yelled into the air at the top of his voice, and finally his voice gradually weakened, "Stop talking, stop talking in my ear, stay away from me, please..."

"Okay, I won't say anything." Sariel smiled and stood still in front of his poor little exorcist, raising his hand to gently stroke the blond hair hanging behind him, with a gentle voice, but the words he said were very cruel. He pinched the exorcist's chin so that he couldn't lower his head, and couldn't avoid his gaze. Sariel looked straight at the pair of sky blue eyes that were glowing with water, and lowered his head to kiss the corner of his lips lightly, " But An Luosi, you can't escape, let's recognize the reality early. No matter how you struggle and resist, in the face of you, my patience will never end. And now—"

Sariel paused for a moment, looked at the castle soldier who suddenly appeared behind the young man, raised his lips, and pressed the young man's shoulder to make him turn around: "Let us take a good look at the true face of your so-called friend."

But in the eyes of others, Su Jinzhi turned around by himself.

"An Luosi." Both Lucian and Allen looked at him coldly, with suspicion and strangeness in their eyes, "We think you are possessed by a demon."

It didn't take long before all the servants in Daniel's castle knew that among the exorcists who came to exorcise Miss Miranda, there was an exorcist who couldn't keep his heart pure and was possessed by a demon. The earl was alarmed.

From the time Allen and Lucien said that sentence, Su Jinzhi has always maintained a disillusioned expression—in order to play the poor little An Luosi who has lost his soul and collapsed his faith.

Although he is an exorcist, his status in Earl Daniel's castle is not as good as Miranda's, so he is not treated as well as Miranda, not to mention there are Lucien and Alan who treat him like enemies. The soldiers faced Su Jinzhi with spears and shields, fearing that he would run amok and kill people like Miranda, and put a pair of heavy chains on his hands, and finally pushed him into a black iron cage, and put him outside first. The earl is waiting in the garden.

There were many servants standing around the black iron cage. They looked at Su Jinzhi in the cage like watching a monkey, and they covered their mouths with their hands and whispered——

"Oh, Ellie, did you see, his skin is so white..."

"I heard it was because he was a 'child of the moon'..."

"Oh my god... then wouldn't he bring bad luck? How could the temple make him an exorcist..."

The voices of the servants were so low that Su Jinzhi should have been unable to hear them, but the demon behind him wanted him to hear them.

Today is a sunny day, and the sun outside is very harsh. The skin and hair of albino patients, including the eyes, lack melanin. Their skin is very sensitive and cannot resist such strong sunlight.

Also, their eyes are sensitive to light.

There was nothing around Su Jinzhi that could shade the sun, so it would be fine if he just stood there for a while, but he had been standing here for a long time. The strong sunlight almost made Su Jinzhi unable to open his eyes. When he blinked, physical tears flowed down his cheeks.

However, Sariye thought that Su Jinzhi was sad. He originally planned to wait and see, so that his little exorcist could see clearly the ugly faces of the people in this castle, but Sariye had to admit that as soon as he saw Su Jinzhi The exorcist's tears couldn't help but soften his heart, so he sighed softly and hugged him from behind, raised his hands to cover his head from the sun, and kept kissing the tears on his cheeks: "My An Luosi , you see, places with light cannot accept us, you also said that we are all children of the moon, come with me."

Su Jinzhi said in a low voice: "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be regarded as a devil."

The smile on Sariye's face suddenly disappeared. He pinched Su Jinzhi's chin and asked him: "So you are blaming me now?"

Su Jinzhi pinched the railing of the black iron cage and did not speak.

Earl Daniel waited for a long time before coming. Mrs. Jewel, Miranda, and Anne came with him. Almost the whole family came, looking at Su Jinzhi in the black iron cage with different eyes.

Mrs. Jewel originally liked Su Jinzhi very much. This may be because of the inferiority of "what you can't get is always what you want most" in human hearts, but Su Jinzhi rejected him one after another. At this moment, he is still locked in a black iron cage in embarrassment. The contrast with Lucien and Allen, who were neatly dressed and looking good, was sharp, so when Jewel looked at Su Jin again, he felt that everything was wrong with him, and he had no intention of speaking well for him.

Su Jinzhi was dizzy from the sun. If Sariye hadn't blocked part of the sun for him, he might have passed out long ago. But since Earl Daniel's family appeared, he has been feeling a strong and strange gaze staring at him, that gaze seems to have warmth, and falls sharply on him like a knife with substance.

The eyesight of the albino is not very good, and the sunlight outside is so harsh, Su Jinzhi squinted his eyes and looked around the crowd around him, but he couldn't see who was looking at him with such eyes.

At this moment, Su Jinzhi suddenly heard Miranda's soft and joyful voice: "Annie, look, his skin is really white!"

When Miranda first saw An Luosi, the exorcist, he felt that he was too white, as fine and white as milk, and as flawless as snow. Every time after that, Miranda thought the same. But at this moment, he was locked in a black iron cage and stood under the sun, his whole body was so white that he seemed to blend in with the surrounding light, almost dazzling people's eyes.

There was no expression on Annie's delicate face, she stared at him steadily, and the gray-eyed devil behind him watched for a while, the fist hanging by her side was gradually clenched, but her voice was light and ethereal: "Yes …like moonlight."

Su Jinzhi didn't know if it was his illusion, he always felt that Annie's tone of voice was not right, there was an illusion that she was jealous of him.

"What should we do now?" Earl Daniel asked what Alan and Lucian meant.

"We have to stay in the castle." Allen said seriously, "I still have half a bottle of holy water here, we have to try to see if we can exorcise An Luosi, if not..."

Miranda is the daughter of Earl Daniel. Daniel is unwilling to give up on her, so he must drive out the demons in her and restore her to health. But An Luosi is different, the temple can give up him, and his family will not intercede for him, because an exorcist who is possessed by a demon and whose heart is no longer pure is useless.

Earl Daniel nodded, looking at the young man who was weak and almost dying under the sun, he felt more and more that there was a demon lodging in him—after all, only demons are afraid of light.

After discussing the outcome of Su Jinzhi's disposal, Earl Daniel's family left, and Alan and Lucien didn't want to stay here to bask in the sun. Before they left, Su Jinzhi asked them: "Alan, Lucien, if what I said is true What, if the devil really wants to get my soul, is he willing to leave?"

Allen stopped and looked at him coldly, as if he didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Lucian also stared at him for a while, and finally said: "The vocation of an exorcist is to expel demons. An Luosi, if the demon really wants you to do that, then you should sell your soul to him. You should do it, shouldn't you?"