Undying Patient

Chapter 41: Brother and Dad who do you want 11


Sensing Su Jinzhi's enthusiasm, No. 1 said coldly, "You've read those scriptures for nothing."

Su Jinzhi shyly said: "Why don't you try erotic pictures instead? Maybe I'll get tired of watching too much."

Number one: "Hehe."

But Song Mingxuan was only silent for a while, and smiled slowly with his lips hooked. He sat on the edge of the bed and took Su Jinzhi's hand as if nothing had happened. This time Su Jinzhi didn't resist him again. Song Mingxuan took his hand Tucked it into the quilt, and tucked the corner of the quilt tightly for him: "Lie down well, Dad will tell you a story."

As soon as Song Mingxuan opened his mouth, Su Jinzhi knew why he had to cover himself with a quilt, because what he was telling was a ghost story.

"The man fell asleep alone, and suddenly felt a chill around him. He suddenly turned his head and looked behind him. There was nothing there. He breathed a sigh of relief and slowly picked up the candle on the bedside table on the left. Suddenly, I found that the bedside table was a squatting dead man, and the candle he should really be holding was burning on his head... The dead body turned its head 180 degrees, stared at him blood-red, and said with a faint smile, "You have it yourself too." Candles, why are you robbing me?" Song Mingxuan smiled gracefully and lowered his voice gracefully, while Su Jinzhi shivered under the quilt, he felt that the temperature in the room seemed to be getting lower and lower, "Jin Do you know what he means?"

Su Jinzhi said with trembling voice: "I don't know..."

"Because..." Song Mingxuan slowly pressed closer to him, his face was very close, and the smile on his face was extremely strange, "Candles are only lit on the heads of dead people..."

Su Jinzhi's eyes widened, and he suddenly wrapped the quilt around his head and curled up. Song Mingxuan gave a low laugh, pressed the remote control of the air conditioner hidden behind him a few times, and adjusted the temperature in the room again, then leaned over and hugged Su Jinzhi. With a deep smile in his face: "Is Jinzhi so scared?"

Su Jinzhi ignored him, and he cried bitterly under the quilt: "I'm so scared on the 1st, is this story my father told true?"

"According to the records, there were indeed such customs in some places in ancient times." No. 1 comforted him speechlessly, "Calm down, you have died several times too."

Su Jinzhi continued howling: "I dare not sleep alone!"

Number one: "..."

Song Mingxuan smiled and stretched his hand into the quilt, lifted the hem of Su Jinzhi's clothes and slowly stroked his body. He was even more surprised when he found that the boy's body really had small bumps. He lifted the quilt and hugged the boy , hugged the boy in his arms and said with a muffled laugh: "Okay, daddy scared you."

Su Jinzhi tightly gripped his clothes, and tried his best to get into Song Mingxuan's arms. The female ghost animation in his textbook on the 1st seemed to appear repeatedly in front of him at this moment. Although Su Jinzhi knew that he was very cowardly, he was afraid of ghosts.

But it wasn't until he went to bed at night that he understood the purpose of Song Mingxuan telling him this ghost story.

"Look, Dad sleeps on your right side, you put the bear on the left, how about you sleep in the middle?" Song Mingxuan smiled and said to Su Jinzhi, then frowned slightly, with false guilt on his face, "Jinzhi doesn't have to I'm worried that I will have a nightmare at night, and it's all because of my father's fault. I told you such a ghost story in the morning, if Jinzhi wakes up in the middle of the night and accidentally sees—"

"Father!" Su Jinzhi cried bitterly and crawled into Song Mingxuan's arms, tightly wrapping his arms around his waist, "Let's go to sleep!"

Song Mingxuan readily agreed, and both of them were very happy tonight.

But Song Yingchu, who was standing outside the door of Su Jinzhi's room, seemed to be enveloped by a layer of low-pressure air. He looked at the dark door with a blank expression, and tightly clenched the hand hanging by his side.

"Ying Chu, is this your room?" Jin Ruyue asked while holding his arm.

"No." Song Yingchu said with a hoarse voice, "This is Jinzhi's room."

Hearing what he said, Jin Ruyue glanced at him and said, "I can't see the light, Brother Jinzhi should be asleep, right?"

"Yeah." Song Yingchu responded, and walked towards his room, Jin Ruyue quickly grabbed his hand and followed.

Jin Ruyue stayed in the Song residence tonight.

She has never lived in such a big and beautiful house in her life, so when she walks on the thick carpet of the Song residence, she always has an unreal feeling of stepping on the top of the clouds, which makes her a little dizzy. She was originally in charge of entertaining Song Yingchu, a female college student, at a school speech. Song Yingchu was invited by his alma mater to give a speech at school a few months ago, and it was at that time that she met Song Yingchu.

Jin Ruyue knew that she was better-looking than many people, but Song Yingchu would never be short of people with such looks, and she didn't know why Song Yingchu fell in love with her, and she was even about to get engaged to her, but Jin Ruyue knew that she must catch him. Live this opportunity.

This opportunity can change her life and let her step into another world that many people can't touch in a lifetime.

When Song Yingchu went upstairs during the day, she asked Mother Hui a lot about Song Jinzhi - the favorite youngest son of Song Mingxuan, head of the Song family. At first, she thought these were just rumors, but from what Hui Ma said, Song Mingxuan and Song Yingchu seemed to love this young man very much.

Song Yingchu doesn't care about him as a younger brother, she doesn't care, anyway, she is about to get engaged to Song Yingchu, and will get married soon, they will be husband and wife, they will be one body, inseparable.

But if Song Mingxuan cared too much about his youngest son, there would be very little left for Song Yingchu.

She has to find a way to help Ying Chucai, so what if she is an adopted son

Ying Chu is no worse than anyone else, he deserves what belongs to him.

The next day is Sunday.

But because Song Mingxuan stayed with him at home for a day yesterday, he went to the company with Song Yingchu early this morning, but before leaving, he brought breakfast to the second floor and fed it to Su Jinzhi, and then stared at Su Jinzhi and tucked him in after taking the medicine. The quilt was tightened, and he was not allowed to get out of bed and asked him to rest for a while.

No need to maintain the persona of being a good boy who got up early, Su Jinzhi had a good night's sleep, changed out of her pajamas when the sun was hotter, and went to lie on the rocking chair in the greenhouse to bask in the sun.

The flowers in the flower room are fragrant, and you can feel refreshed for a long time after taking a light breath.

Su Jinzhi half-closed his eyes, arched his body upside down and stretched his waist. The thin sweater slid up along with his movements, revealing a small half of his white waist, but was quickly blocked by the sweater that fell again .

Such a decadent life is really intoxicating. Su Jinzhi felt that he could not go on like this, and what would happen if he continued like this, so Su Jinzhi asked No. 1 to call out the data panel, and planned to re-establish the following tasks to complete strategy.

[Total rescue target: Song Mingxuan (in progress) 75/100

Rescue target: Song Yingchu (under attack) 35/100

Bai Xinlu (in the strategy) -80/100]

The electronic light particles that don't belong to this era made him dazed for a moment, and Bai Xinlu's "-80/100" value was marked with red light particles, reminding him how difficult she was - the text message was not If I ignored her, the value would drop, and if I paid her, the value would be returned, and I almost included myself in it, Su Jinzhi was very sad.

"No. 1, what is the purpose of your 'loving life system'? How do these progress values go up or down?" Su Jinzhi asked No. 1, "It's okay to save my father, but save Bai Xinlu and Song Yingchu. What's the point of these people?"

No. 1 answered him: "I told you a long time ago, in order to build a harmonious society together. The mission targets are randomly selected, and they always have various shortcomings, big or small, and you need to help them correct them and wake them up." love of life."

Su Jinzhi turned around: "According to what you said, my dad doesn't love life either? But his progress value is obviously so high."

Number One did not answer his question.

Su Jinzhi said: "One number one number one? It's not time to get off work yet. I want to report you for absenteeism."

Su Jinzhi wanted to say a few more words, but suddenly he smelled a sweet and familiar fragrance. This scent is different from the scent of flowers. The scent of flowers refreshes him, but this scent makes him salivate. Su Jinzhi sat up straight from the rocking chair, moved his nose a few times, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "Strawberry cake!"

No. 1 went online quickly: "...no prospect."

Su Jinzhi grumbled: "You don't understand, you don't know how delicious strawberry cake is. Oh yes, you can't eat it, no wonder you don't understand."

Number one: "..."

Jin Ruyue took a plate of strawberry cake to the greenhouse to look for Su Jinzhi. She heard from Hui's mother that teenagers like to eat this kind of sweet and greasy pastry. Although she couldn't understand why a boy loves sweets more than a girl, she still made it overnight. A small dish came out.

The bright red strawberries are dotted on the snow-white and delicate cream. Looking at it from a distance, one can recall the sweet and sour taste of eating it in the mouth.

Su Jinzhi looked at the cake, then raised his head to look at Jin Ruyue who was walking towards him.

"Brother Jinzhi, hello." Jin Ruyue greeted him with a smile.

Su Jinzhi slid down from the rocking chair and sat on the white rattan chair in the center of the greenhouse: "You are..."

"My name is Jin Ruyue." Jin Ruyue followed him and sat down, put the cake on the glass table, and pushed it in Su Jinzhi's direction.

Su Jinzhi didn't touch the cake immediately, but stared at Jin Ruyue with somewhat curious eyes.

Seeing that he really didn't know her, Jin Ruyue was a little disappointed, but still had a smile on her face: "I'm your brother's fiancee, hasn't Ying Chu mentioned me to you?"

"My brother only said that he is going to get engaged." Su Jinzhi shook his head, actually Song Yingchu never mentioned it, it was Song Mingxuan and Yihao who told him.

"There is not much age difference between us. You can call me Sister Ruyue. Jinzhi likes to eat strawberry cake, right? This cake is specially made for you by Sister Ruyue." Jin Ruyue changed the subject and stopped being obsessed with whether Song Yingchu mentioned it or not. What happened to her, anyway, it would be embarrassing for her to go deeper—it was about to get engaged, and her fiancé not only didn't take her home to meet her family, he didn't even mention her name.

Su Jinzhi salivated while looking at the plate of cake, but he still didn't dare to take the risk.

He really vomited all night yesterday, half-rotten food was churned out from his stomach, and the sour smell filled the tip of his nose, leaving only burning stomach acid corroding his throat over and over again. He really didn’t want to continue to try that kind of vomiting feeling. The doctor came to see him and said that he might have eaten too much cold food, so he can only drink some light porridge for nourishment these days, and eat it when his stomach is better. something else.

"Father won't give it to me..." Su Jinzhi glanced at the cake, then took a second look, "The doctor said that I can only drink porridge these days."

Who would really take the doctor's advice to heart these days? People often say that staying up late is not good for your health, don't you hold your mobile phone every day until dawn and then curse yourself to go to sleep? What's more, as a boy, his body will never be more delicate than a girl's, right? Jin Ruyue thought to herself.

Jin Ruyue smiled and said, "It should be fine, it's just a small dish."

Su Jinzhi looked at the bright red strawberry cake for the third time, and finally succumbed to the sweet tooth forces.

"Thank you, sister Kisaragi."

Jin Ruyue folded her hands and fingers, resting on her chin and quietly watching Su Jinzhi eat the cake, feeling that the Song family's genes are really good, not only can they give birth to a man like Song Mingxuan and Song Yingchu, but also a beautiful boy like Song Jinzhi with snow skin and tender flesh.

His fingers holding the small silver fork are white and slender, and the small half of his wrist protruding from the sleeve is also slender and white, with well-defined joints and clean, and a pair of light brown eyes in his eye sockets always look at people with a smile on his face. Jin Ruyue couldn't help wondering if the child born after her and Ying Chu's marriage would also have such a pair of light brown pupils, which were watery and tender, making people feel affectionate when they saw them.

"I actually came home yesterday, but Jin Zhi was sick yesterday, so I didn't see me." Perhaps feeling a little awkward in the quiet atmosphere, Jin Ruyue began to look for topics, "Is Jin Zhi feeling better today? "

"No wonder I didn't see Sister Ruyue yesterday." Su Jinzhi raised his head and said back to her, "Thank you for your concern, Sister Ruyue. I'm much better now."

Jin Ruyue smiled, leaned forward again, pointed to her eyeballs and said to Su Jinzhi, "Look, Jinzhi, our eyes are the same color."

Su Jinzhi also poked his head forward, and said in surprise, "Huh?"

"Neither Ying Chu nor Uncle have such eye color, is it inherited from their mother? Jinzhi's mother must be a beauty."

Su Jinzhi paused while eating the cake, and said, "I haven't seen my mother before."

"Sorry..." Jin Ruyue was startled, and immediately apologized, but she was still a little strange, "Haven't you even seen the photo?"

How could Song Mingxuan let him touch these things? He couldn't tell him that this was his mother with a photo of his comrade's wife, right? Isn't it obvious that the wife of a comrade-in-arms is his wife

Su Jinzhi shook his head: "No."

The small piece of strawberry cake was not big, so it was finished in a short while, and the conversation was interrupted.

Afterwards, Jin Ruyue chatted with him casually, and when she saw that the conversation still couldn't go on, she packed up the dishes and left. She thought Song Jinzhi was really strange, he looked fair and well-behaved, but his temperament was withdrawn and indifferent. I don't like it, I don't know why Song Mingxuan spoils him like an eyeball.

At dinner time in the evening, both Song Mingxuan and Song Yingchu went home.

Su Jinzhi still sat with Song Mingxuan, and Jin Ruyue added a chair to sit next to Song Yingchu, facing Song Mingxuan. She seemed to want to show her virtuousness in front of her future father-in-law, and she had been helping Hui's mother set the bowls and serve dishes. When I was free, I picked some dishes for Ying Chu from time to time, and told Su Jinzhi to eat more.

It's a pity that Song Mingxuan didn't pay much attention to her from the beginning to the end, and kept serving Su Jinzhi porridge. Jin Ruyue was a little embarrassed, so he could only take a spoon to scoop up hot soup for Song Yingchu. If these undercurrents were ignored, this scene could really be called a happy ending Family Joy is the scene that Song Jinzhi had been looking forward to for many years.

Su Jinzhi looked at them, and suddenly wanted to recall the scene when he lived with his parents, but he searched in his mind for a long time, but couldn't find any memories about them.

He knew that he had parents, and that he had lived with them for a while, and even remembered something his mother had said to him, but he couldn't remember anything else.

It was as if there was a gap in his memory.

Su Jinzhi's eyes darkened slightly, and he was a little overwhelmed by the sudden loss in his heart, so he could only drink his porridge quietly with his head down.

In the evening, Su Jinzhi vomited again.

Not long after he lay on the bed, before Song Mingxuan had time to tease him, he frowned slightly and ran towards the toilet. After locking the door, he vomited while holding the toilet.

After vomiting, he took several sheets of paper from the paper box to wipe his mouth, and when he straightened up and was about to press the pumping button, his pupils shrank suddenly.

The puddle of thin yellow stuff he spit out had a harsh color, at first he thought it was an incompletely digested strawberry, but the liquid still had a strong smell of blood, which kept stimulating his nerves.

"Jinzhi? What are you doing in there?" Song Mingxuan saw him running in a hurry, went to the door and knocked.

Su Jinzhi hurriedly pressed the flush button, then took a moment to pretend nothing happened, and said softly, "Dad, don't come in, I'm going to the bathroom."

Song Mingxuan just left.

"Are you there on the 1st?" Su Jinzhi changed his mind a few times, but the 1st didn't respond to him, probably because he was off work.

He walked to the sink, rinsed his mouth with water, and washed his face with cold water. He raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror. The boy's eyebrows and eyes in the mirror had just opened, but he was still a little immature. His facial features were not as rough as the Song family's, but delicate and beautiful, as if they were carefully crafted. Beautiful jade, shiny and moist, full of vigor and vitality.

— This is obviously a healthy person.

Su Jinzhi suddenly remembered that he had not yet entered Naxigang for treatment. His face was relatively tender, and it would not change much even if he grew up a few years. terminally ill patients.

But No. 1 said that he was ill and was still terminally ill.

Seeing himself in the mirror, Su Jinzhi took two steps back, opened the bathroom door and ran out, slipped into the bed and tucked into Song Mingxuan's arms, hugged the man's strong waist and rubbed against his chest.

Song Mingxuan was looking at the ghost story book and thinking about which ghost story to tell today to scare his little adopted son, when he suddenly felt a warm body rubbing against his arms, he looked down and could only see A head with curly hair and tail.

He smiled and lowered his head, raised his arms to hug the boy back, and kissed his hair: "What's wrong?"

"Song Mingxuan, I'm afraid." Su Jinzhi said sullenly.

"If you fail to learn, you will call Dad's name." Song Mingxuan laughed a little, and patted his butt under the quilt, "What are you afraid of? Dad didn't tell you a ghost story today."

The feeling of patting his buttocks was too shameful, Su Jinzhi also blushed a little, what should he say? It would be ridiculous to say that he was afraid of death.

"It's all my father's fault!" Su Jinzhi spread his legs and sat on Song Mingxuan's body, jumping up and down twice, but raised his hand and grabbed the thick skin of this bad thing as if he didn't feel relieved enough, "The toilet is also quite scary."

Song Mingxuan raised his head and kissed him with a smile, and said in a vague voice: "Then dad will hold you to sleep tonight."

Su Jinzhi was hugged tightly by him, and the unique atmosphere of a mature man surrounded him, giving him an infinite sense of security. Su Jinzhi felt his eye sockets a little sore, so he quickly closed his eyes.

The next day was Monday, and Su Jinzhi had to go to class. Looking at the Buddhist scriptures in his hand, he felt that he was about to transcend himself and ascend to heaven.

Su Jinzhi looked dazed: "Number One, I vomited blood last night."

Number one is very cold: "Who told you to eat strawberry cake."

Su Jinzhi whimpered: "No. 1, am I going to die?"

No. 1 became impatient: "Didn't I tell you earlier, did you have a terminal illness?"

"I fucking thought you were joking with me!" Su Jinzhi cried out, "I'm only 18 years old! I don't want to die yet!"

Number one: "..."

"You're going to die sooner or later, why are you howling?"

Su Jinzhi asked it: "Is there any way to make me live longer?"

"Yes." Number One replied, "Do the task."

Su Jinzhi said, "Aren't I doing this every day?"

No. 1 chuckled twice: "It is indeed 'doing', but what you are doing is a task?"

"Bai Xinlu doesn't show up all the time. What can I do? I'm also very desperate." Su Jinzhi's face was a little red, number one was always driving, and the speed was extremely fast, he was a little motion sick.

Number one said: "Hurry up, Bai Xinlu will come to see you after school."

Su Jinyi was taken aback: "She has held back for so long, is she waiting for a big move?"

No. 1 gave him a spoiler: "Yes, you should pay attention, don't drop the progress value any more."

Su Jinzhi was terrified, Yan Rong and Lu Yuqi saw that he was out of his mind all morning, so they asked him what was wrong, if he was not feeling well, and if he needed to accompany him to the infirmary or something. Su Jinzhi thought about it, and felt that he might need a few helpers.

"Will you go to my house to do homework after school?" Su Jinzhi bumped Yan Rong with his elbow.

Yan Rong raised his head, his voice was a little loud: "To your house?!"

Su Jinzhi said: "It's just to do homework, don't get excited."

Yan Rong ignored him, and turned to talk to Lu Yuqi: "Fuck! Lu Yuqi, did you hear that Song Jinzhi actually asked me to go to his house to do homework, he wants to copy my homework hahahahaha!"

Su Jinzhi: "..."