Undying Patient

Chapter 13: Amnesia General Infatuated Bustard 1


Su Jinzhi lost consciousness in the uninterrupted severe pain in his chest, and woke up from another unspeakable pain.

He felt that his lungs were burning like they were about to explode. He didn't wear shoes on his feet, and he stepped directly on the messy and uneven ground with broken stones and dry branches. Pulled and ran forward desperately.

The emotions before his death in the last world were still affecting him, coupled with the physical pain, Su Jinzhi blinked, tears fell down, he sniffed, and saw the man who was pulling him away The man suddenly turned his head and looked at him anxiously: "Jinzhi!"

Qin Yezhou? !

Su Jinzhi froze for a moment when he saw his face clearly. He subconsciously looked at the man's legs and found that he was standing firmly on the ground. He quickly realized that he was in another world now. This man It is definitely not Qin Yezhou, but his new general goal of saving.

The tender-faced Qin Yezhou stopped and supported Su Jinzhi: "Jinzhi, can you still run?"

However, Su Jinzhi doesn't talk about talking now, he feels that whether he can catch his breath is a big problem.

"Jinzhi, you go first, I'll lure them away." The tender-faced Qin Yezhou obviously saw his discomfort, and said after a moment.

No. 1 is also reminding him: "The people behind are about to catch up."

Su Jinzhi took a deep breath, and answered No. 1 in his mind: "But I can't fucking run, what's going on?"

No. 1 said succinctly: "You are being chased."

"I'm not blind!"

"You don't need to run." No. 1 gave him a spoiler, "Those people won't kill you, but Jiang Lishan won't necessarily."

Su Jinzhi asked: "Jiang Lishan?"

Number One told him: "It is the general goal of saving your world."

Su Jinzhi was panting, and he didn't have time to sort out the relevant information about this world sent to him by No. 1, but he thought that since those people wouldn't kill him, let Jiang Lishan run away first.

"Jiang, Jiang Lishan..." Su Jinzhi was panting, and raised one hand to grab the hem of the man's clothes, "They won't do anything to me, but if you take me, there is no way to leave here..."

"Jinzhi..." Jiang Lishan frowned tightly, and his face, which was about the same as Qin Yezhou's, was full of grief, which made Su Jinzhi a little stunned.

There were more complicated footsteps and noises behind him, Su Jinzhi took a deep breath, pushed Jiang Lishan, and shouted in a low voice: "Hurry up!"

Jiang Lishan stepped back a few steps, then stepped forward again, and tied a piece of blood-colored jade tied around his neck to Su Jinzhi's neck: "Jinzhi, wait for me, I will definitely bring someone to rescue you."

After saying these words, he leaned over and kissed Su Jinzhi's lips.

Su Jinzhi was dumbfounded by his kiss, but he smacked his mouth and licked the salty taste - it was Jiang Lishan's tears.

"I'll wait for you..." Su Jinzhi murmured while holding the piece of jade tightly.

Jiang Lishan watched him turn his head three times at a step, and finally gritted his teeth and disappeared deep in the dense forest.

Su Jinzhi was leaning against the tree trunk to breathe evenly, and within a few minutes the group of people who were chasing after them came. Just as Su Jinzhi looked up, he saw a black shadow flashing in front of him, and he was slammed by people with a "snap". Slapped.

"Damn it, I'll let you run away!" The man slapped him not enough, he grabbed his hair and kicked him to the ground, kicking his soft abdomen one by one.

Su Jinzhi let out a scream, and then curled up his body tightly, feeling that his internal organs were being stirred and cut by a blunt knife, and the sweet blood lingered in his throat, overflowing the corners of his lips little by little. It's nothing compared to the slap just now.

"Enough! Stop hitting!" Another person also rushed over and stopped the person who hit Su Jinzhi earlier.

"This bitch bit off the third child's finger!"

"Then you can't slap him in the face! How can we sell him for a mutilated face?! First tie him back and then talk..."

Su Jinzhi was paralyzed on the ground, his eyes were pitch black, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his hands were convulsed with pain, and this body seemed to be very weak. Even though Su Jinzhi bit his tongue to try to wake himself up, his mind still gradually became dizzy. Deeper darkness.

When he woke up again, he just opened his eyes, and he felt an uncontrollable itching in his throat, and then a sweetness grabbed his tracheal wall and tried to climb up. Su Jinzhi wanted to support the bed to get up, but Realizing that his arms were so weak that he had no strength, he could only tilt his head to the pillow and cough up a mouthful of thick red blood.

"Mom, he's vomiting blood again!"

Before Su Jinzhi was dazed to see the world in front of him, he heard a noise beside the bed, mixed with hurried footsteps and faint screams, gradually approaching him.

A burst of fragrance approached, and Su Jinzhi caught a glimpse of vermilion from the corner of his eye. The next moment, he felt a soft palm caressing his forehead, and then a gentle and gentle male voice said: "Okay, okay, I saw it, What are you yelling about, the doctor said he would just spit out the congestion in his chest."

The man quickly admitted his mistake when he heard the words: "Mom, I was wrong..."

"Oh, why did it end up like this? I haven't made any money since I bought it back. It took so much money to treat his illness and recuperate his injuries..." The man sighed for a long time, and then Su Jinzhi felt his own pain. His face was lifted up, and his chin was pinched for a closer look, "Fortunately, this face is not hurt, as for the whip wound on this body—Ping An, you can go to Shaoli Lane and invite me for Cichun. The wound on the body is still not healed, so let's try the blood sculpture tattoo he mentioned last time."

Su Jinzhi tried hard to open his eyes, but he barely opened his eyelids, and saw the indistinct outlines of the people standing beside his bed. The man who pinched his chin had a gorgeous face, and there was a pink flower in the corner of his eyes. The peach blossom tattoo, met his gaze, and the man smiled again: "Are you awake?"

Su Jinzhi's thinking was still muddled, he blinked twice, his head sank and he passed out again.

When he opened his eyes again, it was half a month later. The room he slept in was quiet, and there was no one around. Su Jinzhi opened his eyes and looked at the tassels hanging from the beautifully embroidered tent in front of him. After a long time, he said softly: "Number one?"

No. 1 quickly responded to him: "Good morning, host."

Su Jinzhi: "..."

Well, your mother's head, he is not good at all, it hurts him to death, fuck.

Su Jinzhi cursed: "What the hell is going on?" Why was he being chased and killed when he first arrived in this world

No. 1 continued succinctly: "You have been sold."

Su Jinzhi: "???"

Hearing what No. 1 said, Su Jinzhi quickly closed his eyes and sorted out the memories that No. 1 had transmitted to him at the beginning, sorting out his identity in this world and the tasks he needed to accomplish.

This world is an ancient background, and it is divided into five countries. The Zhuhua country he is now sold to is the weakest country, and it survives by relying on big countries. And the owner of his body is the old bustard of Huaqi Building, the largest small hall in the prosperous capital of Zhuhua Kingdom—Hua Wuyan, the number one beauty in Zhuhua Kingdom.

Among the Five Kingdoms, everyone who has seen Hua Wuyan, regardless of gender, is heartbroken by him, and they all praise him as a heavenly man, with a beautiful country and heavenly fragrance, glamorous all over the world, and if he is born to see him once, he will die without regret; To be his guest of honor, to have him for a night, is the most fortunate and beautiful thing in the world.

Su Jinzhi lifted the embroidered brocade quilt covering his body and got up to sit on the bed, and stepped on the extremely soft and warm carpet. He slept in this room which was extremely luxurious and exquisite: five-color jade bead glazed curtains, brocade and silk soft quilts, and He is the flower of Zhuhua Kingdom carefully set off by a pile of money and treasures.

Hua Wuyan, Su Jinzhi read the name carefully between his lips and teeth, Xindao's name was too misleading.

The original name is Jun Changle, and he is a member of the Jun family of Chongluo, the most powerful country among the five kingdoms.

His surname is also called Jinzhi, and he was not originally from this dusty place. He has an incomparably prominent background, and his body is covered with flesh and bones carefully nurtured by the nobles of the family, but he fell in love with him. She lost someone she shouldn't love—Jiang Lishan, the son of the guilty minister and a descendant of the Jiang family.

Jiang Lishan was three years older than him. The two grew up together and were very close. In Jun Changle's fourteenth year, the two had a private life.

That year was the most affectionate and painful.

The Jiang family offended the monarch, and his family was executed.

But Jun Changle loved Jiang Lishan deeply, and he couldn't bear him to suffer, so he ran out of Jun's house without telling his family, bought Jiang Lishan and rescued Jiang Lishan. But on the way to help Jiang Lishan escape, he entangled Jiang Lishan with jewels and provoked bandits to snatch them, so that both of them were robbed to the den of thieves.

They fled together at night, but were discovered by bandits and night watchmen. In order to cover Jiang Lishan, Jun Changle successfully left his hiding place and ran out of his hiding place. He only hoped that Jiang Lishan could bring someone to rescue him after he left.

But Jiang Lishan accidentally fell off the cliff on the way down the mountain, broke his head, and lost his memory after waking up.

He was picked up by the hidden people of Ghost Cloud Valley, and after learning a good martial arts, he went out to join the army, made great military exploits, and became the general of Chongluo Kingdom, Feng Jiuli, and he also forgot the one who was waiting for him to rescue him Jun Changle.

But before his Jun Changle was finally sold by bandits to the small huts of Zhuhua Kingdom, from a high-ranking noble son of aristocratic family, he became a prostitute who lived under the client's feet. For ten years, Jun Changle groped in this prostitution Crawling, rolling and suffering from illness, but he couldn't wait for the person he had been waiting for.

The love that was originally rotten in the bones turned into a pain of inseparable love and hate. In the end, Jun Changle lost his will to live because of a serious illness and died of hatred.

But the current timeline is wrong, he is clearly still alive.

Thinking of this, Su Jinzhi suddenly felt a chill behind him, and a bad feeling flashed in his mind: "No. 1, you can call up the data panel and let me have a look."