Undying Patient

Chapter 56: Earl's valet 10


The visitor immediately opened the door and came in, without making any noise as he walked. But Reeves usually walks like this, and Su Jinzhi didn't care, until a sweet aroma entered his nose.

It is absolutely impossible for Reeves to carry this fragrance. Thinking of this, Su Jinzhi immediately looked up at the person who came.

It was a maid with a hot figure, with fiery red curly hair and deep green eyes with deep eye sockets, a high nose bridge, thick and sexy lips, wearing bright red lipstick, she looked moist and fleshy, Like a juicy red cherry, it tempts people to take a bite.

The corners of her mouth were turned up, showing a cute and charming smile, walking towards Su Jinzhi with enchanting steps.

The maids in Black Swan Castle are all wearing black tutu skirts and white stockings. There are no patterns on the skirts, and the hair accessories are just a plain white lace headband. Some maids will tie a pair around their waists. White aprons make their waists slimmer, and there are no extra bright decorations.

This rule was set by Mrs. Mary. She was very afraid that old Josh would not be able to resist the temptation of these fresh and beautiful girls, and would make some unbearable illegitimate children. And after Josh Hillier became the earl, this rule has not changed, but he prefers red and gold, and recruits a lot of blond, blue-eyed and red-haired and blue-eyed maids, so the castle is more beautiful Some of the colors are the hair of the maids.

However, because Josh Hillier's bloody and cruel temper is too famous, those maids with better faces lowered their eyebrows in front of him, dared not wear white aprons, and even replaced the lace headbands with The white cotton cap is to reduce the sense of presence in front of the Earl, for fear that the Earl will become interested in them and drink their blood. Therefore, Su Jinzhi has not had much contact with women since he came to this world for a long time.

Today was the first time a maid approached him proactively, but the cold and ascetic maids of Black Swan Castle wore on this woman, and it became like erotic underwear, with a bit of obscenity and pornography.

She is completely different from other pure and unaffected hardworking maids. She couldn't help wearing a white apron to narrow her waist, and replaced the white half stockings with mesh suspenders. Her breasts are very plump, and the maid's uniform is flat The neckline couldn't be completely covered, half of Xue Yingying was exposed outside, bobbing up and down as she walked, like two jumping little white rabbits, which was extremely eye-catching, and Su Jinzhi was dumbfounded when he saw it—could it be a race problem

This woman's breasts are actually bigger than Yun Feifei's!

Su Jinzhi stared straight at her chest, the maid noticed his gaze, not only didn't dodge it, but also straightened her waist, purposely propping up her breasts more fully.

She held a plate of neatly arranged fruit slices in her hand, which looked sweet and delicious. When she approached Su Jin, she bent down, slowed down her movements, and slowly placed the fruit plate on the mahogany table beside Su Jinzhi. And because of her bending over, her breasts were so big that they seemed about to fall off, and they were as white and tender as two pieces of tofu.

Su Jinzhi looked at her breasts, and couldn't help thinking: She's only two, and she's just like this. If this woman is in the Milky Way galaxy with a star calendar of 3,500 years, she will definitely become popular in the entire Milky Way Union if she has a few more breasts, but he doesn't like it. I really can't agree with this aesthetic.

It's better to have two breasts, preferably like his father or Reeves, firm and elastic is the best. Su Jinzhi reminisced about the feel of his dear's chest muscles, and sighed in his heart.

"Master Earl, your fruit plate." The maid put down the fruit plate and did not leave in a hurry. She gently retracted her hands and put them on her waist, and said to Su Jinzhi with a smile.

Her voice is as hot and seductive as her figure, like a tone made of interlaced panting and moaning, with a long tail, wet and soft, if Su Jinzhi is straight, maybe he will fall in love with her.

It's a pity that Su Jinzhi can't straighten up, he has been bent so much that he can't bend anymore.

But Su Jinzhi felt that this maid was pretty, and if she didn't mind donating blood, he would really like to taste her, why not write down her name first, and then ask Reeves to ask her if she would like to.

"I haven't seen you before, what's your name?" Su Jinzhi asked her after putting an apple into his mouth with a silver fork.

"My name is Anxi, Lord Earl." The maid raised her eyes to look at him, and a red light flashed in her green eyes.

The red light disappeared in a blink of an eye. Su Jinzhi thought it was because his eyes were wrong. He was about to take a closer look but he smelled the sweet fragrance. Although it is good for a girl to wear some perfume, but too much will cause harm. It's too much, I'm too tired to panic.

Su Jinzhi leaned back, wanting to stay away from the scent: "I remember, you go down."

Hearing what he said, the maid frowned and leaned in front of him again: "Is the Earl full? Do you want to eat more?"

Su Jinzhi was dizzy from the fragrance on her body, and felt very uncomfortable. Seeing that she couldn't be driven away so easily, she immediately put on the persona of Bloody Josh and said coldly to her: "How dare you not listen to me?"

Be careful, I will call someone to come in and drain your blood right now.

Another red light flashed in the maid's deep green eyes, and this time Su Jinzhi saw it. That touch of red is like a blooming delicate rose in the layers of emerald green, which is extremely eye-catching, and Su Jinzhi can't ignore it at all.

She opened her mouth and wanted to say something more, but immediately froze, she bent down and bowed before leaving.

But even though she left, the smell still lingered around Su Jinzhi, and it didn't dissipate for a long time. He was so drunk that he was dizzy. Just when he was feeling uncomfortable, Reeves came back.

As soon as Reeves entered the door, he stopped and frowned. He walked quickly to Su Jinzhi's side and pinched his chin towards him, observing his eyes repeatedly. Seeing that the boy's eyes were clear, he relaxed his tension. He looked at the clothes on his body with his eyes, and after confirming that they were neat and clean, he asked, "Did anyone come here just now? Lord Josh."

Su Jin's chin was pinched and lifted, and he was very uncomfortable. His head was still dizzy, so he could only lean limply on the chair, and said softly: "A maid named Anxi came and brought me a fruit plate. She She looks really pretty, maybe blood will taste good, ask her tomorrow for me if she would like to donate some blood, and I will give her beautiful jewelry in return."

"I am also willing to donate blood for Master Josh, my life and soul belong to you." Reeves took off the mask on his face and showed him his true face. He put his hands on the armrests of the chair, leaned over to cover Su Jinzhi under his body, then lowered his head and whispered in his ear: "I don't know what Master Josh will give me in return?"

Su Jinzhi said, "Your blood has no taste."

Reeves looked at him with a smile: "Master Josh doesn't like it?"

Su Jinzhi didn't have any resistance to his face, he glanced at the man's eyes, the gray was very deep, dark and hot, full of strong emotions, it seemed to be able to drown him. Su Jinzhi suddenly felt that if he said he didn't like it, he might be stabbed by him, so he said, "I like it."

"If you like it, why do you still think about other people? Josh-sama is really a liar." After hearing what he said, Reeves frowned, lowered his eyes and kissed him gently on the side of his neck He said, with grievances and accusations in his deep voice, "You cheated me of my heart and soul."

Su Jinzhi stiffened and kissed him.

Very good, if you answer "don't like it", you will get a white knife in and a red knife out, and if you answer "yes", you will get a red knife in and a white knife out, no matter which one you choose, he will be stabbed.

But Reeves teased him for a while, then kissed the corner of his lips and did nothing else, and didn't stab him.

Su Jinzhi looked at him, repeatedly wondering if Reeves and Song Mingxuan were the same person? After all, no matter how similar two people are, it is impossible to completely unify their habits, and there will always be some more or less differences.

But this world and the last world are two different cultures, and even the way of speaking is very different. Su Jinzhi wanted to recall some of Song Mingxuan's little habits and hobbies, but he found that he was really an unqualified lover.

Song Mingxuan knew that he liked strawberry cake, but he didn't know what he liked and what he hated. They've been together so long that it turns out that he seems to know him, seems intimate, but actually knows nothing about him.

Such ignorance made Su Jinzhi doubt himself—did he really love Song Mingxuan

Now he recalled the scene of Song Mingxuan committing suicide in front of him, his heart would still feel as if he could not breathe, but he could still live a good life, so that he would not be overwhelmed with pain, even when he met someone with him After the extremely similar person, he also downplayed this feeling.

The soul theory mentioned by No. 0 is not impossible. Maybe Reeves and Song Mingxuan have the same appearance and soul, but what if they are not? What if they were two unrelated people? If Reeves was disfigured, would he still like him

Su Jinzhi has no confidence in himself, he is not sure whether he is in love with a skin, or the unique soul under the skin.

"What do you like to eat?" Su Jinzhi suddenly asked Reeves.

Reeves was stunned for a few seconds after hearing his question, and quickly laughed, watching him say something serious, but listening to his tone, he was very serious: "Eat you."

The man's facial features are as clear as a sculpture, he is extremely handsome, and there is soft love in his eyes. In a trance, his figure and face overlapped with Song Mingxuan's, just like the eyes he met when he woke up in the greenhouse that day - also such a deep gray color. And black, like the night watching him in his sleep, occasionally a little bit of dim light flickers, like sparse stars in the night.

Su Jinzhi suddenly felt sore and swollen in his eyes, but he couldn't control the throbbing of his heart and the slowly rising emotion. The slightly bitter sadness was easily covered by the surging sweetness, and the mist in his eyes quickly disappeared.

His ears turned red, and he glared at the man. He picked up the book from the table and pretended to continue reading, but actually used it to cover his burning face.

Reeves hooked the corner of his lips, pulled the book out of his hand, stared into his eyes word by word, and said clearly and slowly: "I like the way Master Josh has been watching me, no matter he is angry or angry, I love it." Or disgust; I like the feeling of Lord Josh’s hand touching me, whether it’s punishment or reward, gentle touch or heavy beating, I like it. Just like Master Josh can’t live without blood, I can’t live without it either. open you."

Reeves held his hand, and slowly moved it to rub against his face, his dark gray eyes kept staring at him, entangled his heart little by little in a stagnant and satisfied voice: "If you have to Ask me what I like, then I only like and love Lord Josh deeply."

"Purity remains the same until death."

"Don't think... I will forgive your rudeness like this." Su Jinzhi's voice was a little sluggish, full of choking, he lowered his eyes, his eyes drifted to the mahogany table, and then turned to the complicated and gorgeous felt carpet, wandering Flashing, no focus.

"Then don't forgive." Reeves gently raised his chin and leaned over to kiss him, "Because I want to do many more disrespectful things to Mr. Josh."

The soft lips touched, and the warm breath came. Su Jinzhi closed his eyes, and finally let himself sink endlessly.

When taking a bath at night, Reeves didn't wear a mask either. He stood beside the bathtub and added essential oils to the water. Su Jinzhi didn't pay much attention to it. He lay on the edge of the bathtub in a daze, thinking about what he would do after going to work on the 1st tomorrow.

Once he gives up suppressing his liking for Reeves, the monitoring value of favorability on No. 1 will soon exceed the warning line, and what awaits him at that time is either punishment or death.

But Su Jinzhi only struggled with this question for a while, because what he was more worried about was how to trick Reeves into his room to watch him sleep tonight. The blood wine he kept in the bedroom was always missing, so Reeves didn't prepare wine at night now, and waited until the next day to prepare fresh blood for him.

Su Jinzhi originally planned to let Reeves into his room in the name of guarding the blood wine, but now he does not have blood wine prepared, should he tell Reeves, "Your Earl is afraid of ghosts, come and sleep with me at night"

"Is the water hot enough? Master Josh." Reeves reached into the bathtub to test the temperature of the water. "Do you need to add some hot water?"

Su Jinzhi came back to his senses after a "hmm", the whole room was filled with misty hot and humid steam, and in the white mist, Reeves' face also became somewhat blurred.

He asked Reeves: "By the way, didn't you go to see that slave during the day? How is he?"

Reeves lowered his head suddenly, his gray eyes stared at him without blinking, and his voice was low: "He was not killed by humans."

Su Jinzhi's heart tightened: "Then, what killed him?"

"A creature lurking in the dark night, bloodthirsty, cruel, violent, and unpredictable." The man continued to whisper, as if he had noticed the fear in the boy's eyes, "It seems that the castle is not safe recently, I I want to be by Lord Josh's side to protect you all the time, so allow me to stay by your bedside tonight, okay?"

Su Jinzhi couldn't wish for it, but he still couldn't destroy the noble and proud personality of the Earl, so he raised his slender chin: "In view of your loyalty, I agree to your plea."

The boy's raised head made it easier for the man to kiss, and Reeves didn't need to pinch his chin, and leaned over to lick the boy's rosy and soft lips that were steamed by water: "I listen to Master Josh in everything. "

When getting out of the water, Su Jinzhi refused Reeves to hand over the nightgown, and strongly asked the man to prepare a shirt and trousers for him.

"What a pity." Reeves sighed, turned around and took out a thin and close-fitting silk shirt from the closet, and put it on the boy.

The workmanship of that shirt was very fine, because it was worn while sleeping, the neckline was not raised, and a small part of the young man's fair and delicate shoulder blades and collarbone could be exposed. The material of the shirt is silk, which is very close-fitting. When it was just taken out, it felt a little cool. Reeves saw that the boy's mouth was slightly hardened by the stimulation of the coolness. He pushed the shirt out of the two pointed places, and suddenly hooked The corners of his lips curled up, thinking that it would be nice for his dear Earl to wear a shirt occasionally.

After all, nightdresses are more convenient, but after tearing up the trousers, leaving only a light shirt is very impressive.

When entering the bedroom, Reeves put a silver mirror at the door. Su Jinzhi was a little surprised, so he asked him what he was doing.

"Those dark creatures fear the silver mirror, they are afraid to see their ugly faces through the silver mirror." Reeves wrapped his arms around his waist and murmured in his ear, "I don't want anyone to disturb Master Josh sleep."

"It's really caring." Now that they had expressed their feelings to each other, Su Jinzhi didn't avoid Reeves' closeness anymore, and after complimenting him, he turned and walked towards the bedroom.

Reeves stood at the door for a while, looking expressionlessly at the depths of the deep and dark corridor, until the white candle in the wall candlestick overflowed with transparent wax, he turned and entered the bedroom, and shortly after he entered, a A red-eyed bat flew out of the corridor.

"What are you doing outside, why are you so slow?" Su Jinzhi had already crawled into the bed, and asked Reeves wrapped in a soft quilt after seeing Reeves coming in late.

Reeves replied truthfully: "I saw a black shadow."

Su Jinzhi hesitated for a moment, didn't dare to ask again, and patted the right side of the bed: "...then I will allow you to sleep beside me." Then there was no ghost sleeping next to him.

Reeves smiled and said nothing, reached out and began to undress him.

First the vest, then the shirt, and then he even took off his trousers. Su Jinzhi watched in amazement as the clothes on his body became smaller one by one, and finally exposed his strong and strong body, naked without any shame. Standing in front of him, he stammered, "What are you doing?"

"Of course I'm going to bed, Master Josh." Reeves walked towards him with the corners of his lips hooked.

Su Jinzhi moved aside: "What about your pajamas?"

"I left it in the room." Reeves frowned and said in distress, "Master Josh, do you need me to go back and get it?"

Su Jinzhi thought of the black shadow he just mentioned, and thought that Fangzheng himself was wearing pajamas, and it would be fine for Reeves not to wear it, so he said, "No need, go to sleep."

"Okay." Reeves leaned over to him, brushed the messy blond hair off his head and patted his forehead, "Good night, my little Josh."

Su Jinzhi's ears were a little red, and he turned his back to Reeves, pulled the quilt to his neck and closed his eyes to cultivate sleepiness. But I don't know why, the more he sleeps, the clearer his head becomes, his mouth becomes parched, and an evil fire bursts out from his lower abdomen inexplicably, like a pile of small coals, gradually burning to iron his whole body. stand up.

"Reeves." Su Jinzhi turned around and pushed Reeves. The man was lying flat on his side, completely naked, and his tentacles were a piece of firm, smooth, slightly cool skin. Su Jinzhi felt even thirstier as he touched him, "I I'm thirsty, go get me a glass of water."

Reeves opened his eyes, held Su Jinzhi's hand, and put a finger to his lips: "Shh..."

Su Jin subconsciously fell silent and stopped all movements.

"Did you hear Master Josh?" Reeves whispered in his ear.

"What did you hear..." Su Jinzhi looked around the room, but tonight's moonlight was not very clear, and the light in the room was very dim. The bright places were blurry and things could not be seen clearly, while the dark places became darker and darker. As if something terrible was hidden there, "I heard nothing."

"It seems to be gone."

With one arm around his waist, Su Jinzhi didn't pay much attention, and didn't even realize that he was almost completely stuck into Reeves' arms. He asked Reeves in a trembling voice, "What did you see?"

"I'm not sure." Reeves shook his head, "Master Josh, what did you just say? Are you thirsty? I'll go and pour you water right away."

"I'm not thirsty!" Su Jinzhi quickly hugged him, "I'm not thirsty, let's sleep."

"How can that be?" Reeves frowned and turned over, pressed Su Jinzhi onto the bed, lowered his head to hold his lips, and patiently licked his lips to pry open his slightly loose teeth, " It is my responsibility to quench Lord Josh's thirst."

The slippery tongue went straight in, fiddled and teased wantonly in his mouth, Su Jin subconsciously sucked the tip of his tongue, and then he was panted by the man's more fiery kiss, and the saliva that he didn't have time to swallow ran along the corners of his slightly parted lips Flowing down, the transparent liquid slightly refracted some bright light in the dim moonlight to show the intensity and passion of the two kissing.

It wasn't until Su Jinzhi arched his body impatiently that Reeves' tongue slipped out of his mouth, licked along the transparent liquid flowing from the corner of his mouth, and finally bit the young man's white and small earlobe lightly with his teeth.

"Lord Josh, are you still thirsty?"

Reeves leaned over and looked at the boy below him, his eyes were deep and dark. After being ravaged just now, the boy's two lips have turned into a beautiful rose color, with bright water stains, and they are slightly opened and closed with the rapid panting, although it is not as good as when the light is just right during the daytime. Clear, but extraordinarily obscene at night.