Undying Patient

Chapter 42: Brother and Dad who do you want 12


Lu Yuqi said to Yan Rong: "Don't say that Song Jinzhi is good or not, he may just want you to help draw the key points, after all, the final exam will be next week."

"What?! The teacher drew the key points? I didn't listen to the class much, Lu Yuqi, did you show me the drawing!" Yan Rong took a look at Lu Yuqi's textbook, and said to Su Jinzhi, "Song Jinzhi, Lu Yuqi drew the key points! "

Su Jinzhi glanced at Lu Yuqi, and the little girl looked at him eagerly, as if she really expected him to invite her to his house.

"Lv Yuqi, can you go to my house with Yan Rong? I have missed my class a lot, and I want to see the key points of your painting." Su Jinzhi thought for a while and added, "My house has a lot to eat."

Yan Rong continued, "Yes, let's go together with Lu Yuqi, Song Jin's house has a lot to eat!"

Lu Yuqi blushed, nodded and said, "Okay, okay."

The three of them went home together after school. Su Jinzhi was very handsome, but he was very withdrawn. He was rarely seen close to anyone at school, and even because he often asked for leave most of the time, he didn’t see anyone directly. The girls walked together, which was very eye-catching, and many students were staring at them.

Su Jinzhi looked at the momentum, and thought: It's over, Bai Xinlu is about to open up.

Sure enough, the moment he set the flag, Bai Xinlu appeared not far from the gate of their campus. She was wearing a white skirt, and her curly black hair was now straightened and scattered behind her like a waterfall, looking extremely pure.

She stood there with a slight frown, looking around at the students returning home, her eyes turned red as soon as she saw them appear, and she walked towards them quickly, wiping away her tears.

Su Jinzhi continued to walk forward without changing his face, until Bai Xinlu walked in front of him before stopping, looking at her with doubts on his face.

Bai Xinlu called him in a crying voice: "Jinzhi..."

Yan Rong immediately trembled when he heard her voice, rubbed the goose bumps on his arm and bumped Su Jinzhi: "Song Jinzhi, who is this? Your girlfriend?"

Lu Yuqi was also a little anxious, and looked at Su Jinzhi with wide eyes, waiting for his answer.

Su Jinzhi shook his head and asked Bai Xinlu, "Who are you?"

"Don't you remember me? I'm Lulu." Bai Xinlu blinked her eyes and shed a few tears, crying pitifully. She stepped forward and grabbed Su Jinzhi's wrist, "On your birthday, we..."

Listening to her words, Yan Rong clicked his tongue twice, looked at Su Jinzhi and sighed, thinking that people really can't be judged by their appearances, the young master of the Song family who looks clean is so good at playing. Lu Yuqi also changed her face, staring at Su Jinzhi incredulously.

Su Jinzhi's face turned pale at the right time, and his voice trembled: "I don't know you."

Bai Xinlu looked at his expression and found that he didn't intend to admit it, then broke the jar and cried, "I'm pregnant! Don't you intend to take responsibility?!"

"I don't know you." Su Jinzhi shook his hand, trying to break free from her, "Don't pester me anymore."

Okay, you gave me a negative score and want me to take responsibility! Dreaming.

"But I'm pregnant! This is your child... Jinzhi..." Bai Xinlu hugged him tightly and refused to let go, tears fell like she wanted money.

The entanglement on their side has attracted the attention of many students. Yan Rong looked at Su Jinzhi's extremely pale face, and then at Bai Xinlu, thinking that his deskmate might be in some trouble. Little, especially this kind of woman. She kept saying that she was pregnant, but she was still wearing high-heeled shoes, which made it clear that she wanted to extort money.

After thinking about it, Yan Rong decided to help Su Jinzhi, stepped forward and said, "Song Jinzhi was with me on the night of his birthday, who are you?"

Bai Xinlu didn't expect Cheng Yaojin to come out halfway, she was stunned for half a second and was about to refute, but the man who suddenly approached behind her interrupted her words.

"What's the matter?" Song Mingxuan said slowly, with no emotion in his voice, approaching with inexplicable oppression. He walked to Su Jinzhi's side, pushed away Bai Xinlu's hand holding Su Jinzhi's arm, then smiled, and said word by word: "I am Jinzhi's father, Miss Bai can tell me anything."

Bai Xinlu bit her lower lip. Song Mingxuan's hand holding her was extremely strong, as if she wanted to break her hand. She took two steps back, her breathing was a little short, and she smiled stiffly, her voice weakening. Go down: "It's nothing... Mr. Song misunderstood..."

After saying this, she clutched her handbag and left in a hurry.

Song Mingxuan went to Su Jinzhi's side and hugged him by the shoulders, hugged him comfortingly, then raised his head and said to Yan Rong, "Thank you for helping Jinzhi speak just now, you are Jinzhi's classmates, right?"

"Yes, my name is Lu Yuqi." Lu Yuqi greeted Song Mingxuan obediently, "Hello, Uncle Song."

"Uncle Song, you're welcome. I'm Yan Rong, Song Jinzhi's tablemate." Yan Rong waved his hand, "Uncle Song, that woman doesn't look like a good person at first glance. She was scared away when you came. Did Song Jinzhi meet you? What's the trouble?"

"Yeah, but I will help Jinzhi solve it." Song Mingxuan smiled, looked at their walking together and asked Su Jinzhi, "Did Jinzhi invite his classmates to play at home?"

"No, Dad." Su Jinzhi seriously corrected the mistakes in Song Mingxuan's words: "We want to study together."

Song Mingxuan raised his eyebrows and sighed meaningfully: "Study."

Su Jinzhi nodded.

Song Mingxuan helped him carry the schoolbag: "Okay then, dad will drive you back, okay?"

Yan Rong, a dumbass, would only nod "Okay, okay", Lu Yuqi still politely blushed and thanked: "Thank you, Uncle Song."

Song Mingxuan hadn't paid attention to Lu Yuqi before, but now he saw her secretly looking at his precious little adopted son from time to time, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

Yan Rong and Lu Yuqi were shocked when they saw the Song family mansion. Although Yan Rong always knew that Su Jinzhi's family was rich, he didn't know how shocking it was without seeing it with his own eyes. Lu Yuqi was even more at a loss and followed behind Su Jinzhi cautiously. As I walked, I was afraid that I might break something.

Before Song Yingchu came back from the company, Hui Ma and Jin Ruyue were both at home, and they came out to greet guests warmly.

After Song Mingxuan brought them to the living room, he didn't care about Yan Rong and Lu Yuqi any more, but pulled Su Jinzhi to sit on the sofa aside, took out the textbooks and pens in his schoolbag and spread them out in person: "Jinzhi wants You can study with your classmates, right here, and Dad can still give you guidance."

"Go to me—" Su Jinzhi just started to say that he should go to his room to write, but Song Mingxuan looked over with a smile, and he immediately fell silent, thinking what the hell this bad thing was going to do.

But Song Mingxuan didn't do anything, he even took over Hui's mother's work, serving them strawberry cakes on a tray, looking like a good father.

Su Jinzhi watched Yan Rong and Lu Yuqi eating strawberry cake in horror, but he didn't dare to take a bite.

Song Mingxuan asked him: "Why don't you eat it? Doesn't Jinzhi like strawberry cake the most?"

Yan Rong laughed at him, and whispered to Lu Yuqi: "Did you hear that? Song Jinzhi actually likes strawberry cake."

Lu Yuqi was speechless: "Aren't you eating too?"

Yan Rong said again: "You don't understand, I'm all because of Uncle Song, it's hard to be kind but you know..."

Before Su Jinzhi could answer Song Mingxuan's question, his cell phone rang. Song Mingxuan answered the call and kissed his forehead: "Father has something to do, I need to go out for a while, Jinzhi will study at home obediently?"

After being kissed by Song Mingxuan, Su Jinzhi blushed a little. He glanced at Yan Rong and Lu Yuqi, and found that they were not looking at him and Song Mingxuan, then nodded quickly: "Understood, Dad."

Song Mingxuan smiled and patted his head again: "You are so good, Dad loves you."

After Bai Xinlu left the school gate, she hurried to her rented house, intending to quickly pack her things and leave the city, but she was stopped by several people when she walked halfway. Her legs gave way and she almost fell onto the street. She was terrified He stepped back, but bumped into an obstacle again.

Blindfolded by the group of people, she was taken into the car, and when she could see things again, she saw Song Mingxuan sitting on a dark brown leather sofa not far from her.

Song Mingxuan still had the same smiling face, with a cigarette between his ten and middle fingers. He took a puff and exhaled the choking smoke. His dark gray eyes looked at her through the hazy smoke, but his eyes were full of indifference, and his voice was calm. , but no one will feel that he is in a good mood now.

He asked her: "Isn't three million enough to seal your mouth?"

Bai Xinlu trembled all over, she moved her lips: "Song, Mr. Song..."

The man put out the cigarette, and then spoke in a softer voice: "Jinzhi is very good, I love him very much. I have never scolded him once when he grows up. He is not in good health either, and he was still a few days ago. I took care of him when he was sick, and it broke my heart to see him lying quietly on the bed."

"Mr. Song!" Bai Xinlu finally cried and screamed. She knelt on the ground and trembled. She crawled forward a few steps and wanted to hug Song Mingxuan's leg, but was tightly clamped by the people behind her. "I was wrong." Mr. Song, I'm leaving right away! Please let me go..."

"In the few days when he received your text message, he couldn't eat or sleep well, and he lost a few pounds within a few days." Song Mingxuan sighed slowly, "I managed to coax him these few days, but you ran out again."

"Are you pregnant?" Song Mingxuan got up from the sofa, walked up to Bai Xinlu, stared at her stomach and asked.

Looking into his eyes, Bai Xinlu felt that he might dig her stomach open in the next moment, she didn't nod her head, she didn't shake her head, she just sat there trembling.

She was indeed pregnant, but the child was not Song Jinzhi's. Song Mingxuan came to her once after she withdrew the three million. She insisted that Song Jinzhi slept with her. Anyway, there was no surveillance in the room, and Song Jinzhi was so drunk that he didn't know what happened that night. Song Mingxuan didn't say anything, but told her to delete those photos, take the money and leave, and she was not allowed to appear in front of Song Jinzhi again.

But she found out that she was pregnant, and she didn't know who the father of the child was. She originally planned to blackmail Song Jinzhi for five million yuan, but who knew he only gave her three million yuan. She thought about going to Song Jinzhi again and asking him to give her some more money to have an abortion. She just wanted money...

Song Mingxuan smiled again, with an extremely gentle voice: "Is this child Jinzhi's?"

How dare Bai Xinlu hide it from him now, she cried and said, "No! It's not his..."

"How do you know it's not Jinzhi's? Didn't you sleep together that night?" Song Mingxuan walked around her twice, then squatted down in front of her, and grabbed her hair.

Bai Xinlu screamed, but quickly closed her mouth tightly, biting her lower lip and weeping.

The man's dark gray eyes looked extremely dark under the dim light in the room, and the pupils were as small as needles, as if they could penetrate straight into the depths of people's hearts, like roaring beasts crushing everything into ruins.

He raised his other hand to pinch her neck, his nails sank into the thin white neck, Bai Xinlu's eyes widened, and he let out a suffocating sound of "ho ho" from his throat, struggling desperately, but the grip behind her Her avatar seemed to think she was noisy, so she directly pulled off her wrist socket. Bai Xinlu burst into tears in pain, but what made her more terrified than the feeling of dying was that she found Song Mingxuan's mouth was moving—softly, making a tiny noise. sound.

7, 8, 9...

He was counting, counting the time, to prevent her from passing out, and not to make her too comfortable.

When blurred black spots began to appear in front of Bai Xinlu's eyes, she felt that Song Mingxuan let go of her hand. She lay on the ground, clutching her wrist, howling and coughing, and greedily inhaled the air into her lungs. He opened his mouth to speak, but he licked that salty and sticky taste.

"My Jinzhi is cute, isn't it?" Song Mingxuan's voice sounded in the quiet room, Bai Xinlu stifled a cry of pain, her eyes widened in horror, she heard the thumping heartbeat in her chest and the rush like a fan With the sound of breathing, she felt Song Mingxuan gradually approaching her, and the deep voice was full of jealousy and hatred, "He is mine, how dare you touch him?"

"No...no!" Bai Xinlu cried, "I didn't touch him... Mr. Song, I was wrong... Please let me go..."

"No?" Song Mingxuan sat back on the sofa, with his hands on his chin, looking down at her.

Bai Xinlu nodded repeatedly, not daring to hide anymore, and told all the things she did on Song Jinzhi's birthday.

After Song Mingxuan finished listening, he raised his eyebrows, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "So, you were lying to me before?"

Bai Xinlu lay on the ground shaking, not daring to say a word, how did she know that Song Jinzhi's father was so perverted and had such a strong possessive desire for her son, if she had known this, she should have gotten the three million go away when

Song Mingxuan looked at her and smiled lightly, and told the person standing beside him: "Take her down."

Su Jinzhi stayed in the Song family mansion for a long time following Yan Rong and Lu Yuqi's pretentious sketching in the textbook. When he was copying the homework with the test paper written by Yan Rong, No. 1 suddenly told him: "Bai Xinlu's progress is full."

Su Jin was stunned, and immediately glanced at the numerical panel, and found that Bai Xinlu's progress value had indeed reached 100/100. He was a little puzzled: "But I didn't do anything, why is her progress value full?"

Number one said: "The task is done."

Su Jinzhi also thought about it: "Maybe she experienced despair, realized the true meaning of life, and began to love life after being enlightened."

No. 1 said: "Maybe, maybe you two will have the opportunity to discuss Buddhist scriptures together in the future."

Su Jinzhi: "..."

Su Jinzhi dutifully copied the test paper, and Song Mingxuan finally came back halfway through the copy. With a smile on his face, he gave Su Jinzhi a big hug as soon as he entered the door, looking in a good mood.

He looked at the test paper Su Jinzhi spread out on the table, and at the test paper written by Yan Rong who was pressed underneath, and suddenly stretched out a finger, pointed to a multiple-choice question on it and said: "You wrote this question wrong, you should choose it." C."

Su Jinzhi immediately crossed out and changed the option.

Song Mingxuan smiled and stroked his hair again, then turned to look at Yan Rong and Lu Yuqi and asked them if they wanted juice.

Yan Rong watched in horror as Song Mingxuan went to the kitchen, moved his buttocks and sat next to Su Jinzhi, took back his test paper to change the option for that question, shook his head and exclaimed: "God Song Jinzhi, your father really spoils you."

Su Jinzhi took the orange flesh that Song Mingxuan had just peeled and stuffed into his hand, chewed and swallowed it, and asked Yan Rong, "Why do you say that?"

Yan Rong pointed to his test paper and said, "If my father sees me taking my classmates home to copy homework, he will definitely break my leg!"

Su Jinzhi didn't care: "What is this, my father will help me with my homework."

Yan Rong didn't believe it, thinking that Su Jinzhi must be bragging.

Before leaving, Yan Rong and Lu Yuqi brought a large box of snacks that Song Mingxuan gave them both. Song Mingxuan also asked about their birthdays and said that they would buy gifts for them on their birthdays, thanking them for being Jinzhi's friends and helping them He learns so.

Yan Rong sighed, "Papa Song is really a good person."

Lu Yuqi hugged the snack box, a little silent.

Yan Rong glanced at her and asked her: "What, are you unhappy? I see you have been silent all the time."

"I..." Lu Yuqi opened her mouth, but finally shook her head, "It's nothing."

Maybe that's just her illusion, she always felt that Song Jinzhi's father looked at her strangely, coldly, without warmth, and even with... jealousy.

She must have read it wrong, it must be her illusion.

Su Jinzhi was standing at the door waving his hands to send his two little friends away, when he suddenly felt a warm feeling approaching on his back, the next moment, his body backed away uncontrollably, and was strangled by Song Mingxuan arms.

Su Jinzhi was surprised: "Father!"

This was outside, Yan Rong and the others hadn't gone far yet, Hui Ma and Jin Ruyue didn't know when they would appear, why did Song Mingxuan embrace them.

But Song Mingxuan turned a deaf ear to his words, and buried his head in his neck, rubbing the delicate skin of his neck with his straight nose, feeling the warm and delicate feeling, then opened his mouth and licked it lightly, He sucked and gnawed on a small piece of skin, and after a while, a red mark appeared.

"The little girl has gone away, and Jin Zhi is still staring at her?" Song Mingxuan's lips moved up along the base of his ears, and his fiery breath could be heard clearly. Su Jinzhi's legs were a little weak from being lifted by him, and he suddenly heard him ask He was startled again after saying such a sentence, "Reluctant to let her go?"

"Ah?" Su Jinzhi replied in a daze.

Song Mingxuan looked at him so stupidly, pinched his chin and took a small bite on his lip, and finally commented: "Orange flavor."

This old rascal is getting more and more dishonest! Su Jinzhi's ears were red, he raised his hand and grabbed Song Mingxuan's arms around his waist, trying to run into the house. Unexpectedly, Song Mingxuan was too strong. Seeing him struggling, he laughed twice, put his arms around his waist and lifted him up, lifting him on his shoulders.

His gaze changed suddenly, and when the dizziness dissipated, Su Jinzhi found that Song Mingxuan was actually carrying him upstairs. When Song Mingxuan hugged him from behind just now, Su Jinzhi felt his faint desire, and now he was carrying him again. Watching him go upstairs, he can think of anything he wants to do with his feet!

Su Jinzhi tugged at the old hooligan's hair: "Song Mingxuan, what do you want to do?"

Song Mingxuan pushed open the door of the study with his body, threw him on the couch in the study, took off his suit jacket, pulled his tie with one hand, and leaned down to kiss him with his head on his other hand: "Dad taught you to write Homework."


Although he doesn't study well, he still knows the correct posture for homework, okay

Su Jinzhi was a little out of breath by Song Mingxuan's fierce kiss. He raised his chin to avoid his lips and tongue and breathed. The moment their lips parted, some transparent liquid was torn off. Song Mingxuan licked up the liquid with a low smile, and followed him Kiss down the neck.

"Father..." Su Jinzhi trembled slightly under Song Mingxuan's kiss, and his voice was wet with lust.

Song Mingxuan heard the sound of his little adopted son moaning softly under him, and his panting became heavier. He took off the last shirt on his body, revealing his strong upper body, his strong muscles were tensed under the urging of desire, Protruding out smooth and extremely sexy lines, he bent down and suppressed the slightly struggling young man, bumped into him with his already erect mouth, and said with a light smile: "Dad taught you, remember?"

Song Yingchu returned to the Song family's mansion in the evening. Today, he stayed at the Song mansion for a fixed meal, but when he got home, he found that Hui's mother had only started cooking.

"Why aren't you ready for dinner?" Jin Ruyue was hanging up Song Yingchu's coat. Song Yingchu looked around the hall and found that Song Mingxuan and Su Jinzhi were not there, so he asked, "Where are father and Jinzhi?"

Jin Ruyue replied: "Uncle said that we can have dinner later today, and he is teaching Jinzhi to do his homework upstairs."

Hearing her words, Song Yingchu suddenly stopped changing his shoes, he was silent for a while, and then immediately walked upstairs.

Jin Ruyue called him downstairs: "Ying Chu, where are you going?"

"I'll go back to my room to take a shower." Song Yingchu replied, but he didn't go back to the bedroom directly, but turned around and walked towards Song Mingxuan's study in the opposite direction.

==== Here is a unicycle with hundreds of words =====

There was a roar in his head, and Song Yingchu only felt that the rational building formed by the thoughts in his mind collapsed into ruins at that moment, drowning all his senses and sanity.