Undying Patient

Chapter 63: The count's valet ends



Su Jinzhi murmured hoarsely, and gradually lowered his knees and knelt down on the snow.

"Master Earl..." Mond also half-kneeled, put his hands on his shoulders and comforted him softly, "He is a devil, you were just blinded by the devil... Now everything is over..."

"No! He's not a demon!" Su Jinzhi suddenly raised his head, fixed his eyes on Mond and shouted.

Mond was also irritated by his gaze, and shouted in a low voice: "What is he if he is not a devil?! My lord, you were just deceived by him! Look at his appearance, do you really know him?!"

-"do you know him?"

Mond's harsh questioning seemed to overlap with a voice deep in his mind. Su Jinzhi was silent for a while, and suddenly answered him: "I know him."

"Do you know what a devil is?" Su Jinzhi asked Mond again, "Why do you all think he is a devil?"

Mond was stunned, and said shyly, "He, he killed a lot of people..."

"But you have killed people too..." Su Jinzhi lowered his head and laughed lowly, "You all wanted to kill me at the beginning, but Reeves saved me. If it is said that killing people is a devil, there is no way in this world No one is more like a devil than me, isn't it? Reeves can stand under the light, but I can only live in the darkness all my life, I am in the dark, how can I not be a devil?"

"No, you're not a demon..." Mond quickly denied it, but couldn't come up with a proper reason, "You're just... just..."

Su Jinzhi looked up at him coldly, and smiled: "Aren't I a devil? But I think you are, I really regret letting you come to the Leeds Mountains..."

Mond looked at those cold blue eyes, his Adam's apple moved up and down, and repeated in a harsh voice: "He is the devil, Lord Earl..."

Su Jinzhi no longer looked at Mond, he clenched his fists, looked back at the rose window where Reeves disappeared, and asked No. 1: "Is Reeves still alive? Is it possible for me to return to where he is?"

"He is still alive." No. 1 quickly gave him the answer, "You want to go back? He has already completed the rescue, but you have not completed the task of obtaining the approval of the temple, and the road leading to the main tower hall is about to be burned After you go in, you can’t come out again, and you can’t complete the mission.”

"At worst, the next world will be a punishment world." Su Jinzhi didn't care, "tell me how to get there."

After a few seconds of silence on the 1st, a castle map marked by electronic light particles appeared in front of Su Jinzhi's eyes. The current location of Reeves was also marked on the map. Su Jinzhi looked at the map and raised it while Mond was not paying attention. The legs ran towards the castle.

The moment Mond saw him get up, he wanted to stretch out his hand to grab him, but he was caught by a figure in the crowd who suddenly rushed forward, so Mond's fingers barely touched the corner of Su Jinzhi's clothes, and then slipped away. Su Jinzhi looked back at him after running away, but he didn't expect that the person who was tying Mond turned out to be Mary Jane who left early with the castle's servants and guards. Mary Jane also looked at his leaving figure from a distance, and there were emotions in those green eyes that she had never felt before. When she met Su Jinzhi's gaze, her tightly pursed lips moved, but in the end she still had nothing to say. Did not say.

"Miss Mary Jane!" After the boy ran out of the distance that he could no longer chase, Mond finally broke free from Mary Jane's arm tightly holding him, and he asked her loudly, "What are you doing? !"

Mary Jane looked up at the burning castle, then slowly lowered her eyes, and said softly, "My lord, I'm going to save him..."

Mond immediately opened a smile that was uglier than crying: "Save him?"

The fire that Evans ordered to light was not an ordinary flame. Once the fire intensified and formed a flame wave, it would trap all creatures in the flame and burn until everything in the flame was swallowed up. If you leave, there will be no chance of coming back.

Mary Jane looked directly into Mond's eyes and said word by word, "Yes, the Earl is going to save him."

Mond took a few steps back in a daze. He didn't know that the boy would like that man to the point where he was willing to die with him.

The relationship between the two people was well hidden. The personal servants of the nobles were always relatively close to the nobles, so almost no one could guess their real relationship, and they dared not guess—after all, no one would believe it. The indifferent Earl Hillier will truly fall in love with someone.

Mond didn't believe it either, but that day in the boy's collection room, after the boy told him that he had someone he liked, Mond quietly paid attention to the boy. He never told anyone that he once saw a picture of a young man hugging a man's neck and smiling brightly at the corner of the corridor.

He had never seen Earl Hillier smile like that.

It never occurred to him that Earl Hillier still refused to leave him after the man's true face was exposed. Perhaps Reeves' true identity didn't need them to reveal it at all. Maybe the boy knew his identity a long time ago, but he chose to ignore, forget or cover up because he liked him.

Mond remembered what the teenager had said to him before. He said that he regretted letting them come to the Leeds Mountains, and he had always been sure that Reeves was not a demon, but they were. Also, compared to Reeves' behavior, they may be more like demons.

They didn't know whether Reeves killed many people, but they introduced the real bloodthirsty and cruel blood into the boy's castle, burned his castle, and finally forced him to death. If killing is a demon, then They must also be part of the darkness that disregards life.


The sound of the task completion reminder was very small when the flame was burning. Su Jinzhi didn't pay attention to it at all. He just opened his eyes wide and searched for Reeves in the hot flame, but he couldn't find it.

After watching it for a long time on the 1st, he finally couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help reminding him: "I gave you the map, why can't you find it? Go a little further."

Su Jinzhi was stunned for half a second when he heard No. 1's voice, and then returned to his senses and ran forward following No. 1's guidance. He asked number one: "Why do you..."

"What's wrong with me?" Number One said lightly.

"Didn't you always object to me being with Reeves?"

"I'm still against it now." No. 1 continued to speak flatly, "Look, the consequence of you being with him is that both of you will die here. The feeling of being burned to death is very uncomfortable, you are not afraid of pain ?"

Indeed, Su Jinzhi's face was dry and painful from the flames, and he felt as if he was about to crack, but this was just a prelude, and there was still greater pain waiting for him. No one is not afraid of pain, and Su Jinzhi is also afraid, but for some reason, what he is more afraid of at the moment is that Reeves will die somewhere he cannot see.

"Where is Reeves?" Su Jinzhi ran for a while, his exposed right hand was scorched by the fire, but he still didn't see Reeves' shadow.

Number one asked him again: "Are you really not afraid of pain? I have a glass of good poisoned wine here, and you can see him in the next world after you sleep..."

"No! I want Reeves!" Su Jinzhi didn't pay attention to what No. 1 said later, he was about to cry, "Where is Reeves?"

"Turn left ahead." No. 1 had no choice but to tell him the location directly.

After Su Jinzhi walked through the corner of the corridor, he finally saw Reeves. The moment he saw that familiar figure, tears welled up in his eyes uncontrollably.

Doris' body was lying not far from the man, but her head was twisted off and rolled to the other side. The feathers on Reeves' wings were scorched a lot by the fire, exposing the flesh-colored wing meat underneath. Su Jinzhi, who was originally sad, saw this scene, and suddenly laughed for some reason.

Hearing his voice, Reeves turned to look at him with a smile: "Meet you again, my dear Master Josh."

"Reeves..." Su Jinzhi ran to hug him.

Reeves also hugged Su Jinzhi back, resting his chin on the boy's shoulder and neck, and said softly, "Lord Josh...you shouldn't have come back."

"I don't want you to be sad, you will be sad if you don't see me."

Reeves raised the corners of his lips: "Indeed, I will be very sad if I don't see my dear Lord Josh."

"But I don't want you to die...you don't want to die..."

"Shh... my dear Master Josh, don't be afraid. You have come to save me, I will not die, and neither will you." Reeves kissed the corner of his lips lightly, and then covered his lips with his hands Eyes, "We'll meet again."

Su Jinzhi's face was full of tears, and he was licked dry by the flames. He saw Reeves's hair was burned by the fire, and half of his body was roasted until it was burnt. He choked up and said, "...Really?"

"Of course, Master Josh." Reeves smiled, "Don't be afraid, my dear little Josh, our separation is short—"

"As long as you open your eyes, we will meet again."

Su Jinzhi's tears welled up in an instant, but were quickly dried by the swaying heat wave. He hugged Reeves tightly, feeling that the physical pain was gradually moving away from him. He sniffed and responded: " Then you should also remember that from the moment I fell in love with you, I was walking towards death, but I have no regrets."

"I love you, pure and simple, until death."

The dark gray Black Swan Castle still stands on the top of the Leeds Mountains. The fiery flames are like red wine roses in full bloom, like thorns winding around the exquisitely carved minarets, layer upon layer, and the flames of the sky are rushing straight into the sky. The clouds swallowed the black cross on the top, and the Leeds Mountains, which had been covered by ice and snow for a hundred years, finally ushered in the warmest flame at the end of summer this season.

The fire lasted for seven days. The flames were so high that they almost pierced through the clouds and could be seen by people as far away as the imperial capital. Seven days later, a huge snowstorm caused an avalanche. The ruins were buried together with the precious magic stone mine underneath, and the white sky above the mountain range was as cold as snow, without any trace of popularity.

Later, the emperor sent many soldiers to dig the snow body and wanted to open the magic stone mine again, but he didn't expect that Earl Aidan, who was said to have survived the fire and inherited the title of Earl Josh, was a liar, not Healy People in the Er family don't know how to open the magic stone mine at all.

The emperor cut off his head in a rage, and people in Novi City were discussing this legend. Everyone said that Earl Hillier's beauty could lure the devil to be his slave, but he also fell in love with the devil in the end. , and fall into hell with him.

What a beautiful love story.

Volume Five Mountain Green