Undying Patient

Chapter 39: Brother and Dad, who do you want 9


Zhan Lanshuang looked at Song Mingxuan who was peeling apples for the teenager with a complicated expression, and then looked at the old Song family house, thinking that maybe the family really didn't care about the child's grades.

Song Mingxuan peeled the apples for Su Jinzhi, cut the flesh into pieces and put them on a white fruit plate, and suddenly said to Su Jinzhi: "Oh, there are no toothpicks. Jinzhi goes to the kitchen to see if there are any new toothpicks, Dad. Remember to put it on top of the refrigerator."

"Oh." Su Jinzhi obediently agreed, got up and walked towards the kitchen.

After the boy's figure disappeared around the corner, Song Mingxuan sighed heavily, and said to Zhan Lanshuang, "I know what Mr. Zhan is here today, but you also know that Jinzhi has no mother since he was a child. My father did it." It was a failure, someone bullied him in the school he was in before, but I didn’t find out until a year or two later, so I arranged for him to transfer.”

Zhan Lanshuang couldn't help frowning when she heard this. Song Jinzhi's student family member form only had his brother and father as contacts. She naturally knew that he was a child from a single-parent family. School violence was not only caused by their teachers, but also by everyone. Parents are very afraid of the problem. If Song Jinzhi has experienced school violence before, then his dull and withdrawn personality at school can also be explained.

"I don't expect Jinzhi to study well, I just hope he can grow up safely and happily." Song Mingxuan took a sip of tea and said, "If Jinzhi does anything wrong at school, I hope Teacher Zhan Be able to accommodate him a little bit."

Zhan Lanshuang quickly said: "No, Jinzhi is very good at school."

What she said was indeed true. Although Song Jinzhi was not good at studying, he never played with his mobile phone or slept in class. Those game consoles that are popular in the hands of rich children are things that Song Jinzhi's family background can easily buy. She hadn't seen him play before, and she couldn't find anything wrong with this kid except for his studies.

Since his parents didn't care about this little shortcoming and pampered him, she couldn't say anything more.

Hearing Song Mingxuan's words, Su Jinzhi went to the kitchen to look for toothpicks. He looked at the top of the refrigerator for a long time but couldn't see where the toothpicks Song Mingxuan was talking about were. Hui's mother was busy in the kitchen. Seeing Song Jinzhi looking for something in the kitchen, she stepped forward and asked him, "Master, what are you looking for? Shall I help you find it?"

"Aunt Hui, I'm looking for a toothpick." Su Jinzhi pointed to the refrigerator with some doubts and said to Hui's mother, "Dad said the toothpick was on the top of the refrigerator, but I didn't see it."

Mother Hui said in surprise, "Tootpicks? Don't I keep toothpicks in the drawer under the coffee table in the living room?"

Su Jinzhi raised his eyebrows.

Oh shit.

He was deceived by Song Mingxuan, what was that bad guy trying to do away with him

Su Jinzhi went out and found that Zhan Lanshuang had already left. Song Mingxuan sat on the sofa and patted the place beside him when he saw him coming. Su Jinzhi walked over and said, "Dad, Mama Hui said that the toothpick is in the drawer under the coffee table, not on the top of the refrigerator." .”

Song Mingxuan, whose lie was exposed, didn't even blush. Instead, he hugged him and kissed him, apologizing very sincerely: "That's because daddy made a mistake. I'm sorry, daddy asked Jin Zhibai to make a trip."

As he said that, Song Mingxuan immediately opened the third drawer under the coffee table, took out a toothpick from it, and inserted it into the apple. The series of movements without any pause made it obvious that he knew the toothpick was placed in it. where.

The bad guy Song Mingxuan coaxed him to eat the poisoned apple with a smile: "Come on, Jin Zhi opens his mouth, Dad will feed you the apple."

Su Jinzhi ate the apple in one gulp, then was pressed down on the sofa by the bad thing and kissed.

The Bad Thing concluded by saying, "Apple is sweet, too."

Su Jinzhi, nourished by love, became ruddy, smooth and tender again, and was sent to school by Song Mingxuan in the new week, but the old driver Shi Jun still didn't come to work. Su Jinzhi felt that if he continued to fall in love with Song Mingxuan, Shi Jun Jun may be in danger of losing his job.

"Uncle Shi Jun is very nice..." He raised this issue with Song Mingxuan on the way.

Listening to his words, Song Mingxuan bit Su Jinzhi's lips hard as punishment while waiting for the traffic light, and looked at him with a smile: "Okay, then let Uncle Shi Jun send us to class tomorrow."

It was only the next day that Su Jinzhi knew what Song Mingxuan meant by sending "us to class".

The old driver, Shi Jun, was not unemployed, and he changed to Zhang Xin's better car to drive.

Song Mingxuan asked Shi Jun to raise the partition between the front seat and the back seat, and he caught and bullied Su Jinzhi from behind, so that when Su Jin got out of the car, his breath was short of breath, his face turned red, and his mouth was even broken .

Su Jinzhi licked his stinging lower lip, pulled his small schoolbag out of Song Mingxuan's hand, and pretended not to say goodbye to Song Mingxuan angrily.

Song Mingxuan smiled and waved behind him, saying that father will come to pick you up for dinner tonight.

Su Jinzhi said to No. 1: "It's a bit exciting. I almost got hard in the car just now."

Number One said indifferently: "I didn't come to work to hear you say this."

Su Jinzhi said: "Then we can talk about the mosaic in my textbook."

Number One asked him, "What do you want to talk about?"

Su Jinzhi said that he is in a relationship with his father recently, but his textbooks are full of mosaics and it is easy for him to think wrongly. It will be bad if he is hard in class. Ask No. 1 if he can not engage in mosaics. He just wants to be a good student who studies hard every day, is excellent and healthy and does not indulge in carnal desires.

Number one said: "Okay, as you wish."

Then Su Jinzhi found that he could no longer see the mosaic. As soon as he opened the textbook, he was confronted with a bloody female ghost, and it was a moving picture. Su Jinzhi was so scared that he immediately threw the textbook away, his face was livid, and there was no more The idea of learning.

Number one asked him: "Is the host satisfied? Can it be hard now? Do you want to give the host some sound effects?"

Su Jinzhi said: "This is a female ghost, I can't be hard, let's change back to the mosaic."

No. 1 rejected him: "Actually, it's also possible to replace it with a male ghost."

Su Jinzhi said righteously: "No, no, I only love my dad, and I will not cheat."

Number One asked him: "What does that mean, you will still be tough if you are a male ghost?"

Su Jinzhi said: "I didn't mean that..."

Number one said: "Then what do you mean?"

Su Jinzhi said: "I don't want a ghost, you replace it for me, this is the host's order!"

No. 1 quickly changed it for him: "All right."

Su Jinzhi quickly opened the textbook and found that it contained the entire Diamond Sutra.

Su Jinzhi: "..."

"I'm here to attend class, not to chant scriptures." Su Jinzhi frowned.

No. 1 told him: "It's okay, you can go back and be loving with your father, you don't need to go to class."

Su Jinzhi's eyes lit up: "Is it really possible?"

No. 1 chuckled twice: "Then you just wait to die!"

Su Jinzhi sighed and accepted this tragic fact.

Seeing him staring at the history textbook frowning, Yan Rong at the same table leaned over to take a look and asked him, "Is this chapter... hard to understand?"

Su Jinzhi said: "It's very obscure."

Yan Rong was surprised: "Isn't it just about Qin Shihuang's unification of the whole country? Where is it so obscure?"

Su Jinzhi sighed deeply: "I think I might have read a fake book."

Yan Rong: "???"

Lu Yuqi secretly listened to the conversation between the two of them, and mustered up the courage to poke Su Jinzhi's shoulder with a pen: "Song Jinzhi, if you don't understand, I can explain it to you."

Yan Rong bumped Su Jinzhi with his elbow, raised his eyebrows, and looked at him in fear of chaos, and said in a low voice, "My beautiful lady Lu wants to give you tutoring." In this era of high school, the word tutoring seems to always be With a little ambiguous meaning.

But Su Jinzhi quickly remembered the bad thing at home that was obsessed with tutoring him, his body shook, and he declined to Lu Yuqi with a smile: "Thank you, but no need, my father will give me tutoring."

Lu Yuqi looked at his smiling face, her cheeks turned red suddenly, she lowered her head and sat back on the chair, her neck to the base of her ears blushed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yan Rong looked at Su Jinzhi's face and yelled "Fuck me" as if seeing a ghost, and then looked closely at his face: "Song Jinzhi! You are smiling!"

Su Jinzhi asked him, "Can't I laugh?"

Yan Rong said, "I've never seen you laugh before."

He patted Su Jinzhi on the shoulder: "Be honest, are you in a relationship?"

Su Jinzhi glanced at him and denied, "No."

Yan Rong shot him up and down with his eyes: "I don't believe it."

But Lu Yuqi in the back seat got angry: "Why are you more gossip than a woman! Song Jinzhi even said that he is not in love anymore!" After yelling at Yan Rong, she sat on the chair angrily for a while, and finally Can't help but ask Su Jinzhi, "Song Jinzhi... Are you really not in love?"

Su Jinzhi straightened his face, and said seriously: "No." He was just saving the general goal of saving from the abyss of loneliness.

Lu Yuqi patted her chest and let out a sigh of relief, blushing and said to Su Jinzhi, "Song Jinzhi... After the college entrance examination, we will all be separated."

Su Jinzhi let out a "hmm".

She continued: "My birthday is on the sixth day after the college entrance examination. Can you come to my birthday party?"

When Yan Rong heard this, he immediately grabbed Su Jinzhi's shoulders: "Yes, how can we not go to Miss Lu's birthday party? If Song Jinzhi doesn't go, I have to drag him!"

"I haven't invited you yet..." Lu Yuqi muttered softly, but she still looked at Su Jinzhi expectantly, hoping that he would agree.

Su Jinzhi originally wanted to refuse, but when he looked at the little girl's clean and bright eyes, he suddenly couldn't bear to make her sad. Anyway, after a while after the birthday party, he would have to fill out the application form. At that time, everyone will be real. Go their separate ways, no matter how difficult it is to get together. So he nodded and agreed: "Okay, I will go."

Lu Yuqi couldn't help laughing, the cute little tiger teeth were exposed, Su Jinzhi looked at her and her mood became better-what a healthy and lovely earth person, she has no mechanical organs, no artificial appearance, in the future interstellar but It is rare to see such a healthy earthling.

When school was over in the afternoon, Song Mingxuan was the only one who drove to pick him up, Shi Jun was not there.

Song Mingxuan helped his adopted son carry the schoolbag, opened the car door for the young man himself, fastened his seat belt for him, and when he leaned over to kiss the young man, he avoided him.

"Father, there are many people here." Su Jinzhi reminded him.

Hearing this, the man stopped his movements, rubbed his head twice, and said with a smile, "Okay, Dad understands."

Song Mingxuan didn't take him home today, but drove in one direction. It turned out that what he said in the morning that he would pick him up for dinner was true.

Su Jinzhi asked him, "Father, where are we going?"

"Hui's mother asked for leave today and is not at home. Dad will take you out for dinner." Song Mingxuan turned his head and smiled at him comfortingly, "I'll talk to you about something by the way."

When they arrived at the restaurant, the boss had already received the news and came out to greet Song Mingxuan in person. After getting out of the car, Song Mingxuan turned around and raised his legs, walked to the back seat to open the door for Su Jinzhi, and walked into the restaurant holding his hand. His words and deeds were very intimate.

"This is..." The restaurant owner looked at Su Jinzhi curiously, he had never heard of any lover appearing beside Song Mingxuan.

Song Mingxuan smiled, lowered his head and kissed Su Jinzhi's hair: "This is my youngest son, Song Jinzhi, bring him over for dinner today."

The hotel owner immediately understood, thinking that the rumor that Song Mingxuan doted on his youngest son was indeed well-deserved, but everyone also knew tacitly that this child was not Song Mingxuan's biological son.

He looks different from all Song family members, and there is no similarity in his eyebrows and eyes. Heredity is a good evidence that can prove whether the blood relationship is close or distant.

The table Song Mingxuan ordered was on the top of the building. The owner of the restaurant thought that he would bring a girlfriend or something to dine, so the table was arranged in an ambiguous way, but this was exactly what Song Mingxuan wanted. After the dishes were ready, he let the boss go down .

The table is not big, after all, it is prepared for two close people.

Song Mingxuan sat across from him and was cutting a steak, while Su Jinzhi looked down at the cold dish of foie gras in front of him in a daze.

It was a piece of light chestnut meat about one centimeter thick, surrounded by a circle of light yellow goose fat. It is said that the feeling of foie gras cut is as delicate and smooth as cream, and it is so fresh and tender that it melts in your mouth. Once you taste it once, you will never forget it. The taste will make you willing to trade everything for the first time. Second chance to eat it.

Therefore, some people say that the most delicious thing in the world is foie gras.

At the beginning of the star calendar 3000, the remaining human beings on the earth started a new plan, which was called the "God" plan by the Central Committee of the Earth Federation. They use the genes of alien beasts to transform the primitive humans on the earth. In order to obtain more powerful and complete genes, they even force some women to mate with alien beasts. In order to ensure the smooth birth of the new hybrids, they will use the most expensive Feed the mother with high-quality food and feed, and raise the mother white and tender.

Once the pregnancy period is over, some gentle newborn hybrids may be born naturally, but that chance is very rare; while violent newborn hybrids will directly tear the mother's body, burst out, and the blood in the intestines and viscera And bloody newborns would be all over the floor at that moment.

Su Jinzhi looked at this piece of fatty foie gras and his thoughts gradually drifted away. His whole body trembled uncontrollably, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his eyes widened in horror. In his gradually blurred vision, he seemed to see the extremely bloody and A tragic scene—

"Look, this is the hope for the future of mankind!" Those people surrounded the blood-stained newborn with no trace of human beings and smiled happily. The internal organs of the mother's body wrapped in thick fat were at their feet, and one of them looked down. The smile on his face showed a trace of covetousness, he picked up a piece of yellow oily liver on the ground, and looked back at himself: "Look, Jinzhi, the foie gras!"

Yes, they call those mothers "geese."

Su Jinzhi covered his ears and screamed, then bent down and ran to the flower bed beside him and vomited. In a daze, he seemed to hear No. 1 sighing, and No. 0 saying "failure" in a low voice. up".

But when he listened carefully, his whole head was in severe pain as if it was about to explode, so he could only crouch down on the ground with his head in his arms and cry softly.

Song Mingxuan was taken aback by his sudden movement, hurried to his side to help him, and asked him worriedly: "Jinzhi, what's wrong with you?"

Su Jinzhi hugged him and pointed at the table in horror: "It, it..."

Song Mingxuan looked at his fingers, smiled and asked him: "What's the matter, doesn't Jinzhi like strawberry cake the most?"

"That's strawberry cake?!" Su Jinzhi raised his voice and even asked sharply.

Song Mingxuan took his hand and walked to the table. Su Jinzhi resisted a little, and kept burrowing into his arms, not even daring to look at the things on the table. Song Mingxuan could only lower his head and kiss his cheek comfortingly, and then said: "Look, it's Strawberry cake."

There was indeed a piece of strawberry cake there.

Su Jinzhi relaxed his tense body, exhaled slowly, and then couldn't remember why he was afraid of a piece of strawberry cake just now.

He sat back to his original position, and found that his hand holding the fork was trembling, and his voice was light and light: "Dad, what are you going to tell me when you brought me here?"

Song Mingxuan smiled at him, with deep love in his dark gray eyes: "It's nothing, let's talk to Jinzhi next time."

Su Jinzhi was baffled by this meal, but what made him even more baffled was that Song Yingchu's rescue progress value, which was originally -30/100, suddenly increased to 20/100.

After returning home, at the porch, Song Mingxuan caught Su Jinzhi wearing plush slippers and forbade him to go barefoot. Hui's mother came to talk to Song Mingxuan during the period.

Su Jinzhi sat on a small chair beside him and waited for Song Mingxuan to eavesdrop. What Mama Hui said roughly meant that the young master was back, but neither the young master nor the young master was there, so he went upstairs after dinner alone.

Su Jinzhi asked No. 1: "Is there something wrong with me, Ge Ge? I just like the feeling of being alone?"

Number one: "It's quite sick."

Su Jinzhi gave a "tsk", clapped his hands and said, "I know how to save Song Yingchu, he is a cheap person! I used to treat him so well and didn't care at all, but now he knows I'm fine after neglecting him for two days, so I will You should continue to be in love with my dad! Make him mad!"

Number one said: "No, he's just getting engaged."

Su Jinzhi: "..." Why didn't he know about this

No. 1 continued: "It seems that Song Yingchu plans to get engaged to her because she doesn't care about Song Yingchu's status as Song Mingxuan's disliked adopted son."

Su Jinzhi sighed: "True love, no wonder Song Yingchu began to love life."

No. 1 reminded him: "He has found true love now, and maybe in a few days he will make Ji announce your and his real identities."

Su Jinzhi is fearless: "I'm not afraid, my dad loves me so much! He won't abandon me."

Number one said, "It's as long as the host is happy."

Su Jinzhi followed Song Mingxuan upstairs, unaffected by the news that Song Yingchu was getting engaged, and continued to play their sweet games at night.

But this time Song Mingxuan didn't seem to intend to continue to taste it. He opened up the boy's body with his fingers soaked in transparent and greasy liquid, while biting his earlobe, lowered his voice, and seduced his beloved little adopted son with a deep and hoarse voice. : "Jinzhi, do you love Dad?"

Su Jinzhi was confused by him, he straightened his body impatiently and wanted to get more, he didn't think too much when he heard his words, and replied in a daze with half-open eyes: "Love..."

Song Mingxuan laughed, added another finger in, gently pressed the point that made people tremble all over, and then suddenly asked something that couldn't be compared with their current activities: "Then Jinzhi knows you Is your brother getting engaged?"

"Huh?" Su Jinzhi opened his eyes and looked at Song Mingxuan. He didn't answer his question, but put his arms around his neck and kissed him affectionately, "Dad... I feel bad..."

Song Mingxuan avoided his kiss, pinched the young man's slender chin and carefully stared at his lust-soaked brown pupils, and after confirming that there was no sign of sadness or jealousy in his eyes, he slowly smiled, leaned over and kissed the young man, The hoarse voice was full of satisfaction: "Daddy loves you too..."

That night, Su Jinzhi was so refreshed.

It's really cool, the only bad thing is that his ass hurts the next day after being too cool.

However, Song Mingxuan carried him to take a bath and took medicine after the end of last night. It is estimated that after a day or two of rest, they will continue to enjoy themselves again, Su Jinzhiwo thought happily on the bed.

Song Mingxuan opened the door with porridge and medicine and came in. He saw Su Jinzhi who had opened his eyes. He smiled and walked over with a very gentle voice: "Is Jinzhi awake? Are you hungry? Dad brought you your favorite You don’t need to get up to eat the meat floss porridge, and dad will feed you. Is your butt still hurting? If it still hurts, wait a while and dad will give you another medicine.”

Su Jinzhi supported the bed and wanted to sit up, Song Mingxuan ran over quickly, put two soft pillows behind him, pulled the quilt to cover Su Jinzhi, and then ran out a series of words, leaving Su Jinzhi with no time to react .

"Come on, Dad's blowing cold, Jinzhi opened his mouth—"

Song Mingxuan scooped up a spoonful of porridge and handed it to Su Jinzhi's mouth. Seeing that the boy ate it, the smile on his face became more gentle. At the end, he kissed him at the corner of his mouth before he lowered his head and fed a new spoonful of porridge to his mouth.

Su Jinzhi almost choked.