Undying Patient

Chapter 31: Brother and Dad who do you want 1


Su Jinzhi felt that he would die in the last world, because he regretted the wine as soon as he drank it—because it was too much! he! mom! salty! up!

It was so salty that Su Jinzhi had to wonder if the glass of wine was really a poisonous wine

Isn't it said that poisonous wine has a "mellow", "fragrant" and "sweet" taste? How many people felt "sweet in the throat" at the moment of drinking the poisoned wine, and then died. Before Su Jinzhi drank the wine, he could die generously if he wanted to be like that. After all, he was used to vomiting blood, no matter how cruel the poisonous wine Sweet he can bear.

But he never expected that the poisoned wine was salty!

Su Jinzhi was convinced that he was absolutely poisoned to death by poisoned wine!

After the bitter salty taste in his mouth dissipated, Su Jinzhi could finally open his eyes. The first thing he did after opening his eyes was to cover his mouth and run towards the bathroom, throwing himself on the toilet until he vomited faintly .

The sour smell of vomit filled his nose, but it was quickly flushed down by the automatic toilet.

Su Jinzhi supported the sink and got up slowly, turned on the tap and washed his face with cold water. After the hangover headache and nausea were relieved, he was free to sort out the memory of the original body transmitted by number zero.

After he sorted out all the memories, he couldn't help but sigh that No. 0 is such a good baby.

His name in this world is Song Jinzhi, the son of the overbearing president Song Mingxuan who is very powerful in both black and white. Song Mingxuan has two sons, he is the youngest, and he has an elder brother Song Yingchu on his head.

What is interesting is that Song Mingxuan's two sons are not related to him by blood, and he only declares that only Song Yingchu is his adopted son. Song Mingxuan's attitude towards Song Jinzhi and Song Yingchu is also very different: he is extremely harsh on Song Yingchu, and he is unprincipled in pampering Song Jinzhi—so much so that he never doubts that Song Jinzhi is not his biological son.

But in fact, Song Yingchu is the one who is related to him by blood, because Song Mingxuan has an older brother named Song Mingyan, and Song Yingchu is his son, not Song Mingxuan's.

Song Mingxuan doesn't like family business, he likes a free and exciting life, he was originally a special soldier active in the tropical jungle. As a result, Song Mingyan, who was in charge, was shot and killed in a black transaction. Song Mingxuan had no choice but to return to China, and began to launder the family business, becoming a well-behaved entrepreneur. And because the ass of the black deal back then was not wiped clean, in order to protect Song Mingyan's only son, Song Mingxuan could only send him to the orphanage, give him a clean identity and then adopt him back.

And Song Jinzhi is just the orphan of a comrade who fought with Song Mingxuan back then.

The man blocked a shot for Song Mingxuan, which hit the femoral artery, and died of blood loss within a few minutes. After the news of his death came back to China, his wife was overwhelmed with grief, leaving behind a frail child and left. His relatives are not very good people either. His wife and he started fighting for the custody of Xiao Jinzhi as soon as he died. In fact, the purpose of the beating is hard to imagine.

Song Mingxuan was not short of money, it was no different for him to raise one child or to raise two children, plus a three-year-old child couldn't remember anything, so he was easy to coax and deceive, so he took Xiao Jinzhi home and raised him . And Song Mingxuan is strict with Song Yingchu because he will hand over the family business to him sooner or later; he spoils Song Jinzhi without principle because his father saved him once, so Song Mingxuan can make Song Jinzhi a happy young master who eats and drinks happily lifetime.

Song Jinzhi's identity has not been disclosed because Song Mingxuan has been away from home for many years, and he has hired a nanny to take care of Xiao Jinzhi and Song Yingchu. In addition, Song Jinzhi's body has been weak since childhood due to his mother's dystocia. Song Mingxuan occasionally goes home to see him. They all felt that they could sever the child's neck with one hand, and they were afraid that the nanny and servant would be slack towards him and not take good care of him after disclosing his identity, so they didn't say anything.

But after Song Jinzhi grows up, he is still as quiet and introverted as he was when he was a child, and he is also very timid, because he often falls ill and falls too much in his studies, and his studies are not very good. He also experienced school violence in junior high school, and his whole person became even more gloomy and melancholy. He even had the idea of committing suicide for a while. If Song Mingxuan hadn't accidentally discovered the bruising marks on his body, Song Jinzhi might have had an accident sooner or later.

This made it even more difficult for Song Mingxuan to reveal his identity, so he dragged on like this.

Su Jinzhi looked at himself in the mirror who had returned to his eighteen-year-old youth, and felt that Song Mingxuan was really good at procrastinating—if he made it public, what kind of ancestor would he be

However, this idea only lasted until the moment before he turned on the electronic panel. After he saw the name of the total rescue target on the panel, the idea disappeared without a trace.

[Total rescue target: Song Mingxuan (in progress) 20/100

Rescue target: Song Yingchu (under attack) 0/100

Bai Xinlu (in progress) 0/100]

"Dangdangdang—" No. 0's distinctive 3D stereo electronic sound surrounds Su Jinzhi's ears, "Master Host's mission in the last world was perfectly completed. In this world, only three people need to be saved. Come on, Mr. Host~ "

Su Jinzhi: "..."

Although the number of people to save in this world is indeed very small, and Song Mingxuan gave him 20 progress points at the beginning, which surprised him a bit, but as long as he thinks that he wants to call Song Mingxuan with that face as his father, his mood It's very complicated.

Su Jinzhi called out to No. 0: "No. 0, didn't you say that you won a new benefit for me? I heard No. 1 said that there is a benefit that can modify the appearance of the general rescue target. Is this benefit available now?"

Zero told him apologetically: "Zero is useless and failed to obtain the benefits for the host, but Zero will continue to work hard to fight for you!"

Su Jinzhi nodded: "Then what benefits have you won, now it is a new world, can you tell me?"

Zero said happily: "It's the benefit of being able to stay in the body of the soul for two hours after death~"

"... You are right." Su Jinzhi said with a cold face, "You are really useless."

Zero cried and left again: "Hey..."

Su Jinzhi sighed, turned on the faucet and washed his face again. After getting out of the bathroom, he found that the floor where he just woke up seemed to be a private room of a high-end club, which was specially provided for interested guests to "do business".

The overall decoration of the room is extravagant and gorgeous. The bed sheets on the dark red water bed are messy, and there are a few obvious bloodstains. Clothes are scattered on the dark brown carpet, which harshly declares how the two people who slept here last night fought. fierce.

If Yuanshen was here, he would have panicked and ran home by now, right

However, Su Jinzhi, who has a system of cheating, knows that all this is just a game of his good brother.

Thinking of this, Su Jinzhi's head hurt even more.

The number of Raiders in this world is small, but the rescue target is still the same pit, and the leader among them is his elder brother Song Yingchu.

Song Yingchu didn't know his real identity. To be precise, there were not many people in the entire Song family who knew his real identity. But he is a very ambitious person. He looks down on the cowardly and timid Song Jinzhi, and feels that he is not qualified to occupy Song Mingxuan's favor. He is worried that Song Mingxuan will leave the entire Song family to Song Jinzhi because he spoils him too much, so he starts to make arrangements.

Although Song Mingxuan had never treated Song Jinzhi badly materially, he had never given him any paternal love, and the nanny and housekeeper who took care of him also acted impartially and could not give him the warmth of his relatives. Song Jinzhi, who had no parental love since he was a child, longed for family affection, and Song Yingchu took this as an opportunity to show his kindness to Song Jinzhi. He only needed a little affection from his family to make Song Jinzhi obey him, so that he could be held in his hands as he wanted. Take it easy, so as to snuff out the possibility that the Song family's future may not belong to him - but this was his previous plan.

Because Song Mingxuan got a piece of news by accident, which was completely confirmed after his investigation - Song Jinzhi was not Song Mingxuan's son, but he was Song Mingxuan's brother's only child.

This remark did not happen in a day or two, but all the time.

Although Song Mingxuan has always said that Song Jinzhi is his son born to a foreign woman, and when the woman died, he brought Song Jinzhi back to China to raise him, but the two of them look so much alike, not even Song Yingchu." Adopted son" looks alike.

Song Mingxuan's facial features are profound and handsome, and he is tall. Because he has been staying abroad, even after returning to the country for more than ten years, the muscles he has trained have not disappeared. Song Yingchu is his nephew, and he is also a tall and handsome young man. And Song Jinzhi, who has no blood relationship with him and looks like a cabbage, is sandwiched between the two of them. He is simply a heretic, how can people not doubt it

But Song Mingxuan didn't "doubt" himself, so it was natural for others to say nothing.

But Song Yingchu, who knew that Song Jinzhi was not his own flesh and blood, thought it over and could only think that Song Mingxuan really loved Song Jinzhi's mother, and would rather wear a big green hat for himself than offer Song Jinzhi as an ancestor's favor.

In this way, he lost the interest in continuing to hang on to Song Jinzhi.

Anyway, Song Jinzhi was not Song Mingxuan's biological son. If Song Mingxuan wanted to leave the Song family to Song Jinzhi in the future, he would have the excuse to tell Song Jinzhi to retreat.

As a result, Song Jinzhi finally broke the ice in his heart and exposed his only soft and warm depth to Song Yingchu. Suddenly, he found that his brother who was the only one who was close to him had become indifferent and distant. More depressed and world-weary.

Song Mingxuan has always arranged for a psychiatrist to do regular psychological appraisals for Song Jinzhi. After finding out that Song Jinzhi had signs of depression, he rushed back to Song's house to visit him and asked him what happened recently. After a long time of inducing questions, Song Jinzhi said in a low voice. Brother ignored him, he was very sad.

Then Song Mingxuan immediately brought Song Yingchu in front of him and scolded him.

Song Yingchu was already harboring hatred in his heart. He was obviously Song Mingxuan's nephew, so why would Song Mingxuan care so much about an outsider. Coupled with the fact that the timid and gloomy Song Jinzhi dangled in front of him all day long, doing some clumsy and ridiculous flattery behaviors made him very annoyed, so he set up such a situation.

Yesterday was Song Jinzhi's 18th birthday, but Song Mingxuan, who has always been flying around to discuss business, just brought him a gift as usual, and Song Yingchu just followed suit, Yuanshen sat alone in the hall of the Song residence and waited until In the middle of the night, seeing no one came back to eat cake with him, he ran here to drink, and accidentally died of alcohol poisoning.

Except for the death of the original body, Song Yingchu had arranged everything else in advance.

The club Song Jinzhi came to was called Diamond Paradise, and it was a gold-selling cave exclusively for the rich and sensual. He once gave Song Jinzhi a pass card here. Song Jinzhi wanted to drink away his worries, and Diamond Paradise was the best choice.

There is a maid here who is a typical peripheral money digger, she likes to stick on rich men, disgusting like a blood-sucking leech. She seduced Song Yingchu before, and Song Yingchu looked down on her, but he didn't mind throwing such a thing to Song Jinzhi. Song Yingchu thought, if she really entangled Su Jinzhi, then Su Jinzhi would definitely not have time to bother him. By the way, he also asked his good uncle Song Mingxuan to come and see how cowardly and incompetent his little son, whom he has always loved, was soft egg.

And this maid is another rescue target of Su Jinzhi - Bai Xinlu.

Song Yingchu came to Diamond World to drink a few days before Song Jinzhi's 18th birthday, pretended to chat with her casually, and showed her a photo of Song Jinzhi, saying that this was his younger brother, complaining that his father only loved his younger brother and not his brother. He, so he can only come here to drink away his worries.

Song Mingxuan protected Song Jinzhi very well. Bai Xinlu only heard his name, but never met him in real life.

As a result, within a few days, she met Song Jinzhi who was drunk here.

She felt that this must be an excellent opportunity given to her by God, but it was a pity that Song Jinzhi, who was drunk and poisoned, had sex with her after drinking. But Bai Xinlu is a veteran, and Song Yingchu told her that his younger brother is very simple and doesn't understand anything, so Bai Xinlu messed up the private room, creating a sign that they slept last night, and picked up Song Jinzhi's Putting the clothes on and took a few photos of the bed, and finally found out Song Jinzhi's cell phone, called himself, wrote down his number, and then left. If she doesn't like him, she will blackmail him with bed photos.

After reading all the original body's memories, Su Jinzhi was amazed, and felt how much No. 0 loved him so much that he found such two brazen targets for him. Thinking that he was going to save these two people with a compassionate and compassionate image of a holy father, Su Jinzhi felt so disgusted that he wanted to vomit again while hugging the toilet.

But he had to save him, since No. 1 can give him such poisonous wine, maybe there are more insane tricks waiting for him, he'd better do the task obediently—anyway, No. 0 said, He is the little ancestor in this world, and No. 1 admits it, he can do whatever he wants.

Su Jinzhi found his clothes from the messy clothes on the floor, picked up the boy's mobile phone on the bedside table and opened the screen. When he saw the wallpaper, he was slightly taken aback, shook his head and sighed softly: "You don't even have a combination lock. What a little fool."

The wallpaper is a photo - it is the only family photo of Song Pa, Song Ge and him, the only family portrait of the three of them.

And how cruel is Song Yingchu to be so cruel to such a cutie

After Su Jinzhi got out of Diamond Paradise, he called his special car driver. After all, he couldn't take a taxi back to Song Zhai, and ordinary taxis couldn't get in the area where Song Zhai was located.

The special car driver who received the salary from Song's father was very fast and came to pick him up soon.

When Su Jinzhi stepped out of Diamond Paradise, it was raining in the dark sky, like silk and thread, endlessly.

Those drizzles of 霂霡 are like violent poisonous wine, one cup can send people to hell, and pour the whole city into an extremely dark haze, which makes people feel depressed when they see it.

Su Jinzhi couldn't help but think of the day he died in his previous life, it was raining just like today. He was awakened by the sound of pattering rain. He tried his best to prop up his body from the bed and wanted to take a look at the world through the window, but he could only see a vast expanse of dust spreading across the entire sky. He was actually very happy when he saw the white and empty ward.

Because it was a very vivid color, representing life—a little bit of something that was passing but couldn't be grasped by him.

The young man stared at the rain outside the car window expressionlessly, his light-colored pupils seemed to be covered by a layer of dense water vapor, which made people who saw it feel sad for no reason. The driver Shi Jun sitting in his driver's seat Seeing Su Jinzhi's face through the rearview mirror.

He frowned and looked at his young master's "melancholy" face, and immediately took out his mobile phone to call Song Mingxuan after Su Jin got out of the car—

"Huh? He went to Diamond Paradise last night, and he didn't feel much happier when he came home this morning?"

Shi Jun lowered the car window, watching the boy's lonely back gradually disappear, he said: "Yes, Mr. Song... Do you want to invite Dr. Xia to see the young master again?"

"No need, boys will go to those places when they grow up. Tell Aunt Hui to watch him, and if it's still like this in a few days, you can call Xia Xi over again." The man's deep voice sounded through the sound hole of the phone, and he After saying a few words casually, he hung up the phone.

Shi Jun sighed, and slowly parked the car in the garage.

When Su Jinzhi entered the door, he saw Song Yingchu. He was sitting on the sofa in the hall and watching TV. His slender fingers were smoothing the fur of the Belgian black shepherd dog beside him. From this angle, Su Jinzhi could see him. His pupils are as dark as midnight, his nose bridge is straight, his brows are deep and his eyes are wide, and when he is not smiling, he is like a piece of ice that will never melt for thousands of years. He really looks like someone he is familiar with.

When he saw Su Jinzhi come back, he knew the normal indifference between himself and Song Jinzhi after his birth. He showed a seemingly gentle smile to Su Jinzhi and said, "Jinzhi is back."

The boy was afraid of dogs, especially the muscular and ferocious-looking giant dog that Song Yingchu kept by his side, and Song Yingchu bought this black Belgian shepherd dog just to scare him. If it was normal, the boy would have stepped forward to show a sweet smile to his brother even if his legs were weak from fear, but the person who never smiled in the past smiled today, and the person who smiled all the time couldn't put on a smile.

Su Jinzhi looked at Song Yingchu's poisonous smile with needles in it, with a look of panic on his face, lowered his head and called him "brother" in a low voice, and hurried upstairs.

Song Yingchu watched him leave with a smile all the time, and rubbed the head of the black dog in a good mood.

The first thing Su Jinzhi did after returning to his room was to take a shower. The scent of Bai Xinlu's woman's perfume rubbed against him, killing him. If he couldn't find other clothes for a while, he really didn't want to wear her quilt The torn and crumpled clothes came back.

Su Jinzhi filled the big bath with hot water without any distress, poured a few drops of bath essential oils, and then soaked in the pool to relax.

The steam was steaming up, and filled the bathroom with white mist. Su Jinzhi took a deep breath of the unique fragrance of the essential oil, and sighed comfortably: "This is the life I should live."

Number Zero excitedly ran out to claim credit: "Master Host, are you still satisfied with the identity that Number Zero has arranged for you?"

"Not bad." Su Jinzhi put his hands on the side of the bath, tilted his head back, and closed his eyes and said, "It would be better if the target you gave was not so difficult to save."

Number zero was a little disappointed: "Okay... Number zero will definitely continue to work hard..."

Su Jinzhi heard the pitiful voice of No. 0, and his heart softened. He thought that No. 0 was so much gentler than No. 1. He shouldn't treat him so indifferently, otherwise he would be different from that scumbag father and brother.

So he slowed down his voice and said softly: "It's okay if it's a little bit difficult, just don't make it too difficult. I believe in you, Baby Zero."

Sure enough, No. 0 cheered up immediately after hearing his words: "No. 0 will definitely live up to the host's expectations!"

Su Jinzhi nodded, trying to suppress the faint sense of ominousness in his heart. He still wanted to believe that Baby Zero would not trick him like Goubi No. 1.

As a result, the next moment Yihao appeared like a ghost, and asked him faintly: "Host, are you scolding me in your heart?"

Su Jinzhi immediately denied it: "No, no."

"Oh?" No. 1 reminded him indifferently, "The general rescue target will call in 5 minutes, please pay attention to the host."

Su Jinzhi raised his eyebrows, turned around and lay down on the edge of the bath, lazily stretched out his arms to hook the mobile phone on the pile of clothes, his arms sticking out of the water were white and slender, with some transparent water droplets hanging on them, in the dense water There was a faint heat in the bathroom, and the neatly trimmed nails looked extremely round and lovely because of the light powder on the back of the fingers. The black blood vessels under the snow-covered flesh were quietly dormant, only when they were exerting force. With the knuckles protruding slightly - this seems to be a very healthy body.

The original body died of respiratory depression due to severe alcohol poisoning, but when Su Jinzhi possessed this body, No. 0 had already cleared most of the alcohol in his blood, so he did not feel unusually strong discomfort, only some after a hangover. normal response.

Thinking of this, Su Jinzhi half-closed his eyes. Under the warm yellow light in the bathroom, those pale brown pupils were as clean and beautiful as jewels quenched with gold powder. Song Mingxuan received a call, while thinking about what the disease in this body was.

The moment the black phone vibrated, Su Jinzhi held down the cube and slid towards the answer button, then put the phone to his ear—

"Jin Zhi?" The man's deep voice passed through the cold mobile phone and reached his eardrums, it was a little hoarse, like the sound of a cello when the lowest string is pressed, elegant and extravagant.

—Sure enough, even the voice is exactly the same.