Undying Patient

Chapter 33: Brother and Dad who do you want 3


The teacher often received calls from Song Mingxuan asking his secretary to ask for leave, saying that the boy was not in good health and would not come to class because he was resting at home. She does look thin and weak, but she doesn't have any genetic diseases or serious diseases, and if she is weaker than a girl? Other girls don't ask for leave as often as he does. The teacher repeatedly called back and said that he wanted to talk to the parents about the original body's school performance, but Song Mingxuan refused, saying that he didn't care about the child's study, as long as the child went to school easily.

Under such circumstances, Song Mingxuan's doting on him became even worse.

But this can't be blamed on Song Jinzhi at all. He was in the treatment and recovery period of depression when he first came here, and he didn't dare to contact the outside world, so he often stayed at home to receive Xia Xi's treatment. By the time he got to school, he had been isolated by everyone.

When Su Jinzhi entered the classroom, the students had just finished their morning reading—Song Mingxuan called the teacher directly to let Yuanshen skip the morning reading in order to let him sleep a little longer.

Seeing that he had such a privilege, the other students were even more noisy. Although the teacher blocked them back by saying, "If you are not satisfied, you can also ask your parents to call me", but they were still envious and jealous, and their dissatisfaction was the cause. reconcile.

As soon as he stuffed his schoolbag into the space on the desk, the math class representative came over and knocked on his desk: "Song Jinzhi, hand in your homework, the whole class is short of you, hurry up, I have to give it to the teacher before class..."

"Homework?!" Su Jinzhi asked No. 1: "Why do I still have homework?"

Number one answered him: "Oh, I don't know, I haven't gone to work yet."

Su Jinzhi: "..."

The girl sitting behind Su Jinzhi poked Su Jinzhi's shoulder with a pen, and whispered: "Jinzhi, if you haven't done it, I can lend you mine. I don't have much homework, so I can do it for you. It will be soon." .”

When Su Jinzhi's deskmate heard this, he immediately exploded: "Fuck, Lu Yuqi, do you like Song Jinzhi? Treat him so well!"

"Shut up, Yan Rong!" the girl blushed and shouted angrily.

"Thank you, but no need." Su Jinzhi glanced at the neat stack of homework books in the hands of the math class representative, sighed and said, "I didn't do it."

The girl mumbled "Oh" and said nothing. The math class representative was a man, who rolled his eyes at Su Jinzhi and left.

He rolled his eyes when he first arrived at school, and Su Jinzhi was also very helpless. He took out his textbooks and planned to see what the senior high school students of this era are learning. Straight A student.

As a result, as soon as he opened the textbook, he saw a mosaic of white flowers.

Su Jinzhi asked: "On the 1st, it's almost 8 o'clock, are you at work? Tell me, I didn't bring the wrong book, this is my math textbook, right?"

"It's time to go to work, and you brought the right book." No. 1 answered him indifferently, "This is to prevent the host from collapsing. You don't need to study as the host, just enjoy life with your heart."

Well, he is really the little ancestor in this world.

Su Jinzhi raised his chin and looked out the window, feeling that he might die in the huge prison of the school, and now he regretted that he didn't agree to Song Mingxuan's request for leave last night.

"Song Jinzhi, what are you looking at? There are flowers outside the window?" Before the class bell rang, the math teacher entered the classroom and checked the homework on the podium. The math class representative went up to tell him that Su Jinzhi hadn't handed in the homework, but just looked up and saw Su Jinzhi Staring at the window, other students are concentrating on reading the textbook preview, why is this child like this? "You don't do your homework? Did you learn everything you taught yesterday? Okay, then get up and answer this question."

As the math teacher said, he raised his finger and pointed to the questions written in advance on the blackboard.

Su Jinzhi was not surprised to see a mosaic.

Oh shit.

After a long silence, Lu Yuqi who was sitting behind him reminded him softly: "Choose C..."

Yan Rong at the same table was very dissatisfied, turned his head and frowned and said, "Why did you remind him?"

"Students around you be quiet, I'm asking about Su Jinzhi, not you." The math teacher knocked heavily on the blackboard and turned his gaze to Su Jinzhi, "Song Jinzhi, what do you choose?"

Su Jinzhi pursed the corners of his lips, and said with difficulty: "Choose C..."

The math teacher continued: "Tell me about the problem-solving process."

Su Jinzhi: "..."

There was another long silence in the classroom.

"Sit down, come to my office after school." The math teacher gave him a look of resentment, "Let's open page 79 of the textbook..."

Su Jinzhi sat down in a daze, and said to No. 1: "I feel that my IQ as a high-achieving student has been insulted."

No. 1 comforted him: "It's okay, you are the ancestor, go home and sue Dad like yesterday."

Su Jinzhi narrowed his eyes: "No. 1, are you taking revenge on me for my collapse yesterday?"

Number one said: "No, the host is thinking too much."

Su Jinzhi asked him: "Then what books can I read? I'm bored now."

"Take out the second book in the bag." Number One said, "Song Jinzhi's language is good, the host can read classical Chinese to feel the wisdom of the people on the ancient earth."

No. 1 is telling the truth. Originally, he was studying liberal arts, and his test scores for the 6 main subjects were just over 200 points, of which the Chinese one accounted for more than 100 points, which is indeed very good. Su Jinzhi raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and took out his Chinese textbook to pass the time.

The break after two consecutive math classes was a big break, which was a full 25 minutes long. When the bell rang, most of the students in the classroom disappeared in an instant, and they probably all went to the cafeteria to have breakfast. But his tablemate didn't go, but took out his own bento from his bag and ate it.

The bento was delicious, and it easily caught Su Jinzhi's attention.

Yan Rong couldn't stand being watched by him, put down his chopsticks and said, "Song Jinzhi, did you not eat breakfast? Why do you keep staring at me while I eat?"

Before Su Jinzhi could answer, Lu Yuqi, who was sitting behind him, stood up: "Song Jinzhi... haven't you had breakfast? I'm going to the cafeteria, do you want to bring you something?"

"Fuck, I'll give you the bento!" Yan Rong immediately pushed the bento towards Su Jinzhi, then turned to look at Lu Yuqi, "Qiqi, can you bring me something to eat?"

Lu Yuqi blushed again, and scolded Yan Rong angrily: "You crazy!"

Su Jinzhi said: "No, thank you, I have already eaten at home."

Yan Rong added: "That's right, Su Jinzhi doesn't come to morning reading every day, so he must have breakfast at home."

"Oh..." Lu Yuqi replied in a low voice, "Then I'll go by myself."

Su Jinzhi gave a casual "hmm", closed the language documents, opened the draft book for problem solving and began to draw. After Lu Yuqi's back completely disappeared at the door of the classroom, Yan Rong elbowed Su Jinzhi: "Hey Song Jinzhi, what are you doing?"

Su Jinzhi raised his head and looked at him: "What's wrong with me?"

Yan Rong approached him mysteriously, and lowered his voice: "Lu Yuqi likes you! Can't you see it?"

Su Jinzhi said: "I can tell, but I don't like her."

Yan Rong's face immediately changed when he heard this, and he looked at him suspiciously: "Why? You won't really..."

Su Jinzhi asked him: "What?"

Yan Rong refused to answer again: "Nothing."

Su Jinzhi blew away the rubber crumbs and frowned slightly: "If you don't like it, you don't like it. I don't have feelings for her..."

Yan Rong shook his head and shrugged, then turned around and continued eating his bento.

In the morning, there were only math and history classes, but no Chinese class. After watching the mosaic all morning, Su Jinzhi went to the legendary teacher's office. What's worse was that the math teacher was in the same office as his head teacher.

"Song Jinzhi, look at what you're taking the exam!" The math teacher threw the math test paper for the midterm exam in front of Su Jinzhi. Which university can I get into with this grade? I haven’t listened carefully in class…”

Su Jinzhi kept his head down, and was scolded bloody by the math teacher without saying a word. His head teacher, Zhan Lanshuang, also came over after hearing this, and shook his head helplessly when he saw the red "12" on the math test paper, and handed a report card to Su Jinzhi: "Get your mother to sign, remember to write comments."

"I don't have a mother." Su Jinzhi finally spoke.

Zhan Lan was taken aback: "But every time I call your house, it's a woman—"

"That's my dad's secretary..."

Zhan Lanshuang looked at the young boy with his head bowed in front of her, feeling a little headache, and thought that she should take some time to do a home visit, after all, she is already a third year in high school, and this kid transferred to another school halfway, so she doesn't know what's going on at home, look The child's grades and his guardian seem to be unqualified.

"Okay, let Dad sign it, and you go home first."

"Well, goodbye, teacher."

Su Jinzhi returned to the classroom holding the horrific report card. The classroom was empty. The blood-colored sunset shone through the window into the classroom, creating an unusually lonely and empty feeling. He walked to the second row of desks by the window Then, he picked up his schoolbag and stepped on his own shadow to the school gate, but the black car that was always parked there in the past and waited for him to finish class was not there today.

Su Jinzhi circled around a few times, and found that Shi Jun was really not here, took out his mobile phone and called him.

On the other end of the phone, Shi Jun was also very surprised: "But the young master said that he would come to pick you up today, and told me not to pick you up."

Su Jinzhi was silent for a while, and then said, "Maybe my brother forgot, come and pick me up."

Shi Jun said: "Yes, young master, I will come right away."

Song Yingchu was not at home and did not come back for dinner. Su Jin, one of them, ate dinner and took a shower, lying on the table and writing the homework assigned by the teacher today. After the hands of the wall clock pointed to "10", he changed into pajamas and sat down to the stairs with his report card.

Everywhere in this house is covered with thick carpets, which are cleaned every day, and the weather is not cold, so Su Jinzhi sat down with peace of mind, but it didn't take long for the stupid dog Song Yingchu raised to know where he came from. He popped out and sat down on the same steps as him.

Su Jinzhi moved to the side, and it moved accordingly.

"You're a silly dog." Su Jinzhi grabbed its ear and pointed at its ear.

The next moment Su Jinzhi was licked.

His face changed drastically, and he suddenly remembered the scene when he saw this silly dog licking his own poop on the lawn during the day.

So when Song Yingchu came back, he couldn't help laughing when he saw the big and the small, the black and the white staring at each other.

He originally planned to pick up Su Jinzhi back this afternoon, but after he finished his work, he suddenly remembered that he still had a dinner tonight, and the idea of picking up the boy from school was just a whim on his mind, so he just thought about it. No, he will call Shi Jun anyway. But at this moment, seeing that the boy was still up so late, and seemed to be sitting here waiting for him to go home, it was worthwhile for Song Yingchu to reject his girlfriend's request to invite him to stay overnight.

As soon as the boy saw him coming back, he immediately stood up from the ground, looked at him adoringly with his hands behind his back, wanted to go up but didn't dare to go up: "Brother, brother, you're back..."

Song Yingchu walked up to him, and raised his hand to touch his head: "You're still awake so late, waiting for your brother to come back?"

"No..." The boy tilted his head slightly, avoiding his hand, "I'm waiting for Dad to come back."

Song Yingchu was taken aback for a moment, and frowned: "Father? How could he come back tonight? He won't be until next month—"

"But I called Dad yesterday." The boy raised his head and looked at him suspiciously with light brown eyes, "Dad said he would be back today..."

"Did you call Dad?" Song Yingchu's expression turned cold when he heard this, and he sneered, "It's almost 11 o'clock, Dad won't be back today."

The young man seemed to be very disappointed, he lowered his head and muttered to himself: "But... Dad won't lie to me..."

Listening to Su Jinzhi's words, Song Yingchu almost wanted to laugh three times, and said he wouldn't lie to you? Song Mingxuan has been lying to you all along. He was about to say this, but his eyes caught a piece of white paper that the boy put on the stairs. He picked it up and saw the boy's midterm report card—Chinese: 101, Mathematics: 12, English: 42, History: 20, Politics: 26, Geography: 18... The test paper with a total score of 750, how many points did he get? This result is even worse than the report card he signed last time.

"Your grades are still so bad." Song Yingchu immediately laughed angrily. He took out the signature pen he carried with him, "Do you want me to sign you again?" In the past, the teenager's report cards were all signed by him. This time too.

But as soon as the boy heard what he said, he immediately took a step forward, snatched back the report card and hid it behind his back: "Dad will come back... The teacher said that this report card must be signed by Dad."

"Then you just wait here, and don't come to me to sign in the future." Song Yingchu really didn't smile at all. He put away the pen, left this sentence coldly and turned away. The silly dog also ran away with him.

"elder brother… "

Seeing that Song Yingchu didn't turn his head back, Su Jinzhi pretended to yell twice, patted his buttocks and sat down on the stairs again, looked at his name at the end of the class and sighed, lying on his lap and continued to wait for Song Mingxuan.

The time was gradually approaching the early morning, and the darkness and coldness of the night finally completely enveloped the whole city at this moment.

The house was completely silent, and there was no sound in the house. Song Mingxuan turned up the stairs, and when he looked up, he saw a young man who was leaning against the wall, leaning against the wall, with one leg bent and his knee hugged in front of his chest. , the other leg was stretched forward slightly, reaching a step below, and the plush slippers on the feet fell further, completely exposing the owner's white instep.

He clearly knew that the thick carpet in the room could muffle any sound, but Song Mingxuan still slowed down, stepped forward to pick up the boy's plush slippers, half-kneeled in front of the boy, held his feet and covered them for a while before putting them on. Then he stretched out his arms and hugged him horizontally, and walked towards the boy's bedroom. During this period, the boy was very well-behaved, let him hold him without moving, and only curled up slightly when he put him on the bed, and a white paper fell out from his belly.

Song Mingxuan pulled the quilt over the boy's body and shaved his face with his fingers, then sat on the edge of his bed and turned on the bedside lamp to look at the white paper.

"What a silly boy..."

Finding the name of the youngest son at the end of the class, Song Mingxuan shook his head amusedly, took out a signature pen and wrote his name on the column of parents, and then wrote in the column of comments: The test is very good, hope not to be arrogant or impetuous ,make persistent efforts.

When Su Jinzhi was woken up by the alarm clock the next day and found himself lying on the bed, he instantly understood that he had missed a great opportunity to save Song Mingxuan, but as long as Song Mingxuan came back, it would be easy to talk about together, thinking so, Su Jinzhi got up and took a shower , As a result, when I was packing my schoolbag, I saw the report card that had been signed by the man and placed on the table.

He walked over to pick it up, and immediately sighed: "Oh, my dad really dares to write anything, this is too unreal."

No. 1 glanced at it, and then commented: "It's just a bunch of nonsense."

Su Jinzhi immediately refuted him: "You are not allowed to say that about my father."

Number one: "..."

Su Jinzhi carefully put this piece of white paper into his schoolbag, then messed up his neatly dressed clothes, tore off half of the zipper, and rushed out the door with the schoolbag in his hand.

Downstairs, Song Mingxuan and Song Yingchu were sitting opposite each other, silent at the dining table, that familiar face was still extremely handsome, with deep and well-defined features, and their slender and strong fingers tapped gracefully on the table, hearing the sound of him going downstairs, The man turned to look at him. The moment Su Jinzhi met his gaze, Su Jinzhi felt that he seemed to have stopped and continued to walk forward. He raised his head and looked back at the man—his pupils were as black as needles, surrounded by the wandering gray around him, Like a pool of stagnant water that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, no matter how the outside world changes, there will never be any waves there, very much like the scene when he first met Qin Yezhou.

For a moment, Su Jinzhi felt that the man sitting here was Qin Yezhou, Feng Jiuli, Jiang Lishan, and Song Mingxuan.

But immediately after, the man smiled softly at him, and those deep midnight eyes were dyed with a scorching brilliance. He waved his hands, and his deep voice was like a seductive sea monster in the sea. Bewitching him to step into the deep sea of death step by step.

He said: "Jin Zhi has woken up, come over to have breakfast, and Dad will take you to school later."

This face was so familiar at the time, he didn't even feel strange at all.

Su Jinzhi was stunned for a while, any ideas and strategies formed in his mind were shattered at this moment, his body seemed to be controlled by a man, and he sat on the chair listening to his words.

"Why did you come down without getting dressed?" Song Mingxuan looked at his messy clothes and sighed. While putting milk and bread in front of him, he raised his hand to zip up his collar and straighten his collar. "I want to see Dad so much." ,Um?"

The man's head leaned towards him, and the protracted sound came out from the tip of his nose with fiery breath and sprinkled on Su Jinzhi's exposed skin, terribly seductive.

Su Jinzhi felt a little ashamed at this moment, reached out and took a piece of bread, chewed it carefully, and gave a soft "hmm".

Song Yingchu seemed to dislike the two of them being so close, he put down the coffee cup heavily in his hand, and ate the grilled sausage on the plate with a silver fork.

Su Jinzhi asked him: "Didn't brother go for a walk in Juanhei today?"

Curly Black is the name of the Belgian black shepherd dog, because it has a pinch of black hair on its head that is always curled, so Song Yingchu gave it this name.

"Your brother has something to do today. He wants to go to the company with me later, so he didn't go for a walk with the dog." Song Mingxuan answered Su Jinzhi's question for Song Yingchu.

When the man said this, Su Jinzhi realized that Song Yingchu was not wearing casual clothes for walking the dog today, but changed into a crisp two-button gray-black suit with a luxurious and expensive watch on his wrist. He stroked back, revealing his already handsome and solemn face, which was half or half similar to the man sitting in front of him.

Su Jinzhi drank slowly while holding the milk cup, and looked at Song Yingchu from the corner of his eye.

Song Mingxuan saw that he had been staring at Song Yingchu, glanced at the young man lightly, and said, "Are you full?"

"En." Su Jinzhi put down the milk cup and looked at Song Mingxuan again, looking at him with shining eyes.

I don't know why, looking at the exquisite and delicious food in front of him, he has an appetite, but his body doesn't feel much hunger. After eating a piece of bread and drinking a glass of milk, he will be full.

Song Mingxuan met the boy's bright eyes, slightly rolled up the corners of his lips, and picked up the schoolbag for him: "Let's go, Dad will take you to class."

Su Jinzhi hurriedly followed. For some reason, an inexplicable joy slowly grew in his heart. This joy enveloped him, making his heart beat faster and faster, and it didn't weaken even at school.

"Daddy will pick you up after school. Goodbye, Jinzhi." Song Mingxuan got out of the car and opened the door for Su Jinzhi, then took out the helper from the passenger seat on Su Jinzhi's back, and told him carefully like taking care of a minor child, "What's the matter?" Just call Dad."

"Well, goodbye, Dad." Su Jinzhi said softly with his head down, grabbing the strap of his schoolbag with both hands.

Song Mingxuan patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Go, class will start soon."

The smile on his face didn't disappear until the young man's back entered the teaching building, and then he returned to the driver's seat expressionlessly, looked ahead gloomyly, took out his mobile phone and called Xia Xi: "Hi, Doctor Xia, right..."