Undying Patient

Chapter 34: Brother and Dad, who do you want 4


As soon as Su Jinzhi entered the classroom, he felt that the eyes of his classmates looking at him were not quite right, but when he met their eyes, they would hurriedly look away and ignore him as if nothing happened.

An ominous premonition suddenly rose in Su Jinzhi's heart.

And this premonition was soon confirmed by his deskmate—

As soon as Su Jinzhi took his seat, Yan Rong came up to him: "Song Jinzhi...you...are you gay?"

"No, why did you suddenly ask me such a question?" Su Jinzhi frowned slightly, turned to look at Yan Rong, and did not ignore Lu Yuqi who was listening attentively.

"Oh, you're not GAY..." Yan Rong sat back slowly after hearing what he said. There was no emotion in his voice, it seemed to be mixed with a little bit of disappointment, but it didn't seem to be there.

Su Jinzhi asked him: "What's the matter, are you?"

Yan Rong was so frightened that he raised his voice: "Fuck! Of course I'm not!"

"But, but..." Lu Yuqi became anxious, she leaned over from the back seat and said anxiously, "They all said that you were taken care of by a man..."

Su Jinzhi opened his eyes slightly, and turned to the back seat to look at her suspiciously.

Lu Yuqi was afraid that he wouldn't believe it, so she took out her mobile phone and flipped through the photos on the post bar to show him: "Look! They took pictures of you coming to school in a luxury car yesterday, and you often asked for leave. They all said that you were arrested —”

Men can't get out of bed.

The girl with delicate eyebrows bit her lower lip and looked at him, unable to say the rest. She had been sitting behind the boy for a while, so she didn't believe these rumors, but she also wanted to know the real facts.

Su Jinzhi glanced at her mobile phone. The photo was taken when Song Yingchu sent him to school yesterday. In fact, the price of the car that Shi Jun sent him to drive every day was not very cheap, but the appearance of the car was very low-key. The parking place is also relatively remote, so not many people pay attention.

Song Mingxuan sent him to class today with the car that Shi Jun usually drove. From this small detail, it can be seen that Song Yingchu's brother is even more rubbish than his father.

He raised his eyebrows, and before he could explain, Yan Rong snorted: "These people are mentally ill, they say that wind is rain, and they have to pick up all the big things. It's very poisonous. Song Jinzhi So if you have money, you still need to be taken care of by a man? Lu Yuqi, don't believe in these things."

"Yeah." Su Jinzhi also nodded, pointing to the side face of the man looming in the car and said, "This is my brother."

Lu Yuqi breathed a sigh of relief, smiled at Su Jinzhi with some embarrassment, and sat back in her seat.

Su Jinzhi looked at Yan Rong, wondering how he knew his family was rich.

Yan Rong also stared at him, and after realizing that Su Jinzhi didn't remember him at all, he cursed again: "Song Jinzhi, don't you remember me?"

Su Jinzhi searched the original body's memory in his mind, and shook his head honestly: "I don't remember."

Yan Rong was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, and said in a low voice, "I am your classmate in kindergarten!"

Yan Rong's family is also very rich, but not as rich as the Song family, so the Yan family sent him to a public elementary school according to the normal children's procedure after enrolling him in an aristocratic kindergarten. How old can a child in kindergarten be? He couldn't remember most of the things at all, and Su Jinzhi was quite surprised that Yan Rong could remember him until now.

Su Jinzhi thanked him: "Thank you."

Willing to be Song Jinzhi's deskmate.

—that gloomy, lonely kid whom no one likes to be near.

Yan Rong rolled his eyes at him, and took out the preview of the textbook that will be taught later.

During the big break, Su Jinzhi took the report card signed by his good father Song Mingxuan to the head teacher. The previous report card was signed by Song Yingchu. Unlike Song Mingxuan's signature, Song Yingchu would only write him a letter. Name, so this time he felt that when Zhan Lanshuang saw the comments on the report card, the air was frozen for a moment.

Her voice was soft, with the same indescribable complex emotions on her face: "This is really... signed by your father?"

Su Jinzhi nodded obediently.

Zhan Lanshuang asked again: "He didn't say anything when he saw your grades?"

Su Jinzhi thought about it carefully. Since Song Mingxuan came back yesterday, he has never mentioned a word about his study, not even a word of "study hard" that ordinary parents are used to when they send their children to school. shook his head.

"Okay, I see, you go back to class." Zhan Lanshuang took a light breath, thinking that she needed to put the home visit on the agenda.

After Su Jinzhi returned to the classroom, he told No. 1 that his school was too boring, and going to school was too boring, and he wanted to play mahjong.

Number one asked him: "Your father sent you to school just to let you play mahjong?"

Su Jinzhi refuted it: "But my father didn't send me to school to let me watch mosaics."

No. 1 was unmoved: "This is to prevent the host from collapsing."

Su Jinzhi: "I'll just take a look, I won't show my normal IQ level."

Number one: "Then let's play double mahjong."

So Su Jinzhi and No. 1 played mahjong all day, but they didn't win a game.

Su Jinzhi was furious: "No. 1, you cheated!"

No. 1 said coldly: "I'll just play casually, I won't show my normal IQ level."

Su Jinzhi: "..."

Su Jinzhi suddenly felt that his behavior of playing mahjong with a high-intelligence AI in the interstellar era was really stupid, so that when Song Mingxuan came to pick him up from school, he felt that the boy was a little out of his mind and looked very depressed.

Song Mingxuan glanced at him from the rearview mirror, then lowered his eyes, and asked him casually, "How is Jin Zhi doing at school today? Tomorrow is the weekend, is there anything Jin Zhi wants to go?"

After hearing his words, the young man raised his head abruptly, met his gaze in the rearview mirror and lowered his head again, as if avoiding and dodging, and did not answer his question immediately, but was silent for a few seconds before shaking slightly Shaking his head: "The school is very good, there is no place I want to go."

"Then dad will take you out for dinner today?" Song Mingxuan looked at him, his heart sank suddenly, but he still said with a smile, while continuing to observe the boy's reaction.

Sure enough, when the boy heard this, he clenched his hands on his knees lightly, and said a little uneasy: "Dad...why don't you eat at home?"

After Song Mingxuan got the answer in his heart, he didn't force him anymore, but said with a smile: "Okay, let's eat at home."

"En." The young man replied in a young voice, his body relaxed obviously, but he was still a little tense, his eyes stared at the strange road outside the window without blinking—because he took him another way home today, It wasn't the one that Shi Jun was used to walking.

After arriving home, when Song Mingxuan opened the door and carried his schoolbag for him to perform a series of movements, the boy stood aside very docilely, and only moved slightly to the side when he approached, Song Mingxuan froze in the movement of reaching out to hold him, Turning to pat him on the shoulder with his hand, feeling the flexible and tight body of the young man under his palm, he smiled and said softly as if he didn't notice it: "Let's go."

Song Yingchu was deliberately detained by Song Mingxuan to complete work in the company today. Although this may be a big candied date for Song Yingchu, which can make him happy to be a cow and a horse, but for the "stimulated" teenager, it may not be so.

Song Mingxuan observed his little adopted son's every move, and found that he was fidgeting all the time, frequently looking at Song Mingchu's empty seat, his brows were still slightly frowned, and he muttered to himself, "Brother...won't you come back for dinner today?"

He put down his chopsticks and filled a bowl of soup for the young man: "Ying Chu's work hasn't been finished yet, isn't Dad accompanying Jinzhi today?"

"Oh..." The boy bit his chopsticks and lowered his eyes, a little unwillingly, and continued to ask him, "Will that brother come back for dinner tomorrow?"

Song Mingxuan laughed angrily at his question. Except for the child who was obedient when he carried him to sleep last night, he never got close to him after waking up. He obviously talked so intimately on the phone, but when he really came back, he didn't get close to him. Become so indifferent, what a little white-eyed wolf.

But when he thought of what Xia Xi said, the arc of the corners of his lips flattened again.

"I don't know." Song Mingxuan answered him in a calm tone, and then said with a coaxing tone, "Is there something Jinzhi wants to tell brother? Can't tell dad?"

With a "click", the spoon in the boy's hand fell on the table, and he said in panic, "No!"

Looking at his expression, Song Mingxuan became more and more sure that something happened to the young man that he didn't know about. He smiled and eased the restless air around the young man: "It's fine if you don't have one. Dad just ask casually. Are you full? Is it? Go back to your room and study when you are full."

This is the first time Dad Song urged him to study, but how could the "out of his mind" boy sense something wrong in his tone

So Su Jinzhi ran away with peace of mind.

As soon as he returned to the room, he immediately asked No. 1: "No. 1, No. 1, please help me find out what Song Yingchu is doing now?"

Number One said: "He's working."

Su Jinzhi asked again, "Are you busy?"

Number one said: "Busy."

Su Jinzhi immediately became excited: "Then if I send text messages to harass him now, will he want to hit me?"

No. 1 sneered: "Yes, and you will be deducted progress points."

"It's negative anyway, I don't care." Su Jinzhi waved his hand indifferently, and then took out his mobile phone to send Song Yingchu a daily greeting text message—[Brother, you didn't come back for dinner, are you still working? Have you got a meal yet? ]

During the time when Song Yingchu and Yuanchen had a good relationship, Yuanchen would send him text messages every day. Even after Song Yingchu knew that the two of them were alienated from Yuanchen, Yuanchen didn't break the habit. After several years Only the drunken 18th birthday night and last night did not post.

But now Song Yingchu, who is so busy in the company, has no time to talk to him at all. When he saw the screen of the mobile phone on the table light up, he thought it was a report text message from his subordinates, but it turned out that it was from Su Jinzhi. A bunch of nonsense, I deleted it directly after reading it, and dragged Su Jinzhi's number into the blacklist, and didn't mean to reply to his text message at all.

After Su Jinzhi sent the text message, he didn't continue to look at his phone, but took off his clothes and went to the bathtub to take a bath. Anyway, he knew that Song Yingchu, a scumbag brother, would not reply to him.

"Support target Song Yingchu's current rescue progress value: -30/100." No. 1 glanced at the data panel, "This value is okay, the host is very good."

Su Jinzhi let out a "hee" and then slid into the warm water, only exposing his head outside and sighing comfortably: "Who made me a little ancestor?"

No. 1 also chuckled: "Host, have you forgotten the consequences of mission failure?"

Su Jinzhi said: "I haven't forgotten, how dare I forget?"

He will never forget that glass of salty wine that killed him.

"It's fine if you don't forget it." No. 1 reminded him, "The main rescue target is coming into the house soon, please pay attention to the host."

"Huh? Why did my dad come in?" Su Jinyi was taken aback, and hurriedly got up from the pool to wipe off the water droplets on his body, put on his underwear and put on a bath towel and went out.

Song Mingxuan was sitting in front of the young man's desk, flipping through his textbooks, when he picked up a certain book, a piece of white paper suddenly floated out and landed on the beige soft carpet - it was a sketch, seen from a distance The painting is full of blooming sunflowers and the profile of a man.

After Song Mingxuan bent down to pick up the painting, he realized that the man in the painting was very familiar to him, because he was the one the boy drew.

When he was about to take a closer look, he suddenly heard the sound of the boy twisting the bathroom doorknob. Song Mingxuan didn't put the painting in the book, but put it in his coat pocket. He adjusted the expression on his face. expression, turned around as if nothing had happened.

But when he turned around, he froze.

He looked at the boy with a complicated expression, his eyes wandering back and forth on his almost naked body.

The boy was wearing nothing but a pair of white underwear, and only a snow-white bath towel was draped over his shoulders. His skin, which was whiter and smoother than a woman's, was completely exposed. The drops of water fell, part of them were hidden in the towel, and part of them fell on his body, flowing down along the smooth and thin muscle lines covering his body. Those drops of water should be very cold, because he can even see them clearly The moment it fell, the boy's body trembled and his slightly curled toes stepped on the carpet.

Men are all visual animals. For a moment, Song Mingxuan felt that he wanted to pounce on him to suck up the water stains on the young man's body, to make his cheeks and body reddened by the scorching hot water even redder, and to be exposed to the night of indulgent spring. Covered up, and finally covering the traces left by him alone.

Su Jinzhi was actually also stunned, because he didn't expect Song Mingxuan to come so fast. Could it be that what No. 1 gave him was false information

But Song Mingxuan quickly stood up from the chair, went to the closet to take out the boy's pajamas, and then walked to his side to dress him: "Why don't you come out without clothes, and don't dry your hair, be careful of catching a cold."

Su Jinzhi said "oh", obediently put on his pajamas, stood where he was and let the man wipe his wet hair.

Song Mingxuan was much taller than the boy, and from the angle he stood, he could easily see the light-colored mouth and smooth skin on his real adopted son's chest from the gap in the loose pajamas, and appreciate his slender and slender neck like a swan's neck.

He watched the young man standing in front of him undefended, his crow-black eyelashes trembling slightly, and occasionally raised his head to stare at him with those jewel-like clear brown pupils, only feeling the inadvertent growth of the dark place in his heart. The dirty thoughts are slowly growing, and gradually condense into a destructive force, burning all the ethics and virtues in his heart into bones.

It seemed that on this trip home, many things started to develop out of his control - but he didn't dislike this feeling.

Song Mingxuan hooked the corners of his lips, and while wiping the boy's head, he asked him, "Has Jinzhi finished his homework today?"

Su Jinzhi shook his head: "No... there are many, I can't do it..." It's all mosaics, and the title can't make out what he is doing

Song Mingxuan's smile deepened. After wiping the boy's hair until it was half dry, he guided him to sit down at the desk. He also took a chair and sat beside him: "Which question can't you? Dad can teach you."

Wow, Dad is so sweet.

Now that he said so, Su Jinzhi unceremoniously spread out the test paper, and whispered to the blank test paper: "I don't know..."

Song Mingxuan: "..."

Song Mingxuan looked at the apparently simple math problems on the test paper, and for the first time he felt worried about his adopted son's grades, but Su Jinzhi immediately gave him a strong dose of medicine: "My brother used to teach me how to do the problems when he was free. , but he seems to be very busy recently... "

"What's so difficult about it." Song Mingxuan smiled and snatched the pen from the young man, "Come on, Dad will teach you."

He said it was teaching, but Song Mingxuan almost helped Su Jinzhi finish writing those few questions. In his opinion, the answers to math questions of this level can be calculated at a glance. It would be more difficult for him to write out the process of solving the problems.

Su Jinzhi looked at the concise and clear answers on his test paper that were exactly the same as the standard answers, and felt that the math teacher on Monday must call him again.

But doing it is better than not doing it, and he definitely can't write so many things in front of the mosaic by himself.

Su Jinzhi sighed and put away the test paper.

Song Mingxuan patted his head, looked at the wall clock on the wall, and urged him: "Okay, it's almost 11 o'clock, it's already late, Jinzhi, you should go to bed. It's okay if you can't finish your homework and do it tomorrow." If you really don’t know how to do it, then don’t do it, dad will help you call and talk to the teacher.”

The man urged him not to do his homework without principle, as if the person who urged him to study during the meal just now was not him.

But Su Jinzhi didn't want to go to bed so early, so he immediately grabbed the corner of the man's clothes: "But Dad, brother hasn't come back yet..."

Song Mingxuan was about to leave when he felt the young man's strength to keep him. Before he could turn around, he heard what the young man said. He turned around, looked down at the delicate face of his little adopted son, and told him indifferently: "You My brother is an adult and can spend the night outside, there is no need to go home every day."

The boy was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his head, turned his gaze to the empty ground, and murmured softly: "... like Dad?"

Song Mingxuan was stunned for a moment, then his face softened, and he said, "No, Dad will come back every day from now on."

"Father will always be with you." He watched the light in the boy's eyes dimming little by little, heard the disappointment in his voice, and the eyes that had become tough because he mentioned the other one gradually softened, and he walked away Been there, squeezed the boy's pointed chin, and kissed the corner of his forehead—

"Good night."

Su Jinzhi's eyes widened slightly, but he quickly regained his composure, pursed his lips and said, "Good night, Dad..."

After the man left, Su Jinzhi was still sitting on the chair, raising his hand to touch the piece of skin where the man just kissed him, he could feel the temperature just pasted here, it was very hot, very warm, following all his nerves in an instant The ends were ironed to the bottom of my heart.

"Even the place where we kiss is exactly the same..." Su Jinzhi murmured softly.

Afterwards, he immediately straightened up and looked for the sketch he drew today in the Chinese textbook—it was a picture he drew after Qin Yezhou's appearance, but he couldn't find it after searching every book.

"Could it be left in the classroom?" Su Jinzhi frowned, "Number One, have you seen the picture I drew today?"

No. 1 said: "I'm off work, and I won't provide any consulting services."

Su Jinzhi: "..."

Garbage number one! Return his cute baby zero!

Su Jinzhi was scolding happily when suddenly his mobile phone on the table vibrated, he picked it up and saw that someone sent him a text message—[Hi, do you still remember me? ]

Su Jinzhi tried to figure out who this person was with his feet. After all, there are only a handful of people who know his original number, but he still replied politely: [Who are you, I don't know you. ]

Bai Xinlu, who sent the text message, was puzzled when she saw his reply, thinking, don't boys of his age yearn for sex? Although she didn't really have sex with him that day, she still put on a sexy scene that made people imagine. Why didn't Song Jinzhi take the initiative to go to Diamond Paradise to inquire about her after waking up

[I am Diamond Paradise, the one who was with you that night... don't you remember me? ] Bai Xinlu added three crying emojis to the end of the text message, but the other party never replied to her text message again.

The next day was Saturday. Although there was no class, Su Jinzhi woke up at the usual time. This was the biological clock of this body, and he couldn't change it even if he wanted to. He went downstairs to have breakfast as usual, but saw a woman with a good face and a plump figure at the dining table.

She sat on Song Mingchu's usual chair and greeted him with a smile: "Jinzhi, good morning!"

After Su Jinzhi walked to his seat and sat down, he responded to her: "...Good morning, Dr. Xia."

"Jin Zhi." Song Mingxuan who was sitting next to him immediately pushed over a glass of milk, "Doctor Xia will be on a business trip to the United States next month, so he won't be able to come to our house for the time being, so I asked her to come and chat with you early today, okay? ?”

"Yes, Jinzhi~" Xia Xi also smiled, this was a lie she and Song Mingxuan spun together, in order to let the boy have no reason to refuse the psychological examination, "Don't worry too much, just chat casually like before."

The boy didn't seem to resist this proposal, but looked up at Xia Xi from time to time, as if he wanted to say something.