Undying Patient

Chapter 48: The Earl's valet 2


No. 1 quickly gave him the answer: "It's the virgin blood of a fallen nobleman."

Su Jinzhi thought about the words in his mind for a while, then slowly opened his eyes, looked at Levis' emerald green eyes and raised the corners of his lips, shaking the wine glass and said: "mellow and refreshing, delicate and elegant, just like Chardonnay Tight and refreshing, it's really a rare virgin blood. Reeves, where did you find such a baby?"

Reeves listened to him accurately tell the origin of the wine, and the obsession in his eyes became more intense. He lowered his eyes slightly, and replied with a smile: "The Llewellyn family in Novi City has fallen, and it has been reduced to selling their own daughter. To the point of the auction house. Although the people in their family are vulgar, but Miss Mary Jane is a rare pure and lovely, I bought her—in order to present more delicious nectar to Mrs. Josh."

Su Jinzhi also smiled: "You didn't kill her?"

"No, Master Josh." Reeves replied, "The blood of the noble ladies is not easy to get, and the adults don't like the blood of those who lost their virginity and lewd girls. I arranged a comfortable house for her in the castle. With delicious food provided every day, I believe she will always maintain a good mood to provide blood to you, my lord."

Mary Jane is an aristocratic lady. She grew up surrounded by money, power and wealth, so her blood carries the unique elegance and delicacy of aristocrats. Reeves bought her before she was auctioned off as a slave, brought her back to Black Swan Castle and continued to feed her with gorgeous dresses and jewelry, exquisite food and rum, just to keep the taste of her blood.

Su Jinzhi said ignorantly, "I really hope so."

"It will, Lord Josh."

Su Jin asked No. 1: "No. 1, when will No. 0 come back? I'm waiting for its seasoning packet benefits. The taste of this blood is really terrible." Is it someone's blood? But he felt that the cup he drank in the morning was no different from the Mary Jane's blood he drank now.

"It should be soon." Number One said, "He told me a few hours ago that there was a traffic jam on the road and he would be back late."

"Traffic jam?"

Su Jinzhi was very surprised. Could it be that the electronic communication lines of AIs still have traffic jams? But No. 1 didn't give him any further explanation.

However, Su Jinzhi soon realized that the current No. 1 and No. 0 already had entities, and maybe they ran out to play.

It's really enviable.

At dusk, the blizzard that had been whistling all day stopped, revealing the original color of the sky.

Su Jinzhi glanced out of the window, half of the sky was occupied by the melting sunset, and the other half was gradually spreading out the mysterious night inlaid with stars. Dawn left.

It is also only at this moment that Earl Josh Hillier can stand in front of the rose window and take a look at the sun that he will never be able to touch.

"Reeves, have you ever heard of a flower called 'sunflower'?" Su Jinzhi looked back at the setting sun and said to Reeves beside him, "That kind of flower will always follow the sun's rays, from From sunrise to sunset, the flower disc always faces the radiant sun.”

Reeves leaned slightly to show respect, and shook his head after listening to what Su Jinzhi said: "I have never heard of this kind of flower, but it is really a desirable flower."

"Ah, that's really a pity." Su Jinzhi sighed and walked towards the collection room.

He died too early before returning the file, and he hasn't been to the collection room yet. Josh Hillier’s collection room has a lot of blood and treasures from the original body. Mary Jane’s blood is so sweet, of course he won’t miss it. Reeves packed a bottle early and followed him Behind him, after entering the collection room, the body of the bottle was slightly tilted, and he put it on the upper left corner of the closet, and hung down a hanging tag made of sterling silver, which said [Mary Jane].

"Mary Jane's blood is really good." Su Jinzhi praised, and then raised his hand obsessively caressing another more ornately decorated wine bottle beside him like touching a lover, "But I love Emily more."

"Her blood is like late-picked noble rot Chenin Blanc, with a light, tender and sweet honey aroma, elegant and long-lasting, and endless aftertaste." Su Jinzhi pretended to be coercive without blushing, while taking the bottle of wine He hugged her with a frown and a sad face, rubbing his face against the bottle, "It's a pity that she only has this bottle left."

"Beautiful dresses can't keep her, and exquisite jewelry can't keep her. She only loves the blue sky and warm sunshine outside the Leeds Mountains. I want to keep her in Black Swan Castle forever, but now, she is about to disappear gone."

"It makes me sad..." Su Jinzhi finally sighed.

Reeves has been by Josh Hillier's side for a while, of course he knows how much Su Jinzhi is obsessed with Emily, so he comforted him: "Don't be sad my master, you will meet more sweet and beautiful nectar .”

Su Jinzhi nodded, put "Emily" back on the shelf, and turned to leave the collection room.

Reeves suddenly called him: "Master Josh, aren't you going to see 'Wind' today?"


Who is this

Su Jinzhi paused. He searched Josh Hillier's memory, but couldn't find any memory about this "wind", but he was not stupid enough to ask Reeves directly. He didn't want to be caught again The holy sword stabbed once, so he said: "The sun has not completely set, but the snowstorm has stopped. I believe the moon must be beautiful tonight. I will come to see him again when the moon rises."

Reeves said respectfully: "Everything is up to you."

On the way back to the bedroom, Su Jinzhi talked to No. 1: "How was my performance just now? Can I get full marks?"

Number one said: "If you had done this earlier, you wouldn't have to go back and start over."

"Isn't that because I haven't adjusted my emotions well..." Su Jinzhi murmured softly.

Song Mingxuan died in front of him, so when he first came to this world, he was very depressed and showed a lot of lies for no reason. It's no wonder that Josh Hillier's character set collapsed and Reeves stabbed him to death.

"By the way, who is that 'wind'? I read Josh Hillier's memory again, and there is nothing about this person."

Number one said: "You have him in your memory, but you forgot."

Su Jinzhi thought about it again, and said, "No, I really can't remember, what if Reeves asks him?"

"There must be, you will remember." No. 1 paused, "Also, only you can see what was painted in that painting."

Su Jinzhi returned to the bedroom, and was casually flipping through books wrapped in a blanket on the soft sofa in front of the fireplace.

It was very quiet in the house.

No. 1 is off work, no one can talk to him, he is the only one in the big room and the beeping sound of the red coals and firewood burning in the fireplace, obviously the fire is very strong, but he needs to wrap up tightly Thick blankets can surround you with warmth.

It is impossible to sleep at such a night with strong flames but still cold, even if I lie on the bed, I can only toss and turn, unable to sleep all night.

Josh Hillier likes the feeling of being wrapped in warm blood. He once drained a whole pool of human blood and then jumped into the bath. These bright red memories reappeared in Su Jinzhi's mind, intersecting with his memories. Intertwined with each other, and finally stayed at the scene where Song Mingxuan shot himself in the previous world.

Su Jinzhi's fingers trembled, and he accidentally tore a corner of the page in his hand.

His throat slid up and down, and he turned his head to look out the window—without the cover of the blizzard, the stars on the Leeds Mountains were dense and brilliant, and the soft light of the moon was still clear and bright even in the cold winter night, just like the one where Song Mingxuan died one night.

Sadness is like a robin, its wings are folded and it stays motionless on his heart, singing beautifully.

Su Jinzhi raised his hand to cover his eyes and fell back, letting his exhaustion and sadness bury him.

Reeves knocked on the door lightly, reminding him: "Master Josh, the moon has risen."

Su Jinzhi gathered the book and put it gently on the table. Reeves followed behind him, passing through the wall cabinet full of blood wine and all kinds of bright and precious gem treasures, and finally stayed in the deepest part of the collection room.

There is a painting hanging there. The background of the painting is a sea of sunflowers and the vast starry sky. The owner of the painting is a person Su Jinzhi is very familiar with. He is wearing a black dress and standing in front of the sea of flowers. That impeccable face was so perfect that it looked like God's most satisfying creation. The dark gray pupils looked a little dark under the dim light, like a boundless night, but contained an indelible affection.

Su Jinzhi stared at him blankly, raised his hand to gently caress the corner of his slightly raised lips, then slid across his left chest wrapped around his heart, and finally settled on the black wine bottle placed in the black velvet cushion in front of the painting.

The hanging tag of the black wine bottle neck pendant is golden, just like those golden and beautiful sunflowers, reflecting the warm light under the candlelight. There is a small word [wind] engraved on the tag. Unlike other wine bottles in his collection, this bottle is empty.

"Master Josh, you are crying again." Reeves sighed softly, "'Wind' is indeed your most cherished nectar. I am really curious about the taste of 'him'."

"No, is he nectar?" Su Jinzhi turned around holding the wine bottle, his blue eyes, which were as bright as stars, became even more dazzling after being soaked with tears, he lowered his eyelashes, stared at the black wine bottle in his hand, and opened his mouth involuntarily , as if he had really tasted this bottle of blood, "He is like brandy without water, very spicy, and can choke people to tears."

Su Jinzhi looked up at the person in the painting, smiled and said—

"But I love him very much."

Neither Su Jinzhi nor No. 1 mentioned "wind" again, as if this had become a tacit understanding between them.

Su Jinzhi stubbornly believed that the one who drew the picture was Song Mingxuan. After all, except for the black dress, there was no difference between him and Song Mingxuan. He thought that this might be because No. 1 was making up for his previous world. He, everyone couldn't see what was painted in that painting? So every night after get off work on the 1st, when the moon rises, Su Jinzhi goes to the collection room to look at the painting, without interruption.

He continued to spend more time looking at the paintings, and he didn't think about doing tasks. Su Jinzhi thought that he might be afraid of those rescue targets, especially the one who looked exactly like Song Mingxuan, the general rescue target from this world.

After all, no matter how similar he looks, he is not Song Mingxuan.

Su Jinzhi thinks so.

He is like a coward, a soldier who flees on the battlefield, without the courage to look at that living face again.

Half a month later, the blizzard swept across the Leeds Mountains again, and Black Swan Castle still stood firmly on the top of the mountain, like a black ancient sculpture. A sheepskin invitation letter—inviting Earl Josh Hillier to the Royal Capital to attend the Novi Kingdom's New Year's Banquet.

This New Year's banquet was a must for every noble with a title. Its function was to report to the emperor the harvest of the fief in the past year, and pay taxes and pay tribute to some treasures. Josh Hillier is the richest of all earls, not even the prince and the duke can compare with him, and his wealth which is rumored to be comparable to the dragon makes everyone coveted.

Some viscounts and earls even wanted to marry their daughters to Josh Hillier regardless of Josh Hillier's bloodthirsty reputation, so as to share part of his property. Fortunately, Josh Hillier has always rejected their offers Marriage request.

So no matter how healthy Josh Hillier is, the emperor will not let go of this opportunity to hit him hard, and he will not let him go.

And not only had to go, but also had to prepare a generous gift.

Josh Hillier has a reputation for viciousness, and there are as many people who hate him as there are wool on sheep. Even if they are plucked this year, more and denser ones will come out next year. Those people did not miss the accusation against him in front of the emperor, but the emperor always turned a blind eye to his behavior for three reasons.

One is because of the huge amount of wealth that Josh Hillier handed over every year, which is almost equal to all the financial revenue of the Novi Kingdom for half a year; the other is because he has indeed been living in the Leeds Mountains, and even the emperor asked him to come to the imperial capital He was only willing to come if he was ordered repeatedly; and thirdly, it was because he was beautiful.

People in the mainland gave Josh Hillier a nickname - "Earl Goblin".

He is described as like those goblins. Although he has a beautiful appearance, he is cold-blooded and cruel inside. Josh Hillier is sometimes even more terrifying than those goblins. After all, no matter how bloody they are, they will never be like Josh Hillier. Hillier also put a pool of human blood in the bath.

Beautiful people can always get some preferential treatment. Every time Emperor Novi looked at Josh Hillier's exquisite face, he didn't feel very good about scolding him.

He knew that the blizzard in the Leeds Mountains had been blowing more fiercely recently, so he specifically told Su Jin to be careful on the road in the letter.

On the day of departure, Su Jinzhi got up very early, and Reeves was waiting outside the door very early. As soon as the silver bell rang, he led the maids into Su Jinzhi's bedroom to help him change his clothes.

The dress that Reeves prepared for him was white gold. Josh Hillier hadn’t seen the sun all year round, and his skin was almost paler than snow. Coupled with his dazzling blond hair and sapphire-like eyes, he looked like As holy and refined as an angel—this is a great irony with his bloody and cruel interior. Su Jinzhi can imagine that people who went to the Queen's Temple in the imperial capital saw his ashen face when he was dressed.

Reeves finally pinned an emerald brooch for him in front of the complicated silk collar. Seeing that his beloved Earl did not refuse, the smile on Reeves' face deepened.

However, Su Jinzhi completely ignored him and was talking to Number Zero who had just returned.

"Baby zero, you're finally back!" Su Jinzhi was very happy, "Did you bring my seasoning package benefits?"

No. Zero said: "No. Zero is back, Mr. Host! Your seasoning pack welfare No.00 has been applied for you. It has taken effect. You can taste different flavors of blood later, Mr. Host."

Su Jinzhi was so moved that he was about to cry, he was finally able to taste the difference between Mary Jane and Emily.

Putting on the gloves for Su Jinzhi, Reeves knelt down in front of Su Jin and put on the snow-white leather shoes for him, and asked, "Lord Josh, do you need to bring Miss Mary Jane with you? This way you can work hard in the distant On the way, you can also receive sweet nectar every day.”

Su Jinzhi put his hands on his lap, and thought for a while when he heard what Reeves said, and was about to say yes, when he suddenly interrupted on the 1st: "Reject him."

"Why?" Su Jinyi was stunned and asked back.

Number One said: "Because your overall goal of saving is in the slave market, you have to buy him back."

Su Jinzhi kept silent and said nothing.

One said again: "You will not try to defy my fate again."

Zero also persuaded him in a worried tone: "Master Host..."

"No need." Su Jinzhi was expressionless, and coldly rejected Reeves, "After arriving in the imperial capital, I will go to the slave market and buy some slaves to bring back."

Reeves frowned slightly, and looked up at him: "But the blood of those lowly slaves tastes bad, like the worst expired wine—"

Su Jinzhi counted the time. He had never hit Reeves since that day in this world, and the original body hit him basically once every three weeks. It seemed that it was time to slap him.

So before Reeves finished speaking, Su Jinzhi took off the white glove on his right hand and slapped him.

Crisp applause sounded in the room, suppressing the already quiet air to a standstill. The other servants serving Su Jinzhi lowered their heads and held their breath, for fear that the Earl's anger would spread to them. They were not as capable as Mr. Reeves. , to be able to make the Earl forgive them.

Su Jinzhi looked at Reeves coldly, and said to those gray eyes: "Reeves, did I spoil you so much that you forgot your identity? You are just a Servant, what right do you have to question my decision?"

Before Reeves came to Black Swan Castle, he was a paladin who practiced magic and martial arts in the temple. Josh Hillier's slap was neither itchy nor painful to him, and he didn't even leave a red mark. It may be his self-esteem.

But in front of Josh Hillier, Reeves has never had "self-esteem" at all, and he doesn't care about such things.

Reeves looked at Su Jinzhi's eyes and slowly raised the corners of his lips, leaned over and kissed his clean white shoes almost humbly, and apologized: "Reeves is wrong, please Mr. Josh You can forgive my ignorance."

Su Jinzhi handed his right hand in front of him and said, "Put the gloves on for me."

Reeves quickly took the gloves and put them back on for him.

So the servants saw that the Earl, who was still in great anger just now, suddenly laughed, and stroked Mr. Reeves' head like a dog's head, and said: "My dear Reeves, you are really my most loyal servant."

And their Mr. Reeves didn't feel the slightest, still with a smile on his face, he bowed his head and said: "Thank you for your compliment, it is my honor to be by your side, Master Josh."

After Su Jin got on the carriage, He No. 1 concluded: "This Reeves is a little abnormal, is he sick?"

No. 1 told him: "Be careful, he kills very quickly."

Zero also answered: "Yes, Master Host, you have to be careful."

Su Jinzhi, who had already been stabbed to death once: "..."

The luxurious carriage drove across the barren mountainsides of the Leeds Mountains, making long ruts through fir forests and dark green oaks. The further you go to Huangdu, the warmer the weather will be. When you reach a place with bushes, you can hear the singing of blue jays on a clear morning.

The carriage they were riding in was enchanted with wind magic, so it only took seven days for the emperor of Black Swan Castle.

Su Jinzhi did not agree to take Mary Jane with him, so Reeves could only prepare many flavors of blood wine for him. The shelf of the carriage where he was sitting was filled with dark brown wine bottles, and their names were marked on the hanging tags: [Delia], [Audrey], [Lucia]... Su Jinzhi felt a little headache just looking at them.

Fortunately, the seasoning package welfare that No. 0 gave him was not covered, the blood did not have the rust-like smell and salty taste, and turned into drinks and wines of different flavors in his mouth.

For example, the taste of [Delia] is similar to that of Mary Jane, but it is more complex and gorgeous, full-bodied and sweet, because she is not a virgin, but a pampered mistress of a nobleman; [Audrey] is full of vitality, rich [Lucia] is like a mint-flavored liqueur, refreshing and clean, but when you taste it carefully, you can taste a thick oak aroma, she is A hardworking farm girl...

Su Jinzhi felt that he liked [Delia] the most among the three, and couldn't help drinking it again and again.

With the help of the seasoning package benefits, Su Jinzhi no longer resists drinking blood wine, but he still feels a little guilty for drinking these are human blood, so he asked Baby Zero: "Honey, these are human blood... Is it not very good?"

Zero thought for a while and said, "But you didn't kill them, Master Host. Besides, if you don't drink the blood, you will die."

Su Jinzhi felt the same, some things could not be changed if he wanted to, such as his death.

"I should enjoy my current life with peace of mind." Su Jinzhi took another sip of [Delia], "It won't be so fun to start doing tasks in the imperial capital."

"Speaking of missions, what exactly is my mission in this world? Why can't I see it now?" Su Jinzhi asked Number Zero. Unlike the previous worlds, he couldn't see what his mission was in this world. What, there are several rescue goals.

"Hmm... well..." Number Zero hesitated, but refused to answer his question directly, "Master Host, you can see it after you see the general goal of saving!"

Su Jinzhi suddenly felt an ominous premonition.