Undying Patient

Chapter 24: Amnesia General Infatuated Bustard 12


Number Zero obediently called up the data panel, but the data on it was confusing—

[Total rescue goal: Feng Jiuli/Jiang Lishan (rescuing) 50/100

Rescue target: Yunmengchen (rescuing) 15/100

Jun Changwu (saved yet) 0/100

Feast (Save not started yet) 0/100

Qiu Yi (rescuing) 70/100

Rikaze (rescue complete) 100/100

Punishment World additional target: Jun Changle (saving) 0/100

Score object: Ping An (rescue completed) 100/100

Joy (saving) 80/100]

"Alas..." After reading these data, Su Jinzhi sighed, and said to No. 0, "I think the most difficult thing to save in this world is not the general goal, but these unpredictable supporting goals."

When he first got along with Yun Mengchen, the saving progress value was almost piled up to 50, but it has not only not risen during this period of time, but has fallen so sharply that it is almost approaching Xiyou, who has not met before and started saving The third prince of the country had a feast.

The targets are so difficult to clear, not to mention that this is a punishing world - in addition to saving these targets, he also needs to save himself.

And No. 0 didn't know Su Jinzhi's entanglement at all, but encouraged him with a soft juvenile electronic voice: "Master Host is the most powerful, come on!"

Su Jinzhi smiled when he heard the words, and waved his hand to ask Number Zero to take back the data board. After thinking about it, he was still a little uncertain: "Baby Zero, will I really not die of illness?"

Zero affirmed: "Yes, Lord Host."

"But I always feel that something is wrong..." Su Jinzhi muttered to himself, lying on the bed, looking at the light concubine-colored veil above his head, and then turned his eyes to the room he was in at the moment—glass eaves, carpet and jade ornaments , Gorgeous and comfortable.

It is indeed the top treatment in the world.

But the more this happened, the deeper the uneasiness in Su Jinzhi's heart.

It seemed that what he slept was not a soft bed covered with several layers of cotton wool, but a lonely tomb of desolation and death, and he was the dead body immersed in the dream of the past, wandering like a soul and refusing to leave.

"This doesn't look like a punishing world..." Su Jinzhi murmured softly, then lifted the brocade quilt on his body and got off the bed. Of course, he didn't forget to put on the fox fur - after all, coughing up blood all day was uncomfortable, and he didn't want to torture himself.

Stepping on the soft carpet, Su Jinzhi walked to the window that Yun Mengchen closed because he was afraid of the wind before leaving the house. The place where he lived was the city that never sleeps in the Zhuhua Kingdom, and the night was sometimes even more lively than the day.

The lanterns outside the window are swaying, and the pink mist of the trees is set against the softness. The clear peach blossom fragrance mixed with the moonlight dyes the satin sleeves that Su Jinzhi put on the window sill, and then hangs down to the long street that seems to have no end, casting the clear light on the On the shoulders and hair of the passerby - it makes the old man return in a hurry like wearing stars and wearing the moon.

When Su Jinzhi saw Feng Jiuli, he was slightly taken aback. He stood under a flourishing peach blossom tree with his arms folded, his gloomy black eyes stared at him without blinking, his black shoulders and black hair Many petals have fallen on it, and it looks like it has stood there for a long time.

The moment he met his eyes, Su Jinzhi suddenly had some images in his head, those old dreams from yesterday, sorrows and joys flooded in back then, and he didn't give him a little defense.

Su Jinzhi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he closed the wooden window again with trembling hands. He leaned against the window and breathed slowly and evenly, suppressing the sudden surge of grief belonging to Jun Changle in his heart—but it was too late.

"It has been detected that the host has produced 50 points of love for Jiang Lishan, the general target of the raid, and 50 points of hatred for the additional target of the punishment world, Jun Changle, and the fifth-level punishment mode has been activated." The cold mechanical voice of No. 1 clearly appeared in his mind , accompanied by great pain.

Su Jinzhi felt that his lungs were tightly bound by a dense net full of barbs, and he would not stop until thick blood flowed out. His steps trembled, and Su Jinzhi suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, tearing Coughing and panting heartbreakingly.

But after coughing twice, Su Jinzhi pulled the fox fur to cover his head, bit the corner of his sleeve and suppressed his painful groan.

At that moment, Su Jinzhi suddenly understood why this is a punishing world.

In each world, he must act according to the original character and activities of the original body until the task is completed, otherwise he will be punished by level five or higher depending on the situation. In the previous world, he could only pretend to act on the surface, but he couldn’t in the world of punishment, because the emotions of the original body in the world of punishment would seriously affect him—he will love those who Jun Changle loves; those who Jun Changle hates Man, he would hate too.

And one of the rules of loving the life system is that the host can't have any feelings for any rescue target, no matter love or hate.

One of his targets in this world is himself, the people Jun Changle loves are nothing more than his relatives and Jiang Lishan, and there is only one person he hates - himself.

In the ten years that were longer than a lifetime for Jun Changle, what Jiang Lishan got was an incomplete rebirth, but he lost everything - relatives, love, and himself.

For the rest of his life tortured by illness, the only thing he had was despair. Even if he could sleep in such a gorgeous and exquisite attic now, he would only be accompanied by lonely cold nights and bone-piercing pain.

He has relatives that he can't recognize, and he has a love that looks like a stranger. Seeing or not seeing him is an unforgettable pain for him.

Not to mention that he lived in humiliation, and the person who waited so hard for him no longer remembered him.

Although Feng Jiuli is the general goal of saving this world, his problem is only his indifference and contempt for life, such as his disdain for Hua Wuyan, who is an actor and actor; what he really wants to save in this world is It is also the most difficult person to save, not Feng Jiuli who has forgotten him, not the third prince Yan Hui who has not met, and not Yun Mengchen whose progress value has been falling, but himself.

Jun Changle waited for Jiang Lishan for a full ten years, almost a lifetime. Even if he was still alive, he was still a ghost who lived in a beautiful tomb and died for ten years.

No. 1 told him to live well at the beginning, but it was more difficult for Jun Changle than death.

Two hours of punishment is extremely long.

After the end, Su Jinzhi lay on the ground in cold sweat, spat out his blood-stained sleeves and smiled wryly, "Number One, I'll fuck your father..."

No. 1 suddenly said: "Oh, yes, I have no objection, do you want to give you your contact information?"

Now it was Su Jinzhi who shut up and didn't speak. After all, No. 1 is his father now, and it has a thousand ways to make him survive or die.

After recovering his body's strength, Su Jinzhi slowly got up from the ground and lay back on the bed, rethinking the new strategy—he had already failed in one world, and if he failed in this world again, the next world would be difficult. Holding this system and working hard to do tasks is to live healthily, not dragging such a sickly body to hang on one breath to die.

The next day, when Xi Le came to wake Su Jinzhi to wake up, seeing the young man's sleeves stained red, his eyes were red and he spoke again. Su Jinzhi sat in front of the mirror table and said "hmmm" to perfunctory him, drooping his eyelashes and not daring to look at himself in the mirror—he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror just now, and No. 1 immediately appeared like a ghost, saying "It was detected that the host had generated 5 points of hatred towards Jun Changle, the additional target of the punishment world," and immediately gave him a first-level punishment to show its selflessness.

"My lord... How about we meet Miss Jun Si at another time..." Xi Le looked at the red eyes and the young man's pale face and persuaded, "You coughed up blood last night, let's call Doctor Yun to take your pulse again today Bar."

The young man was sitting in front of the mirror, with black hair hanging on both sides of his snow-white cheeks, which made his face even paler than paper. He waved his hands and said in a soft voice, "No, today I want to wear white... you go to the clothes." Get me a white coat from the closet."

Xi Le wiped away her tears and nodded yes, but she didn't dare to refute. She took the only set of pure white clothes from the closet, helped Su Jinzhi put it on, and asked him, "Does the young master also have a white hairband?"

The young man raised his hand to look at his snow-white sleeve corner, and finally showed his first smile in two days: "Yeah."

Seeing Su Jinzhi smile, Xi Le couldn't help laughing too, chatting with him while braiding Su Jinzhi's hair: "My lord, your purple suit has been dried, and it will be put away safely when you get it back..."

Listening to what he said, the smile on Su Jinzhi's face gradually faded. After a long silence, he interrupted Xi Le's words and said, "Take it and burn it."

Xi Le was taken aback when she heard this, and asked again: "My lord, what are you talking about? Are you going to burn that purple shirt?"

"Hmm." Su Jinzhi said lightly.

"But that suit, my lord, you let Sister Lan Wen embroider it for three months." Xi Le's eyes widened, and she turned around anxiously, "Why do you want to burn it all of a sudden?"

"If you don't like it, burn it..." Su Jinzhi gently rubbed his fingers against the crying mole directly under his right eye, his voice was inaudible, "Anyway, I won't be able to wear it anymore..."

Xi Le listened and increased his progress by 10 points.

Su Jinzhi thought: Another perfect score.

Xi Le didn't hear his last words clearly, and when she still wanted to persuade the young man again, Su Jinzhi suddenly got up from the chair and walked out: "Let's go, we can't let... Fourth Miss Jun wait in a hurry."

Su Jinzhi didn't meet Jun Changwu directly, but asked Xile to separate him from Jun Changwu with a veil, and meet each other through a thin layer of veil.

But this layer of tulle can't block anything, you can clearly see the silhouette of the person on the other side of the veil, the color of the clothes is changing, and you can see everything except the face.

Su Jinzhi was dressed in a white shirt, knelt down at the low table and waited for Jun Changwu.

After Xi Le made tea for Su Jinshang, she immediately ran downstairs and told Yun Mengchen that the young master had coughed up blood in the middle of the night.

At that time, Yun Mengchen was brewing medicine for Su Jinzhi, when he heard Xi Le's words, he froze suddenly, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly asked an inexplicable question: "What color clothes are you wearing today, young master?"

Xi Le answered him: "White." After finishing speaking, she sighed and muttered in a low voice, "My lord, I haven't worn warm-colored clothes for several days. It's obviously the beginning of spring, so why are you wearing all these colors that make you look dejected..."

"Xi Le, come and watch the fire." Yun Mengchen's heart trembled suddenly, he stuffed the small fan into Xi Le's hand, and walked out.

Xi Le stretched her neck and called him: "Miraculous Doctor Yun! Where are you going—"

Yun Mengchen said without looking back, "Go and see your son."

"But the young master is seeing Fourth Miss Jun—" Xi Le chased him out, bumping into Qiu Yi who came from outside.

"Xi Le, who are you chasing?" Qiu Yi rubbed his chin and asked him.

Xi Le opened her mouth, thought for a while, but still didn't tell Qiu Yi about it, she pinched the corner of her clothes and muttered, "It's nothing..."

When Yun Mengchen walked to Peony Pavilion, Jun Changwu hadn't come yet.

The young man was dressed in white, and the loneliness around him seemed to be able to swallow up the hustle and bustle of the long street outside the building. Although he had a smile on his face, his eyes were blank.

"She hasn't come yet?" Yun Mengchen sat down beside Su Jinzhi.

"Yes." The young man replied with a smile.

Yun Mengchen looked at the smile on his face, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper, he glanced at the veil Su Jinzhi used to separate him from Jun Changwu, and at Su Jinzhi's white hairband all over his body, pretending to be careless She opened her mouth and asked him: "Don't you want to see her very much, why did you get a layer of veil?"

"I don't really want to see..." Su Jinzhi looked down at the steaming teacup in his hand, picked it up and took a sip, and replied in a low voice, "It's good to keep it apart, after all, she's not married yet, and it's always bad to see a foreigner." of… "

"But Fourth Miss Jun is about to get married. I heard that he is very close to my seventh junior brother." Yun Mengchen said while staring into Su Jinzhi's eyes, observing his expression carefully.

Su Jinzhi paused while drinking tea, his fingers tightened suddenly, tightly clenched, took a deep breath and said, "No way... Brother Yun, when did you start to listen to these false rumors?"

"Mengchen was wrong." Yun Mengchen smiled, but clenched the fingers hanging on his thigh tightly, and changed the subject, "Why did Jinzhi suddenly wear white clothes today? It seems that he has never seen Jinzhi in the past." pass through."

Su Jinzhi was silent, No. Zero glanced at Yun Mengchen's total rescue progress, and spoke weakly, reminding Su Jinzhi to answer Yun Mengchen's question carefully: "Master Host, the rescue progress of Yun Mengchen has dropped to 10..."

"I know, don't worry." Su Jinzhi replied to No. 0 in his heart, and when he looked up at Yun Mengchen, he suddenly burst into a brighter smile than before, like a tumulus peony in full bloom, "See what you want to see People... should wear some clean clothes."

Hearing this, Yun Mengchen's pupils suddenly shrunk to a small point, his Adam's apple kept rolling up and down, and he laughed stiffly twice: "What is Jinzhi talking about..."

"If only my clothes were as clean as this one..." With an abnormal smile on his face, the young man raised his arms to caress his snow-white clothes, and looked up at Yun who was always dressed in white. Meng Chen murmured, "I often envy Brother Yun, who can always wear this spotless white shirt..."

Elegant scholars wear blue and white, and prostitutes wear red and green. This has been the standard since ancient times.

But if Jun Changle could choose, why wouldn't he want to take off his extremely gorgeous red clothes and be an innocent person

Yun Mengchen has been with Jun Changle for more than a year, but he has never seen him in white clothes. Now that Su Jinzhi said this, the progress value above Yun Mengchen's head suddenly rose from 10/100 back to 20/100.

Su Jinzhi scolded Yun Mengchen, "You are a bad thing" from the bottom of his heart, while smiling brighter and brighter, and was about to be a doctor to give Yun Mengchen a few more powerful medicines, but suddenly he heard the wooden door creak, Jun Changwu's voice gradually approached, and finally looked at him through a veil—

"Hey, why is there a curtain here?"

The girl's voice is as sweet as honey, like an oriole singing on a branch in early spring, jumping lightly among the green shoots and red flowers, jumping on the tight string in the young man's heart. It broke suddenly, and a blood gully popped out on the wall of the heart.

"Jun... Fourth Miss..." The young man tremblingly opened his mouth, he stopped his voice after only four words, and took a few deep breaths to stabilize his calm tone, but Yun Mengchen who moved to the screen could see the young man The red eyes showed that the master was not as calm as his tone of voice.

Su Jinzhi cleared his throat, and said softly with a smile: "Wuyan is sick, so it's not appropriate to let Miss Jun get over her illness."

Jun Changwu thought for a while and felt that what Hua Wuyan said was not unreasonable, after all his valet did say that he was sick last night. But didn't she come here just to see what the person who robbed Jiang Lishan with Brother Jin looked like? Hua Wuyan made a veil to block her, what else is she looking at

"But how can I see your face clearly?"

The girl tilted her head and complained, and the steps on her temples trembled and swayed with her movements. Even though she couldn't see her face clearly through the veil, she could still imagine how aggrieved and cute she was on the other side.

After the young man heard her words, he clenched his fist against his lips and laughed twice, then got up from the low table, walked to the veil and knelt down. As if a young man covered in snow moved, Yun Mengchen realized that he didn't even wear shoes and socks, his white and almost transparent jade feet stepped on the light blue bamboo mat, and the snow-colored clothes floated past his lap. Eyes, Yun Mengchen straightened his body suddenly, looked at the young man imitating the appearance of a young girl and tilted his head, half frowning, half coquettishly said: "Then can you see clearly?"

Jun Changwu laughed suddenly, and followed his example, dragging the low table forward a bit, resting his chin on the table with one hand, looked at Su Jinzhi with a smile and said, "I still can't see clearly, but you How can you learn from me like this?"

"Hmm..." Su Jinzhi pondered for a while, then tapped his head with his fingers, and said in distress, "Then Wuyan should sit back."

"Hey, no!" Jun Changwu hurriedly waved his hand to stop him, "Wouldn't it be better to sit closer to me? So many people want to sit with me and I won't give it up."

Su Jinzhi smiled brightly and happily: "Wuyan is really lucky."

"Of course." Jun Changwu also raised her face proudly, and then thought that she came today to make things difficult for this young actor who dared to seduce Jiang Lishan, so she quickly cleared her throat, "Then who—Hua Wuyan, You dance for me... eh, forget it, let's sing a little song."

Jun Changwu originally wanted Hua Wuyan to dance for her by twisting her waist and swinging her hips, after all, isn't that what they like to do in a small hotel like this to lure men into their room? He is obviously a man, so why would he imitate a woman to do such a thing? But although she was disdainful in her heart, she still didn't forget what the boy said - he was sick, what if he fainted while dancing

The girl bit her bright red lower lip, and after a while began to hesitate whether to forget about singing, Hua Wuyan didn't look like a seductress, it must be the fault of that scumbag Jiang Lishan! She should go back and find her father to beat him up, and she shouldn't blame others, Brother Jin Zhi taught her...

Su Jinzhi called out to No. 0: "No. 0! What if we are going to sing?!"

No. Zero immediately said: "Don't worry, Master Host, No. Zero will search for suitable songs for you immediately!"

Within a few seconds, Su Jinzhi switched on lip-syncing mode—

"It's misty and rainy, the flowers bloom again, and the spring breeze blows up the small building... My home is like a world away... Whenever the bright moon climbs up, it's full of the charm of my hometown..."

Jun Changwu was still struggling over there, but the young man opened his voice and began to sing softly.

Different from the debauched sounds of those dusty places in Jun Changwu's imagination, the youth's singing voice is like the drizzle of the sun, which is clear and clean, falling on the hearts of the people, and it is so refreshing that it makes people calm down instantly. I couldn't help but immerse myself in his voice.

But the young man only sang a line or two, and Jun Changwu couldn't laugh anymore. For some reason, she didn't calm down when she heard the young man's singing. Instead, she felt flustered and couldn't help but her eyes were red.

She couldn't help wondering if Hua Wuyan was singing about her homesickness? If Brother Jinzhi also heard this song, would he go home

Hearing her cry, the people inside the curtain stopped singing.

"This, this song is really nice." Jun Changwu said dryly, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, "But can't you change to a more cheerful song... I sound sad, do you know?" , Jun Changwu just wiped away tears and wet his cheeks.

She roughly rubbed her face with her sleeves, ravaging her soft pink cheeks until they turned red, and the crying mole under the corner of her right eye, which was exactly the same as the other person's, was also soaked red with tears, but she couldn't wipe it away.

It shouldn't be like this...

Why did she like to cry so much these past two days? She doesn't like to cry. After Brother Jinzhi left, she seldom cried, because no one came to hold her when she was crying, wipe her tears, and comfort her Said "Wu Wu, don't cry, Brother Jin will take you to play marbles, okay?"

But even if she carried Yuzhu with her every day, no one would accompany her to coax her like she did when she was a child.

Brother Jin, her brother Jin will never come back.

At this moment, Jun Changwu recognized this fact very clearly.

"I don't want to listen anymore!" She stood up suddenly, covered her face and ran out of the Peony Pavilion crying.

"Miss! Miss!" The maid who followed her immediately chased after her.

The hem of the concubine-colored clothes brushed against the light blue bamboo mat, and gradually faded away.

For a while, only Yun Mengchen and Su Jinzhi were left in the Peony Pavilion.

Yun Mengchen frowned, opened his mouth and was about to speak, but saw the young man smiling blankly, the watery light that originally dazzled those brown eyes finally converged into beads, and slid down the man's pale cheeks in a line , drop by drop on the blue bamboo mat.

In the dead silence, he heard the young man speak again and continue singing the song:

"The heavy rain forced me to leave home thousands of miles away, and the years have changed my face... The memories of my hometown are always in my heart, just like the mist and rain can't melt away..."

"Jinzhi..." Yun Mengchen called him softly.

Su Jinzhi stopped singing, his eyes were out of focus, and he stared straight ahead.

Yun Mengchen looked into his eyes, walked slowly to his side and sat down, he called out the young man's name, full of words and long sentences, but couldn't get out of his throat, he didn't know what to say, let alone where to say it rise.

"Brother Yun." Unexpectedly, the young man spoke out first, but what he said shocked Yun Mengchen's heart, and then he grabbed it tightly.

"I'm homesick...I want to go home..."

"I really want to watch her grow up..."

The young man closed his eyes, his voice became softer, and he said with a blank smile: "But how can I go back...how can I go back...to my home..."

His home is located in layers of pavilions and high mountains, separated by thousands of mountains and seas, and he will not be able to set foot on that land until he dies.

"Jinzhi..." Yun Mengchen was stiff all over, his hands hanging by his sides were clenched tightly into fists, he was about to reveal the secret with a trembling voice, but the next moment he saw the young man clutching his chest and spurting out a mouthful of blood, Then he fell to the side and curled up coughing.

Yun Mengchen immediately knelt and crawled to his side to help him up: "Jinzhi! Jinzhi!"

The young man looked at his white clothes that were stained red with scarlet scarlet, and said with a silly smile: "It can't be cleaned anymore, it can't be cleaned anymore..."

Su Jinzhi yelled in his mind, torturing number one: "I'm so dirty! I'm so dirty!"

Number one: "..." This pretense is too much.

Yun Mengchen took out a life-sustaining medicine that he specially refined for the young man from the jade bottle at his waist, but just as he stuffed it into his mouth, the young man coughed violently again, as if he wanted to cough up his lungs, even He could hear the wailing, tearing and screaming pain overflowing from his bones.

Su Jinzhi was really in pain. Jun Changwu’s progress value had increased when he just left, and his own progress value had also increased, but No. 1 detected that he had 80 points of hatred towards him, and immediately gave it to him A level 7 penalty.

Punishment above level 5 would cause irreversible damage to the body. Su Jinzhi suspected that No. 1 was avenging his personal revenge and pretending to be too aggressive to retaliate.

Seeing him like this, Yun Mengchen's eyes finally turned red, and he carefully supported his body and said in a hoarse voice: "He didn't betray you...Jin Zhi, he didn't betray you...I'm sorry I kept it from you for so long...My father is at the foot of the mountain When he was picked up, his head was covered in blood, and he kept saying your name... But when he woke up, he forgot everything, forgot about you... "

Seeing the young man in such pain, Yun Mengchen finally admitted that some things really cannot be forced.

On that day, he received a gift from a young man, and everyone in the world envied him for being favored by the most beautiful woman in the Hua Kingdom, and for being able to stay in this flower dwelling for a long time, but they didn't know that Su Jinzhi only came to him to heal his illness and prolong his life.

At that time, although his face was also sickly, there was still a flame of unwillingness to die in his eyes, but he fell here, and he had no desire to live.

And all this is because of myself.

"He has obviously forgotten about you..." Yun Mengchen shook her hands, trying to wipe off the blood from the corner of the young man's lips, "You shouldn't live in such pain for him..."

"He forgot you...you forgot him too...isn't it good? Is this not good..."

He knew who the young man was, and he knew who he was waiting for when he lived so hard. But he didn't know that the person he had been waiting for had completely forgotten him and would never come to take him away.

"Father said that I can't be a doctor. I have never believed it, and I insisted on going out of the valley... In fact, what he said is right, what qualifications does a person like me have to save people and help the world..." Yun Mengchen laughed at himself, tears oozing from the corners of his eyes, muttering muttering to himself.

And what Yun Mengchen said later, Su Jinzhi could no longer hear it.

Opening his eyes again, what fell into his eyes was his concubine-colored gauze over the bed. It was already dark, and he was lying on the bed with his clothes half uncovered, with more than a dozen gleaming silver needles stuck in his chest, refracting frightening light under the bright candlelight.

"Don't move." Hearing the movement on the side of the bed, Yun Mengchen, who was standing in front of the table, hurried over to collect the needles on his body, and then handed over a bowl of medicine with the right temperature.

Su Jinzhi raised his eyes to look at him, Yun Mengchen smiled slightly, the smile was still as warm and gentle as the spring breeze, he said softly: "You take good care of your illness and live well...he will think of you."

"Will he really remember me..."

The young man's eyes lit up suddenly when he heard the words, as if the charcoal heap that had been burnt had found firewood again, and a warm flame gradually ignited again.

"Yes, definitely will." Yun Mengchen suppressed the grief in his heart, smiled more gently on his face, gently tore away the young man's arm holding his sleeve corner, stuffed it into the soft quilt, and tucked it up carefully for him The quilt said, "Junior Brother just wanted to see you, but Ping An said that you were sick, so he went back. You have a good rest tonight, and you can see him tomorrow."

Both of them seemed to be avoiding something intentionally or unintentionally. Yun Mengchen didn't want to mention it, and Su Jinzhi certainly wouldn't say it. With a smile on his lips, he finally glanced at the 80/100 progress value above Yun Mengchen's head Then he closed his eyes contentedly.

Yun Mengchen sat on the edge of the bed, watched the young man's breathing gradually slow down before getting up, blowing out the candles and leaving the room lightly.

There was silence in the dark room.

"Miraculous Doctor Yun's progress is increasing so fast." No. 0 broke the silence, pulled out the electronic strategy board and placed it in front of Su Jinzhi.

Su Jinzhi opened his eyes and propped himself up on the bed to sit up, but just such a movement made him pale, and he gasped for breath while clutching his chest. He sneered, and his voice became extremely hoarse due to the intense coughing and panting: "I am If it’s like this, if his progress doesn’t improve, I’ll commit suicide.”

If it wasn't because Feng Jiuli was the only support for Jun Changle to survive, Su Jinzhi seriously doubted that Yun Mengchen would never tell him that Feng Jiuli had lost his memory.

He said it in this life, but the person who heard it was not the real Jun Changle.

"It's so pitiful." Su Jinzhi looked at Jun Changle's 50/100 progress value on the electronic board and sighed. Is he so satisfied just seeing his sister and not even seeing her current appearance

"People who can easily forget are never in too much pain, only those who are forgotten are the most pitiful." No. 1, who came out to check his presence in this world except for punishment, suddenly made a sound, which shocked Su Jinzhi.

"Number one!" Su Jinzhi clutched his chest, "You almost scared my lungs out of my throat."

Number one: "..."

"Hurry up and do the task, and your lungs will be fine." No. 1 said coldly.

"Okay." Su Jinzhi replied calmly and firmly, and then immediately lay down and pulled the quilt up to his chin, "I will do it when I wake up tomorrow."

Number one: "..."

Obviously his body was extremely exhausted, but Su Jinzhi woke up very early the next day.

The chirping of spring swallows came from outside the house, clear and cheerful, making this morning extremely clean, and this long street is only quiet at this moment in a day.

When Xi Le entered the room with a hot water basin, Su Jinzhi had already dressed himself, and was sitting in front of the lacquered bronze mirror and fiddled with his hair, not knowing what he was doing.

"My lord, why did you get out of bed!" Xi Le hurriedly put the water basin away, and walked quickly to Su Qingnian's side. After seeing the young man's movements clearly, she couldn't help holding her breath, and stood there in a daze.

Seeing him coming, the young man slowly raised his head and smiled at him, then with a movement of his slender white fingers, he tore off the new white hair from his temples, curled it around his fingertips, and put it in a small box beside him.

There were many white balls lying quietly in the box, without exception, they were hairs pulled out by young people.

The young man looked at the person in the mirror without blinking his eyes, his face was as pale as snow, and his red lips were drained of blood, but he smiled and said: "I can't sleep, why don't I get up and sit down."

Immediately he raised his head again, stared at Xi Le, frowned slightly and said, "Xi Le, do you think I am getting old?"

"Look, I've grown gray hair..." As if he didn't believe him, the young man pressed his hands on the mirror table, bent down and moved closer to the bronze mirror, as if wanting to see more clearly.

It took a long time for Xiyue to find his breath. He walked to Su Jinzhi with his stiff legs, helped him back to the chair and sat down again, brushed the young man's still black hair and comforted him: "Young Master Why do you say that you are old when you are twenty? I heard that many people in the neighborhood have grown gray hair because they are too tired. The old people say that this is called juvenile gray, not gray hair that occurs when they are old."

The young man couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, the laughter was extremely joyful, mixed with countless joys, joy had served him for seven years, and he had never heard him laugh like this. But at this moment, when he heard the young man's smile, it seemed as if he heard the cry of an evil ghost, which made him tremble all over.

"Young Master... Young Master!" Xi Le knelt down with a plop, and cried before the young man's knees, "What's wrong with you, Young Master, please don't do anything stupid!"

Su Jinzhi sighed helplessly, stroking the young man's black hair with Yubai's fingers, and comforting him softly: "Xi Le, what are you talking about? Where is my medicine? Didn't Brother Yun give me a new medicine?"

Xi Le raised her head from his lap and said tremblingly: "The medicine... Xi Le will bring it to you in a while..."

"That's it." Su Jinzhi withdrew his hand, got up and half-lyed on the soft bed.

The young man was leaning on a soft pillow, his long eyelashes were closed, his crimson collar was loosely tied, and it was slightly opened to reveal the peony bud branch inside. Xi Le wrung the wet handkerchief and wiped the suet white jade-like fingers one by one, feeling lazy all over, as if she had become Hua Wuyan, the number one beauty in Zhuhua Kingdom, who is the most beautiful of the Five Kingdoms.

Suddenly, he raised his eyes to look at the south window and asked, "Is it raining?"