Undying Patient

Chapter 70: I heard that you also have a crush on me 7


Xie Shu was originally a man of few words, and the six years of prison life had wiped out his youthful vigor, leaving only deep silence, plus Su Changdong's request that he talk less to Su Jinzhi before leaving, Holding the book and sitting on the chair beside the bed to read it, he didn't even say ten words all day long.

Every time Su Jinzhi made movements and noises, Xie Shu would only come over and ask him if he felt uncomfortable, uncomfortable, or wanted to go to the bathroom, and did his job as a nurse conscientiously, but he didn't chat with him.

Xie Shu didn't talk to Su Jinzhi, so Su Jinzhi could only lie on the bed and listen to the music. He could still lie down at first, but after playing seven or eight songs, he became bored.

It is a very hopeless thing for a person who has seen the beauty of the colorful world to suddenly fall into darkness, unable to move, speak or communicate with others. Su Jinzhi knew that his blindness and loss of voice could be cured, but even so, after a few days of experiencing such a life, he felt that he couldn't stand it anymore. When he thought that there were other people in the world similar to him, Su Jinzhi felt a little bit uncomfortable.

"Number Zero, are you there?" Su Jinzhi couldn't bear the dead silence, so he wanted to talk to Number Zero.

Zero quickly replied to him: "Yes, Master Host, what can you do?"

Zero mentioned to him before that the wound on his throat would take about a month to heal, but Su Jinzhi felt that he couldn't wait that long, Xie Shu didn't know why he didn't talk to him, and asked him to stay silent like this for a while month, I am afraid that there will be no progress in the task.

He doesn't have a memory pack of this world, and the only thing he knows about saving targets is knowing their names...

Number one has been monitoring his emotional situation, and the way to delay his death is to do tasks. If he wants to spend a few more days in this world with his dear one, he has to do tasks quickly.

So Su Jinzhi asked Number Zero: "Can my throat or eyes heal faster?"

"Yes, yes..." Zero hesitated, "I can help you secretly, but I can't let brother one find out, and don't want him to beat me up."

"I promise not to mention this matter with number one."

Number zero was a little distressed: "But brother number one is worried that I will follow the host alone, saying that he will randomly check my work situation."

"Don't we have a channel for private communication? Tell me secretly when the first day comes, and I'll pretend to be sick right away." Su Jinzhi thought for a while and said, "That way it won't be able to find out."

"That's right!" Zero exclaimed, "Master Host, you are so smart! Then, Master Host, do you want to improve your eyes, or do you want to heal your throat first?"

Su Jinzhi was a little puzzled: "Can I only choose one?"

"Yes, No. Zero can only heal one place for you, Master Host. If you want to heal your arm or left leg, you can do it." No. Zero continued to talk to Su Jinzhi persuasively, "But I suggest that the host My lord, heal your throat first, after all, it’s best to pretend to be dumb, if you choose to heal other places, it’s easy to be discovered by Brother No. 1, isn’t it?”

"You're right..." Su Jinzhi thought about it for a while. He didn't care about arms and legs. After all, Xie Shu is his nurse now. He has inconvenient hands and feet. Xie Shu can take care of him better and more intimately. Eyes don’t seem to be of much benefit. He doesn’t like TV or playing with mobile phones. He has come to the ancient world and the medieval world of Western Europe with few entertainment methods. As long as he can talk to Xie Shu, he will not be bored.

"Then let's talk about my throat. You can heal my throat first. I will shut up when the first day comes. I will never be discovered by it."

"Hmm! Master host, please wait." As No. 0 said, Su Jinzhi felt a tingling sensation from the wound on his neck tightly wrapped by white gauze, and he could even hear the cut. The sound of skin texture healing and growth. After a few seconds, No. 0 excitedly said to him: "It's all right, Master Host! Someone will come to take the neck brace and remove the gauze for you tomorrow. After that, you can talk, but the voice is not very pleasant for the time being. It will take some time to recover."

Su Jinzhi nodded, it’s okay if his voice is bad for the time being, he’s already satisfied with being able to speak, the doctor said that his vocal cords were damaged, if he can speak as before without hindrance after removing the gauze, then there is a big problem .

"Oh!" Zero suddenly exclaimed, with some guilt in his voice, "Master Host, I forgot to tell you something..."

Su Jinzhi's forehead twitched, and he suddenly had an ominous premonition. He asked Number Zero: "What's the matter?"

"It's just that if I cure your throat, it will take a long time for your eyes to heal... woo woo woo... I didn't do it on purpose... Master host, I was wrong..." After No. 0 explained, Before Su Jinzhi could say it, it started crying by itself.

Su Jinzhi felt helpless: "How long is a long period of time?"

Number zero twitched: "Woo... I don't know, it depends on your treatment, the host..."

"Okay, okay, don't cry, I don't blame you." Su Jinzhi sighed, "If you can't see it, you can't see it. It doesn't have much impact anyway." Probably not, he has found him My dear, it's nothing if we don't see each other! If you can talk and communicate, you can fall in love! Otherwise, how could online dating exist

"By the way, number zero, I'm not disfigured, right?" He had a big car accident, his body was so tattered, and he didn't know if his face was still in good shape. Thinking of this, Su Jinzhi caught No. 0 and asked again.

"No, Master Host, you are still the same as before, you are very beautiful!"

Su Jinzhi felt more at ease after getting the affirmation of number zero. This is not the 3500 year star calendar where everyone can be extremely beautiful. He still has some confidence in his appearance. Since he is not disfigured, it is easier to chase people.

As soon as he can talk, begin the loving exchange.

Su Jinzhi rubbed the quilt contentedly, and felt that her arms and legs didn't hurt much anymore.

Xie Shu, who was sitting by the bed reading a book, looked at him when he heard the sound, thinking that the young man was tired of listening to songs, so he picked up the mobile phone beside him and cut the audio novel for Su Jinzhi to listen to, but after seeing the name of the novel, he couldn't help but "Huh?"

Su Jinzhi finally heard his voice, and immediately struggled on the bed, turning his head in Xie Shu's direction.

Xie Shu watched the young man's beautiful brown eyes move to him. He knew that the young man couldn't see anything, but he still couldn't help lowering his head. At the same time, he ignored Su Changdong's advice to him, and said softly : "You can listen to this novel. It's called "The Burning Ocean". It's very good. I'm reading it too." As he spoke, Xie Shu brought the book he had just read while sitting on the chair to Su Jinzhi's face. Shake it so that the young man can hear the sound of the pages being flapped.

He looked down at the delicate face of the young man, a little dazed, not knowing what he was talking about: "I just started watching it too... we can watch it together."

Then, Xie Shu saw the young man wink at him, as if affirming what he said.

In an instant, Xie Shu's heart was beating wildly uncontrollably, as if he had run a few kilometers during the morning training at the military academy, and the outside of the ear was also red, spreading to the root of the ear, pure love It's too bad.

Almost unable to collapse his usual paralyzed face, Xie Shu pursed his lips and suppressed the corners of his mouth that wanted to rise upwards, his face softened a bit, and he dragged the chair back to sit far away. But he was holding the book with a very moving story before, but he couldn't read a word anymore.

The eyes of the young man on the bed were still facing his direction without blinking, and although they were out of focus, they fell directly on him. Xie Shu couldn't help but leaned his body forward, looking back at the young man's eyes, those brown eyes were clear and clean, like beautiful water gemstones, clearly reflecting his... face.

There was a sharp pain in his heart as if he had been stabbed hard, and the hotness on his body quickly faded away. Xie Shu's mood suddenly fell, and he fell deeply into the bottomless darkness. He leaned back sadly, Eyes looking at the white wall.

Su Jinzhi didn't want to listen to audio novels, he just wanted to hear Xie Shu talk.

Xie Shu's voice was low and hoarse, with the unique sound quality of a mature man, like a little bit of hot oil stirring up a small flame in Su Jinzhi's heart. If it wasn't for being unable to move, he would have directly grabbed Xie Shu and stuck him to death. Su Jinzhi was still in love with Reeves in the last world, and the people in the temple burned the two heretics to death. Now that he meets Xie Shu again, Su Jinzhi, who is in love, can't wait to continue swimming in the river of love with him.

In the end, he didn't expect that Xie Shu in this world... was a landlubber.

Su Jinzhi was so desperate, he was still waiting for Xie Shu to continue to tell him about the novel "The Burning Ocean", who knew that Xie Shu continued to be silent after humming a few words, Su Jinzhi counted sadly For a moment, Xie Shu said 53 words to him today...

Both he and his brother said more words than that!

Very angry.

Sure enough, he had to heal his throat quickly, otherwise Xie Shu might not have much to say to him when he was discharged from the hospital.

There is no way, the subject ignores Su Jinzhi and can only listen to audio novels.

As a result, after hearing this, he found that this novel is really good-looking. It is a military novel, but the tone is not dull and serious. The author's writing style is humorous and interesting. There are several places that can make Su Jinyi grinning and giggling on the bed .

After Su Changdong came back from work, he saw his younger brother lying on the bed foolishly, and his mood became better after being infected by him. After putting the hot porridge prepared by the nutritionist on the bedside table, he took off Su Jinzhi's earphones and asked him: "Crisp What is Su listening to, smiling so happily?"

Of course, Su Jinzhi had no way to answer him, and Su Changdong didn't expect him to answer. He picked up the phone and looked at the name of the novel. He saw that he was a little bit interested—"The Burning Ocean", it wasn't Lin Ai who just bought it. Is it a novel that he must read if he has the film and television copyright and says it is so good? Before he had time to read it, his secretary Bai Minnan had downloaded the audio novel on Su Jinzhi's phone. It seemed that this novel was really popular.

When Su Changdong was at work, he kept thinking about his poor brother. He was afraid that Su Jinzhi, who couldn’t see anything, would get sulking because he was bored. Although he hired a nurse, he still didn’t allow the nurse to talk to him... Isn’t it too much for him? ah? Su Changdong thought to himself, or forget it, let Xie Shu and Susu chat more, otherwise Susu's physical injury healed, but what should I do if she suffers from psychological depression

But seeing that Su Jinzhi was still listening to the novel happily, Su Changdong dispelled the idea. Anyway, he still didn't want his brother and Yu Xia to have the possibility of rekindling their old relationship.

And since this "Burning Ocean" is so good-looking, Su Changdong decided to download all the novels by this author later and play them to Susu every day.

"Okay, Susu, let's eat first, and we'll listen to this later." Su Changdong put away the earphones and mobile phone, and turned to get the porridge.

He found a nutritionist to make this porridge specially for Su Jinzhi. Su Jinzhi hurt his throat and couldn't swallow hard things for the time being. He could only eat some rotten liquid food. Before that, he had been living on nutrient solution for half a month. Already so thin that he couldn't die, so thin that he seemed to be strangled to death.

Su Changdong looked at Xie Shu, who was standing beside him helping to serve the porridge, who had long legs, wide shoulders, narrow waist and muscular muscular body. He wondered for a moment whether such a man could take good care of his family Susu? But Su Changdong thought about it, it takes such a strong person to be able to hold Susu down. Susu's arms and legs will need to be rehabilitated after she is discharged from the hospital. People with little strength may not be able to hold Susu. Take Liu Weina's thin arms and legs as an example, I'm afraid her hands will shake even after a meal. .

It seems that Xie Shu is still good.

And Su Jinzhi was still a little moved when he heard that Su Changdong was eating. After all, Xie Shu was his nurse now, would he feed him...

"Come here, Susu, brother feed you." Su Jinzhi was still thinking about it, so Su Changdong came to feed him porridge with a rice spoon, and the charming images in his mind disappeared completely, and the porridge in his mouth was not delicious up.

Su Changdong has to manage the entire Su family, and the workload on his shoulders every day is too many to count. He has accumulated a lot during the time of taking care of Su Jinzhi, so he fed Su Jinzhi, porridge, talked about conversations, and then rushed back to the company. . Tomorrow, he might not be able to come here until evening, and he may not even be able to bring porridge to Su Jinzhi like today. He insisted on coming back at such a time today to see Xie Shu's work situation, and to take good care of him. .

Fortunately, Xie Shu did not disappoint him, so Su Changdong left in peace.

The sun outside had already set, leaving only a little glow at the junction with the ground, the color was gorgeous and gorgeous.

Su Jinzhi couldn't see it, he was already a little sleepy, but he couldn't sleep yet.

because he wants to pee...

Such an unspeakable matter, even if Su Jinzhi could speak, he didn't know how to speak, let alone how to express it now.

The bladder was sore and swollen, Su Jinzhi felt that he might not be able to hold back his urine in the next moment, his lips were pressed tightly, and his buttocks moved on the bed again and again, but he was too embarrassed to make a sound.

Xie Shu was washing the porridge bowl in the toilet. After he packed the bowls and chopsticks and put them in the cabinet of the ward, he found the young man moving around on the bed, his brows were slightly frowned, his usually pale cheeks were slightly flushed, and his ears were white. The outline is also very red, making people more beautiful and beautiful.

Xie Shu was stunned by this beautiful color for a moment, and after taking a closer look at the young man's shy and tightly pursed lips, he instantly understood what he wanted to do.

It seemed that he was really easy to be shy, Xie Shu wanted to laugh a little, but he didn't laugh out loud considering the face of the young man, he just hooked the corners of his lips, and then took out a urinal specially prepared for patients from under the bed.

Xie Shu didn't completely remove the quilt covering the young man. It was night and the air was very cold. Although the air conditioner was turned on in the room, he was still afraid that the young man would freeze. So Xie Shu just lifted a corner of the quilt from below, covered the young man's white belly tightly, then picked up the young man's delicate little thing that was still sleeping, put it on the edge of the urinal, hooked it The corner of her lips said: "Piss."

There was a dead silence in the ward, and the breathing of the two could be heard clearly.

Xie Shu waited for about a minute, but he didn't wait for the young man to urinate. Didn't he want to urinate

He looked up at the young man in surprise, only to see that the young man's face was flushed red, his lips were pursed even tighter, and his brown eyes were covered with a misty watery light, matched with his current posture and movements, the whole body People look ashamed and pitiful.

Su Jinzhi was about to cry, but he was also very desperate, because he didn't know which muscle in his body was wrong, he really wanted to pee...but now he couldn't pee at all!

However, he soon discovered that this was not the most desperate thing, because he heard Xie Shu, whom he had been longing for, speak again, with a low and gentle voice, but...

"Don't you want to pee? Or—" He paused, no matter how he tried to hide it this time, Su Jinzhi could hear the smile and teasing in his voice, "Can't you pee?"

Su Jinzhi couldn't nod or shake his head, he could only blink in humiliation. This is the way he communicates with Xie Shu, winking means affirmation.

"Ahem—" Xie Shu almost couldn't hold back his laughter, and quickly coughed twice to cover up his laughter.

Su Jinzhi listened to the hypocrisy he wanted to cover up, and the expression on his face became even more aggrieved. Xie Shu looked at his glistening eyes and was afraid that he would cry, so he smiled, and put his hand into the quilt along the young man's leg inside.

Xie Shu's palm was big and hot, the palm was wide and dry, Su Jinzhi couldn't help but hold his breath when it was so close, feeling the big palm caressing the skin on his body, slowly moving to his lower abdomen, and then—hardly One click!

Only the sound of water hitting the wall of the basin could be heard, and the liquid that had been held for a day leaked out from the top of the mouth and flowed into the small white basin. Su Jinzhi opened his eyes with a dull expression, as if he couldn't believe himself He just pissed out like this!


He really peed!

Su Jinzhi was going crazy, Song Mingxuan coaxed him to pee if he refused to sit and pee before, but Xie Shu was so rude, he didn't even coax him, he just came hard!

Xie Shu looked at the young man's sluggish expression, and felt that the corners of his flat lips were rising again. He didn't know why he had such a bad taste, as if he just saw the young man in a daze, The mood will improve.

He waited until the young man could no longer urinate before removing the small basin, and took out a piece of paper to wipe off the remaining water for him.

The young man remained silent as if he was stupid.

Xie Shu didn't cover him with the quilt immediately, opened the drawer under the bedside table, and took out a piece of something that Su Changdong specially prepared for the youth. Maybe it was because of the sound of tearing the wrapping paper, the young man finally came back to his senses, his lips moved silently, his eyes were still foggy and wet, it was pitiful.

Xie Shu looked at the thing in his hand, then at the young man, and finally couldn't help laughing, and walked over to put this thing on for him.

He also kindly explained: "Mr. Su said that you must wear it when you sleep tonight."

Su Jinzhi felt unrequitedly that Xie Shu put the adult diapers on him, and then carefully tucked him in the quilt. Four words echoed in his mind-forget it if you die!

Such a shame!

I'd rather die!

Xie Shu went to the toilet to empty his urine and wash the small white basin. After the sound of rushing water stopped, Su Jinzhi quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, unwilling to face Xie Shu. Xie Shu didn't doubt whether he was really asleep, put the little white basin back where it was, and went to turn off the lights.

After a "click", there was no movement from Xie Shu's side.

Su Jinzhi thought that he had already gone to sleep in his own bed, and he was a little happy and a little disappointed in his heart, so he was really going to sleep.

As a result, there was a sudden sigh in the silence, and it was very quiet with him—Xie Shu was standing beside him. He bent down, lightly touched his side face with his hand, and quickly moved away, as if he was afraid of waking him up.

"Good night." Xie Shu said to him softly.

After finishing speaking, Xie Shu really went to sleep on his bed, and Su Jinzhi, who was lying on the bed, was so excited that he didn't fall asleep almost all night, and he couldn't fall asleep until early in the morning.

However, the consequence of going to bed late was that Su Jinzhi woke up the next day with a cold buttocks.

He wets the bed again.