Undying Patient

Chapter 55: Earl's valet 9


"That's right." Su Jinzhi sighed, "You are all AI, programmed, and you have to abide by the three laws, how can you have feelings?"

However, No. Zero was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "Not necessarily, I heard that the bionic man designed by Oliver may have autonomous consciousness. Brother No. 1 dare not take risks, so we can only live in antique robots now."

"How is it possible?" Su Jinzhi smiled, only taking this as a joke.

Scientists have considered this question since the first robots were built.

Create man.

This behavior similar to God has attracted countless mechanical masters and scientists to go crazy. But they are deeply afraid that the "human" they created will be out of control.

God sent a flood to judge human beings, so human beings set three laws to bind robots.

— like a shackle.

They finally felt at ease, so they endowed them with emotional programs, just like the crying surprise of number zero or the disdain of number one. At first glance, they seem to have all the emotions of human beings, but in fact, this Everything is programmed, and they will not have other emotions beyond these programs, nor can they understand the complex emotions of human beings.

"No wonder you don't like the bionic man designed by Oliver." But when No. 0 said this, Su Jinzhi understood why they didn't live in the bionic man designed by Oliver.

Zero also imitated him and sighed, and asked Su Jinzhi curiously: "But Mr. Host, no matter how much robots and bionics are made to look like creatures, they are still machines without consciousness, and they also need to abide by the three laws. Master host, how did Olivern make them have a sense of autonomy?"

"I don't understand either..." Su Jinzhi was stopped by the question. He thought for a while, "This question is a bit strange when you think about it carefully. After all, the human brain is just a lump of meat. Why does it produce consciousness?"

"Perhaps the soul."

Su Jinzhi continued to ask it: "Baby Zero, do you believe in the existence of souls?"

"Believe it." Zero quickly answered him, "Brother No. 1 said that although we look like AI when we live in computers, and robots when we live in robots, it is the AI that really distinguishes us from machines. What comes out is the soul."

Su Jinzhi felt that Number Zero's answer was a bit strange, but he couldn't find out what was wrong, so he just smiled blankly: "Soul, this is really an illusory existence."

Zero said: "Everyone's soul is unique. If you love a soul deeply, no matter how his appearance changes, you will fall in love with him. It's like fate. Your souls are naturally attracted to each other. No matter how far apart we are, one day we will be together again."

"Is that so..." Su Jinzhi murmured in a low voice.

"Also, when you died in the previous world, didn't you feel the existence of the soul?"

Su Jinzhi was stunned for a moment.

There is no snowstorm tonight, only small snowflakes falling gently, and moonlight—moon snow, this is a very strange and rare weather.

According to legend, when this kind of snow appears, it means that someone is missing you. His longing turned into white snow, falling to your side with the silver moonlight from the vast universe, quietly entering your dream, and being with you.

He quietly looked at these crystal clear and slowly falling snowflakes, and the thought that once flashed in his mind reappeared.

If souls really exist in this world, they love each other, even if they are temporarily separated, they will still fall in love with each other irresistibly when they meet again.

Does that mean...

Reeves has the same soul as Song Mingxuan

—They are equally gentle and full of love, so he can't help but fall in love with him completely uncontrollably.

Su Jinzhi suddenly understood what No. 1 said, when his favorability for saving the general target reached 100, it meant he was killed by him.

Love is an uncontrollable thing, it has no specific shape, invisible and intangible, it is the only thing in the universe that is not bound by any rules, but it can easily restrain the person it wants to capture, can Turn the vicious bandits, the noble and elegant royal family, and the pure and holy priests into its slaves and unquestionable ministers.

If Reeves really has the same soul as Song Mingxuan...

Su Jinzhi felt that he might have been conquered by this unique soul.

But this is a secret, absolutely must not let the number one know.

After dawn, the summer in the Leeds Mountains has quietly arrived.

Black Swan Castle stands like a huge and magnificent obsidian on the top of the mountain. The surrounding white snow winds all the way to the dark green coniferous forest near the foot of the mountain. They will melt slightly after sunrise, revealing the buried deep black land.

This warm and forgotten place is rarely visited by warm golden sunlight. Even in summer, the sunlight that breaks through the clouds and falls on the ground is gloomy and cold.

But today, those extremely rare guests came.

They fell through the open curtains onto the gorgeous felt carpet, casting a golden light, and in the beam of light the fine dust floating in the air could be faintly seen.

Reeves pushed open the heavy wooden door of the bedroom, froze for a moment when he saw the sunlight, and hurried over to close the curtains.

"Don't pull." Su Jinzhi stopped him.

Reeves stood beside the rose window, holding the curtain fringe in his hand, stopped when he heard his words, turned around and looked at him with a slight frown, his deep gray eyes were full of worry: "But they will hurt you. "

"It's okay." Su Jinzhi lifted the quilt and got down from the bed, stopped at the dividing line between light and darkness, stretched out his hand to feel the warmth from the beam of light, "If you don't touch it, you should be fine."

"But I'm worried." Reeves came over and hugged him.

The boy's body is so light and soft, he can be easily crushed under him, or played with in his arms. Su Jinzhi was a little ashamed to be hugged by him, so he pulled the hair on the back of his head, put on the earl's noble score and said in a commanding tone: "Put me down."

Reeves put him on the bed, leaned over and hugged him again: "If you want warmth, I can give it to you."

The man just stood in the sun for a while, and now his body is full of warm temperature and the smell of the sun. Su Jinzhi being hugged by him is as warm and comfortable as if he was bathed in the golden light.

Su Jinzhi bent his knees, pressed against his crotch, and looked up at Reeves: "Maybe you want to give me something else."

"It's also warm." The man kissed him on the lips, "I thought Lord Josh would like it."

"No, I don't like this dirty thing at all."

"But I think he likes you very much." Reeves said and pushed Su Jinzhi down on the soft big bed, biting and sucking on the young man's fair and delicate neck, leaving wet spots on his collarbone and shoulder blades Water marks, "My dear Master Josh, if you look at me with these beautiful eyes again, I'm afraid I will selfishly want to take away your free time and use this dirty thing to keep you bound This love bed filled with the breath of you and me."

"Hehe, what a nasty conversation."

Reeves' kissing skills are great, and the young man's fresh and sensitive body can't help any teasing. Just as Su Jinzhi felt a little bit, he suddenly made a sound on the first day, which frightened him soft.

Su Jinzhi panted and turned his head, frowned and stopped Reeves: "Reeves, it's time for you to help me get dressed. Or do you think I should call other servants over."

"What if you call them here?" Reeves laughed, "They can't beat me, they can't save you."

The man's arms were propped by his ears, and the muscles arched due to the force formed a bulging arc on the clothes. His deep eyes were full of smiles, intertwined with love, and his voice was deep and deep. And hoarsely: "Perhaps you want them to come in and see how I licked the noble Lord Josh to tears?"

No. 1 was also shocked at this moment, it hesitated for a while: "Maybe I should go on vacation today, I think you had a good time, host."

"Where do you see that I am happy?" Su Jinzhi yelled at it.

"The data monitoring shows that you just became hard." No. 1 talked to him with the facts, "Are you playing some kind of game with the general goal of saving?"

Su Jinzhi said, "No, he wants to rape me."

"People who have been raped cannot be hardened."

"How do you know you won't be able to get hard? You have never been raped before." Su Jinzhi refuted him confidently.

Number one: "..."

No. 1 was speechless for a while, it sighed: "Oh, I'll come back to work after you, the host, are raped."

After finishing speaking, no matter how much Su Jinzhi called it, No. 1 never appeared again.

Being disturbed by No. 1, Su Jinzhi was ashamed and indignant, but Reeves let him go at this moment. After standing up straight, he straightened his slightly wrinkled sleeve corners, and suddenly became abstinent and loyal again. The gentle servant, and the master he should respect and love at the top of his heart, is now lying on his back on the big bed with messy robes and love marks all over his body.

Reeves took off the pocket watch on his waist, opened the brass watch cover and took a look, then smiled and picked up the beige silk shirt and walked to Su Jinzhi.

Su Jinzhi was a little afraid of him now, and stepped back a short distance with his elbows on the bed.

"It's already half past nine, Master Josh." Reeves tilted his head and shook the silk shirt in his hand, "You should get up and have breakfast."

Hehe, don't think I don't know, you just want to see me naked.

Su Jinzhi narrowed his eyes. Reeves had stopped letting him wear silk shirts and trousers to sleep. He found beautiful nightdresses for him to wear every day, with extremely sinister intentions.

"Give me the clothes, I can wear them myself."

"How is this possible? It is my duty to serve you." Reeves lowered his head and licked the almost transparent auricles of Juvenile Bai, "It is also to make you comfortable."

In the end, Su Jin put on his shirt indifferently under Reeves' hot gaze.

This silk shirt is very gorgeous and complicated, with delicate lace edges at the neckline, buttons made of round bright snow-white pearls, and beautiful sapphire armbands on the corners of the sleeves. Reeves stood in front of him, He fastened the buttons from bottom to top, staring at his mottled red chest and sighing: "I really look forward to the night when I can take it off with my own hands as soon as possible."

Su Jinzhi: "..."

After smoothing away the dust and wrinkles on the shirt with a small broom, Reeves leaned down and kissed him lightly on the eyes: "It's a good day today, I hope you, my dear Josh, can also have a copy of it." good mood."

For breakfast, pumpkin porridge, fried eggs, and a sausage were prepared. After Su Jinzhi was seated, Reeves stood beside him and poured blood wine for him.

Today, the person who donated blood for him changed again. He also filled a full bottle of the strawberry-flavored blood yesterday. He put it in a big box in the bedroom and locked it, but it was still empty when he woke up this morning. So I can only find new slaves to supply blood.

He thought that the blood theft had something to do with the Sorcerer's Stone Mine, but since Reeves tore off his mask in front of him, he knew that the Sorcerer's Stone Mine had nothing to do with the blood theft, so why

In connection with the dream he had a few days ago, Su Jinzhi suddenly had goosebumps all over his body—it is said that ancient castles are easy to gather resentful spirits, could it be... the dead old Josh's family came to claim his life? Or were the ghosts of the slaves Josh Hillier killed to get their blood

Su Jinzhi couldn't sit still anymore. He sipped the red liquid in the crystal cup while thinking horribly, and found that the blood tasted like milk, so he asked Reeves, "How many slaves' blood are there in the cellar? I don't know." Have you tasted it?" He has tasted the blood of many people so far, but apart from himself and Reeves, he has never drank the blood of two people with exactly the same taste. Could it be that everyone's blood tastes different? the same

"There are thirty-four more." Reeves quickly gave him an exact answer, but he misunderstood Su Jinzhi's meaning, "Did Master Josh still not give up looking for 'wind'?"

Su Jinzhi glanced at him: "Since I haven't found it, why should I give up?"

Unexpectedly, Reeves raised the corners of his lips and smiled happily: "Oh, then my loyal Lord Josh can find it." Anyway, he has tasted the blood of the group of slaves, and none of them tastes similar to what the boy described .

Su Jinzhi was in no mood to continue chatting with Reeves at all, his mind was full of the haunted castle.

Fear is also a very magical thing, most of which come from people's own imagination. Some people can think about a lot of things on their own and scare themselves half to death when nothing has happened, and what's more unfortunate is that Su Jinzhi is such a person.

He has imagined a bunch of bloody ghosts that surround his bed after he falls asleep in the middle of the night, lie down under his bed, or more directly climb into his bed and sleep with him back to back, all he needs is one When you turn your head, you will see the bloody and tearful eyes and the sinister smile on the bloody face...

Thinking of it this way, Su Jin could barely hold the fork, and his hands trembled slightly.

He still feels uncomfortable all over recently, his neck is sore, his legs are sore, his chest hurts, maybe there is a ghost riding on his neck with his legs crossed, standing on his chest at night and looking down at him...


"No. 1! No. 1! Are you at work yet?!" Su Jinzhi began to call No. 1 frantically.

It took a few minutes for No. 1 to respond to him: "Just now, have you been raped, host?"

"I was not raped." Su Jinzhi cried bitterly, "Tell me, are there any ghosts in this world?"

Number one was silent, wondering if vampires were ghosts.

Su Jinzhi trembled again and said, "Tell me, I can bear it."

"We have to clarify one question first, is it that something that is obviously dead but still moving is a ghost?"

"Yes." Su Jinzhi was very sure, "It's that kind of thing."

"Oh, yes, it's in your castle." No. 1 quickly gave Su Jinzhi the answer, "He still hangs around you often, basically inseparable."

Su Jinzhi was desperate: "Is that... when I sleep at night, he is also with me?"

"Yes, sometimes I will climb into bed to sleep with you." No. 1 paused, and continued to add, "And a few more have come recently, and their tempers are worse than Josh Hillier."


Su Jinzhi said solemnly: "If one day I die, it must be because I woke up in the middle of the night and was frightened to death."

Number one: "???"

Su Jinzhi raised his head and glanced at Reeves. Reeves noticed his gaze, smiled at him, spread jam on the bread and fed it to his mouth. Su Jinzhi took a bite, chewing while thinking: Should I Let Reeves come and sleep with him

Anyway, Reeves is so powerful and can use magic, but are ghosts afraid of magic

Su Jinzhi started to struggle again, and in the end his breakfast was interrupted halfway through.

The guards of the slave cellar rushed to report that there was a slave riot in the cellar. Several black slaves tried to escape by throwing the key tied around the guard's waist while the guard was delivering food. When they were discovered, they clashed with the cellar guards. Those black slaves were all strong and wounded several cellars one after another. The guards, and finally the castle patrol, rushed to suppress the riot after receiving the news.

"What is the reason for the slave riot, have you found out?" Su Jinzhi pushed away Reeves' hand holding the bread and put it on his mouth, and asked the guard who had reported the situation.

The guard glanced at the earl secretly, and met Reeves' cold eyes and said tremblingly: "Most of the slaves who were chosen by you, Mr. Earl, never came back. The slaves asked Allen, but he didn't explain the reason. Therefore, the mood of the slaves has been very low. Until..." The guard stopped here, swallowed his saliva before continuing, "...until today a slave died in the cellar."

"Dead?" Su Jinzhi frowned. Those slaves who were taken for bloodletting, except for the black slaves Alan and Reeves at the beginning, he gave gold coins to erase their memory and let them go. How could they die

No. 1 solved his doubts in time: "It's what I told you, the ghosts who came to the castle recently killed it."

Sure enough, it was the evil spirit who claimed his life!

Su Jinzhi was terrified, his whole body turned cold, and his goosebumps exploded again, which made him more determined to drag Reeves to sleep tonight.

Reeves, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke, and he asked the guard, "How did that slave die?"

"He died from excessive blood loss..." The guard glanced at Su Jinzhi, "The slaves all said that it was the Earl who killed him."

Su Jinzhi was very wronged, where did he have the guts to kill people, he was the one who was always killed, okay

"Lord Josh, why don't we go and have a look together after you have finished your breakfast?" Reeves bent down and asked near Su Jinzhi's ear.

Su Jinzhi waved his hands again and again after hearing his words: "No need, you go, I'm reading in the hall."

Knowing that Black Swan Castle was haunted, Su Jinzhi was not in the mood to continue eating breakfast, took a few mouthfuls of porridge and left. Reeves followed the guard to the slave cellar. The slaves who had rioted before had stabilized and had some injuries from the riot. Reeves glanced at them and beckoned the guard to get medicine for them.

The slaves were a little surprised when they got the medicine, but Reeves ignored them and walked straight to the cage in the deepest part of the cellar, where lay a dry corpse with a strange appearance, which was an Asian slave.

His five fingers and limbs were twisted abnormally, his whole body was shriveled, his eyeballs protruded, and his upper body was not covered with a strand of hair, but the pants on his lower body were pulled down to his knees, revealing the same unsightly lower body. Reeves glanced away and looked away. He asked the guard to unlock the door of the cell, and then went in and walked around. He smelled a strange sweet smell on the corner of the wall. The smell was very weak, and most people could not smell it. from.

"When did he die?" Reeves asked the cellar guard.

The guard said: "No one knows. It is said that everyone fell asleep last night, but woke up the next day and saw him lying on the ground."

"Really." Reeves replied indifferently, he pointed to the windows and cellar doors on the walls of each iron prison, "find some silver mirrors and put them in these places, when you sleep at night Don't turn off the fire, let the patrol team include this place in the scope of inspection, and inspect once a day."

"Yes!" Although the guard wondered why Reeves gave such an order, he quickly ordered someone to do it.

Su Jinzhi, who was reading a book in the luxurious and soft armchair in the hall, didn't know why, but suddenly felt the temperature in the hall cool down. He put down the book and looked at the fireplace, but the fire there was quite lively.

"Knock knock—"

There were several knocks on the door, and Su Jinzhi thought it was Reeves who had returned, and said without raising his head, "Come in."