Undying Patient

Chapter 2: Big guy in a wheelchair 2


No. 1 was messing with him very seriously, giving him the most painful way for a heart attack.

The body provided to him by the system is not only extremely seasick, but also a heart patient. The vice-captain did not agree to let him board the ship, but he promised a lot of benefits to him after being with Mr. Qin, the vice-captain Only then did he agree to let him board the ship.

However, Su Jinzhi himself was not sure whether he could get close to that Qin Yezhou at first, but his face seemed very good in the eyes of the deputy captain, so he actually agreed.

Su Jinzhi felt that this was very unscientific, but after No. 0 told him that it was a golden finger that it helped to open, Su Jinzhi felt that there was nothing unscientific about it.

However, in order to prevent Su Jinzhi's illness from causing trouble to him, the vice-captain assigned him a relatively leisurely job, and that's how he earned the title of "the goblin who seduces the vice-captain" in the eyes of his colleagues. So much so that he has been excluded and indifferent. But his colleagues scolded him all day long as a slut who used his body to bribe the vice-captain, but they didn't know that what he bribed the vice-captain was only money and a blank check.

The person Su Jinzhi really wants to "seduce" is Qin Yezhou who just boarded the Atlanta today.

As soon as Qin Yezhou boarded the boat, he went to the viewing platform on the 15th deck. What did he say—you want to see the stars after sunset? It is said that he chartered the top three floors of the ship in order to get away from the city with lights that never stop, and to watch the dazzling stars on the silent night sea.

If it wasn't for this, Su Jinzhi wouldn't have to spend 50,000 yuan to bribe the deputy captain to be Qin Yezhou's waiter in order to get on this ship.

But it was precisely because of this that the vice-captain specially ordered their team leader not to do heavy work or to do too much work, and just pretend to wipe a cup every day.

Although his body now has a congenital heart disease, the control system before today was number zero, so he hasn't been around the rescue target for three months and hasn't had an illness—this is not normal at all.

Logically speaking, in order to urge him to actively complete the task, it is impossible for No. 1 to magnify him in this way.

But now, Number One seemed to want to gather all the punishments he missed during those three months, putting pressure on his heart.

Su Jinzhi curled up on the ground, gasping for breath, but felt the suffocation in his heart getting worse. He tried his best to stabilize his trembling and numb hands like a convulsion, and took out the heart medicine he carried with him from his trouser pocket.

But the next moment, the medicine bottle fell down because of his shaking too much, and rolled to a corner of the wall that he couldn't touch at all in his current condition.

Listening to Su Jinzhi's painful panting, No. 1 said slowly in a cold mechatronic voice: "Because the host was passive and sabotage for three months before, and 25 minutes ago, it was detected that the host had developed five points of hatred for the general goal of saving, so we specially A three-level punishment is implemented as a warning."

Su Jinzhi was suffering physically, but No. 1 kept him awake to prevent him from passing out due to the attack.

Su Jinzhi yelled at No. 1 in his mind: "Passive and sabotage? Qin Yezhou was still abroad at that time, even if he was in China, how can I, an ordinary person, get by his side?"

No matter how good Su Jinzhi's temper is, he still wants to scold people. The body that the system got for him has a mediocre education, both parents died, and he grew up in an orphanage since he was a child. After two years of odd jobs as an adult, he saved 50,000 yuan and used it to bribe the deputy captain. Chance to get close to Qin Yezhou.

When he first came to this world, he was very serious about preparing a plan to save the general goal. At the beginning, he planned to apply for Qin Yezhou's calf massager.

But who the hell knew that even if Qin Yezhou was looking for a massage therapist, he would be looking for a massage therapist with advanced certificates. How could Su Jinzhi have time to spend seven or eight years on the certification? What if Qin Yezhou couldn't bear to think about suicide during this time

Besides, there are nine levels of punishment, and the one given to him by No. 1 is the third level of punishment. Although Su Jin was full of illnesses in his previous life, he lived in the era of the Great Star, and the hospital he lived in was not too backward, and even very advanced, so He didn't feel much pain during the treatment.

"Number one, number one..." Su Jinzhi softened his voice and called the system, "I was wrong, I will seduce Qin Yezhou right away, no, save Qin Yezhou, I promise I will never have any hatred for him again, there will be no hatred at all..."

No. 1 didn't speak, but Su Jinzhi could feel that he could breathe, and the pain in his heart gradually eased.

—The cold tile reminds him of the fact that he is still alive.

Su Jinzhi climbed up from the ground holding the washstand in cold sweat, picked up his medicine bottle and walked out of the toilet. Just as he went out, he was caught by the deputy captain: "Where did you go? Mr. Qin and the others started delivering meals. I've been with you for a long time, hurry over!"

After the deputy captain finished these words, Su Jinzhi realized that he had been lying in the toilet for more than an hour...

He really wants to go back and take a shower now.

But the vice-captain didn't give him this chance, he dragged him directly to the side of the dining car, pushed the push handle into his hand, lowered his voice, his eyes browned by old age were full of silent warning: "Don't you Live up to the good time I found for you."

Only the deputy captain can do such a thing as letting a person who has been lying on the toilet floor for more than an hour to deliver food to others. Although their toilet is cleaned every three hours, Su Jinzhi still thinks he is very dirty.

Su Jinzhi pushed the dining car forward slowly, thinking in his mind whether to take a bath first or seduce Qin Yezhou for a battle between heaven and man. When he reached the door of the deck, the bodyguard who pushed him away saw him, and immediately stepped forward and said, "Hey, why is it you again?"

Su Jinzhi immediately lowered his head when he heard his words, shrinking his neck for fear that the bodyguard would smell something he shouldn't.

The bodyguard was trembling after seeing the young man yelled by him. The fingertips of the fingers tightly gripped on the push handle were slightly purple, and the back of his hand was so white that it could almost see through the light, and even the black blood vessels buried in the flesh could be seen clearly. Seeing clearly, the protruding thin bones all come into view, and I can't help but wonder if he is so scary

The bodyguard sighed helplessly, walked to Su Jinzhi's side and helped him push the dining car in, and whispered beside him: "Don't knock things over this time, be careful."

After saying this, he closed the door and left the observation deck on the top floor of the cruise ship to Su Jinzhi and Qin Yezhou.

Su Jinzhi was a little surprised. He originally thought that the bodyguard would ask for a change. If so, he would go back to take a bath first, and then come to rescue Qin Yezhou after the bodyguard changed shift, but he didn't expect to come in so easily.

Su Jinzhi withdrew his messy thoughts and looked at the person who made him feel extremely complicated.

At this time, the sun had just set, and the area bordering the sea and the sky was still full of red clouds, and a few snow-colored seagulls could be seen in the distance, breaking through the gap in the shape of the word "person" in the sky. In the distance, a few stars have appeared on the other side of the blue sky, like diamonds broken by God, constantly refracting dazzling light.

His main rescue target is sitting in a wheelchair, with a soft dark blue blanket covering his legs, looking at the vast blue sky with his back facing him—this person obviously came to see the stars, but now his back is facing The stars he followed.

Qin Yezhou hasn't said a word since he boarded the boat, and Su Jinzhi couldn't figure out his thoughts, so he could only open a bottle of red wine, pour the sultry red liquid into a goblet, and put it gently at Qin Yezhou's hand: "Mr. Qin."

This time, Qin Yezhou finally turned his head and took a look at him.

His expression was indifferent, his sharp-edged facial features were extremely deep, his eyes were dark gray, and his dark pupils were as small as needles, piercing straight into the depths of Su Jinzhi's heart, weighing the weight of his soul aloofly. Because he turned his head sideways, Yu Xia from the setting sun hit his other eye, adding a layer of reddish brown to the ashes, just like the sunset in front of him, and also like the gray blood intertwined with flesh and blood on the battlefield and the diffuse gunpowder smoke. Fog, constantly wandering around his abyss-like pupils.

The moment their eyes met, Su Jinzhi almost thought that he saw the alien who made his hair stand on end and shuddered all over his body.

Su Jinzhi tried his best to stabilize his figure, and smiled slightly at him.

And after he smiled, Qin Yezhou slightly looked away, and stopped staring at him with those dark eyes that could eat people. Su Jinzhi watched him lift up the goblet containing red wine and swirl it gently until the gorgeous liquid rolled on the wall of the cup, leaving brick-red tears of wine before taking a sip—a real sip, just a sip The way it sticks to your lips.

Su Jinzhi didn't continue to look at him, but lowered his head and carefully placed the food on the cart on the dining table.

"Will you drink?"

A deep male voice suddenly passed through his eardrums, Su Jinzhi stopped the movement of his hands for a few seconds, and then realized that the person who spoke just now was Qin Yezhou, and quickly replied: "Yes!"

The young man answered quickly, and then, as if trying to cover up, he lowered his head as he did for the first time when he met him, and said in a low voice, "A little bit..."

Qin Yezhou glanced at him, caught sight of the curls in the young man's soft hair, and suddenly raised the corners of his lips, pointing to a chair beside him: "Come and sit."

Su Jinzhi suddenly raised his head and looked at him in disbelief. Qin Yezhou was still smiling, and raised his hand to pick up the bottle of red wine he opened just now and poured him a glass.

"Relax." Qin Yezhou's voice was soft and deep, sounding approachable.

Su Jinzhi sat on the chair blankly, holding the glass of red wine with a more dazed expression.

Seeing him like this, Qin Yezhou's lips curved even deeper, like a vicious queen tempting Snow White to take a bite of the poisonous apple, urging him hoarsely: "Take a sip."

The man's voice was low and deep, like the sound of a cello's lowest string being pressed, it was extremely confusing, but it seemed very familiar.

Only then did Su Jinzhi realize that he was somewhat different from that alien, and that alien must not have such a nice voice—even though he had never heard him speak.

Like a sailor who was bewitched by a glamorous sea monster that suddenly appeared in the vast ocean, Su Jinzhi listened to his words and raised the red wine, took a deep sip in the wine glass, and a strong fragrance lingered immediately, enticing Su Jinzhi to bear it. He couldn't help taking a sip first, and then took a second sip. After he put the glass down completely, the wine glass was already empty.

The young man's profile is exquisite and beautiful. When drinking, his eyes are half closed, his long eyelashes lightly catch the light in his eyes, and his soft red lips stick to the transparent cup wall, gently sucking the liquid in the cup into his mouth middle.

Qin Yezhou stared at him deeply. After seeing the young man completely drank the red wine in the glass, his gray eyes became as deep as the velvety night at the moment.

"May I have your name?"

He opened his mouth softly, crossed his hands and fingers on his lap, and looked at the dark sky with gradually rising stars.