Undying Patient

Chapter 49: Earl's valet 3


This ominous premonition soon came true, because at this moment the carriage suddenly stopped. Su Jinzhi accidentally rushed forward, his upper lip hit the rim of the crystal cup fiercely, and his teeth dug into the soft lip flesh. The warm bright red paused for a moment, and rushed out along the wound, the pain His tears flowed down all at once.

The long neighing of horses came from outside the car, and some people were talking in it.

"Lord Josh." Reeves opened the curtain of the car, and was taken aback when he saw the boy covering his mouth with red eyes.

Su Jinzhi put down his hand covering his mouth, got up from the soft chair and approached Reeves, hissed and took out the white handkerchief he stuffed in his left front pocket to wipe the blood from the corner of his lips, and asked coldly, "Why did the carriage stop suddenly?"

"It's from the temple, Lord Josh." Reeves stood respectfully by the door with his head down: "I heard that they were chasing and killing a blood race, but the silver bullet they fired killed one of our horses." horse."

"Ha, blood race?" The boy raised his slender chin, his beautiful eyes narrowed angrily, "Did they kill that blood race?"

"… not at all."

Su Jinzhi raised his voice: "So they made such a big noise, killed a horse and injured me, but let the blood race run away?"

Reeves raised his head suddenly and looked at him worriedly: "Master Josh, are you injured?"

Su Jinzhi threw the veil hard on Reeves' face: "Look, this is what they did!"

"Master Josh—"

"Shut up!" the boy snapped, "You used to be with them, now I get angry when I see you!"

"They did it on purpose!" The blond boy heaved his chest quickly, obviously very angry, "The people in the temple are like dirty spiders in the corner, they are sticky and disgusting, they spin their webs to fight against me!"

The boy leaned on the armrest of the soft chair and got up and wanted to get out of the car. Reeves quickly motioned to the servants to spread the carpet on the ground, and at the same time opened the big umbrella for him, but the boy pushed him away and stretched out his hand to call the other A footman held an umbrella for him.

Reeves stood by the carriage, watched the boy walk a few steps away and then bent down to pick up the handkerchief that fell on the ground and was stained with the blood of his dear Lord Josh. He patted off the non-existent dust on the veil, and then solemnly put it away, but instead of putting it back into the left front pocket, he put it in the inner pocket of his clothes.

He smiled and ran to the young man quickly, using his tall body to block part of the light from the scorching sun in the east, and reminded the young man with concern: "Master Josh, the sun is too big today, you will feel uncomfortable if you walk too fast. "

The boy snorted, but didn't make a sound to drive him away.

The attendants of the temple wore uniform white robes, with golden magic lines embroidered on the sleeve corners and neckline, holding holy water neatly behind the saints. The leading saint wore a crimson priest robe, Holding a Bible in their hands, the paladins who protected them had silver armor and rode mighty white horses with golden beards, with only a pair of cold eyes exposed outside the helmet. Hillier's many entourages and mighty bodyguards are so weak.

Su Jinzhi glanced at them, and all of them were reflected in his blue eyes. The temple dispatched so many people just to arrest a blood clan, but they still couldn't catch them. It can be seen that that blood clan is by no means ordinary.

Seeing Su Jinzhi approaching, the saint kept the same smile on his face, put one hand on his left chest and bowed halfway to Su Jinzhi: "Honorable Earl Hillier, I'm sorry we interrupted your journey."

"Oh, do you think it's okay if you apologize?" Su Jinzhi smiled coldly, and said arrogantly to the saint in the most annoying tone, "My horse is dead!"

That is to say, Josh Hillier has a noble status. If this is an ordinary aristocratic dandy, he really wouldn’t dare to provoke people in the temple. After all, the Norvi Kingdom where Josh Hillier is located is the largest country of the human race, but the mainland There are many other countries, and the influence of the Pope of the Temple spreads all over the continent.

So in the face of Josh Hillier's provocation, Saint Mond sighed helplessly and softened his voice: "Then Earl Hillier, how do we apologize to get your forgiveness?"

Su Jinshang took a few steps forward, approached Mond staring at his face, and suddenly broke into a smile: "I'm tired of drinking the blood of the temple attendant, and I've tasted the blood of the paladin, but... serving the pope I haven't tasted the saint around me yet."

The boy's whole body was hidden under the shadow of the umbrella, but the blond hair shone like the brightest sunshine, and the pair of sapphire-like eyes were embedded in the corners of his smiling eyes, like the grace of God, Even giving people the illusion of shimmering, his exquisite face is even more beautiful than the elves in the Elune Forest, even Mond with a firm mind was stunned for a moment when he saw his smile.

However, at this moment, a waiter behind him suddenly stepped forward and sprinkled the holy water in the golden cup on the young man: "You devil!"

Reeves, who had been standing silently behind Su Jinzhi, immediately took a step forward when he saw this, stretched out his palm and recited the wind magic spell silently, blocked the holy water, and refilled it into the golden holy grail without leaking.

"Master Mond." Reeves greeted Mond with a slight smile, "Your waiter doesn't seem to understand etiquette."

The waiter has been stopped, but he is still yelling: "Reeves Carlo! You traitor to the temple! You actually help a demon! He is a man-eating devil, you are crazy ?!"

"Ah, so it's Reeves." Mond pretended to sigh, "Your magic is still so good, it's really enviable."

"Thank you for your praise. Everything is to protect my beloved Lord Josh." Reeves stood back behind Su Jin, his handsome face bathed in the sun, and the master and servant seemed to be shining brightly, but All those present knew their bloody and brutal nature.

"How is it?" The boy interrupted the two of them impatiently, "Have you considered it?"

"Of course." Mond smiled, beckoned someone to bring the Holy Grail and dagger, and rolled up his sleeves without hesitation to bleed blood from his wrist.

Seeing this, the other waiters couldn't help but exclaimed, trying to persuade him to change his mind: "Master Mond!"

But Mond waved his hand to signal them to stop. After filling the Holy Grail with blood, Mond cast a healing spell on himself. After the cut on his wrist healed, he held the Holy Grail in front of Su Jinzhi and smiled: "Mond is willing to do anything as long as he can get Lord Hillier's forgiveness."

Su Jinzhi: "..." He was really just talking casually.

Reeves reached out to take the Holy Grail, Su Jinzhi looked over and said with disgust, "It's also red, I thought the blood of the noble saint would be golden."

Mond smiled: "Golden blood, that's what God has."

"Really?" The young man asked, he stretched out a slender white finger to dip some of the blood of the Holy Grail, and sucked off the red color of his fingertips like tasting some delicious jam, "It is mellow and clean, without any extra aroma, but some Lie, I recognize it, it is the smell of light."

"Did you know, Mond?" The boy smiled presumptuously, "I have tasted this taste on you and the temple attendant, but Reeves' blood does not."

He stared at the saint in red, his voice was like a nightingale singing, clear and pleasant: "His blood is the same as mine, it is tasteless."

Mond watched them turn and leave in silence. The attendant behind him approached him and asked in a low voice, "Master Mond, why did you give him your own blood?"

"My blood has the power of light. If he is really a vampire or a demon, he will definitely suffer backlash." Mond lowered his eyelashes, making it difficult for people to see the emotion in his eyes, "but he is not."

The waiter opened his eyes wide in surprise: "Earl Hillier is really not a blood race?"

Thinking of his angelic face, Mond smiled wryly: "Maybe he is scarier than those devils."

"Lord Josh."

Reeves followed Su Jinzhi, holding the Holy Grail and asked him, "Do you need me to pack this blood for you?"

Su Jinzhi answered him indifferently: "Fall it."

Livingston stopped.

"Their blood is quite clean, but it is as pungent as flames and magma, burning my throat."

The boy stopped and looked back at him with a bright smile on his face: "Or you can drink it if you want."

Reeves looked at him, raised the corners of his lips and drank the blood in the Holy Grail, then threw away the cup and commented: "It's really bad, Mr. Josh, your choice is right."

"You really make me happy, I'm not angry anymore." Su Jinzhi looked at him and sighed, "It's just the waiter who poured holy water on me is annoying, I really want to kill him."

"I will fulfill all Master Josh's wishes." Reeves walked to his side and sighed softly, kneeling half-kneeling to wipe the dust off his feet, "Even though the carpet is laid, your shoes are still stained." Dirty dust on it."

"Can't you wipe it off?"

"Yes." Reeves stood up, with a smile on his handsome face, "I will always be by Master Josh's side."

Earl Josh Hillier's carriage team marched mightily towards the imperial capital. They came from the Leeds Mountains ruled by the blizzard, and it seemed that they also brought the cold breath there. On the day when the convoy entered the city, the originally bustling streets of the imperial capital suddenly became deserted. Every household locked their doors and windows tightly, and even locked their own children tightly to prevent them from going out, for fear that the bloody and cruel fairy Earl would catch them. To bleed, so as to preserve his eternal beauty.

The emperor was a handsome uncle in his forties. He warmly welcomed Su Jinzhi into the palace, but apart from him, even his queen didn't want to get close to Su Jinzhi.

After Su Jinzhi left the tribute prepared for him, he went to Josh Hillier's manor in the imperial capital. Coincidentally, this manor was called "Sangfulo", which was the same as Sang Fuluo of Song Mingxuan in the previous world. The pronunciation of the ranch is almost exactly the same. He will stay here for a whole month, and he will not return to Black Swan Castle until the New Year ceremony is over.

The weather in the imperial capital is different from that in the Leeds Mountains. Although it is winter, the afternoon sun is very bright. But no matter how comfortable and warm it was for a walk in the afternoon, Su Jinzhi could only stay in the well-covered room and warm up with candles.

"The snow here is really gentle."

Su Jinzhi was leaning on the luxurious and soft rocking chair, holding a book of travel books in his hand and reading. Reeves sat on a low stool in front of him, holding his right foot and cutting his nails—in this era without nail clippers, nail trimming is really troublesome.

"Yes, Master Josh." Reeves smiled, holding a small scorpion in his hand and was polishing his manicured nails, "The snow here is falling slowly one by one, so gentle."

"But the people here are nasty."

The boy put down his book, squinted his eyes and complained unhappily: "I heard that people from the temple are also here."

"Does Master Josh hate them?"

"Ha, hate? Do you like people who don't like you?"

Reeves stopped what he was doing, and looked up at the boy's dazzling sapphire eyes. His beautiful blond hair was curled because of his lazy sitting posture, and it hung messily around his ears. His light rose lips The petals are tightly pressed, showing the owner's unhappy heart.

"Maybe it will, Master Josh." Reeves lowered his head, staring at the white instep of his palm and said softly.

The young man glanced at him: "Then you are really pitiful."

"No." Reeves raised the corners of his lips and said with a smile, "I am very happy to be by Mr. Josh's side."

"Really?" The young man responded lightly, he had heard too many flattery words to please him, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

"Has it been trimmed?"

Su Jinzhi got up from the rocking chair, and took a few steps on the felt blanket with his bare feet.

Reeves put the knives into the box one by one in an orderly manner, and replied, "Yes."

"Let's go then, I'm going out."

"Going out? Where is Lord Josh going?"

"Have you forgotten what I told you?" The boy sat back on the rocking chair, raised his foot and kicked his legs, "I'm going to the slave market to buy a slave, hurry up and put on my shoes."

"Master Josh, can't you let the servants go to this kind of thing? The sun outside is so hot, you won't be able to bear it." Reeves sighed softly, and half knelt down to hold the boy's slender ankle In front of me, holding stockings, covering the creamy skin from the ankle to the top of the knee.

The young man supported his chin in boredom, frowned and complained: "But the emperor is very boring. I heard from Reagan that some strong black slaves came to the slave market. I haven't tasted their blood yet. Maybe I can find and The smell of 'wind', like strong brandy, can burn from my throat to my heart... "

Reeves paused, his fingers trembling slightly.

Su Jinzhi didn't notice the abnormality of Reeves. After putting on his shoes, he walked to the tall standing mirror, fixed his messy hair, and took the cane handed over by Reeves: "Let's go, Reeves .”

The slave market is the darkest place in a city. Even in the prosperous and beautiful imperial capital, there are many people who are burdened with crimes gathered here.

There is no human rights in the slave market. Thieves and vagabonds, robbers and bandits, these people who lick their blood on the tip of their knives or live by begging and degrading means live on this dirty street. The former serve as spectators , watching the ugly face of the city, cursing the drunken nobles and rich people in the manor castle; the latter, as merchants, brought innocent and poor bankrupts, fallen or abducted noble descendants, and even beautiful elves Dangerous goblins can become their commodities; and the people in the auction house and slave traders act as intermediaries, with a smile that sells their souls, and exchange these commodities from nobles for yellow gold coins and gems.

On the way, Su Jinzhi asked Number Zero: "Where is the overall goal of salvation? Is it in the slave market?"

Zero said: "Yes, Master Host."

"But there are so many slaves in the slave market, how do I know which one is him?" Su Jinzhi struggled, trying to delay the meeting time, "Why don't you come back when you're leaving? I'll buy it now Nor can he return to Black Swan Castle immediately."

Number Zero also hesitated: "That's right...but I believe you, Master Host, can see him at a glance!"


"Can't find you and buy all the slaves?" No. 1 interrupted him with a sneer, "Josh Hillier has plenty of money, what are you afraid of?"

Su Jinzhi: "..."

Su Jinzhi had nothing to say, shut his mouth and leaned back, his fingers tightly clenched into fists.

"Are you there?" After a short period of time, the carriage stopped, and Su Jinzhi opened his eyes and asked outside the carriage.

It was not Reeves who answered him: "Yes, Earl Hillier, he has arrived at the gate of the auction house."

"The auction house?" Su Jinzhi frowned, opened a small gap in the curtain of the carriage, carefully avoided the sun and looked outside, only to see that the carriage was parked in front of a luxurious auction house. But it is impossible to sell black slaves in this kind of place, they will only sell very precious elves and goblins, besides, No. 0 also made it clear that the general goal of salvation is the slave market.

"The place I'm going to is the slave market, why did you bring me here?" Su Jinzhi scolded the man, "Who are you? Reeves, why isn't he here?"

"Earl Hillier, I'm Adam..." The man was trembling all over, speaking tremblingly, "Mr. Reeves said that he went to buy a new travel book for you..."

"Turn the carriage around!" the boy raised his voice, slapped the armrest of the chair and shouted angrily, "Don't make me repeat it a second time, the place I'm going to is the slave market!"

Adam didn't dare to disobey his order, and hurriedly let the coachman drive towards the chaotic slave market.

The carriage finally stopped at the entrance of the slave market, and the guards quickly blocked a way through the crowd, making it easier for Earl Hillier to travel. Adam remembered what Reeves ordered him to hold an umbrella for the earl, but forgot to lay a carpet for the earl, and recklessly helped the earl get off the carriage, so Su Jin stepped on a small puddle when his foot fell to the ground.

There was a soft "pop", and black water splashed, leaving stains on the toe of Su Jinzhi's snow white leather shoes.

"Damn it!" Adam heard the earl curse in a low voice, and he was so frightened that he was about to cry. He thought the earl would kill him, but he didn't expect the earl to see that he didn't move. He just turned his head and urged him to leave quickly, unless I didn't say anything more.

Adam hurriedly followed, and at the same time complained silently in his heart: next time he will not say anything to replace Mr. Reeves. Earl Hillier is really terrible, and I don’t know how Mr. Reeves survived by his side. so long.

The street leading to the slave market is uneven, full of potholes, full of greasy water and filth, and people don't know where to stop.

However, Su Jinzhi is walking on this dirty and ugly road, but he hopes that it will be long and endless, so that he can go on forever and never see the person who looks exactly like Song Mingxuan.

But this road is very short, and the groom has compressed the distance to the shortest in order to save him from walking, so he walked to the end of the road without any effort.

Those slaves were locked in iron cages one by one, with different skin colors, some were black and white, some were burnt red by the sun, and some were tanned by years of farming. Their skin was as uneven as a street, covered with terrible welts and scars. With scars, black and red stains on his face, his eyes were either empty, surprised, or curiously looking at Su Jinzhi.

Just as No. 0 said, there are hundreds of slaves here, densely crowded, with various eye colors and hair colors intertwined into mottled satin, which can blur anyone's sight, but when one of Su Jin looked up, his gaze was Straight up to one of the slaves.

He saw the person he was most familiar with and missed at a glance.

He has black hair, deep and handsome facial features, fresh scars on his wheat-like skin, blood is still oozing out, the pupil in the center of the gray eyes is as black as a needle, and there is a strange circle of red blood mist around him. His abyss-like pupils kept wandering around, piercing straight into the depths of Su Jinzhi's heart—this face that he had missed for several days and nights, and finally met him again.

Familiar as if they had never been apart.

Su Jinzhi felt that his heart was grabbed by a sharp claw, tearing the delicate flesh and blood, causing great pain in his limbs and bones.

He thought, maybe he really fell in love with Song Mingxuan.

No one has ever been so kind to him, so isn't it a matter of course that he fell in love with him

But he died.

Su Jinzhi warned himself in his heart to know how to be content, at least they spent a good time together, enough for him to miss him in the long river of time.

He glanced at the slave who looked exactly like Song Mingxuan, then looked away, and continued to look at the other slaves pretending not to care, vividly interpreting the image of a buyer picking goods, but his sore and red eyes betrayed he.

"Today's sun is so damn hot!" Su Jinzhi cursed in a low voice while wiping away tears.