Undying Patient

Chapter 52: Earl's valet 6


Anyway, Josh Hillier has a lot of money, plus he has a bad reputation, no one in the entire Black Swan Castle dares to embezzle and bribe, or engage in dirty transactions, but the atmosphere is that some nobles in the city of Binovi The castle is much better.

After Allen stayed, Reeves asked him to go to the slave cellar as a guard. The other black slaves in the slave cellar saw that Allen came back safe and sound, and they became Earl Hillier's men, and there was a lot of discussion. Some were silently thinking about life, and some were clamoring and scolding Allen for serving the devil.

Before Su Jinzhi got close, he could hear the voices of some of the black slaves crazily insulting Allen. Although they spoke a language Su Jinzhi couldn't understand, he could imagine that the words were definitely not civilized.

"Are they scolding you?" Su Jinzhi asked Alan.

Allen answered quickly: "Yes."

"What did they scold you for, why aren't you angry?"

This time Allen didn't answer his question quickly, but hesitated a little, opening and closing his mouth several times but couldn't utter a word.

But No. 1 cleared his confusion for him: "They said that you and Alan had a dirty deal, so Alan was blindfolded by the devil."

Su Jinzhi was furious: "It's too much! I have to punish a few of them today, so let's choose three of them."

So Su Jinzhi didn't continue to walk forward, and went back without even looking at Agri. Reeves was waiting for him in the drawing room, dark and unhappy.

Su Jinzhi wondered why he came back so early, and asked, "Reeves, you came back so quickly, has the matter with the Sorcerer's Stone Mine been resolved?"

"No, Master Josh." Reeves gritted his teeth and answered him, "This time the situation is a bit tricky, maybe we need to go again tomorrow."

No wonder his complexion looked so bad, Su Jinzhi understood.

He took a sip of the black tea that Reeves had brewed, raised his slender chin in the manner of the Earl Tsundere, and looked at Reeves: "It must be resolved tomorrow, I don't want this issue to be dragged on for too long." Long time. Reeves, you are my most trusted servant, I hope you will not disappoint my expectations."

Reeves put his right hand on his heart and bowed to him: "Reeves will definitely live up to Master Josh's expectations."

"I chose three slaves today." Su Jinzhi leaned back on the armchair with the corners of his lips curled up, "When I went, they were scolding Alan. For such an upright person, the taste of blood must not be bad, right? Maybe this You can find 'Wind' once."

Reeves also raised the corners of his lips: "May Master Josh's wish come true as soon as possible."

But the three slaves still looked awe-inspiring in the cellar, and after being brought to Su Jinzhi by the guards, they shrank like quails, trembling all the time, completely different from the scene Su Jinzhi fantasized about preferring death to surrender.

And after he finished talking about the two choices, the three slaves even chose gold, which was not worth seeing at all.

Su Jinzhi sighed and told them to leave blood and leave. And I don't know why, Su Jinzhi looked at the blood left by the three of them this time, and he didn't have any appetite at all. He felt disgusted just looking at it. Now he finally understood why Josh Hillier had to choose someone after drinking blood.

Because some people's blood is really filthy and full of rancid smell.

Reeves bottled the blood points of those three people for him, poured them into goblets, and bewitched and encouraged him: "Master Josh, you haven't drunk nectar for a day, and you need to eat."

With that said, Reeves handed over a cup.

Su Jinzhi took the cup and sniffed it close to the blood, and found that there was no smell, neither fragrant nor fishy, as bland as water, and then he took a sip—so sour that his face turned green, he almost thought he was drinking A glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Reeves approached him worriedly: "Master Josh, does it taste bad? Your complexion is very bad."

Su Jinzhi pushed him away, pointed to the other two bottles of blood, and said, "For another person, I'll try another person's."

Reeves immediately opened another bottle for him, poured half a glass and handed it to Su Jinzhi.

Su Jinzhi also sniffed as usual, this time he smelled a faint smell similar to rotten eggs, but after taking a deep sniff, it didn't seem to be there. Could it be his illusion? In view of the lesson from the last glass of wine, Su Jinzhi learned to be good, this time he just stuck out the tip of his tongue to lick the blood—very good, it was salty, and it was as bad as the poisoned wine No. 1 gave him.

Su Jinzhi threw away the wine glass and quickly picked up the black tea to rinse his mouth to suppress the smell.

"Lord Josh, isn't this man's blood okay?" Reeves frowned even tighter.

Su Jinzhi trembled, pointed to the last bottle of blood and said, "His, give me a taste of him."

Reeves poured blood for him with a meek face, and told him: "Master Josh, drink slowly, there is still a lot."

If Su Jinzhi hadn't seen the cup of blood poured to him by Reeves with his own eyes, he would probably feel that the cup was filled with feces instead of blood. Because he hadn't drunk it yet, he could already smell the strong smell of shit.

Su Jinzhi was a little dizzy from the smoke, and slumped on the luxurious armchair with a look of despair.

Holding the cup of shit-smelling blood, Reeves asked him, "Master Josh, don't you want to try it?"

What a fart! He doesn't want to drink shit.

"Mary Jane...my Mary Jane..." Su Jinzhi was dying, "Hurry up and get Mary Jane's blood."

Reeves quickly sent someone to Mary Jane to get a bottle full of blood. Su Jinzhi poured out a glass and drank it happily, holding the tall wine bottle in his arms like a baby: "I want tonight Hold her to sleep!"

"Master Guard will be guarding outside your door tonight." Reeves still had a gentle face, with a doting smile, "I am also there, what's the matter, sir, you just need to pull the silver bell, and I will Will come to you in no time."

"No, it's enough to have the chief guard here." Su Jinzhi refused, frowning and said, "You should find a way to solve the matter of the magic stone mine first."

Reeves is a paladin from the temple, so it would be too much for him to guard the gate. The blood thief is obviously related to the magic stone mine. Why should he guard the gate after he quickly resolved the magic stone mine

In order to keep Mary Jane safe, Su Jinzhi even put the wine bottle by the side of the bath when taking a bath, and asked three servants to stare at the wine bottle, while he himself watched from time to time.

"Reeves, come over, you're blocking me from seeing Mary Jane." Su Jinzhi stretched out his arms from the bathtub in dissatisfaction, and pushed Reeves aside.

Reeves looked at the boy's snow-white arm, his eyes darkened, and sprinkled a few more rose petals in his hand into the bathtub, covering the boy's body submerged in the water tightly, and then He looked at the three male servants, and after confirming that they did not dare to peek at the boy's body, he said, "Lord Josh, wouldn't it be enough for me to guard here?"

Su Jinzhi replied: "Mary Jane is very important, I don't want her to make a mistake."

Reeves crushed the rose in his palm at once.

The Leeds Mountains at night are dangerous. There are blizzards that never stop all year round, sweeping across the sky, paving the sky and the earth into a vast expanse of snow-white, covering up all traces. After dawn, three slaves were not found dead in the dark green coniferous forest at the foot of the mountain.

Their bodies will be buried by the snowflakes that follow, and they will disappear in the white snow ever since.

Reeves nimbly climbed up the high corner tower of Black Swan Castle, and the snowflakes fell on his shoulders and hair, and were gently brushed off by him. He pushed open the complicated rose window and walked into a bedroom.

On the big bed in the middle of the bedroom lay a blond boy, wearing a light beige silk nightgown, holding a brown-red wine bottle in his arms. Reeves approached him and easily exchanged the bottle of blood for a long soft pillow.

And the boy on the bed hugged the pillow tightly, turned over and continued to sleep deeply, without any sign of waking up.

Reeves sat on the luxurious armchair where the young man sat and opened the wine bottle. The fragrance of virgin blood rushed out of the bottle. He took a sip, swallowed the blood in his mouth, and leaned over to approach the young man. Kiss his rose-like lips, transfer the blood into his mouth, then bite his delicate lip flesh and gently lick and suck, and outline his lips with the tip of her tongue.

Delicate and elegant blood like Chardonnay melted between their lips and teeth. The boy tasted the sweetness of the blood and followed the body's nature to find the source. Reeves bit the tip of his tongue and watched the boy obsessively entangled. , sucking the tip of his tongue.

The tenderness and love in the man's eyes are like mellow honey, so rich that it seems to overflow. He leaned over to press down on the boy, lifted the boy's nightgown, and rubbed back and forth on the boy's body that was as smooth as cream, until the bottle of blood was finished by the two of them.

The blizzard outside Black Swan Castle stopped, revealing the night sky dotted with bright stars, Reeves stood in the moonlight, took out a small ice flower from his arms and inserted it into the empty wine bottle on the bedside table.

This ice flower was what he saw in the coniferous forest. It was a small flower, blooming on the snow-white ice, stretching its figure timidly. It was somewhat similar to the "sunflower" that the boy once said. . But the reason he picked it was because its golden petals resembled the dazzling blond hair of a young man, brighter than the gold in the hands of the three slaves, and attracted him to stop.

In the transparent moonlight, the man's shadow was infinitely elongated and extended into the darkness. He pulled the boy's messy blond hair behind his ears, and gently kissed the corner of his forehead—

"Come to me, my dear Josh."

The next day was a rare good weather. There was no snow in the Leeds Mountains, and the warm sunshine was shining down like a blanket and gauze with brilliant golden colors.

Su Jinzhi sat on the bed, staring blankly at the little golden flower with its head tilted in the wine bottle beside the bed.

He knew it, a flower much like a sunflower.

In Greek mythology, in order to comfort his lover Venus, who was sad because of his death, the beautiful young Adonis was reincarnated as a side marigold, hoping to make her happy.

Su Jinzhi didn't know whether it was a coincidence or a prank by the blood thief, but the grievance and sadness in his chest were real, and he suddenly couldn't help but wiped his eyes and began to cry. However, after crying, he realized that His own lips were torn at some point, and while sobbing, he made the wound bigger and more painful, so Su Jinzhi cried even harder.

"Good morning, Lord Josh—" Reeves routinely opened the door and walked into the bedroom to dress the boy, only to find that his Lord Earl was sitting on the bed crying miserably.

Seeing him coming in, the boy immediately called him in a crying voice: "Reeves..."

"My dear Master Josh..." Reeves softened his heart, raised his legs and walked towards the boy, but he was slapped by the boy just as he approached. The force was very light, not as heavy as before, and Reeves felt even more distressed—his dear Master Josh was so sad that he didn't even have the strength to hit someone.

"Wow... Mary Jane... My Mary Jane is gone too..." Su Jinzhi sniffed and wiped away his tears. He didn't know why he was angry and wronged when he saw Reeves, so he couldn't help but slap him. "My mouth hurts too..."

"Let me take a look for you." Reeves lifted his chin lightly, stared at his lips for a while, then suddenly took out a small round box from his pocket, and wiped some cool moisturizer on him. Something, "It should be that the weather has been too dry recently, so Mr. Josh, your lips are cracked. Put on some lip balm and it will heal soon."

Su Jinzhi pursed his lips suspiciously, and found that his mouth did not hurt anymore. He glanced sideways at Reeves, and found that he was smiling and looking at him. Su Jinzhi suddenly became embarrassed and embarrassed—he looked so ugly crying He was only seen by Song's father, how come this Dou M also saw it now

So Su Jinzhi's tone became fierce all of a sudden: "Why are you still here? Has the matter of the magic stone mine been resolved?"

Reeves: "..."

"Not yet, Lord Josh."

"No, why don't you go soon?"

Reeves had a smile on his face: "I have to help Master Josh get up first."

Su Jinzhi had no choice but to get out of bed with bare feet, stepped on the carpet and let Reeves take off his nightgown, and stood naked for a while.

The nobles in this world either sleep in silk shirts or change into nightgowns, but the most terrifying thing is that they don't wear underwear.

Su Jinzhi's clothes have always been prepared for him by Reeves, and he can wear whatever Reeves gets him, and he can't ask too many questions, and he can't be shy, because it will ruin the person - how can a nobleman be ashamed in front of his personal servant Can you speak your heart? The personal servants help them to dress and bathe, and some nobles even have personal servants to guard them when they are in love with women.

And Reeves didn't know what to think these days, he kept wearing nightgowns for him, and had to be naked in front of others for a while every day, Su Jinzhi felt that he had lost the sense of shame that a civilized person should have.

"Master Josh is going to choose slaves in the slave cellar today?" Reeves knelt down in front of Su Jinzhi, holding his ankles to put on shoes for him.

Su Jinzhi let out a casual "hmm".

"Then in Master Josh's heart, am I really special?" Reeves looked up at him, still gently holding his ankle in his hand.

"Of course." Su Jinzhi answered absently following his words.

Reeves sighed softly: "That's great..."

Su Jinzhi has been thinking about whether he can choose other slaves today, ignoring the overall goal of saving, and completely ignoring what Reeves is saying.

But after arriving in the slave cellar, Su Jinzhi realized that he had no choice at all, because all the slaves in the slave cellar except Agri were beaten up by the blood thief last night, and they all fell ill in bed. Lively.

According to the guard, he was probably not beaten because he was too ugly and invisible, so he hid under the bed and was not found by the blood thief.

Listening to what the guard said, No. 1 clapped his hands and praised: "Wonderful, really wonderful."

Su Jinzhi: "..."

He was convinced by this reason, but he didn't believe it at all, so he asked No. 1: "No. 1, is what the guard said true?"

Number One is honest and never lies: "No."

"I just said, there must be a conspiracy here." Su Jinzhi sighed heavily.

"No." No. 1 continued to explain, "This is fate, and it is destined that you cannot be passive and sabotage your work."

"I didn't sabotage!" Su Jinzhi refused to admit it. He had already discovered that the system's judgment condition for sabotage was that he had not been in contact with any rescue target for more than a week, but now he came to see Agri every day. Although he was not selected, he The system also cannot judge that he is passive and sabotage. Moreover, the illnesses he got in this world were somewhat subtle. Heart disease, tuberculosis, and stomach cancer No. 1 could punish him, but this world No. 1 could do nothing against him.

But it's strange that No. 1 didn't argue with him this time: "As long as the host is happy."

Su Jinzhi: "..."

When number one said that, he was really not happy at all.

Su Jinzhi was very wronged: "I don't want to talk to you anymore, baby zero, I want to talk to it."

Zero appeared soon: "Master Host, are you looking for me?"

Su Jinzhi said, "No. Zero, you have been missing for a long time."

"Brother No. 1 said I was too stupid, afraid that I would reveal too many secrets, and would not let me talk to you, Mr. Host." No. 0 was also very wronged.

"Look at the good deeds you have done!" Su Jinzhi scolded No. 1, "Even if No. 0 leaks the secret, it is fate, and it is destined. It should be like this, how can you stop it?"

Number one: "..."

Su Jinzhi went into the slave cellar contentedly after finishing No. 1.

Alan, the black slave who was left behind at the beginning, walked in front to lead him, and soon brought him to the iron prison where Agri was held. The whip wound on Agri's body was not healed, it was still there, and it looked fresh, with blood oozing out.

He sat on the chair, and when he saw Su Jinzhi approaching, he turned his head and stared at him unblinkingly with those gray eyes.

Su Jinzhi did a lot of psychological construction for himself along the way, but when he saw Agri's face, those tall buildings and solid walls collapsed in an instant, crumbling into ruins, and the preservation and destruction were beyond his control.

At that moment, Su Jinzhi suddenly hated himself. If he obediently listens to No. 1 and just does the task, and doesn't have too much affection with the rescued person, then he can enjoy life happily after completing the task, and Song Mingxuan doesn't have to. Accompanied him through the painful days of chemotherapy, and finally ended his own life in such a decisive way.

Su Jinzhi stepped back a few steps in a daze, and stepped on Alan's foot.

"My lord? What's the matter with you?" Allen supported him and asked with some doubts.

"No... nothing..." Su Jinzhi suddenly recovered.

Agri stood up from the chair the moment he retreated, walked to the iron prison, looked at him through a few cold iron pillars, pursed his lips and said nothing.

Allen asked him: "Did you choose him? My lord."

Su Jinzhi didn't dare to look directly into Agri's eyes, so he could only nod in panic, then turned around and left after humming.

He kept his head down, staring at his toes as he walked aimlessly. The gorgeous and complicated patterns on the carpet gradually connected into several long lines of different colors before his eyes. He walked faster and faster, and finally ran away. stand up.

No one dared to stop him, Reeves was not there, and he hadn't come back yet.

Su Jinzhi was panting heavily, sitting on the armchair in the living room, the charcoal fire in the fireplace was still burning brightly, and there were occasional small crackling sounds, making the whole room extremely warm, but the cold felt like It was the pinnacle of the tarsus, and it gradually covered his entire body.

The maids and guards rushed over, escorting Agri to kneel in front of him.

Su Jinzhi looked at his face, numbly listening to his own voice uncontrollably leaking from the corner of his lips—

"Do you choose to leave with the gold, or do you choose to stay and embrace the glory."

The man in front of him raised his head, stared at him, and slowly raised the corners of his lips. His deep and elegant voice was like a passionate solo in the night, implying deep love: "I choose to leave."

He chose to leave

Do you want to choose to leave the total goal of saving?

Ageli's answer stunned Su Jinzhi for a few seconds, and he suddenly came back to his senses—this person was not Song Mingxuan. Even though they look so similar and their voices are so close, he is also like Feng Jiuli and Qin Yezhou, they are just passers-by.

Unable to explain the feeling in his heart, Su Jinzhi simply let go of everything. He paused for a while, and then asked number one: "Did you hear that?"

Number One said, "I heard you."

"He said he wanted to leave." Su Jinzhi emphasized this point, "If I let him go, will something serious happen?"

Number one said: "Yes, you can try it and see how big it is."

"There is no progress bar on his head." Su Jinzhi waved his hands indifferently, "Maybe he is a fake rescue target, and it's okay to let him go."

Number one: "..."

Thinking of this, Su Jinzhi was about to say "then you go", but when he looked into Agri's eyes, the short four words choked in his throat, and he couldn't say anything. It became another sentence: "No, you can't go."

Agri knelt in front of him, the smile on his lips faded a little, his expression remained unchanged, and he said, "Then I hope to be a personal servant by Lord Josh's side."

When the maid standing next to him heard him address the earl, a trace of fear appeared in her eyes, and her body was trembling, but Su Jinzhi didn't notice her at all.

For some reason, Su Jinzhi suddenly thought of the question that Reeves asked him before leaving this morning, and his heart skipped a beat. He said to No. 1, "I have a hunch that they are going to tear each other apart."

Number one: "Hehe, it's all fate."