Undying Patient

Chapter 235: An accidental homicide 14


But he was still stunned for a moment without doing anything else.

He knew about the boy's body, such hardness is normal for a normal man, but for a boy... it's not normal.

So when Jiang Lishan suddenly heard this request, besides being surprised, he couldn't help laughing and crying. He didn't want to do these things with the boy under such circumstances, and he didn't have any nature or interest in doing them. Jiang Lishan felt that Su Jinzhi was just stimulated, but this stimulated The reason needs to be clarified, so he pressed down the toilet lid and closed it, wiped it clean with a wet paper, then sat down with the boy in his arms, stroked his hair gently and asked, "You have to tell uncle what happened first?" what?"

But Su Jinzhi didn't know why he became like this at all, he just replied: "He touched me, and then I became like this..."

Jiang Lishan wanted to ask something else, but the young man twisted on his body even more impatiently, pulling his hand down: "Uncle...uncle...help me..."

Before Jiang Lishan came in, Su Jinzhi fiddled with it for a long time by himself, but he was busy disgusting Du Xinyi's companion's touching him, and the touching movements were perfunctory and rude, he didn't feel any pleasure touching himself It can be said that I still stroke myself a little painfully, anxious and angry, and now I just want to soften this thing and go out.

Because it's not a comfortable thing for a man to be hard all the time, not to mention that he won't be able to soften for a while.

"Okay, okay, don't move, uncle will fix it for you." Jiang Lishan saw the young man so helpless,

He had no choice but to slightly lift the hem of Su Jinzhi's sweater, stroked the waistline and slipped it into the belt, and found the swollen little thing to stroke up and down.

When Su Jinzhi is touched by Jiang Lishan, he will still feel overwhelming pleasure. These pleasures are like waves pouring down the moment a man touches him, but it has no effect on Su Jinzhi's current situation.

He still can't come out.

Unable to vent his emotions, he became extremely irritable. Su Jinzhi rested his head on Jiang Lishan's shoulder, panting softly with his lips parted. The fine cold sweat on his forehead became hot with the gradually rising temperature in the room. Wet the broken hair with the corner of the forehead, or wet the man's windbreaker, leaving behind an ambiguous and humid smell.

The body of the sweating boy doesn't smell bad, but it is a kind of warm fragrance that makes people's heart sway, wantonly and greedily draw out the secret desire hidden in the bottom of the heart, not to mention that Jiang Lishan has tasted the smell of this body people.

The young man's skin is very white, from the base of the ears to the exposed neck is as greasy white as snow, under the dim light, there is a soft color of fat jade, which should be a very cold tone, but at this moment it is gradually growing with the young man. The heated body is gradually stained with a thin layer of lustful powder, and the purple blood vessels underneath tell others that this is a fresh and young body, which is the best age for a person.

Jiang Lishan looked at the redness on the young man's ears, closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes darkened a little, and his voice became hoarse: "Well, let's separate the legs a bit more..."

The young man listened to him very much, followed his instructions to open his body obediently, and even did more - he directly spread his legs and sat on Jiang Lishan's lap, raised his arms to hug the man's neck, and rested his chin on his shoulder: "Uncle... I feel so uncomfortable..."

The hot and humid breath from the young man's open lips rushed to Jiang Lishan's ears, and the warm fragrance from his body also penetrated into Jiang Lishan's nose, and then was inhaled by him into his internal organs, and rushed into his flesh and bone marrow.

Therefore, when the young man kissed his lips with his head sideways, Jiang Lishan just moved his head back slightly, and when his lips were about to part, he pressed the young man's head with his other free hand, and began to deepen the kiss, while the other The lower abdomen of the boy who just left slowly moved backwards.

The sound of clothes and trousers sliding down should have been clear in the cramped, small space, but in the end it was drowned in the gradually emerging sound of water and panting and moaning.

"What's the matter with you?" But Jiang Lishan still didn't forget how the boy became what he is now, "Do you know Qi Zhen?"

"...Qi Zhen?" The young man sitting on him who was slowly rising and falling heard this strange name, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes filled with lust, "Who is he..."

Jiang Lishan gently touched his eyes with his lips: "He is Du Xinyi's friend."

"I don't know..." The boy shook his head, groaned twice, and continued, "But, uh... But they seem to know me..."

"They know you?" Jiang Lishan paused after hearing Su Jinzhi's answer.

As a result, the young man got a moment's breath, and leaning his head against the man's shoulder, he said in a hoarse voice: "Well... before changing the berth, Du Xinyi seemed to have seen me... the Qi Town you mentioned is also..."

Jiang Lishan frowned, thinking carefully about the possibility that the young man had met these two people before, but no matter what he thought, he felt that the young man had no chance to get in touch with these two people at all. Going out, the only chance for Du Xinyi and Qi Zhen to get in touch with the boy was when he was a child—when he was not sick.

But the boy at that time was only in his teens, who would care about a teenage child

If you just met him once, you will definitely forget it in a blink of an eye. It is impossible to be familiar with the child until he grows up, and he can still recognize him when he was a child from the eyebrows and eyes that have grown.

Unless they have been in contact with each other for a period of time, but the memory of this period of time is so deep that people can't forget it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lishan suddenly had a guess in his mind, but he didn't want to believe that guess was true, and he couldn't even believe it.

"Ah..." The young man suddenly raised his voice and yelled, his legs were clamped tightly, his body was also tensed, but he quickly relaxed, and said with a sense of grievance, "Uncle, you hurt me."

"Sorry." Jiang Lishan was rarely absent-minded, because he was shocked and angry by the guess just now, but he still tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, lowered his head and kissed the boy's neck, "Are you feeling better now?"

"Hmm..." Su Jinzhi responded in a low voice, and almost couldn't hold back his cry the next moment.

Because someone knocked on the door.

"Hey, is anyone in there?" It was the brother of the blond twins who spoke.

Su Jinzhi heaved a sigh of relief, let go of his tense body, panted slightly and replied, "Yes, it's me, Su Jinzhi."

"Su Jinzhi?" The younger brother seemed very strange, because his elder brother Henki said that Su Jinzhi was in the bathroom just now, but he still didn't come out after so long, "You haven't come out yet?"

"Well... I'm sorry..." Su Jinzhi tried his best to adjust his tone, but his voice was still weak and breathless, "I'm not feeling well..."

Although his younger brother Leon felt that something was wrong when he heard Su Jinzhi's voice, he couldn't figure out why. In the end, it could only be attributed to the fact that Su Jinzhi's body was really uncomfortable and he didn't have the energy to speak.

But thinking of this, he turned the doorknob with his hand, and Su Jinzhi shrank again in fright. He asked, "Are you okay? Do you need my help? Where is your uncle? Do you need my help to call him over?"

"No need..." Because his uncle was pressing his head and kissing him, Su Jinzhi gripped Jiang Lishan's collar tightly, fighting hard against the orgasm-like pleasure, "Uncle...he...he helped me I went to get the medicine..."

"Oh." Leon frowned, still a little uneasy before leaving, and shouted to Su Jinzhi through the door, "Then pay more attention, I'll go find another bathroom."

"Hmm..." Su Jinzhi responded indiscriminately, biting the woolen windbreaker on Jiang Lishan's shoulder, desperately suppressing the moan that was about to burst out of his throat.

Almost half an hour later, Su Jinzhi and Jiang Lishan were finally able to come out, and Su Jinzhi was indeed just like the lie he told just now - leaning against Jiang Lishan's body weakly, supported by him, with his forehead Her broken hair was wet, and the blush on her face hadn't faded. At first glance, she still looked like a patient with a high fever.

So Leon, who just came out of the old couple's room and saw this scene, really thought that Su Jinzhi had a fever, and leaned forward and asked, "Eh? You came out? Did you say you have a fever? Your face is so red."

And the elder brother Hench who was standing next to him moved the tip of his nose, his expression changed, but he quickly returned to normal.

Su Jinzhi rolled his eyelids tiredly, and Jiang Lishan spoke for him before answering: "Yes, Zhizhi has a fever."

"Then you have to take your medicine quickly." Leon pointed to his nose and said immediately, "I have a cold, and my nose is very stuffy these days, and I can't smell anything."

"Well, it's almost lunch time, I'll take him to eat first, and then get him medicine." Jiang Lishan smiled at Leon.

Hearing Jiang Lishan's words, Su Jinzhi felt that he was going to take him to the restaurant compartment for dinner, but Su Jinzhi just had a workout with Jiang Lishan in such a small space, and now he was so tired that he just wanted to lie down and rest.

So before Leon had any reaction, Su Jinzhi spoke up. He raised his head leaning on Jiang Lishan's shoulder, and begged softly, "Uncle, I want to eat in my room."

But the man who always followed his wishes didn't agree this time, and said without hesitation: "Let's go to the restaurant car to eat first, and then you take your medicine after eating, and then we will go back to the room."

Jiang Lishan didn't intend to torment the young man on purpose, but the young man sneezed several times in a row after the affair ended, and he also spoke in a nasal voice. The bathroom didn't have heating like the sleeping berth, and the young man's body was weak. If you are sick, you must take medicine, but the most important thing is that Jiang Lishan is worried about the boy staying alone in the sleeper.

Because of the guess that appeared in his mind just now, Jiang Lishan desperately wants to make a phone call to ask his subordinates to check something, and the only phone on the train is next to the small medicine room opposite the restaurant carriage. Must go there.

It's better to put a teenager in a crowded restaurant car than to leave him alone in a sleeper.

"Uncle..." Su Jinzhi continued to beg Jiang Lishan, but the man kept his face cold and remained unmoved.

"Are you going to have lunch?" Leon took his brother's hand, "Let's go together, my brother and I are going to eat too, shall we sit at the same table?"

"Okay." Jiang Lishan replied with a smile. He needs two people to watch Su Jinzhi for him now. These two brothers who have a problem with Du Xinyi and are not afraid to confront him are the best candidates.

Su Jinzhi, who heard Jiang Lishan's answer, was about to pass by. This body has a serious social phobia. He was terrified when he went to the restaurant car to eat with only Jiang Lishan at his table. Now he is afraid to sit at a table with others. I really can't hold back my urine.

In Su Jinzhi's eyes, the uncle who suddenly became cruel took him to the restaurant car, ignored his moaning pleadings, pulled his wrist away, and said in a low voice, "Order first, and uncle will make a phone call soon." I'll be right back to peel the shrimp for you" and left.

Su Jinzhi watched him walk to the side of the small medicine room, turned the dial to make a phone call, and realized that he was serious, and immediately curled up on the chair like a wilting cabbage, lowering his head to avoid the two blond brothers. And everyone else's gaze, neither looking nor speaking.

Leon was going to tease him just now that he couldn't do without his uncle at such an old age, but he wasn't too stupid. After seeing this, he finally understood that the boy's psychology might be a little autistic, so he looked at his brother and closed his mouth.

In the end, it was the older brother who asked, "I just heard from your uncle that he will peel the shrimp for you, so shall we order some shrimp for you?"

Su Jinzhi held back his urine and let out a low "hmm" from his throat.

Jiang Lishan, who was standing next to the small pharmacy on the phone, had just finished pressing the numbers when he heard a series of indistinct curses, followed by a "bang bang" slamming on the door. He covered the microphone and looked at it with a frown. Looking around, his eyes finally fell on the door of the small medicine room.

The small medicine room is a completely sealed space, and if there is no key, it can only be opened from the outside. Jiang Lishan listened for a while to confirm that the sound came from here, then frowned and grabbed the doorknob to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Qi Zhen's action of smashing the door fell through, and he jumped out directly from inside.

"Fuck! Didn't you hear me smashing—" Qi Zhen seemed to be locked inside for a while, and the anger on his face couldn't be concealed. He thought it was a flight attendant who opened the door for him, and when he came out, he cursed without explanation. It turned out that it was Jiang Lishan who opened the door for him and then closed his mouth again.

Jiang Lishan looked at him coldly, and the speculation that had been entrenched in his mind just now surfaced again, and he sneered, "Hehe, you deserve it."

Qi Zhen was holding the pills and was about to leave, but when he heard Jiang Lishan's words, he turned back, glared at him and said, "What did you say?"

"It deserves it." Jiang Lishan repeated with a sneer.

"You—" Qi Zhen was so angry that he clenched his fist and wanted to hit Jiang Lishan, but the tablet board on his hand creaked, and he stopped moving when he heard the sound, turned around and walked out immediately.

In the end, he bumped into the flight attendant who saw the movement and walked this way: "Mr. Qi, you—"

The flight attendant was punched by Qi Zhen before he finished speaking.

Qi Zhen didn't dare to hit Jiang Lishan, who seemed not easy to mess with, so he could only look for soft persimmons to discourage him. Just in time, the flight attendant came over to act as a human sandbag for him, and punched him firmly on the eye socket.

The flight attendant immediately fell down, covered his eyes and wailed on the ground.

"Haisheng!" Because it was lunch time, almost everyone in the restaurant car was there, even the woman who hadn't been here before, and when she saw her nephew being beaten like this, her eyes immediately turned red, " Oh my god... How are you, Haisheng?"

Seeing this, the others also stood up and surrounded the flight attendant to check his situation.

Leon was the first to complain to him: "Why did you hit someone for no reason?!"

"I've been knocking on the door of the pharmacy for so long, he just doesn't come to open the door for me like he's deaf!" Qi Zhen said angrily.

Leon didn't dare to say anything: "The medicine room is sealed, you locked yourself in it stupidly, and blame others for not opening the door for you?"

The sound insulation effect of the medicine room is very good, and it is impossible for the flight attendant to stay next to the medicine room all the time, not to mention that there is music playing in the restaurant car for the dining atmosphere, so it is understandable that he cannot hear Qi Zhen's knock on the door.

Qi Zhen, who was locked inside for a long time, felt angry, but he thought about Du Xinyi's situation, and he was too lazy to argue with these people, so he grabbed the pill and turned around to leave. Because he was walking in a hurry, he almost bumped into the restaurant for dinner elderly couple.

The old lady wanted to scold him for not knowing how to respect the elderly, but she looked at Qi Zhen's face, and then at the situation in the restaurant compartment, and took a deep breath to suppress her anger.

In the restaurant compartment, Qi Zhen was so disturbed that everyone lost their appetite. The flight attendant's aunt helped him up from the ground with tears in his eyes. The middle-aged businessman found some ice cubes to put on his eyes. After the call, return to the original seat.

"The two of them are really crazy!" Leon shook his head and cursed.

Brother Hench's complexion was also not very good. He just wanted to eat steak with a knife and fork, but Qi Zhen who had just left ran back again. His face was pale, his eyes were wide open, and he was panting rapidly Stare at the people in the restaurant.

"Xin Yi is dead." He first said something in a low voice, as if talking to himself, but quickly turned up the volume and shouted, "Du Xinyi is dead!"