Undying Patient

Chapter 27: Amnesia General Infatuated Bustard 15


The letter was left by Feng Jiuli. He said that the old emperor was seriously ill last night and his government was unstable. He asked him to hurry back to Chongluo and come back as soon as he finished everything, and told Su Jinzhi not to think too much.

Of course Su Jinzhi wouldn't think too much about it, but Jun Changle's progress would not be easy to get when Feng Jiuli left, and it was inconvenient for him to go out of the building and run to Jun Changwu to save her. There are no shadows, and I don't know where to save them, and Qiu Yi's progress value has been soaring, so Su Jinzhi can only stay in the flower habitat building and mold with the summer rain.

Today, outside the Huaqi Tower, the long street is still full of chaos.

"It's so boring." Su Jinzhi lay down in the Peony Pavilion, holding black pieces in his left hand and white pieces in his right hand to play against himself, "Can I play mahjong?"

No. Zero said seriously: "But Master Host, even if we bring Brother No. 1, we still lack one of three."

No. 1 let out an "ah" and said coldly: "Gambling is strictly prohibited during work."

No. 0 dared not speak immediately.

Su Jinzhi got up from the chess table, and was about to persuade No. 1 to come and relax together, when Xi Le suddenly opened the door and came in, with a shocked and anxious expression, and knelt down in front of Su Jinzhi with a "common" sound: "Mr., Mr.!"

Su Jinzhi handed him a cup of tea, and said softly, "What's the matter, Joy? Don't worry, speak slowly, what happened?"

Xi Le raised her finger to the door, opened her eyes wide and said, "The lord sent over twelve boxes of gifts! You are invited to sing an opera in the palace. Eunuch Jin is waiting for you downstairs now!"

Su Jinzhi stared slightly, frowned, got up and walked downstairs to Huaqi Building, Xi Le quickly got up from the ground and followed behind him.

In the hall of Huaqi Building, Eunuch Jin, who was dressed in a crimson palace uniform, stood in front of twelve gift boxes, and a palace lady stood behind him, shaking a small fan for him. The characteristic shrill voice called him: "Young Master Wuyan—"

Su Jinzhi bowed his head and looked at the twelve gift boxes: "Eunuch Jin, this is..."

Eunuch Jin raised his chin high, with a haughty expression, and the corners of his lips curled to one side, signaling to the attendants he brought to open the twelve gift boxes one by one: gold silk and satin, precious porcelain, pearls and emeralds, antique calligraphy and paintings, and rare medicinal materials appeared one by one— These twelve treasure chests are almost filled with things that people in this world envy and want to have in their dreams.

"Mr. Wuyan, the slave family is here today at the order of the lord. As for the purpose, your servants must have explained it to you." Eunuch Jin walked to Su Jinzhi with a smile, and approached Su Jinzhi's ear, his eyes squinting at Su Jinzhi. Twelve gift boxes, "Your Majesty knows that the young master doesn't like these extraneous things, but as long as the young master goes to the palace to attend this banquet, people will get rid of the low status of the young master. You only need to sing a song at will, Just a few more dance steps, why not do it?"

It is true that there are many high-ranking guests who are willing to spend thousands of dollars for Hua Wuyan, but there are not many people who can get rid of his low status for him.

Back then, Lifeng kept saying that he had taken away his jade pendant and he had to keep it, but in fact, it was useless even if he left with the jade pendant. A person with a lowly status not only lives humblely in the soil, but also his children and grandchildren. To be a slave is to be a handmaiden, and to be company with dust and mud. Lifeng never mentioned this matter, but just didn't want them to worry about it.

Besides... Su Jinzhi raised his eyes, looked at the armored imperial guards standing behind the twelve gift boxes, and sneered disdainfully in his heart—he had no right to refuse this palace banquet at all.

Xi Le looked at him worriedly: "My lord..."

"Okay, I'll go." Su Jinzhi turned to look at Eunuch Jin with a smile on his face, "When will the palace banquet start?"

When Eunuch Jin heard this, the smile lines at the corners of his eyes deepened. He flicked the fly whisk, clapped his hands and praised: "Good! Mr. Wuyan is really smart, please accept these few boxes of gifts, and take good care of this body." He As he spoke, he raised his hand to caress Su Jinzhi's face twice, "You're so thin that my heart hurts~"

Su Jinzhi smiled, and let him touch her without moving.

"After three months, the palace will send a chariot to pick you up, and I hope you will prepare well." Seeing that his expression did not change, Eunuch Jin felt bored, rolled his eyes, turned and left.

"My lord!" Xi Le grabbed his sleeve, her eyes were slightly red, "Why did you promise Eunuch Jin? This, this is..."

"How can I have the right to refuse?" Su Jinzhi smiled lightly, walked to a box containing silk and satin, raised his hand to caress a piece of dark green brocade and said, "This piece of cloth is in good condition, you Send the box to Lan Wen, and ask her to use this piece of brocade to embroider a set of clothes for me within three months, and give her all the rest of the cloth as a reward."

Of course he was going to this palace banquet, and he had to go.

Not because of the name of the lord of the Zhuhua Kingdom, but because of the savior who has never appeared—the third prince of Beiyou, Yan Hui.

Zero just told him that the host of this palace banquet is not the lord of Zhuhua Kingdom, but Yan Hui. As soon as Feng Jiuli left, Yan Hui came to Zhuhua Kingdom, probably got some news.

The battle that Feng Jiuli had just ended was the border battle between Chongluo and Beiyou, which ended with Beiyou's defeat. But even so, the power of Beiyou Kingdom should not be underestimated. Among the five kingdoms, Chongluo is the strongest, Beiyou is the second, and Zhuhua Kingdom is the weakest.

Eunuch Jin showing off his power in front of him is like Yan Hui standing in front of the lords of the Hua Kingdoms—a weak country with only one city, what qualifications does it have to refuse the request of the third prince of Beiyou Kingdom

After March, late autumn arrives.

The day when the palace banquet started happened to be the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Indeed, as Eunuch Jin said, the palace sent a bright BMW car to pick him up.

The four corners of the carriage are equipped with gilt incense burners, and the precious silver leaf fragrance is burned inside. The crimson brocade and powder gauze around the carriage are intertwined into curtains that flutter in the wind, and several exquisite palace lanterns hang from the top of the carriage, emitting a glittering light. Halo, the maids carried flower baskets full of petals, flying flowers all the way, and welcomed Su Jinzhi out of the Huaqi Tower, while the little father-in-law, who had a low status in the palace, knelt on the side of the carriage and waited for the young man to get on the carriage as a human stool.

It's the Mid-Autumn Festival, the long street is already lively, the moon and stars are hidden in the night, and countless bright fireworks that have been launched into the sky have fallen to the ground one after another, illuminating half of the sky. And after the people from the palace created such a grand formation, the two sides of the long street were crowded with people standing side by side, and they were stopped by the guards with long guns. Now it's all given to an actor and prostitute.

"Ah, the evil feudal society." Su Jinzhi sighed to No. 0, "No wonder so many people want to be the emperor, baby No. 0, if you have time, ask No. 1 for me, let him also get me a seat on the throne Sit and watch."

No. Zero repeatedly promised: "No. Zero will definitely work hard for the benefits for the host!"

"I love you, okay?" Su Jinzhi finally laughed when he heard the words, and stepped into the carriage.

The father-in-law who came to pick him up saw that he had been expressionless before, and couldn't help feeling anxious, for fear that Su Jinzhi would run away suddenly or make other troubles. Now seeing him smile, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a drawn out voice. : "Departure—"

Su Jinzhi was shaken by his sharp voice, and continued to ask Number Zero: "Don't give me such a guard, the system of the ancients is really cruel, I am a civilized person."

Zero continued to promise: "Yes! Yes! Zero will definitely satisfy the host's wishes!"

Su Jinzhi heard that No. 0 was so obedient, hissed, and was planning to try how many benefits he could get, when No. 1 said coldly: "Master host, do you want to be emperor so much?"

Su Jinzhi immediately persuaded: "Don't force it, don't force it, just let it happen."

In a few words, the carriage drove extremely fast, and arrived at the palace gate of Zhuhua Kingdom in a short while, as if he didn't want to keep the people in the palace waiting. The carriage passed through the vermilion palace wall that seemed to have no end in sight, and stopped in front of the palace with glazed eaves.

The main hall is resplendent and resplendent, and the lord of the Zhuhua Kingdom sits on a high dragon chair, but he feels restless as if sitting on a thorn bush, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead. Said: "The third prince is not happy? Could it be that these dancers are not beautiful enough?"

The man on the guest seat was dressed in a fine attire and a high jade crown. He was handsome and handsome. He stared boredly at the showy dancer below with his dark and deep eyes. The wine glass in his hand hit the table heavily, and he said disdainfully, "Is this called beauty? It's so vulgar, it's unsightly."

Hearing this, the faces of the sovereigns of Zhuhua Kingdom immediately turned half green, but they didn't dare to say anything more. Just when he was anxious, he heard the bell on the carriage that he sent someone to pick up Hua Wuyan rang outside the hall, then he stretched his neck and looked out, pulling at Eunuch Jin who was standing beside him and asked repeatedly : "But Hua Wuyan is here? Let him come into the palace!"

After saying this, he immediately smiled and looked at the guest: "Don't be angry, the third prince, there is one more person, the third prince must be interested in meeting him!"

Yan Hui also heard the bell of the carriage, and knew who was coming, but he still looked at the Zhu Hua Kingdom's lord, and slowly raised the corners of his lips, revealing his first smile since attending the banquet today.

The lord of Zhuhua Kingdom immediately patted Eunuch Jin on the back, and said anxiously: "Let Mr. Wuyan come in soon!" After finishing speaking, he straightened his back and looked at the entrance of the main hall with a haughty expression on his face. It seemed that someone more noble than him came from the other end.

Seeing him like this, Lord Yan Hui suddenly raised his head and burst out laughing—this lord of the Hua Kingdom is proud of a poor and lowly actor. laugh. And that Hua Wuyan who is about to enter the palace is also the same, he wants to see what kind of thing it is, so that Feng Jiuli would rather risk the wrath of King Chongluo, refuse to give the marriage, and hand over the military talisman with him He stays together.

Thinking of this, Yan Hui stopped laughing, half-closed his eyes and looked at the people sitting down.

The man was wearing an exquisite dark green dress, which covered his snow-white flesh tightly. The dark-colored clothes had intricate embroidery patterns on the collar, and the hem and sleeve corners were embroidered with the blooming ink jade and the white Kunshan night light. , a hair without a crown, hangs straight down behind him, slightly swaying as he moves forward.

It was completely different from the servile servants he had seen in the past, who would kneel down at his feet and flatter him, the young man raised his slender chin slightly, kept his eyes fixed, his expression indifferent, and his back straight. Straightforward, as if hiding a piece of peerless arrogance, when he saw them, the nobles on the high seats, he just nodded slightly without being humble, as if he was like them, with noble and incomparable blood flowing from his body.

The young man didn't have any color on his body, but his eyes were full of beauty.

For a moment, Yan Hui was stunned for a moment, as if he understood why Feng Jiuli fell in love with him so much.

If Su Jinzhi could know what Yan Hui was thinking at the moment, he would laugh at him three times like he laughed at the lord of the Zhuhua Kingdom just now, and read him the "Declaration of Human Rights" fluently to show the natural human rights , Freedom and Equality—don’t even think about it, silly roe deer, you are not an alien, we two have different blood types at most.

"Hua, Wu, Yan." Yan Hui said the name softly after savoring the name between his lips and teeth, and looked at the seat with interest with his chin poised.

Seeing his pale face, the lords of Zhuhua Kingdom quickly coughed twice, signaling Su Jinzhi to start dancing and singing.

Su Jinzhi glanced lightly at the fat and pregnant ruler of the Zhuhua Kingdom. He vomited in his heart, and then handed over his body to the control of No. 0. Finally, he began to dance with the sound of the string music. First, he raised his sleeves , revealing a section of the snow-like wrist under the black brocade suit, and then pressed down heavily, dancing to the music that gradually became more and more rapid.

However, looking at it, the face of the Zhuhua Kingdom's lord became even uglier.

Because Su Jinzhi danced the battle-breaking song of the soldiers of Chongluo Kingdom when they returned in triumph. This song is performed by men and women. The male dances the sword and the female raises the fan, but the dancers cannot be ordinary actors and dancers. The male must be selected from the children of the family An outstanding son of just the right age, and the woman must naturally be a descendant of a distinguished family.

Of course Su Jinzhi danced like a man's step. Although he didn't have a sword in his hand, it was hard to hide the arrogance when he raised his sleeves and stepped forward. If he was given a long sword, he would be able to draw a shocking rainbow light.

There is nothing to say in this dance, but there is no smile on Su Jinzhi's face during the dance, and his concubine-colored lips are lightly pursed. Thinking about his identity, this is even worse than Yan Hui before he smiled. Save face.

What's more, Beiyou was defeated by Chongluo just now, Su Jinzhi is now dancing this breaking song in front of the three princes of Beiyou. Immediately raised his hand to stop him.

The lord of the Zhuhua Kingdom turned his head to look at Yan Hui, only to see that he was staring at the dark green figure sitting down without blinking, his eyes were full of interest, and there was no trace of anger, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Stop the music, stop the dance.

But the hall was silent.

Su Jinzhi stood straight in the center of the hall, looking straight at the people on the high seat, his chest heaved and heaved, he gasped slightly with his mouth open, and secretly rejoiced: "Fortunately, he gave his body to No. If the real him comes to dance, he may be able to jump out of a whole set of radio gymnastics.

"Papapa—" Several applause sounded, Su Jinzhi looked along the source of the sound, and found that the person who applauded first was actually Yan Hui.

On the surface of this palace banquet, the ruler of the Zhuhua Kingdom sat the highest, but everything was controlled by Yan Hui. As soon as he applauded, the ruler of the Zhuhua Kingdom and other ministers put on smiling faces and applauded hypocritically .

"Master host! Yanhui's progress value has increased!" Zero happily reminded him, "It has increased by 30 points!"

"Don't get too excited, the palace banquet is not over yet, maybe there will be more rises later." Su Jinzhi talked to No. 0 in his mind, but his face was still expressionless.

"Young Master Wuyan really deserves his reputation." Seeing him like this, Yan Hui asked him with a smile, "It's just that Young Master Wuyan—why don't you want to laugh?"

Su Jinzhi didn't look at him, but looked directly at the lord of the Zhuhua Kingdom, and asked him, "Does the lord want me to laugh?"

The lords of Zhuhua Kingdom secretly scolded Su Jinzhi for being blind. The third prince asked him that he didn't answer, but instead asked himself. He quickly turned his head to look at Yan Hui, and was even more horrified when he saw the dark eyes in the man's eyes. Sweating profusely, he picked up a wine bottle on the golden table and threw it at Su Jinzhi, angrily said: "The third prince told you to laugh, why don't you laugh?!"

The wine bottle was so immortal that it hit Su Jin's forehead.

Su Jinzhi was not in a hurry to dodge, only felt a "bang" on his head, and he fell down immediately, half propped up on his elbows, clutching his forehead for a long time before recovering.

Su Jinzhi stood up unsteadily from the ground, trying to stabilize his figure, put down the palm covering his forehead, and saw a hole in the forehead was cut by the sharp corner of the wine bottle, and there was a bright liquid flowing out of it. Even just looking at it, it seems that people can feel the pain.

However, the young man really laughed as the lord said. This smile was like the melting of winter snow and the return of spring, so that the beauty of the corners of the man's eyes and brows was completely exposed, and the blood that meandered down from the side of his face Line, beautiful to the extreme.

"Smile, why doesn't Wuyan not laugh?" Su Jinzhi raised his jaw, and squinted at those people on the high seat with the corners of his lips hooked, "Wuyan is a lowly person, but a prostitute and actress, humble and lowly, the king is willing Condescend to pay a lot of money to hire Wuyan to dance in the palace, if Wuyan can't make the king happy, then it is Wuyan's fault."

When the Lord of Zhuhua Kingdom heard the words, he was so frightened that his whole body trembled, his lips twitched and he couldn't say a word. Su Jinzhi's words obviously sounded extremely submissive and respectful, but secretly he was mocking Yan Hui for being inferior to him, and he was not qualified to make him laugh.

"Oh, heavy gold?" Yan Hui sneered, and got up from the guest seat. The maidservant next to him wanted to help him, but he waved it away. A piece of land is given to you as a gift, can you get the son for one night?"

When the lord of Zhuhua Kingdom heard what Yan Hui said, he slumped on the dragon chair. How powerful is Beiyou Kingdom? Although Yan Hui is the third prince, he has long been the crown prince appointed by the King of Beiyou, and he can take over the power when he gets tired of playing in other countries and returns to the court. Now that he said that he would give the land under his feet to Su Jinzhi, he made it clear that he wanted to flatten his Zhuhua Kingdom!

The faint smile on Su Jinzhi's face turned into a contemptuous smile after hearing Yan Hui's words, and he said firmly, "No."

Yan Hui was caught by Su Jinzhi again and again, no matter how interested he was in Su Jinzhi, he couldn't help turning cold at this moment, and said coldly to Su Jinzhi with a frosty complexion: "It's just a whore that anyone can fuck? What are you being arrogant about?"

Su Jinzhi also stopped laughing, and looked at him with a cold face: "Yes, Wuyan is dirty and lowly, anyone can manipulate and insult her. But before Wuyan entered Zhuhua's lowly family, she was from Chongluo, you Beiyou invaded me On the border of Chongluo, kill my people of Chongluo, insult my dignity of Chongluo, I have no beauty, even if I am fucked to death by a dog of Chongluo today, I will not spend the night with you!"

If Jun Changle hadn't died, his blood should have such passion, and what supported him to stand should also have such arrogance.

The young man's voice was cold and clean, like the beating of pearls and jade, and tactful like a song, resounding on the beams of the main hall. The lord of Zhuhua Kingdom and a group of ministers who were paralyzed by fright at this moment stared at him with wide eyes in disbelief, holding their breath. He didn't dare to catch his breath, for fear that Yan Hui, who was furious, would chop them down together.

"Oh, is that so?" Yan Hui also stared at Su Jinzhi with anger, and then raised his hand to summon his subordinate, and whispered a few times in his ear.

Yan Hui's subordinate ran away from the main hall in a hurry, Su Jinzhi turned to look, and saw the man and the new soldier came in after a while carrying an iron cage that could hold several people. In the cage were three soft-haired, A big, strong black dog.

The three black dogs had fierce eyes, and their purple-red roots stood upright, protruding ferociously. It looked like they had been given medicine, and they were crying anxiously in the cage. If they weren't still tied up with ropes , I am afraid that he rushed to the side of the cage and yelled at people.

Yan Hui saw that Su Jinzhi's expression was still calm, and the flame in his heart was burning a little bit more. He was very angry and asked him with a smile: "Gu Yuan's words are counted, and this is the reward. Please ask Mr. Wuyan to perform the last scene for Gu Yuan." !Come here—open the cage and invite Mr. Wuyan to enter!"

Seeing this, No. 1 sneered coldly: "It's really a good show."

Su Jinzhi: "..." He didn't want to pretend anymore, he wanted to go home.

Yes, Yan Hui really knows how to play, is it too late for him to take back what he just said

But it was obviously too late, as soon as Yan Hui's words fell, a guard came towards Su Jinzhi and wanted to carry him into the cage.

Su Jinzhi took a deep breath and turned around, looking at Yan Hui.

The young man's forehead was covered with blood, which slipped across his slender chin and slipped into the dark green collar. However, even though the clothes were so loose, he could still see the young man's frail figure. Seeing him looking at him at this time, Yan Hui Thinking that he was subdued, his complexion softened, and he thought that if the young man would kneel down and admit his mistake at this moment, he would spare the young man.

Unexpectedly, when Su Jinzhi turned around, he gave him a chuckle, which fell into Yan Hui's ears full of sarcasm, and he said slowly: "Don't bother the third prince, Wuyan will go in by herself."

After saying this, the young man really raised his feet and walked steadily towards the man-eating cage. Even Yan Hui couldn't help opening his eyes wide, staring at Su Jinzhi's movements and holding his breath.


At this moment, a bright female voice approached rapidly from outside the hall. Su Jinzhi's eyes widened suddenly when he heard the voice, and he looked up towards the door of the hall.

Su Jinzhi asked Number Zero, "Why did Jun Changwu come here?"

"It seems that your valet has tipped off Miracle Doctor Yun..." Zero hesitated for a while before explaining for him.

Sure enough, Jun Changwu's pink skirt flashed past the corner of the door, and then appeared in front of Su Jinzhi in its entirety. It was too late to cover his face, and this movement was too abrupt, so Su Jinzhi could only stand still and let Jun Changwu see his face clearly.

The moment Jun Changwu saw Su Jinzhi's face clearly, his eyes widened, his face turned pale in an instant, and he even couldn't stabilize his figure and took a few steps back.